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The Commanding Officer

Page 5

by Alexandra Stone

  "I see. So I have a wall of guilt to knock down, "I said.

  "Yes, it seems that way, "the captain said.

  "Thank you for your time captain, and I will keep you updated, "I said as I stood up and shook his hand before walking out the door.

  On my way out of the building and back to my office I did not notice the fountain. I did not notice the soldiers in military vehicles or jogging, my mind was too occupied. I was thinking about Connor and how to get through to him. It was then that I realize that it might not be by being his therapist, but by being his lover. However doing that would put my job on the line and it was a risky move, one that I was not sure I was ready to take.


  After I left the office that day, I could not stop thinking about Dr. Melanie Roberts. She was a woman with adventurous and sensual desires and the fact that she was able to turn me down twice in her office made me like her more. I had not decided whether I would go back or not, as it was mandatory if I wanted to stay in the Marines. I was being ordered to attend therapy but I could always choose another therapist. I just poured myself a drink thinking these thoughts at my house when there was knocked at the door. I wasn't expecting anyone. I went to the door and was surprised by what I saw. It was private Martinez, the soldier I saw in the booth in the café with his family. He was one of the soldiers that had sustained injury under my orders.

  "Private?" I said caught off guard.

  "Commander," he said with a salute.

  "Please come in," I said as I moved out of the doorway. He then walked into my home with a limp. This was the injury that he had sustained and that would end his career as a foot soldier.

  "Would you like a drink? I just poured one for myself," I said as I moved over to the bar.

  "Sure, thank you sir," he said as he sat down in the chair. I moved over to the bar and poured him a scotch just like the one I had already poured for myself and then sat down with him. There was a long awkward silence and then he finally said, "May I sir?"

  "Of course, please," I said.

  "I am sorry to drop by unannounced but you mentioned that you would be coming by my house last week, and you did not show. So I thought I would come by here.”

  He was right, I had promised all of the soldiers in my unit that I would be dropping by their homes last week but I had avoided it. I was not proud of it, but I could not face farm. Not yet anyway.

  "Yes, I am very sorry. I have been very busy suddenly. I am on leave and that has giving me time to catch up on certain responsibilities that I had cut off before. Please accept my apology."

  "Of course sir," he said he took a drink of the scotch. Then he continued, "the rest of the guys and I would like you to know something. We had planned on telling you last week but since we did not see you, I would like to tell you now."

  "Go on… "

  "You see sir, we do not blame you for this. We do not blame you for what happened. I personally do not blame you for this'" he said as he put his hand on his leg and padded it. "We are soldiers, these things happen. Your orders that day they were clear and concise. It was not you. It was Smith and his early decent on the building. He was at least forty seconds earlier than we had planned and that messed up everything. That is the truth of the matter. Anyone saying they could not hear your orders, is just trying to cover their ass so they don't get court-martialed. We all know that. But we did not know if you knew that. We know how hard you take these things, you always have. You were a perfect commander that day as always. I hope it does not weigh on you too much." He said.

  I sat there in silence fighting back tears. Me, a tough marine fighting back tears. It was not like me and I felt embarrassed Buy it. But here I was dealing with this sort of situation. His words meant everything to me. Part of the reason I have avoided the man was because I did fling myself. I thought I was at fault, and in the way I was because Smith was in fact under my orders and I should have kept him in check on time. I took a hard switch from my scotch and then finally said, "thank you Martinez. Your words mean everything. We will get through this. You will get through this."

  "Don't worry about me sir. I have a nice cushy desk job on base starting next month. I'm going to be alright. It could have been worse and I'm thankful it was not. You saved us all that day."

  "Thank you and I will be stopping by to see the others soon. You can tell them to count on that," I said as Martinez stood up and I walked him to the door.

  "I will do that sir," he said as he shook my hand and walked out.

  After he left I was surprised by what he had said. It was as though he could read my mind. I have been letting it weigh on me. He was all that I could think of. His words were reassuring, but I didn't know if I would ever let myself feel like it wasn't my fault. But his words helped. It was a start. I moved over to the bar and poured myself another drink and thought about taking a drive on my motorcycle along the beach. Then there was another knock at the door. I looked at the couch where Martinez was sitting for any keys that might have been left behind or a phone on the coffee table but there was nothing. Perhaps he wanted to tell me one more thing. I opened the door expecting him to be standing there but it was not him. It was Melanie.

  "Melanie?" I said.

  "Hey, may I come in?" She asked me as she peaked her head inside a bit.

  "Actually, I was just about to go for a ride on my bike. Want to join me?" I said with a grin.

  She looked around as though we were being watched and then finally said, "yeah, I'm game."

  "I know you are," I said as I grabbed my keys and closed the door behind me.

  I sat on the bike and waited for her to straddle it behind me. Soon I felt her arms around my waist pulling me towards her and her thighs against mine. She smelled delicious and I was getting aroused. The last two times that we had been together I was in her domain, and her office. Now, she was in my domain on my bike and the open road. I felt like a powerful man once again. This was what I light and needed. If she wanted to give me therapy, this was how you did it. Not some cold office and mandatory therapy session, there was no better therapy then sex with a curvaceous beautiful woman and riding the motorcycle along the ocean highway. I junk kicked the motorcycle and the engine roared to life.

  "Hang on," I said over my shoulder at her. She squeezed me tighter and I felt dangerous.

  I am moved the bike into motion and onto the open road. A minute or two later we were along side the ocean on the Ocean Highway watching the sun approach the horizon for sunset. It was absolutely stunning, and exactly what I needed. Perhaps it was what she needed as well. We drove in silence for half an hour down the coast. I knew exactly where I was going to take her. It was my secret spot. I pulled off the highway and into the parking lot by the beach. I turned off the motorcycle and waited for her to dismount. Then I followed.

  "That was fun. I didn't know riding a motorcycle down the ocean side could be so invigorating. That was beautiful, "she said as she took in a deep breath of air.

  "I agree. Come on I want to show you something," I said as I grabbed her hand and let her down the stair pathway onto the sand. We continued down until we came to a small overhang of rock, almost like a half cave. I sat down in the sand and she sat beside me.

  “Do you know what I’m thinking?” I asked.

  “I can guess. I am sure you are thinking the same thing that I am, sex on the beach,” she whispered.

  I moaned at her words and planted my mouth on her firm lips. Then I moved my hands all over her voluptuous curves. I pulled off her shirt and unbuttoned her jeans. Then she took over and rolled them down her thighs and took them off with her panties and bra. Now she stood in the sand naked before me in the moonlight. It was such a sight to see. I stood up and pulled off my shirt and jeans doing the same until I was naked. Then I pulled her close and kissed her. I ran my hands down her small back and over her ass. Then I parted her thighs and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and we kissed more. Th
is felt so damn hot. Finally I laid her in the sand. I moved my body over hers and put her nipple in my mouth as I kissed and licked it. I loved her tits. They were perky and a handful. Her nipples were large and liked flicking them with my tongue. She was damn hot. I laid on top of her and pushed my cock into her wet center. After waiting so long, entering her was exquisite. It was satisfying and urge that I had since I took her in the back seat of her car. I pushed deeper inside of her and she opened her thighs wider. For some reason I did not have the usual dirty commands that I normally said. Instead it felt romantic with the ocean sounds and the moon light over us, so I continued with that theme. I kissed her neck as I began to move slowly in and out of her and she let out a soft moan as I did so. Her hands went up around my neck and she felt delicate and small underneath me and I did not want to hurt her. She was stunning as I looked down at her face as it glowed in the light. Damn, this was better than the back seat car sex. She kissed my chest and moved her small hands over my hard shoulders. I maneuvered my hips swiveling them to let my cock go in a small circle inside of her. She moaned at the movement. Then I asked her, "do you want me to do something else? Tell me what you want. I will do it for you Melanie."

  She moaned and said, "I just want you to make love to me. That is all that I want," she continued to move her hands over my body.

  I moved slower inside of her going in and out. Then I pulled out of her completely and kissed her belly. Then I moved to lower and lower until my face was between her thighs and I kissed and licked her wet center slowly. She yelled out in ecstasy but it was almost drowned out by the sound of the ocean. I enjoyed tasting her. I lift up and then down again before pushing my tongue inside of her. She arched her back up so I did so. I moved my lips up to her clitoris and slowly suck on it and alternated with pressing my tongue against it. She moaned again and I wanted to make her come. I camped on sucking lightly on her clitoris and pressing my tongue against it until finally she was screaming, "I'm coming Connor!"

  I continued to press on her clitoris until I knew that she was coming and then I moved my lips down a little in order to drink of her juices. She wiggled in the sand underneath my touch. And now that she had reached orgasm I was ready to go back to fucking her. I moved up her body and pushed my cock inside of her once more. She picked up her legs in the air and moved her thighs open wider as I moved between her legs. Then I moved in and out harder and faster fucking her, making love to her. She wasn't doing every second in her sensitive state and so was I. I look down into her lovely eyes and then felt the intense build up of orgasm approaching. My breathing through heavier and my body tensed up before I released inside of her.

  I moved in and out of her slower and slower while I came in then I collapsed on top of letting my body rest on her. She moved her hands up and down my back massaging me as we listened to the sound of the ocean.


  I had to see him. I knew it was against all rules to go to the house of the patient, but I think I had established with his superior the captain that Connor was no ordinary patient. This was cause for different maneuvers, and I had to admit I missed him. It had been weeks since our first night together in the backseat of my car and at that time I thought he would be a quick fuck and nothing more. Then having him jerk off in front of me in my office on one day and then seduce me another made me so hot and heavy. I needed to be with him. I needed his company, not just his cock. I wanted him badly in all ways. I wanted him inside of me. I wanted him inside of my heart. It was safe to say that he now had a good hold on me. He occupied my thoughts regularly.

  I got out of my car and knocked on the door. I pushed my tight T-shirt into my tight jeans and fixed my hair a little and then he answered.

  "Melanie?" he said.

  "Hey, may I come in?" I asked as I peaked my head inside a bit.

  "Actually, I was just about to go for a ride on his bike. Want to join me?" he said with a grin.

  I looked around as though we were being watched and then finally said, "yeah, I'm game."

  "I know you are," he said as he grabbed his keys and closed the door behind him.

  He sat on the bike and waited for me to straddle it behind him. Soon I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him towards me and my thighs against his. He smelled delicious and I was getting aroused. The last two times that we had been together he was in my domain, and my office. Now, I was in his domain on his bike and the open road. Not some cold office and mandatory therapy session, there was no better therapy then sex. He jump kicked the motorcycle and the engine roared to life.

  "Hang on," he said over his shoulder at me. I squeezed him tighter and I felt dangerous.

  He moved the bike into motion and onto the open road. A minute or two later we were along side the ocean on the Ocean Highway watching the sun approach the horizon for sunset. It was absolutely stunning, and exactly what I needed. Perhaps it was what he needed as well. We drove in silence for half an hour down the coast. I didn’t know where I was going. Then he pulled off the highway and into the parking lot by the beach. He turned off the motorcycle and waited for me to dismount. Then he followed.

  "That was fun. I didn't know riding a motorcycle down the ocean side could be so invigorating. That was beautiful," I said as I took in a deep breath of air.

  "I agree. Come on I want to show you something," he said as he grabbed my hand and led me down the stair pathway onto the sand. We continued down until we came to a small overhang of rock, almost like a half cave. He sat down in the sand and I sat beside me.

  “Do you know what I’m thinking?” he asked.

  “I can guess. I am sure you are thinking the same thing that I am, sex on the beach,” I whispered knowing that he wanted to fuck me on the beach and I could think of nothing more romantic than that. I wanted to do this.

  He moaned at my words and planted his mouth on my lips. Then he moved his hands all over my voluptuous curves. He pulled off my shirt and unbuttoned my jeans. Then I took over and rolled them down my thighs and took them off with my panties and bra. I couldn’t wait another second. I wanted to be naked on the beach with him.

  Now I stood in the sand naked before him in the moonlight with the waves crashing behind me. I was so turned on by the beauty of the moment. It was such a sight to see. Then he stood up and pulled off his shirt and jeans doing the same until he was naked. His cock was hard and rigid and stood straight out from his body. His sculptured firm body was so hot in the moonlight. I could not take my eyes off of him. He was delicious and I wanted to lick every inch of him if I could. I moved toward him and he put his hands on the small of my back and pulled me close to him.

  Then he kissed me passionately. He ran his hands down my small back and over my plump ass. Then he parted my thighs and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and we kissed more as I hung on to him by wrapping my arms around his neck. This felt so damn hot. Finally he laid me down on my back in the soft sand. He moved his strong firm body hovering over mine and put my erect hard nipple in his mouth as he kissed and licked it. He flicked with his tongue. Then he pushed his fat long cock into my wet center. After waiting so long, entering me felt so exquisite. It was satisfying an urge that I had since he took me in the back seat of my car. He pushed deeper inside of me and I opened my thighs wider. For some reason he was not giving me the usual dirty commands that he normally said. Instead it felt romantic with the ocean sounds and the moon light over us, so I continued with that theme. I kissed his shoulder as he began to move slowly in and out of me and I let out a soft moan as he did so. I put my hands up around his neck. Damn, this was better than the back seat car sex. I kissed his strong chest and moved my small hands over his hard shoulders. He maneuvered his hips swiveling them to let his cock go in a small circle inside of me. I moaned at the movement. Then he asked me, "Do you want me to do something else? Tell me what you want. I will do it for you Melanie."

  I moaned at his sweet words. They were different words than the hot
commands of dirty sex talk that we used to have. This time the words were sweet. He really wanted to know what would please me. So I did not hold back and I said, "I just want you to make love to me. That is all that I want," as I continued to move hands over his body.

  He moved slower inside of me going in and out. Then he pulled out of me completely and kissed my belly. I didn’t know what he was doing. I did not want him to stop fucking me. I wanted to cum again and again. I looked down at him wondering what he was doing but as he went lower and lower I knew what he was doing.

  Now his face was between my thighs and he kissed and licked my wet center slowly. I yelled out in ecstasy but it was almost drowned out by the sound of the ocean. He lifted up and then down again before pushing his tongue inside of me. I arched my back up as he did so. He moved his lips up to my clitoris and slowly sucked on it and alternated with pressing tongue against it. I moaned again. He kept on sucking lightly on my clitoris and pressing tongue against it until finally I was screaming, "I'm coming Connor!"

  He continued to press on my sensitive clitoris until he knew that I was coming and then he moved his lips down a little in order to drink of my juices. I wiggled in the sand underneath my touch. Then he moved up and pushed his cock inside of me once more. I picked up my legs in the air and moved my thighs open wider as he moved between my legs. Then he moved in and out harder and faster fucking me, making love to me. Then the intense build up of orgasm approached him. His breathing got heavier and his body tensed up before he released inside of me.


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