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Ms. Frogg's Hidden Prince

Page 5

by Laura Ann

  Tia folded her arms and leaned her shoulder against the door frame. “How is that possible? How do you eat? Where have you been sleeping for the last two years?”

  Brody threw up his arms. “It’s possible, okay? I get to eat at the cafeteria and sometimes I stay with a buddy who lives nearby and sometimes I sleep in my car. That’s all you’re going to get out of me.” His voice had turned into a growl at the end and Tia could see red creeping onto the high part of his cheeks; one of the few spots without hair.

  Her entire body softened as well as her voice. “You don’t have to tell me all your deep, dark secrets. I’m not trying to interrogate you, just understand.” She huffed out a breath. “You have to admit that your story sounds off, right? People who have jobs have homes.” She pinned him with a curious stare.

  “Obviously, not all of us.” His voice had also softened as their argument came to a close.

  Tia felt a snicker bubble out of her lips before she could stop it.

  “What the heck is so funny?”

  “Sorry.” Tia worked to compose herself. “It’s just, I’ve always thought you looked homeless with your long hair and beard and now come to find out, you are. Just struck me as funny.”

  Brody frowned.

  “Do you really promise me you’re homeless? You’re not pulling my leg so you can take advantage of me?” Tia narrowed her eyes and did her best to truly study his reaction. I can’t send him away to sleep in his car, that’s just not right, but this guy stirs up all kinds of sensations I’m not ready for.

  Brody looked right at her, his eyes stormy grey in the dying light of evening, and spoke. “I promise. I’m simply looking for a place to sleep.”

  Tia didn’t answer for several moments, continuing to study his unusual eyes, but nothing in them told her he was speaking anything other than the truth. Decided, she gave a small nod. “Okay, you can sleep here tonight, but if you so much as put a toe out of line, so help me I will not hesitate to protect myself.”

  The side of Brody’s mouth twitched. “I would expect no less.”

  Tia stepped aside and allowed him into the house, shutting and locking the door behind him. “My spare bedroom isn’t much, but it’s down this way.” She led him to a small room with a single twin inside. It held an obviously well-loved comforter, a white nightstand, and a small used dresser sat in the corner.

  “It’ll be great, thanks,” Brody rumbled as his eyes wandered through the space until they landed on hers and he grinned. “You sure I ca—”

  Tia held up a hand. “You even think about cracking a joke along those lines and you’re outta here, cave boy.”

  Brody clamped his lips shut, but couldn’t stop the mischief that danced through his eyes, causing them to sparkle in the yellow light.

  “That’s better.” Tia pursed her lips and threw back her shoulders. “I’ll throw on another chicken breast; dinner’ll be in twenty. Bathroom is right across the hall, there’s only one, so we’ll have to share.”

  Brody nodded.

  “Do you have a toothbrush and stuff?”

  “Uh, yeah. Thanks.” Brody looked like he was fighting a laugh, which made Tia feel dumb, so she decided it was best to back out of the situation and high tail it to her safe space.

  “Great ... ‘kay ... I’ll just ... “ She pointed out the door and dashed down the hall before she could make an even greater fool of herself.

  There’s a man in my house. “Oh my goodness,” she ran her hands through her loose braids. “I’ve gone crazy.” Especially since I’m attracted to said man. “Wait, what?” She stopped herself. “Not attracted,” she muttered angrily. “Not attracted to a homeless man who doesn’t know how to use a razor.”

  “What was that?”

  Tia screeched as she spun, peas spilling from the bag she was holding.

  “Whoa, did I step out of line?” He cowered and gave a fake shiver. “Please don’t let my death be by vegetable.”

  Tia couldn’t help the snort and blurting laugh that burst out of her mouth at his theatrics. “Sorry. You startled me.” She set the bag down and grabbed a broom to sweep up the small, green balls decorating her floor.

  “Here, I got it.” Brody grabbed the handle from her and efficiently swept up the mess. He winked when he noticed her watching. “I have experience cleaning up messes.”

  Tia grinned. “Believe it or not, so do I.”

  “Guess we make a good team.”

  Tia tried to squelch the butterflies that took flight in her stomach at his flirting, but apparently, butterflies don’t like to be contained. “Well, ok, if I can just ... “ she carefully scooted around Brody, taking care not to touch him, and went back to work at her stove, preparing dinner.

  “So, how was school today?” Brody asked as they sat down at the dinner table.

  “Fine.” Tia shrugged. “How about you?” Geez, this is a riveting conversation.

  Brody shrugged back. “Fine.” He picked up his fork and knife and began cutting into his chicken. “Mmmm.” He closed his eyes as he chewed. “This is delicious.”

  Tia grinned. “Thank you. It’s my mama’s recipe.”

  Brody stuffed another bite in his mouth “Is your mother as good a cook as you are?”

  “Better. My specialty is baking, mama does more cooking. Though she never had any training, just mother/daughter kitchen time.”

  Brody nodded while he chewed. His hair hung in his face and Tia itched to push it back so she could see him. Should shave off that nasty, old beard too.

  “What was that?”

  Tia’s head shot up. “What?” Shoot, did I speak out loud?

  “You muttered something, but I couldn’t understand you.” Brody raised his eyebrows.

  “Uh, I just ... “ Tia scrambled for something to say, but her mind blanked.

  Brody narrowed his eyes and leaned back; crossing his arms over his broad chest.

  Dang, that man is big and strong.

  “Just say it.”

  “Say what?”

  “What you mumbled a minute ago.”

  “Oh.” Tia cleared her throat. “I was just, well, I-I was wondering why you don’t cut your hair,” she stammered.

  Brody’s grey orbs bore hard into hers and Tia found herself swallowing convulsively. Stupid. Why are you asking him such a personal question? He’s only here for one night.

  “Sometimes we don’t want to be seen.” Brody finally responded.

  Tia frowned. “I would think having hair like that would make you stand out more.”

  “Not in the areas that count.” Brody stuffed a large bite into his mouth and put his focus on his food.

  Okay ... Guess that conversation is over. “Right.” Tia sat still for a moment, before following suit and finishing her dinner.


  Tia wrapped a towel around herself and tucked it in front to keep it up. Gathering her things, she carefully peeked out the bathroom door, looking and listening intently for signs of life. When she found nothing, she quickly stepped out and darted to the right, only to run into a wall. A warm wall.

  “Ouch!” Tia put her hand to her abused nose, dropping her pajamas in the process.

  “Oof!” Rumbled the wall.

  Oh, dear heavens. Say it isn’t so. Tia peeked through one eye before snapping it closed again. No, no, no. This can’t be happening. Tia opened both eyes and dropped her head back with a loud groan.

  Brody cleared his throat. His eyes were darting frantically around the hallway, only to come back to her about every two seconds. As if he couldn’t quite keep himself from looking. “Are,” he cleared his throat a second time. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” Tia touched her tender nose. “You are like a rock.” Holy cow, did I just say that out loud? She mentally face-palmed herself.

  “Uh, thanks?” Brody rubbed the back of his neck. “So, um ... do you want to ... ?” He waved his hand toward Tia, encompassing her whole body.

  Tia glanced d
own at her towel covered self. All the important bits are covered. Glancing back up at Brody, she could see a blush tinging his cheekbones and suddenly she couldn’t help herself. “Do I want to what?” She batted her eyelashes and widened her eyes, putting on her best innocent act.

  Brody’s brows furrowed. “You know.” His voice had a hint of a growl in it.

  Tia fought the pleasant shiver that raced up her spine at his tone. Cocking a hip, she put her hand on it and raised a challenging eyebrow. “No, I don’t know. What exactly should I want to do?” Oh my gosh, this is fun. Who knew the big, ole, hairy janitor would be so easy to tease.

  Tia watched with fascination as the grey of Brody’s eyes shifted into a darker, stormier hue. She found herself holding her breath as he took a large step forward, putting himself within inches of her. His chest nearly touched her nose and she couldn’t help but notice, once again, how strong he was. As her gaze worked its way up, she landed on his penetrating stare and suddenly her heart rate took off. I’m in way over my head.

  “So, am I allowed to start thinking about ‘those kind of jokes’ now?”

  It took a minute for Tia’s mind to catch up with what he’d said. “No.” Her voice was breathy and she mentally cringed, wishing she could hide the effect he had on her.

  His eyes wandered down her body, warming her all over, before making their way back to her own. “Looks like an invitation to me.”

  Tia narrowed her eyes, refusing to acknowledge the jump in her heartbeat at his words. Pulling every bit of strength she possessed, she put on a casual face, flipped her braids over her shoulder and responded. “You wish.” Skirting his body, she strutted to her room, slamming the door behind her.

  Leaning with her back against the door, she put her hand to her heart and tried to calm its racing. “Dang ... “ She let out a low whistle, shaking her head. “Who knew cavemen were so fascinating?” She giggled, shook her head again and stood up to get ready for the day.

  BRODY GAVE HIMSELF a hard shake, like a wet dog coming inside. “Dude ... “ A grin broke out across his face as he stepped over the pile of clothes on the floor and walked into the steamed up bathroom.

  After doing his business he went to the kitchen, sniffing as he went. Wow, that woman can cook.

  Tia stood at the stove, dressed in slacks and a blouse, her braids were braided and tied off with a ribbon. Glancing over her shoulder at his approach, she raised an eyebrow, gave a small smile and went back to the eggs she was scrambling.

  Who is this woman? He had never been so intrigued and so challenged by a female before. And I like it. “Smells good.” He mentally smacked himself. That was a brilliant opening, Brodes. Just brilliant.

  “Grab some dishes and I’ll bring this over.” Tia nodded toward a cupboard.

  Brody walked over, grabbed a couple of plates and glasses and set things on the table. Looking around the room, he followed Tia’s direction to the silverware and gathered what he needed. Sitting down, he waited for her to join him.

  After serving them straight from the pan, Tia set the dirty dish in the sink, grabbed a plate of toast, and sat down.

  Brody wasted no time digging in. “So good,” he moaned. “Who knew scrambled eggs could be so amazing?”

  Tia giggled at his enthusiasm.

  Cleaning the last bits from his plate, Brody stood and rinsed his dishes before putting them in the dishwasher. Turning around, he saw Tia watching him, surprise covered her face. Raising an eyebrow he folded his arms. “I may look like a caveman, but I was taught manners once upon a time.”

  Tia grinned sheepishly and finished her breakfast.

  “May I?” Brody reached out for the plate.

  “Thank you.” Tia’s voice was soft and Brody enjoyed how she studied him as if she found him to be a puzzle.

  “What time do you have to get to the school?” Brody asked over his shoulder as he scrubbed cooked egg off the pan.

  “I’ve got a little time. I don’t have a class until second period, but I usually go in early to get my supplies ready.”

  Brody nodded. “I need to leave in about ten minutes. It okay if I grab the bathroom for a minute?”

  Tia nodded, still studying him.

  “Great. Thanks.” Finishing up, Brody headed down the hall and brushed his teeth. He looked at himself in the mirror and for the first time in a long while, found himself annoyed with his hair. The domestic scene in the kitchen had him thinking things he shouldn’t. What would it be like to wake up like this every morning? To have Tia by my side at night?

  His thoughts startled him. “Whoa, buddy. Slow down. You haven’t even kissed her yet.” Yet. The word rang through his mind. He thought of their chemistry, of the electric draw he felt whenever she got close. When their hands touched he always felt a pleasurable shock course through him. If a fingertip can cause that, what would a kiss do? The thought frightened and excited him. “I’ve got nothing to offer a woman as strong and independent as her.” He stared into the mirror. “You’re a coward. A coward who’s hiding from everyone he knows, instead of standing up for what you believe.” With a shake of his hairy head, he turned toward the bathroom door. She’s better off without you. Not to mention, she’s made it clear she can hardly stand you. Brody chuckled at that thought. Still ... she might not like you, but she IS attracted to you.


  Tia’s doorbell rang just as she was laying ingredients on the counter for a dessert she wanted to try. She glanced at the clock. Hmm. I wasn’t expecting anyone, especially not at six o’clock at night.

  When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Brody there. Her eyes widened and her eyebrows shot up. “Oh, hello.”

  Brody’s hands were stuffed in his pockets and he shuffled his weight from foot to foot. “Hey,” he rumbled. “I, uh, forgot to take my bathroom stuff this morning.”

  “Oh! All right.” Tia stepped back and opened the door wider. She had to brace herself from leaning into his warmth as he passed by. Like a magnet, she felt drawn to him and had to fight the desire to see what it would feel like to be encompassed in his arms. Down girl. She scolded herself internally.

  Brody glanced at the counter as he walked toward the hallway. Looking over his shoulder, he shot Tia a grin. “Fixing something fun?” He asked.

  Tia shrugged. “Found a recipe on Pinterest I wanted to try.” She pushed away the butterflies that flitted in her stomach at his smile.

  “You don’t happen to need a taste tester, do you?” Brody teased as he walked into the bathroom.

  Tia worried her lip for a moment. Would it be so bad to see what could happen? She found herself at war with herself. One part of her didn’t want to give into the attraction to the rough, hairy, mysterious man. The other half wanted to see what would happen if they let their chemistry have full reign.

  Brody poked his head out of the bathroom. “Sorry. I was just teasing. Don’t take it seriously.”

  Tia realized her silence had made Brody uncomfortable. “No. No,” she assured him. “I was just caught up in thought.” She toed the carpet for a moment. “Um, actually, I’d really like to get your opinion.”

  Brody froze as he walked out of the bedroom with a small bag slung over his shoulder. “Really?”

  Tia bit her lip and fought a grin at Brody’s disbelief. “Yeah. Really.” She tucked a braid behind her ear. “Would you, uh, would you like to help me?”

  Brody raised an eyebrow and tilted his head. She could see him considering the offer and suddenly felt vulnerable about the outcome. Please say yes. Her thoughts surprised her. She hadn’t realized how much she wanted to get to know the enigmatic man.

  “Yeah,” his voice rumbled. “Sounds fun.”

  Tia smiled wide. “Great. But first,” she walked past him to the bathroom and grabbed a rubber band. Coming back to the hall, she held out the object like an offering. “You can’t cook with your hair like that. It’ll end up in the food.”

  Brody eyed the hair ba
nd as if it were a poisonous snake. “You can’t be serious,” he growled.

  Tia pinched both lips between her teeth to hide her amusement. She nodded, pushing her hand out further.

  Brody glared and didn’t move.

  With an eyebrow raised in a challenge of her own, Tia stalked the last couple of feet towards him. “Let me help you,” she said, her voice light and teasing.

  His eyes followed her as she stepped around him, but he didn’t stop her. Holding the rubberband in her teeth, she gathered his hair with her hands. Oh my ... Its softness surprised Tia and found herself enjoying the moment as she gathered his hair in order to stick it in a man bun on the back of his head.

  The moment felt intimate as she ran her fingers through his hair and she realized her breathing had become shallow and fast. When she was done, her hands hovered over his head, not quite wanting to give up the feel of him. His shampoo washed over her and she breathed in the clean, manly scent.

  “Thank you,” Brody muttered.

  His voice broke Tia of the spell she was under. Shaking her head she stepped back and forced herself to turn toward the kitchen. “No prob,” she responded, hoping her voice came off as nonchalant.

  She could feel his presence behind her and heard a thud as he dropped his bag at the small table.

  “What are we making?” Brody asked as he came up to her side.

  “Cinnamon Pie,” Tia squeaked, then quickly cleared her throat.

  Brody scrunched his face. “Cinnamon pie? Never heard of it.”

  Tia glanced sideways at him and grinned. “You have now.”

  Brody snorted.

  “Here.” She handed Brody the butter. “Unwrap this and we’ll make the crust first.”

  His large fingers fumbled a bit, but he peeled the edge back and helped scrape the butter into the bowl she was using.

  When it came time to roll out the crust, Tia started to sprinkle flour on to her counter.

  “Why do you do that?” Brody asked.

  “To keep it from sticking,” Tia explained. She swiped at an itch on her cheek and went back to patting out the dough.


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