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Ms. Frogg's Hidden Prince

Page 7

by Laura Ann

  “Then by all means,” Tia said, biting her lip when her voice was shaky. Reaching out for a sharp knife, she sliced off the end of the cheese ball. Turning her head slightly, she caught Brody’s eye and slowly reached over her shoulder with the piece.

  Brody kept his eyes on Tia but opened his mouth as her hand got closer. Their eyes never separated as Tia fed him the bite.

  His lips brushed the edges of her fingers as he took the cheese and Tia could have sworn she saw sparks. She watched the muscles in his jaw as he slowly chewed the bite and swallowed. Good grief! What is wrong with me?

  Tia swallowed rapidly, trying to bring moisture back to her dry mouth. “H-how is it?” She rasped.

  “Perfect,” he whispered as he leaned down to take her lips.

  Tia sighed at the contact, enjoying every forbidden sensation that came with it.

  BRODY COULDN’T HELP himself. Here he was in a cheese making class and all he could think about was having a taste of the woman in front of him. When she fed him the first bite, he knew he was in trouble. Her wide, innocent eyes pulled him in and he could no more ignore the call than he could stop breathing.

  Turning her so her body faced his, he pulled her close and enjoyed her softness and alluring feminine scent. She doesn’t know who you really are! The thought was like a bucket of cold water, cooling his actions.

  Pulling back softly, so he didn’t upset her, he tucked her under his chin while he caught his breath. You don’t deserve her, idiot. She thinks you’re a homeless vagabond. What will she think when she finds out you’re one of the Gruffman brothers? A millionaire businessman who ran away from the family business when his girlfriend cheated on him? He closed his eyes and slowly shook his head. She’ll run for the hills faster than you can say ‘billy goats gruff’.

  “Ahem.” A throat cleared, jolting Brody and Tia back to the present.

  Tia stepped out of his embrace; poking at her braids to make sure they were still in their topknot. “Oh. Sorry. We got carried away.”

  “I noticed,” the instructor said sarcastically. “How did your cheese turn out?”

  Tia glanced up at Brody. “Good. It’s delicious. Thank you for your help.” He rumbled, irritated at the interruption. Then you shouldn’t be making out in class! He scolded himself.

  “Great. You can pack it in the provided containers and then you are free to go.” The teacher walked away, clearly dismissing them.

  “I think she doesn’t want us kissing in her class anymore,” Tia said with a small smile.

  “Probably not the best place I could have done that,” Brody grinned back.

  Tia shrugged. “Is there ever really a bad place for something so wonderful?” Her eyes got wide and she ducked her head as if she were surprised those words had popped out of her mouth. “Oh my gosh, I-I.” She hung her head. “I can’t believe I said that.”

  Brody grit his teeth to keep from pulling her back into his arms at her admission. This girl is going to kill me. Forcing a chuckle, he moved around her and started to pack up the rest of the cheese. “Ready to go?”

  Tia still refused to meet his eyes but nodded her head in response.

  Quickly ripping off a small bite of the mozzarella, he waved it under her lips, bringing her head up. Pressing it to her mouth, he popped it in when she opened. “I’m glad you said it. Makes me feel better about jumping you in public. How’s the cheese?”

  “Mmm ... “ Tia hummed, her features lightening at his admission and change in topic.

  “Come on. Let’s get outta here.” Brody interlocked their fingers, grabbed the tupperware with his other hand and led them out of the building into the cool night air.

  “I’ll take that,” Tia said playfully, grabbing the container of cheese out of Brody’s hand. “No way you get to hog it all.”

  Brody raised an eyebrow but didn’t fight her when she snatched the prize from his hands.


  Brody hadn’t been able to get Tia out of his head all weekend. When Monday hit, he found himself cleaning the floors in her hall several times throughout the day; even when they didn’t need it. These are probably the cleanest floors in the whole school. He grunted as he once again swept the mop around.

  She deserves better than you Brody Gruff. She deserves someone who will tell her the truth. He scowled at the thoughts. But I don’t know how to stay away from her. She’s independent, feisty, intelligent... everything I didn’t realize I want. He growled, frustrated at the constant argument going on in his head.

  Pausing for a moment, he glanced up and down the hallway. School had let out a half hour before and he hadn’t seen the lovely Ms. Frogg leave yet. And you would know since you haven’t left this wing of the school.

  He set his mop in the bucket, rolled his head around and blew a puff of air out of his mouth; bouncing on his toes a few times. Come on Gruff, she’s just a girl ... woman. Be cool. Walking to her door, he pulled it open and swaggered inside with his chest puffed out.

  Tia turned to look at him and raised her eyebrows. When her lips began to twitch, he felt himself deflate. This woman has me in knots. What happened to the suave, confident man I used to be? Maybe you left him behind with your old hair. This mental war was giving him a headache.

  Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he gave a sheepish grin. “Hey.” Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.

  “Hey,” she responded with a smile. “How’s your day been?”

  Her braids were wound on top of her head in a large bun and Brody found himself wanting to let them loose so he could feel the weight of them in his hands. Biting the inside of his cheek to hold back his growing emotions he tried to focus on their conversation. “Fine. Good.” He nodded a couple times. “Good.” He glanced around the room, rocking back on his heels. “How was yours?”

  “Fine,” Tia said with an amused smile.

  Brody couldn’t help but smile in return, even if she was making fun of him.

  “Are you hungry?”

  Brody frowned. “What?”

  Tia threw the rag she had been using back in the sink. “I said, are you hungry? We made enchiladas today and there are leftovers in the fridge.”

  Brody shrugged one shoulder. “I’m always hungry,” he responded.

  “I believe it,” Tia muttered. Moving to grab a plate and the leftovers, she began dishing him up before putting it in the microwave for a little bit. “There you go,” she said; setting the plate in front of him. “Two chicken enchiladas with green chiles.”

  “Mmmmm ... “ Brody leaned over and took a deep breath. “Smells so good.” His mouth watered as he cut a bite.

  “And you’ll find they taste even better.” Tia winked and grinned before going back to cleaning up her room.

  “Oooh ... “ Brody moaned as the flavors hit his tongue. “You have got to open a restaurant,” he said around a mouthful of food.

  Tia giggled. “I have.”

  Brody stilled. “Really? What happened?”

  A mischievous twinkle lit her deep, brown eyes as she smiled at Brody. “Didn’t you know? My friends call my house ‘The Restaurant’.”

  Brody snorted. “Makes sense.” He took another bite. “I thought you wanted to open a bakery, though.”

  Tia’s eyes grew sad and she gave a lopsided smile while raising one shoulder. “Just a pipe dream.” She pulled up a stool across from Brody; contentment on her face as she watched him polish off the rest of his meal. When he was done, she took his plate and walked it over to the sink, rinsing it before setting it down. “Besides,” she smiled over her shoulder. “I think I might have changed my mind about the bakery.”

  Brody scowled. “You shouldn’t.”

  Tia walked back and plopped down on the stool again. She put her elbows on the countertop and leaned in, curling one finger at him.

  Intrigued, Brody leaned down until their noses were only a couple of inches away from each other.

  Tia dropped her voice to a whisper. “I’ve
decided my true calling is in cheese making.”

  Brody fought the smile trying to break free, but the teasing gleam in her eye sent him over the edge. Closing his eyes he snorted and smiled before sitting upright again. “You wouldn’t happen to need a partner, would you?”

  Tia tapped her finger on her lips and Brody gulped. “Maybe ... maybe ... “ She tilted her head to the side. “Guess it depends on what you’re bringing to the table.”

  Brody scooted his stool closer to the table and leaned down again, this time stopping only millimeters from her lips. “How about this?” He closed the distance and enjoyed a lingering, sweet kiss. Pulling back slightly he rasped, “I’m pretty sure the cheese won’t taste the same without sneaking in a kiss or two.”

  “I’m sure you’re right,” Tia said in a husky voice before leaning in and asking for more.

  Brody was happy to oblige.

  TIA COULDN’T HELP THE flutters in her belly as she washed dishes after school. You’d think you’d be used to him coming around for leftovers. He’s been doing it for weeks now! Who’d have thought that you would find yourself falling for a homeless man with hair longer than yours? And she was falling for him, much harder and faster than she wanted to but she couldn’t seem to help herself. Their chemistry and connection were simply too strong to fight, anymore. She shook her head at the ridiculousness of it all but when she heard the door open behind her, she still felt her heart skip a beat.

  Anticipation welled up inside of her as she kept her focus on the soapy water and she found herself unconsciously holding her breath. She sighed as she felt large, warm hands slide around her waist; wrapping all the way around. Her eyelids fluttered closed as he nudged her ear with his nose. “Got any leftovers for a poor, raggedy man like me?”

  A frown tugged at Tia’s lips at the reminder of his situation, but she forced it away. Soon. Soon you can ask about it, but not yet. Glancing at him sideways she pursed her lips. “I’ve always felt it my duty to help the less fortunate. I’ll bet we could find you something.”

  Brody grinned, kissed the side of her head and walked over to the fridge. “What delectable concoction did you come up with today?”

  “Better than you-know-what cake with a whipped cream topping.”

  Brody stood from the fridge, the open door still in his hands and raised his eyebrows. With a little snort, he grinned, shook his head and went back to grabbing stuff out of the refrigerator. “I’ll bet the teenage boys loved that,” he muttered.

  Tia nodded. “Every year. Every year someone has to make a comment about it. I’ve been trying to just call it a ‘soaked cake’ since it’s, you know, soaked in sweetened, condensed milk, but it never works. Some punk in the back always has to pipe up with the more popular name.”

  “Yeah,” Brody said as he lifted a glass cake pan out of the fridge. “Good luck with that.”

  Tia walked over, drying her hands on a towel and socked him in the arm.

  Brody feigned a hurt. “What was that for?”

  “You were probably the kid in the back who yelled out the real name, weren’t you?”

  “Darn tootin’,” he said with a grin.

  Tia rolled her eyes but answered with a smile of her own. As she watched him dish up a hefty slice her anxiety rose a notch. Just ask him. It’s not going to hurt anything. Just ask him. “Umm ... Brody?”

  He looked up at her as he took a bite.

  “Thanksgiving is coming up and I was wondering ... “ She took a deep breath for more courage. “I was wondering if you would like to come have it at my house?”

  Brody put down his fork and watched her intently. “At The Restaurant?”

  Tia nodded, struggling to meet his scrutiny. Asking him over for such a major holiday felt like a shift in their relationship; a step towards something more.

  “I’d love to,” he spoke slowly and Tia felt a hitch in her breath at his apparent reluctance. “But I was planning on eating with a friend.”

  Her heart fell to her stomach.

  “Would it be okay if I brought him with me?”

  Tia’s eyes shot up to Brody’s and she felt a too-wide smile on her face. “Yeah!” She cleared her throat at the squeak that had escaped in her enthusiasm. “Yeah, that would be great. Zellie was already coming over, so that will give us even numbers.”

  Relief seemed to spread through Brody’s whole body and he smiled in return. “Sweet! I’m always trying to get Hank to get out and socialize, so this will be good for him.” He turned back to the dessert in front of him. “How come you’re not going to visit your mom?” Brody asked as he stuffed another large bite in his mouth.

  Tia gave a sad grin. “Mom is dating someone and is going to his house for Thanksgiving.”

  Brody nodded his understanding.

  “Hank, huh? And just how long is his hair?”

  Brody blurted out a loud laugh before shaking his head. “I’m pretty sure Hank gets his trimmed like every six weeks. He’s not a fan of my ‘do.”

  “Hmm. I like this guy already.”

  “You would,” Brody grumbled.

  Tia laughed at his sulking. Walking over to where he sat, she planted a kiss on top of his head. “I’ll probably need you to keep me company in the kitchen. You know the food always turns out better with a few kisses mixed in.” She turned to sashay away only to squeal when Brody quickly wrapped an arm around her waist.

  She turned to face him as he settled her against his thigh. Running her fingers through his thick hair, she brushed it back from his face.

  “Maybe we should have a few now, just to prep you for the big day.”

  Tia pretended to think it over. “I don’t know—” She didn’t get to finish her comment before he grabbed the back of her neck and brought her mouth to his.

  After robbing her of her words and breath, he pulled back and put his forehead to hers. “That ought to give you enough to get started.”

  Tia had left her eyes closed after the kiss, but smiled at his words. “I think you may be right.”

  Brody’s gentle kiss on her forehead left tingles in its place before she stood up and went back to finishing the dishes.

  A couple of minutes later she felt Brody’s presence behind her. He reached around and dropped his plate and fork in the sink. “Thank you,” he whispered in her ear; the rumbly tones sent shivers through her core.

  “Anytime,” she replied.

  With a kiss to the side of her head, Brody went back to his job, taking Tia’s heart with him.


  Brody’s hands trembled ever so slightly as he walked up to Tia’s front door. His intuition was screaming that something significant would happen today, but he couldn’t think of what it would be. It’s just dinner with Tia and her friend. No big deal.

  He glanced at Hank, who stood to his left, before focusing again on the door. Raising his fist, he gave a couple of firm knocks then waited.

  The door opened and a woman with bright, blonde hair stood in the doorway. Brody recognized her as one of the P.E. teachers at Middleton Prep. “Hey, guys.” She stepped back, opening the door wider. “Come on in.”

  Brody walked in, followed by Hank. “Ms. Gothel, this is my friend, Hank Fitzherbert. Hank, Ms. Gothel is one of the P.E. teachers at Middleton.”

  Zellie gave a small smile and stuck out her hand. “Nice to meet you,” she murmured.

  “Likewise,” Hank replied with a wide, flirtatious smile.

  When Hank held onto Zellie’s hand a little longer than was polite, Brody cleared his throat and raised his eyebrows.

  As if coming back to himself, Hank dropped her hand and stuffed his fists in his pockets.

  Zellie’s cheeks were pink as she turned toward the kitchen. “Tia’s in the kitchen.”

  Brody smirked at Hank before following the small woman across the room.

  “Shut up,” Hank muttered with a scowl.

  Brody shook for a second as he held in a chuckle, but his attention was
quickly taken by the beautiful woman at the stove. Her back was to the kitchen entrance as Brody came in and he stopped; leaning his shoulder against the doorjamb to watch her in her element. Her braids were braided into one thick, french braid down the length of her head, she wore form-fitting jeans with a breezy blouse that looked comfortable yet dressy.

  Brody admired her curves and smooth movements as she worked to prepare their Thanksgiving feast.

  “You gonna come in or simply stare at me all day?” Tia glanced over her shoulder with a smug pursing of her lips.

  Brody chuckled before shoving off the wall and approached her. After depositing a quick kiss on her cheek, he grabbed a barstool and plopped himself down. “What can I do to help?”

  “Nothing quite yet,” Tia answered while stirring a pot. “Turkey is in the oven, rolls are rising, pies are in the fridge, and I’m working on the gravy right now.” She set the wooden spoon she’d been using on the counter. Turning around she grinned at her audience. “Just need to chop a salad, steam the broccoli and boil the potatoes.”

  Brody’s eyes widened at her list. He whistled low. “Dang, woman. How many people are you feeding?”

  Tia tilted her head and gave him a scolding look. “This was a pretty simple menu, nothing fancy. I didn’t go that crazy.”

  Zellie walked over and grabbed Tia in a side hug. “And this is why we all love you.”

  Tia put her hand to her chest in mock despair. “You only want me for my food?”

  “Pretty much!” Zellie laughed.

  “Oh, before I forget. Hank, this is Tia or Ms. Frogg.” Brody raised a questioning brow at Tia to make sure he’d pronounced her last name right. At her nod, he grinned and continued. “Tia, this is Hank, the one and only friend who has been stupid enough to stick with me since we were kids.”

  “Ha!” Hank punched Brody in the shoulder before reaching out and shaking Tia’s hand. “I think you meant brave enough to stick with you.” He turned towards Tia. “Nice to meet you, Tia. I’ve heard so much about you.”


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