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Apples to Oranges

Page 5

by Xondra Day


  Jace kept walking even after he’d heard Brandon call his name. He was in no mood to speak or look at him. Who did this guy think he was? He wasn’t perfect by a long shot and if pushed far enough he’d tell him that.

  “Jace, would you at least give me a chance to say something,” Brandon yelled. “Okay, I admit it. I’m a fucking asshole. There, I said it.”

  Jace stopped in his tracks and turned slowly to face him. “What’s wrong with you? Why are you so pissed at Preston? Did he ever do anything to you?”

  “No. Mike was right. I don’t know him.” Brandon shuffled from side to side with his hands stuffed deep inside his jeans pockets. “It’s just that…” He stopped. “I don’t even know how to say it.”

  “Spit it out. You don’t make any sense.” Jace was getting more pissed as every minute passed. First this guy came on to him and they’d done shit together and then he pretended like nothing happened. To top things off and insult to injury, Brandon copped an attitude whenever Jace was around. It wasn’t fair. He’d done nothing to deserve the crap that was being tossed at him.

  Brandon closed his eyes and Jace watched as his hands balled into fists as he pulled them from his pockets. “I fucking like you, okay,” he nearly yelled. “And every time I think about you and him together, it pisses me off.”

  Silence sluiced between them and for that moment, each looked at the other and neither spoke one word or moved.

  How was he supposed to react to that? Jace was beyond stunned and when he moved to where Brandon was standing, he went out on a limb and grabbed Brandon by the arm. The street wasn’t anyplace to have this conversation and thinking quickly, he pulled Brandon towards him. “We need to talk, but not here. Follow me.”

  They sat in the middle of a nearby field just off the road and when Jace looked up at the stars in the night sky, he felt strangely calm. “It isn’t easy, is it?”

  “It was until I met you,” Brandon said. “It’s been fucked ever since.”

  “Gee, thanks. That makes me feel really special.”

  “It isn’t like that and it isn’t you, it’s me. I have a problem. From the first day we met, something clicked inside me. I knew I kinda liked guys, but no one ever left an impression on me. It’s fucking strange, man. But when I’m around you… and when we did what we did, it felt good.”

  “Of course it felt good,” Jace said, laughing a little.

  “No. I mean, yeah that would feel good.” Brandon’s tone lightened slightly. He turned to Jace and smiled. “It’s hard to explain and I’m not the best at expressing my feelings. I’m an asshole, remember?”

  “I don’t think you are. Confused, maybe, but you’re not an asshole.”

  “Aren’t you scared that people will find out about you?”

  “Of course I am. I’m not ready to come out. I am, however, sick of hiding. It’s a hard spot to be in,” Jace admitted.

  “Did you feel that between us? I mean when we first met. There was something.”

  “I thought you were pretty darned cute.” It felt strange to admit that to Brandon, yet it was liberating at the same time. “And a little strange.”

  “That’s me in a nutshell, cute and strange.”

  “You do realize that there are no rules to this.” Jace turned to Brandon as he spoke. “We do the best we can. That’s the only way to survive. Life isn’t easy.”

  “Tell me about it. It’s been downhill for me for the past two years. I totally never expected any of this when I moved here.”

  “Brandon.” Jace reached over and pressed one finger against the boy’s mouth to stop him from speaking. Never had he felt as bold as he did at this moment. “Kiss me.” He leaned over to Brandon and slid one arm up around Brandon’s shoulders. Brandon didn’t pull away from him and when their eyes met, Jace readied himself for what was about to happen.

  Their tongues merged as did their lips and it was there, that spark, that slight jolt of electricity that signalled their attraction to each other. When Brandon broke the kiss, he grinned and pressed his nose against Jace’s. “Jesus, I never knew that kissing could be so awesome.”

  “Same here.” It had been good with Preston, but nothing compared to kissing Brandon. Jace fell back on the grass and pulled Brandon down on top of him. He revelled in the weight of the guy on top of him and once again it was as if they were back inside the tent. He wanted all that and so much more.

  “There’s something about you. I can’t explain it, but all I wanna do is kiss you again.”

  “Then what’s stopping you?” asked Jace. His arms entwined around Brandon’s waist. They kissed again.


  Brandon was so hard. In fact, he wouldn’t have been surprised if the fly on his jeans busted wide open. He pushed up from Jace and ran one hand back through his hair. “You’re really something,” he said.

  “You do pretty well yourself.”

  “I need to ask you something.”

  “Shoot. Ask away.”

  “Are you messing with that guy, Preston?” Brandon had to know the truth.

  “Nope. We’re just friends…well, kinda.”

  “Good. I mean, I’m glad to know that there isn’t anything between you two.”

  “I should head home. Mom will be wondering where I am and I don’t want to worry her. She has enough problems of her own without me adding to them. I’m glad that we talked and I’d like to see you again, away from school.”

  “How would that work?” Brandon didn’t want people to get suspicious about them.

  “We’ll make it work. That’s if you want to.” Jace stood up and brushed the ass of his jeans off. “We’re friends anyway. It wouldn’t be strange if people saw us together. It’s best to not overthink things.”

  Brandon debated that point for a moment. “I guess not.”

  “You don’t sound so sure.”

  “It freaks me out a little. That’s my problem and not yours.” He pushed up from the ground. “I’ll deal with it and yeah, I’d like to see you again too.”

  “Friday night, drop by my place. Be there around eight. You know where I live?”

  Brandon nodded.

  “See ya then.”

  Brandon watched as Jace walked across the field to the road. He’d gone and done it now. He was in way over his head and he damned well knew it.

  Chapter Five

  The next day at school, Jace couldn’t help but stare every time he spotted Brandon between classes. They shared two that day and instead of paying attention to his work, he studied Brandon instead. They didn’t act any differently towards each other and when Preston stopped by his locker at the end of the day, he did his best to brush him off, since he had other things on his mind.

  “We can go park somewhere,” Preston suggested. “I know a few places that would give us privacy.”

  “Not today.” Jace’s reply was curt. “I’m busy with some other stuff.”

  “Oh, okay. Another time, then?”

  “Sure. Sounds good.” He wasn’t even paying attention to what Preston was saying and when he spotted Brandon walking up the hall towards them, his heart skipped a beat and then some.

  “I need to speak to you,” Brandon said. He pushed his way between Jace and Preston. “In private.” Brandon looked back at Preston over his shoulder. “No offense meant.”

  “None taken.” Preston backed away from them and made his way back down the now deserted hallway.

  “What was that about?” Jace asked.

  “In here, now.” Brandon grabbed him by the hand and pulled him into the boys’ bathroom across from his locker. Once inside, Brandon pushed him up against the wall, pressing his body against Jace’s.

  “It’s a good thing nobody’s in here.” Jace smirked and felt his cock stir.

  Brandon kissed him hard. “I needed to do that,” he explained. “I couldn’t wait until Friday.”

  Jace wanted Brandon to kiss him again and when he moved in to make
that known, Brandon pulled away from him. “Just in case someone comes in.”

  “Of course.” He straightened his shirt and couldn’t hide his amused look, given the whole situation.

  “I’ll see you Friday. I just had to get you alone even if it was only for a couple minutes.” Brandon walked past him to the door. “You know, even if people did find out, I don’t think it would bother me all that much.” He shrugged and left.


  When Brandon walked into the trailer, his mom was sitting in the kitchen. As usual, she was on the phone and when she pointed to the table, he noticed an envelope. “It’s for you,” she said. “From your dad.”

  He didn’t want anything from his dad, not a phone call, text or this. Still, he grabbed it and headed to his bedroom without saying anything and when a knock fell on his door, he sat back and braced himself for anything his mom was about to say.

  “He called today,” she said. “Your dad. He said he’s texted you a few times and emailed, but you’re not responding to him.”

  “For once he tells the truth.” Brandon leaned back on the bed.

  “Your dad isn’t a bad man and while I don’t agree with many things he’s done in his life, he’s still your dad.”

  “He cheated on you and he left us. I’m sorry if I can’t just get over that as easily as you did,” he snapped. He didn’t need this lecture from her. Not now and not ever.

  “You know the situation. We kept nothing from you. Your dad wasn’t happy and neither was I. He cheated and you and I both know the details. We didn’t keep anything from you. He’s moved on with his life and so have I.”

  He’d moved on. That much was obvious. “How can you defend him? I don’t understand him or you. Aren’t you mad that he left you for another woman?”

  She looked to the floor and the back up at him. “Things happen and people change. I always suspected your dad was a cheater. I wasn’t surprised.”

  “You knew about him? Why did you marry him?” None of it made any sort of sense.

  “I married him because I loved him and at first I didn’t know about his…infidelities. It’s okay, Brandon. Like I said, I’ve moved on and so has he. You need to try and move past it. Like it or not, your dad is a decent man.”

  “A man who lies and cheats isn’t a good man. Are you finished?” He didn’t want to listen to anything else she had to say.

  “I am, but I want you to talk to him.” She left without saying anything more.

  He opened the envelope with some reluctance and withdrew the letter inside and read the words slowly, taking them in. It wasn’t much. Basically it was his dad filling him in about his life and asking about his. When he’d finished, he tucked it away. It didn’t sit well with him that he judged his dad. But it wasn’t really about that. It was about the cheating and lies. That’s what he kept telling himself. Anyway, there were much better things to think about like Jace and Friday. He had some ideas on what they’d do and each one made him smile more than the last.

  It was crazy that he was so open with Jace. It was like Jace could see every part of him and whenever they were together it was like nothing else mattered. All day at school he’d wanted nothing more than to touch him and kiss him. For once he felt close to someone. It felt damned good.


  “My goodness, look at you.”

  “Aunt Pat? What are you doing here?” asked Jace, when he walked into the house and saw his mom’s sister standing in the hall with one hand on her hip and a potholder covering her other hand. She hadn’t been around for months.

  “I decided to come by and cook supper. I’ve been so caught up with work and my own life that until now I haven’t had much chance to think about anyone else. How have you been, sweetie?”

  “Not bad, I guess. School’s kept me going.” He glanced in the living room wondering where his mom was.

  “She’s taking a shower. I told her to.”

  “She needs a little encouragement at times.”

  “Or a kick in the butt. Are you really okay?”

  Jace removed his jacket and kicked off his sneakers. “I’m fine.” He thought about Brandon and smiled. He still felt their kiss. “I’m glad you’re here.”


  The rest of the week flew by and by Friday night Brandon was ready to jump out of his skin as he drove to Jace’s house. His mom had given him the car for the weekend since she decided to stay at a friend’s house.

  Jace met him at the door and once outside, Brandon slipped his hand into Jace’s and squeezed. “I thought the time would never pass. I’ve got the place to myself and I thought we could spend time together alone. Just you and me.”

  “There’s nothing I’d rather do.” Jace followed him to the car. “Your mom’s away?”

  “At a friend’s for the weekend. She left today.”

  “Lucky you.”

  “Lucky us.”

  “I was just about to add that. We haven’t really been alone since that first night.” Jace got in the car and shut the door.

  “I must have acted like an ass.” He’d been dead drunk and while he remembered most of it, the finer details were vague to him.


  “Tonight’s about you and me.” Brandon reached over and squeezed Jace’s leg. “You look fucking great. I like your hair that way. It’s sexy.”

  Jace blushed and shifted in his seat as he buckled up. “You too.”

  “I didn’t do anything with my hair,” he kidded. “But yeah, I gots it going on.”


  Jace groaned when Brandon pushed him against the wall once they were inside the trailer. This was fast becoming a habit. It thrilled him when Brandon took control and with his cock throbbing hard, he was ready for anything that was about to happen between them.

  “I can’t control myself when I’m around you. Everything about you turns me on,” Brandon said. “Your smell, the way you feel when I touch you. You fucking excite me so much!”

  They kissed and Jace nearly came when Brandon reached down between them to cup his crotch. “Fuck,” he muttered.

  “You like that, eh?” Brandon’s breath was steaming hot against his ear. “I like that I make you fucking horny.” He licked the side of Jace’s neck. “Let’s go to my bedroom.”

  Jace followed as Brandon pulled him along to the back of the trailer.

  “I’d like to watch you strip.” Brandon sat on the edge of the bed and looked him up and down hungrily. He pulled off his t-shirt and tossed it to the side of the bed. “And do it nice and slow. I want to see you, all of you.”

  Jace undid his belt and then his jeans. Hell, he was actually nervous standing there in front of the guy, and after he’d removed his t-shirt, he slid his jeans down slowly over his hips.

  “You’ve got a hot little body, man.” Brandon licked his lips and leaned forward a little for a better view. “Turn around and show me your ass.”

  Jace turned and let his jeans fall around his ankles and when he felt Brandon’s hands massaging his ass through his briefs, he groaned a little and nearly lost it when Brandon pulled him back until he was sitting on the dude’s lap. “Oh god,” he said, as Brandon pushed up against him, his hard cock pressing into his buttocks. It felt so fucking good.

  “Take ‘em off,” whispered Brandon. “And straddle me.”


  Brandon held Jace tight against him as they kissed. Jace’s cock rubbed against his bare chest and when he jacked it, Jace pulled him even closer and moaned into his cheek. “Keep doing that. Don’t stop,” he begged.

  “Don’t come, babe. I want to make this last.” Brandon pulled his hand away and reached around to grasp Jace’s ass. “I wanna stick my cock inside you.” Never before had he wanted anyone so bad. Sex had been out of reach for him up until this moment, but everything…Jace made up for all of that.

  Jace wrapped his arms around Brandon’s neck and rested his head on his shoulder. “I’m a virgin,” he admitted. �
��I’ve never done it before.” There was worry in his voice.

  “Me too. It’s okay. I’d never hurt you. Not in a million years.” Brandon wanted this to be great for the both of them and as his heart thudded hard inside his chest, he wanted nothing more than to make love to the guy he was holding in his arms. Everything was good, this was fine and for the first time ever in his life, he felt halfway normal.


  Jace closed his eyes when he felt Brandon’s fingers working his ass. The coolness of the lube startled him and when he jumped slightly, he smiled and felt a little stupid for his lack of experience.

  “I could bite your ass,” Brandon said. “I won’t, but it’s just so fuckable. I won’t bite it, but I’ll kiss it.”

  Jace sucked in a deep breath when Brandon’s lips connected first with one cheek and then the other. “God,” he said, breathing deeply.

  “Nice and slow.” Jace felt Brandon press into him and the pain. He wanted to tell him to stop, but instead bit down on his bottom lip and concentrated on deep breathing. If he stayed relaxed, it would be a hell of a lot easier. He’d read that somewhere, but couldn’t remember where.

  “Sweet fuck. You’re so tight, man.” Brandon held his hips in place. “Am I hurting you?”

  “No,” he lied. Stopping now would screw up the moment and while it didn’t feel so great, he loved the idea of having Brandon inside him, connecting them together. “Just go easy.”


  Jace held Brandon like a vice and when he was inside the guy’s ass all the way, he stopped and rested as he caressed Jace’s back. “So hot, babe. You feel incredible.”

  Jace nodded. “You too.”

  He wasn’t convinced that Jace was telling the truth, but he imagined that bottoming wasn’t the easiest thing to do. He’d try it soon. Having Jace fuck him held its own appeal.

  “Do it. Fuck me.” Jace moved his hips a little, grinding against him. “It’s starting to feel good.”

  Brandon pulled back a little and pushed ahead again. Jace moaned underneath him and pressed his head into a pillow while his hands clutched at the bed sheets. “That’s it, fuck me,” he begged. “Deep. Go deep. Oh yeah, do it like that.”


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