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Apples to Oranges

Page 7

by Xondra Day

  Their tongues toyed in each other’s mouths. Jace tasted sweet and familiar.

  “God, I missed that,” Jace said, pulling back slightly. “I love kissing you.”

  “If you two are just about done, I think it’s time for us to get the hell out of this lame-ass party.”

  Brandon nearly jumped out of his skin along with Jace, who was now on his feet. “Fuck,” he muttered, scrambling.

  “Are you trying to scare the living shit outta me?” Jace yelled as he clutched his chest.

  Mike nearly collapsed with laughter. “If only you could have seen the looks on both of your faces. It was priceless, man.”

  “It isn’t funny. I could have had a heart attack or something.” Brandon’s heart pounded fast and furious inside his chest.

  “I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to scare you guys, but I knew you’d left the house and sorta stumbled upon you two. No harm done.” Mike held both of his hands in the air.

  “He’s right,” Jace added. “No harm done, but if it’s all the same to you, Mike, we’d rather be alone. We’ve still got some stuff to work out.”

  “That’s cool. I’ll see you both later.”

  They watched as Mike walked out of sight into the night. “So, where do you want to go?” Brandon asked.

  “It’s late. Mom’s definitely in bed. We could head back to my place, but you’d have to be extremely quiet.”

  “I can do that.” Brandon guided his arm around Jace’s waist and pulled him close. “Anything to be with you.” They kissed.

  Chapter Eight

  The school year had ended, and now graduation was the last rite of passage. Most of the graduating senior class had plans to get shitfaced after the ceremony later that night, at multiple house parties, but this time Brandon had other plans in mind.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to be around you all,” he explained to Mike after the official graduation ceremony was over. “I’d like to be alone with Jace and make it more meaningful and special.” Brandon winced as he said the last few words. “I sounded like such a girl saying that.”

  “It’s all good,” Mike replied. “If I ever find the one, I’m sure that I’ll feel the same way. Jace is my cousin and one of my best friends, so treat him right.”

  It still never ceased to amazon Brandon how cool Mike was with him and Jace being a couple. They never talked about it much, but Mike was obviously fine with everything and that meant a lot to both him and Jace.

  “What exactly do you have planned?” Mike asked.

  “I’m cooking dinner for the both of us at my place. Mom is out for the weekend. Hell, as you know she didn’t even come here to see me get my diploma.” Brandon had come to realize that he woman who’d given birth to him couldn’t be relied on for much, and while it pissed him off at times, he was mostly over it. “And then we’re going to relax.”

  Mike smirked. “I bet. Where is Jace, anyway?” They stood in the school’s parking lot and around them people were leaving. Mike’s parents had already left to go home and Brandon had lost Jace somewhere between the gymnasium and his current location, when Jace stopped to talk to some classmates.

  “He’s back there chatting to some people. You can go on ahead and do whatever it is that you’re doing. I’ll wait for him.”

  “Sure thing. I guess I’ll see you both when I see you. Have fun.”

  Brandon watched Mike strut across the parking lot until he was out of sight.


  Jace felt damned good. For once his life was moving in the right direction. He’d finally finished school and soon enough he’d start a new chapter in his life, plus his relationship with Brandon had improved immensely and he no longer felt the need to hide so much.

  From behind him a voice called his name and when Jace turned in the almost empty corridor just outside the gymnasium, he saw Preston standing there still in his cap and gown. “Hey,” he replied.

  “I wanted to speak to you one-on-one,” Preston explained. “Listen, I know for some reason we never got together. I mean, we kinda did, but that’s not what I mean.”

  “It’s okay,” Jace said. “I know what you’re saying. You looked good today and just think, no more high school.”

  “Yeah, it’s going to be strange not coming back here in the fall. Life goes on. So, anyway, I just wanted to wish you all the best for the future. I know you’re with that guy, Brandon, and you don’t have to say anything. You deserve to be happy. You’re a great guy.”

  Jace was a little taken aback, but Preston sounded genuine. “You too, and I know you’ll do great in whatever you choose to do in life, because you’re motivated and grounded.”

  Preston shrugged. “Maybe. I hope to find a guy like you.” He glanced at his watch. “I should go…my parents are waiting for me outside. I gave them some lame excuse about having to fetch a book from my locker.” Preston rolled his eyes. “We’re having a big family barbeque tonight.” He reached out and squeezed Jace’s shoulder. “I’ll see you around.”

  Jace’s mother had already left for home when he explained that he wanted to stick around to be with friends. Her depression has lessened over the past month and she was finally getting back into living life. Earlier that day they’d had a moment, but it was all good and a part of healing.

  “Your dad’s proud today,” she’d said. “I know that he’s here with us and when you walk across that stage to accept your diploma, he’ll be watching.”

  The sentiment made him tear up, but he refused to give into his emotions. He loved his dad and it hurt not having him there in body, but there was comfort in knowing that he was there in spirit.

  “I’m sure he is. We should get going,” he responded, changing the topic before things became too heavy. “The ceremony starts in an hour and we still have to drive there.”

  Jace rehashed the conversation in his head and thought about his dad. He hoped that wherever he was, his dad was at peace.

  “There you are. I was waiting for you outside.”

  Jace smiled at Brandon. “I’m ready to go now.”

  “Is there anything wrong?” Brandon reached down and took Jace’s hand and squeezed it gently.

  “No, it’s nothing. I was thinking about my dad and wishing that he could be here today.” There was no point in telling Brandon about his chat with Preston.

  “You still miss him, eh?”

  “I do and always will. It’s lessened a bit, but it’s times like this when I really start thinking about him.”

  “That’s totally understandable. You’ve got a big heart, Jace. You care about others and it shows. You’re something special.”

  Brandon embraced Jace and by instinct he tried to pull away. “What if someone sees us?” he questioned. While Mike did know about them, they were hardly out.

  “Fuck ‘em,” Brandon said. “I’m over it and besides, we’re no longer in school and why should we give a shit?”

  “Point taken and you make a fine one.”

  “You know how I feel about you, and I no longer see it as being wrong. What we have is real and we shouldn’t be ashamed of it. I’ve hidden my true self for so long that it became normal for me.”

  “You’re strong. From the first moment we met I knew there was more to you than that rough exterior. It makes me smile when I think about it,” Jace admitted.

  “And it was you that brought me out of that shell, that wall that I’d built around myself to keep everyone out,” Brandon continued. “If you hadn’t come into my life, I don’t know where I would have ended up.”

  Jace looked up and when Brandon lifted his chin slowly, they kissed. It felt fantastic. This was love. This was real.

  The End

  Other Books by Xondra Day:

  Power Play

  Beyond Friends

  The Blood Between

  Stockings and Suspenders

  Under the Boss

  Evernight Publishing
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