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The Weapon Bearer (Book 1)

Page 18

by Aaron Thomas

  The king’s task was simple in design. He was to travel across the desert to the Earth Realm and seek out King Atmos. He was to request the construction of the water canal from Lake Leviathan be resumed. He was to give no apologies for the death of King Atmos’ father’s wizards of past whom had started the construction. He was told not to give any gifts or payment for the project. The queen knew that payment had already been made.

  The journey would be long and arduous, traveling over multiple dunes of sand that gives way with every step. Temperatures would soar during the day and plunge to icy cold during the dead of night. The beasts along the way would be relentless. Most would be poisonous with the slightest touch. Elick had planned for this, they would not need to bring large amounts of water because the water bearers could pull it from the ground along the way. He would travel at night to keep the cold from seeping into their bodies and to keep from traveling in the sunlight. It would all be worth it when he finds his best man, Max waiting for him at the border to the Earth Realm with a report.

  The sun started to set on the horizon. Wives said goodbye to their husbands, giving them the order to return safely. Elick gave a series of short whistles signaling the start of the journey. He led his camel from the palace steps and slowly rode out of the gated pavilion. He didn’t look back for a final wave to the queen. It was a marriage of duty and not of love.


  Kilen’s new hard-soled leather boots echoed in unison down the marble hallways with the marching guards carrying Kara on a litter behind him. His left hand rested on his sword and his helm was tucked under his right arm, his hand cramped because he gripped it so hard in nervousness. He flexed his fingers as the company rounded every corner approaching the throne room. Tapestries lined the halls, depicting battles and heroes from the past. Guards stood at each doorway in polished armor. None moved to block the way with Brent leading the procession.

  Finally as they approached two large oak doors a guard stopped Brent, “May I announce you, councilmen?” Brent nodded and he glanced at the others. “How shall I announce your companions?”

  “You shall announce only me the others are not of importance,” Brent was tired of the formalities and spoke harshly to the guard. The guard bowed his head and backed into the throne room where his voice could be heard loudly announcing Brent from the other side. Brent flowed into the throne room not waiting for the guard to return back outside. When Kilen entered he was struck with awe at the open space inside a building. He thought that the whole city of Humbridge could be fit inside this one room. The hall was lined with massive metal pieces meant to fit grotesque animals.

  Kilen looked on three sets of armor sitting on top of stuffed house cats that were positioned in poses with claws splayed. Joahna spoke inside his head before he could catch himself, I helped make that one. Kilen smiled on the inside feeling Joahna chastise himself for violating his own rules about not speaking.

  Kilen focused his attention back to the front as he was getting close to making out the features of King Atmos. The King stood behind a large oak table covered in maps, reports, and scrolls. On another table a map of the entire Earth Realm and Water Realm was laid out and small wooden flames and stones were placed on top of it. A man with quills and charcoal markers moved about the maps and made markings upon both tables until the King dismissed him. An elderly man in a long green robe stood next to the King, reading a scroll over and handed it to the king. He wore a gold tassel draped over his shoulders and smiled at Brent as he approached. Kilen realized that this was First Wizard Calvin, and Brent’s father.

  Besides dismissing the man making markings on the map, the King made no indications that he saw them approaching. King Atmos was a large man with red hair and a full matching beard. His armor was polished to a perfect shine and looked as if it had never been in a battle before. When he looked up, his piercing green eyes made Kilen misstep and almost fall down. At the same time, Brent went to one knee and Kilen’s natural path from tripping took him to one knee as if it might have been on purpose. “Councilman Brent reporting as ordered, milord,” Brent said as reverently as Kilen had ever heard him speak. The room was silent as Atmos moved to his chair behind the table and read from the scroll he had been given. He read the scroll entirely, making everyone’s heart beat a little faster at the anticipation.

  “Tell me who this arrow maker from the moon is. I have been puzzled by it for days,” Atmos smiled as he finished the sentence.

  “My king may, I present Master Crescent from Humbridge Township. He makes the finest arrows in the Water Realm. I am told that he marks his arrows with a crescent moon shape, giving the arrows the name Crescent Arrows.” Bowie raised from a kneeled position and moved to stand beside Brent. The king stood up from his chair which was made large enough to fit him and his armor comfortably. The King stood before Bowie and looked him up and down.

  “This youngster can’t be Master Crescent. He hasn’t had enough time to master any craft such as making arrows.”

  Bowie spoke before anyone else had time to make a rebuttal, “Many peddlers have said much the same. They missed out when the next peddler sold my arrows at a price well above any he could get a hold of. I am Bowie Crescent and I have a knack for making arrows. If you do not believe I’ll ask you to try one for yourself.” The king took a moment to appraise the boy in fancy clothes before holding out his hand.

  “Well let’s see one of these so called crescent arrows that you so masterfully make, and let me see that bow also.” Bowie handed him the first arrow his hand landed on being confident in all his arrows. He pulled the bow from around his body and checked the string before handing it to the king. “I would have thought that a master arrow maker would have a better bow than this. Most of the arrow makers I know use only Keltan made bows.”

  “That bow is Keltan, milord,” Bowie corrected and then immediately lowered his eyes. Kilen thought wryly, So he can be out lorded and it only took a king to do it.

  “Boy this bow is fine work but it is not Keltan made. Their bows are grown by Earth wizards that have become master fletchers. They grow their arrows and their bows. This was not made in Keltan. It wouldn’t have these age lines here. If I happen to remember right, there was a peddler caught for passing off goods of high quality and trading them for cheap prices. Nonetheless, a master fletcher should have been able to tell me what type of bow this is. I believe this was made in north Melcran, where they have lots of yew, but no wizards preside there to make Keltan quality bows.” Atmos knocked the arrow and pulled the string tight to his cheek and let the arrow fly hitting a wood stand for paintings some seventy five feet away. The arrow stuck into the center of the wood and landed with a solid thunk. “Well that is a fine arrow. OIt flew straight and didn’t wobble in the air. I think I could use more craftsmen of your quality whether or not you are Master Crescent. I offer you a position making arrows for my army.”

  Bowie breathed deeply before taking his bow back, “I will have to decline then sire. I was hoping for a chance to become an archer in your army instead. I have some skill in archery, if you would like to see.”

  “There is no need boy. Captain Lorusk, when we are finished here you will take this boy into your company to be tested and trained as an archer. Boy, if you wish to survive in my army you had best teach others to make that quality of arrow to help better protect yourself.”

  “I will do my best to prove myself worthy, sire,” Bowie bowed deeply and moved over to stand behind the Captain near the room’s wall.

  “Now that my curiosity is satisfied, let us hear your report on the Fire Realm Wizard Parker,” Atmos retook his seat.

  Brent cleared his throat, “I have found very little of any evidence of travel by the Fire Realm, other than the movements in Gulrich. I found a trail burnt into the land leading out to the south towards the Fire Realm. The path stayed just outside of visibility of the populace, as we expected. No lords or mayors reported any activity concerning the Fire Realm
. The encounter at Gulrich was dealt with. There was one wizard and one armor bearer. Kilen, the weapon bearer before you, and Master Crescent were able to eliminate them and bring back this bracer.” Kilen didn’t lift his head from his still kneeling position and cringed at the attention being placed upon him. Brent held out the fire bracer before him and the Captain moved to hand it to the King, who rolled it over in his hands before questioning Brent.

  “I was written to by the Mayor of Basham that you subdued a fire wizard there after they almost burnt a tavern to the ground.”

  “That fire wizard is the one in the litter. Her name is Kara. I happen to come upon her awakening and put out the fire to subdue her. The event took most of the rest of my energy to accomplish.”

  “So it was one of the Water Realm’s own and not the Fire Realm that damaged Basham.” Atmos turned to Calvin, “We can remove that pin from our map of attacks.” Turning back to Brent, “Fine tell me of this girl.”

  “The wizards name is Kara, she is from Humbridge and was being accompanied by Master Crescent and Kilen during her awakening. I had not enough energy to maintain her under newly awakened conditions, so I imbued Kilen’s blade so that he would help me bring her here. They have graciously agree to join your army in order to pay for her training in the fire house.” Brent awaited the King’s next set of questions. Kilen held his breath and waited for the King to speak. Everything was going as planned, and better than expected.

  “I will accept them both into the army in one fashion or another but a weapon of that stature does not need to be handled by an untrained child. Captain Lorusk you will be the blade’s new owner. Please come and take the weapon.” Lorusk quickly stepped up to Kilen as he rose from his kneeling position. Kilen reeled at the thought that his father’s blade would be taken from him. The determination of the earth magic to keep his father’s blade leapt to the fore front of his mind. The fog started to reduce the room’s visibility. The ground shook ever so slightly before being stopped by a wall of earth magic. Kilen’s blue and gold swirling eyes looked from king to Wizard Calvin whose eyes were a dark green and watching Kilen fiercely. The Wizard Advisor was the magic wall that kept the room from shaking down on top of them.

  Brent stepped in front of Kilen, “No one is taking your blade from you. Remember to control the magic Kilen. Do not let it control you. I told you we would have to talk about the blade and your father. Please let me do that.” Feeling a small relief of stress leaving after Brent’s words, Kilen let the fog go and stopped pushing against the wall of Calvin’s magic. His eyes still swirled green, blue, and gold. The King’s face had turned red in anger and he placed the bracer he still held down on the table next to him. Atmos unclenched his jaw at Kilen’s obvious display of defiance.

  “If you imbued the blade under my direct orders not to then the blade is mine, Wizard,” Atmos shouted at Brent!

  “My king, the boy’s blade was his fathers and was imbued by your First Wizard himself. When I imbued the blade I did not know that it already contained an earth mark,” Brent said pleadingly to the king.

  The grayed wizard stepped forward, “Which blade did I imbue? Whom was the owner of the blade, that thinks so highly of himself to receive the privilege of gaining magic from me?” All of the men turned to look at Kilen, who was still trying to keep his determination from forcing himself not to fight his way from the room with his blade and rings intact.

  “My father was a scout to you,” he stuck his chin in the First Wizard’s direction. “I have heard many stories of your heroism, but I see none now.” The last bit Kilen chastised himself for. It was pure magic speaking the harsh words. The chastisement helped him to unclench some of his muscles and relax. “I apologize my lord, the determination creeps up on me now and then.” Back under control Kilen dropped his chin to his chest as if he were being yelled at by his father.

  The king ignored his words, “Your father’s name boy, what is it?”

  “His name is Dylan. He was a scout for Wizard Calvin when the Water Realm fell to your fathers hand sire.”

  Calvin spoke in astonishment, “Your father was Dylan Everheart?” The king and wizard approached Kilen, Calvin taking Kilen’s chin in hand, looking at him with much scrutiny until they found what they were looking for.

  “He is Dylan’s son,” the wizard spoke first and the King nodded his head reluctantly. “The blade belongs to him by wizard law my lord, passed from father to son.” The king nodded in agreement, seemingly disappointed in losing an elemental blade. The wizard moved close to the King and spoke quietly into his ear.

  Brent spoke before the King could react to his father’s words, “My king, I didn’t know that his blade already contained one mark when I imbued it. I have already spoken to Kilen and he told me that he relinquishes his rights to land and lordship that is involved with two marks on the blade. He wishes to be only a weapon bearer and to be trained as his father was, to be a scout in your army.”

  The king rubbed his chin, looking between Kilen and Brent before speaking, “If he wishes to be a scout he will have to pass all the training just like any other. If he fails to be of use to me in my army as a weapon bearer, he will agree to give up the blade in exchange for payment of his sisters training.”

  “He is my weapon bearer and as such I agree to the terms fore set, on condition that if he should fail he be allowed to keep his two earth rings. I request that he be trained and treated as a weapon bearer throughout that training as it is his inheritance.” Brent anxiously awaited the King’s answer, sticking his hands into the sleeves of his robes.

  “Capitan Lorusk, I apologize I am not able to give you the blade that I was hoping to. I know you already process a single water and earth armor already, until I can obtain the proper weapon for you will you accept this fire bracer instead?”

  Before the captain could speak Calvin spoke to the king, “Actually, under wizard law that bracer still belongs to Brent as his weapon bearer took it from the defeated enemy. It would belong to Kilen but he was not fully trained and therefore cannot obtain anymore elements until he can control what he has. After his display of earth and water here I would say that he has not fully mastered his current elements.”

  Brent kneeled before the king, “The bracer I give willingly to you king, as a token of apology for the imbuement of Kilen’s blade before I had inspected it.”

  “It is a start, Wizard Parker. You had better hope this boy proves worthy of the blade.” King Atmos handed the bracer to Captain Lorusk, “Take the arrow maker from the moon and get him settled with the other arriving trainees.” Captain Lorusk slammed his fist against his chest and Bowie bowed deeply before they departed out a side door of the throne room. “Guards, take the girl to the fire house. She is not an enemy.” Kilen moved to his sister and kissed her feverish forehead before they carried her away, then stroked the blue ribbon hanging from his sword between his finger and thumb. The king sat in his chair once more, waiting for the room to be clear. “I suppose that you would like me to disregard his town’s taxes for the year because he has chosen to volunteer.” Kilen took note of the King not addressing him personally, but spoke anyways.

  “There has already been a volunteer from Humbridge, my lord. Twilix came and imbued my rings while she was there.”

  King Atmos spoke in an authoritative voice, it echoed throughout the massive arches. “Kilen, the trainers you will study under will not all be elemental bearers or wielders. You will treat them as if they bear magic in each of their own skills. You will not disrespect any of my trainers or your training will be at an end. You will pass one class a week without fail or your training will be at an end. I will assign you a mentor, as you will be a weapon bearer. If you disobey him or can’t perform the tasks he requests, your training will be at an end. If your training ends, your sword will be mine, but I will continue to watch over your sister until she can return to you. Do you agree to these terms, Kilen?”

  “I agree my king,” Kilen
said without hesitation.

  “Good. Brent you will take Kilen and seek out Jace. He will be his mentor. While you are taking him, stop by the traitor’s bowls and let him know the fate that befalls traitorous magic users. Dismissed!”

  Bowie rushed to keep up with the long-legged Captain Lorusk. He didn’t know how the man could move so fast with all the armor on. Then he remembered to look at the Captain’s shoulder. There a shield pin held his cloak in place. Captain Lorusk was an armor bearer, Bowie knew that was where his extra strength came from allowing him so move so fast. Lorusk lead him through the winding halls and out a door opening into a vast field behind the castle.

  “The west wall is where the soldiers and trainees live. I would avoid the soldiers until you finish your training and can reside there yourself. If you pass your training,” Lorusk chuckled. “On the east wall is the armor and weapon bearer’s barracks. You will stay away from there unless you are summoned by one. On the north wall you will find the classrooms for the entire training that you will receive. You will want to have a look around so that you aren’t late for your classes. All around the grounds are the training fields. You should be able to find which field you are supposed to report to by the type of weapon laying in the racks around them.”

  Lorusk kept up his grueling pace through the training fields and towards the trainee’s barracks. They passed close to four large black steel pots with lids. Each of the pots had a large tower and pulley system surrounding it. One of the towers was considerably larger, towering three hundred feet into the air.


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