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Lost in Time (Forever and Always #20)

Page 14

by E. L. Todd

  “You shouldn’t even see them anymore,” Peter said bluntly. “They obviously have no respect for you.”

  “Yeah…I’ve been thinking about it.”

  Peter turned to me. “Hazel, I like this guy. Keep him around.”

  “You don’t even know him,” she said with a laugh.

  “But I heard the way he defended you,” Peter said. “That’s the kind of guy I want for my little sister.”

  I put my arm around her waist. “She’s in good hands, man.”

  He raised his beer to me. “I can tell.”

  We mingled with Hazel’s brother and his friends for the rest of the night. They were all down to earth and funny. It was definitely a nice change in environment compared to seeing Hazel being attacked by her parents. Their familial relationship was the oddest thing I’d ever seen. Even when my brother was being a total ass, my parents still respected him and loved him. I honestly suspected her parents didn’t even love her.

  By the end of the night, I was ready to get the hell out of there. I wasn’t going to bother saying goodbye to her parents. They could go to hell.

  Her brother walked us out. “Thanks for coming.”

  “Of course,” Hazel said. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  “I have a surprise.” A twinkle was in his eyes.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I got a job in the city. It’s for a firm in Manhattan.”

  “That’s so awesome!” She hugged him tightly. “Congratulations.”

  “Now we can see each other more often,” Peter said.

  “Do Mom and Dad know?”

  “No,” he said with a laugh. “I’m telling them the day I leave so they don’t have time to talk me out of it.”

  “This is so great,” Hazel said. “Now I can see you all the time.”

  “Whoa.” He held up his hand. “I don’t know about all the time. Now I’m a rich bachelor. I’m going to be busy with the honies.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Let me know when you’re getting settled.”

  “I will.” He kissed her forehead. “And don’t let those idiots make you question your worth. You’re a beautiful and smart girl. Maybe one day Mom and Dad will finally see that.”

  Her eyes softened and she hugged him again. “Thanks.” After she ended their embrace, she stepped away.

  I extended my hand and shook his. “Thanks for the evening.”

  “No problem. Any guy that’s willing to put up with that horseshit is already awesome. I hope to see you around in the city.”

  “Come over for dinner sometime. Hazel and I live together.” I wasn’t going to keep that a secret.

  “Wow.” He nodded slowly. “So this is serious?”

  “Very,” I said simply.

  He smiled. “Good. I’m glad my sister finally found a guy that isn’t a total dweeb. I’m not sure why my parents liked Kyle. I always thought he was an ass.”

  “You can obviously read people better than they can,” I said.

  “Apparently.” He patted my shoulder. “I’ll see you soon.”

  We got into the car then drove to the hotel. She and I were quiet on the drive, neither one of us having anything to say. I hated her parents and she already knew that. I wouldn’t talk to them again and I certainly wouldn’t let her either.

  After we checked into the room, we got ready for bed. Judging her body language, I knew she wasn’t in the mood to make love. That was fine with me. I assumed that would be the result of the family gathering.

  I turned off the lights then held her in bed, the darkness surrounding us. A word hadn’t been spoken since we left.



  “Thank you.”

  I kissed the back of her neck. “You don’t need to thank me for anything.”

  “You’ve put me back together. I never thought it was possible, but you did. I used to hate myself, never really understanding why. When people treated me like shit, I let them. It’s been ingrained in me since I can remember. You’re the first person who’s come along and reminded me that I was worth something, that I had something to offer the world. You make me feel beautiful when I thought I never could. You make me feel loved when all I’ve ever felt was used. You make me…happy.”

  I held her against my chest, silently comforting her.

  “I just…I appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.”

  “Now you know what it’s really like to be loved.” I pressed my lips to her ear. “I will make up for every tear and every pain you’ve ever felt. I will make you happy every single day of your life. And I will love you passionately and violently—forever.”

  “Thank god.” A sniff escaped her lips. “Because you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  “You have it the other way around, baby. One day you’ll see what I mean.”

  She fell silent in my arms, her sniffing gone.

  I listened to the sound of her breathing, waiting for her to drift off to sleep. When she was in slumber, I took a deep breath and stilled my own tears. Knowing how much she was emotionally abused killed me. Now I understood everything about her. Every thing made sense. But she would never feel that way with me. I would make sure of it.

  The Final Installment of the Forever and Always Series

  Closing Time

  Release Day: TBA

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