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Alone With Alexa (An Erotic Romance)

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by Virginia Wade

  Alone With Alexa

  By Virginia Wade

  Copyright © 2012 Virginia Wade

  All Rights Reserved.

  Published by I Love Stacy

  Smashwords Edition

  Virginia Wade


  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this book is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.

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  Chapter One

  The first time I met Ryan…

  My mother approached me in the kitchen one evening. “Alexa, I want you to meet someone special. I want you to meet Ryan.”

  “I figured.”

  “He’s…really wonderful.”

  “Cool.” It was about time she found someone. My positive reaction pleased her because her smile broadened.

  “I wanted to make sure before I brought him home.”

  I’d only met one of her other boyfriends before, and he hadn’t lasted more than two months. “You seem happy, mom.”

  “I am. He’s a really nice man, Alexa. He never had kids because his wife couldn’t and then she had that illness.”

  “I’m not exactly a kid anymore.”

  “No, honey, you’re not. Your birthday’s coming up. I still have to plan your party.”

  I shrugged. “Don’t make a fuss. Ice cream cake is all I want.”

  The doorbell rang. “Oh! That would be him.”

  Alarm raced through me. “He’s here now?”

  “Ah, yes. I…he’s a little early. He was going to take us to dinner.”

  I didn’t know I would be meeting Ryan at this very minute. “Okay. Whatever. Bring Mr. Fabulous in.”

  She laughed and hugged me. “Oh, you’re gonna love him. He’s amazing.”

  “If you say so.” I followed her to the door, where a tall, dark haired man stood behind the screen. His hands were in his pockets, and a smile was on his face. He was younger than a lot of the other men she dated, although I had never met most of them. I frequently overheard her discussing her love life with her girlfriends.

  “Come on in.” She pushed open the door. “I want you to meet Alexa. Alexa this is Ryan.”

  He held out his hand. “Hi. It’s good to finally meet you.”

  I was struck dumb. As I gripped his warm skin, my mouth parted slightly, the words of greeting on my tongue, but I couldn’t get them out. My tummy flipped over and tingled, which was odd. His was the most pleasing male face I had ever seen, the strong jaw, the perfectly proportioned nose, and deep blue eyes that blazed with humor and interest.

  “Well, this isn’t a good start, now is it?” His smile grew.

  “I…um…h-hi.” Omigod! I’m such a dork! He withdrew his hand, which was a shame. It had felt strong and warm and…soft.

  “I don’t bring a lot of men over,” said my mother. “She’s a little flustered.”

  “We have a six-thirty reservation at the restaurant. We’ll get to know one another better over dinner.”

  He smelled incredibly good; the citrus, woodsy quality of his cologne teased my senses. I stared up at him, noting that his height made the room seem small. Our little townhouse hadn’t seen a lot of male company, especially someone with such broad shoulders. I didn’t realize I was staring, until he pointed it out.

  “I’m not what you were expecting, huh?”

  “How do you mean?” Mom glanced at me sharply.

  “You’re kinda hot for an old guy,” I whispered.

  A peal of laughter escaped him. He grinned, flashing straight white teeth. “Thanks.”

  My mother gave me a look.

  From the first moment of our awkward introduction, I knew my life would never be the same again. The feelings I had experienced on that initial meeting had grown, plaguing me, haunting my waking dreams and stirring my desires, which frequently kept me up at night, burning with need. And now a year later, I was a confused and jumbled mess, wanting something that wasn’t mine, and worse, utterly forbidden.

  I loved Saturday mornings because I would slip into mom’s bed and squirm my way between her and Ryan. She found it annoying, but I used the opportunity to get close to him, sometimes snuggling right into the warmth of his chest. He would groan slightly and turn his head. This allowed me to stare at the side of his face. I loved the way his chin looked with the little cleft in the middle and a day’s worth of stubble darkening the skin.

  “God,” moaned my mother. “What time is it?”


  “Ugh.” She threw her leg over the side of the bed. “I’m jumping in the shower.”

  She was meeting a girlfriend to go antiquing. While the shower ran, I stared at Ryan’s profile, never tiring of his face. He seemed to sense my appraisal, an eye opening. Rolling into me, he pulled me to him, and I snuggled into the musky warmth of his chest. Sighing with bliss, I closed my eyes and fell asleep. When I woke, I was alone in the bed, my nightgown having bunched up near my lower back, exposing tanned legs and pink panties. The smell of coffee lingered in the house.

  I went to my room to change, pulling up a pair of shorts, fastening my bra, and tossing a t-shirt over my head. I ran a brush through my long, straight blonde hair, staring at myself in the mirror. I knew I was pretty, because I received a lot of attention from the opposite sex, especially over the last two years since my breasts had grown, but I couldn’t seem to get Ryan to notice me. Sometimes I felt ashamed for even trying. Mom was so happy with him, and I adored him because he treated her like a queen, and I, his little princess.

  I found him at the kitchen table on his laptop. He glanced at me. “Hey, squirt.”

  “Morning.” I opened a cabinet and retrieved a cereal bowl. “What are we doing today?”

  “I gotta clean out the garage. I was supposed to do it last weekend.”

  “Ooohh…ex-cit-ing.” He laughed at that. I poured cereal into the bowl and added milk, bringing it over to the table. I ate while staring at him, which was a favorite activity. He wore a blue t-shirt with a Harley-Davidson logo embossed on the front. “I could help you, if you want.”

  He smiled. “Yeah? Great. I gotta move a bunch of boxes and organize stuff.”


  It was hotter than hell with a high humidity index. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and stepped into white and pink sneakers. Ryan had the radio on in the garage, with a portable fan blowing, but it did little to alleviate the heat. He had moved a variety of items from the shelves.

  “These are going to the dump. Can you put ‘em in the back of the truck?”

  “Sure.” He began breaking down boxes. Mom and I had moved in with him six months ago.

  “Take this too.” He handed me an old suitcase.

  “Okay.” We worked for the better p
art of an hour, rearranging things and sweeping away cobwebs. I struggled to move a heavy box, bending to pick it up.

  “Lemme help you with that.”

  “What the hell is in here?”

  “God only knows.”

  I stacked packages of nails and screws inside a cabinet. Closing the door, I caught my pinky, pinching it. “Ouch!” Pain flared, sending tears to my eyes. “Oh, shit!”

  “Lemme see.” He sat on a crate and pulled me onto his lap. He took my hand, examining my finger. “You’re gonna bruise pretty good.”

  “It hurts.”

  “You should put some ice on it.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck. “I will.”

  He patted my back. “You can quit now if you want. You’ve been a real help. Don’t you have somethin’ better to do anyway?” Being this close to him was the only thing I desired. He smelled of muskiness mixed with perspiration, but I loved it. His bristly beard scratched my cheek. “Honey?”


  “Hop on off. Go get yourself some ice.”

  Reluctantly, I disengaged myself and stood. “You want a soda?”

  “That’d be nice, thanks.”


  Later that evening, I helped mom make dinner. I was skilled at making spaghetti Bolognese, which wasn’t hard to do. Ryan was easy to please where food was concerned, since he ate everything that was placed before him. He was always extra appreciative when I made brownies. I drained the noodles, the steam rising from the water. I placed the salad bowl in the middle of the table.

  “Thank you, Alexa,” said my mother.

  “You’re welcome.”

  I felt as if I were being scrutinized for some reason, but when I turned around, they were otherwise occupied, Ryan with his laptop and mom with her phone. After the food was on the table, we ate in comfortable silence; the only sound was of a lawnmower droning on in the background.

  I got up to put the dishes in the sink. “I’ll get that,” said mom. “You’ve done enough.”

  “Okay.” I had to use the bathroom, and I hustled out of the room, only I had forgotten my phone. I was halfway up the stairs, when I turned around and went back down.

  “I don’t know what you’re accusing me of,” said Ryan.

  I slid to a halt by the kitchen door, listening.

  “You were totally staring at her.”


  “I saw the way you looked at her.”

  “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about, honey.”

  “Maybe you don’t realize it, but you were looking at her.”

  “No more than I look at anyone else.”

  “This was different.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ! What’s the matter, Kris?”

  “It’s just the shit that’s been going on.” She sounded irritated. “She’s always touching you and flirting with you. You do nothing to stop her. I’m gonna talk to her about it.”

  There was a lengthy pause. I pressed my forehead to the doorframe, wondering what was going to be said next.

  “I think you’re reading way too much into nothing.”

  “This morning. You were sleeping together. You were holding her in your arms. Every fucking Saturday it’s like that. It’s disturbing.”

  He sighed. “Lock the door then. She won’t be able to come in.”

  “Ryan…I want you to tell me something. I have to know. Is there…are you—”


  “But you want to. Don’t you?”

  “Kris…I’m just a male figure in her life. That’s all I am. I can’t help it if she’s attached to me. Why don’t you talk to her about it? I don’t even think she realizes how she comes across. Maybe she’s lonely?”

  “She’s grown up so much over the past year. I know you see it.”

  “I have no control over what somebody else does or doesn’t do.”

  “Could you at least discourage her?”


  A chair scraped on the wood floor. I prepared to run.

  “Never mind.”

  “Don’t be pissed.”

  “It’s too late. I am pissed.”

  I took the stairs and dashed to my room before I was seen.

  Chapter Two

  My mother never did speak to me about Ryan, and I was glad she didn’t, because I would have confessed that he was all I ever thought about, and that the happiest part of my day was waking to find him in the kitchen, dressed in a suit, ready to go to work. The second best part of my day was when I heard the garage door opening around six o’clock when he came home. Mom typically arrived twenty minutes later. It was summer, and, besides my part-time job at the movie theater, I occupied myself with Xbox LIVE and hanging out at the pool with friends. I had achieved the perfect shade of bronze, my skin glowing from the effects of the sun.

  On the following Saturday, I was surprised to find their bedroom door unlocked, but disappointment registered when the sleeping form on the bed was my mother. The shower ran in the adjoining bathroom, and I tiptoed to the door, as the water suddenly ceased. I peeked through the crack and gasped. Ryan’s wet, naked form was on full display. He was drying his hair with a towel, but it was his broad shoulders, toned chest, and the flatness of his belly that had my attention. Tendrils of dark hair covered him, especially his groin, where to my amazement, his penis jutted out, looking pale and rigid. He must have sensed that he was being observed, because he glanced in the direction of the door. Our eyes met for a moment, until I moved away and returned to my room, feeling like my tummy was about to burst wide open with pleasurable tingles.

  We were going to spend the day at the lake, and I rushed to get ready. Ryan didn’t mention what had happened to my mother, for which I was grateful. I knew it was wrong…but I couldn’t seem to help myself. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw him naked. This sent little shivers through me. Mom packed the cooler with drinks and sandwiches. We piled into the truck and drove to the lake, with the windows down and wind blowing hair into my face. I caught Ryan staring at me in the rear-view mirror, making the tingles in my tummy return with a vengeance. Was he thinking of this morning? I certainly couldn’t forget it. After we parked, we found a spot on the sand and opened the portable chairs. Mom put down a blanket. There were families in the water and people lying out, getting tanned. I could have invited my friend, Rebecca, but I wanted to focus all of my attention on Ryan.

  “Can you get my back?” mom asked.

  “Sure.” I squirted sunscreen onto her pale skin.

  “I’m taking a canoe out. Who’s gonna join me?”

  “I will.”

  Ryan smiled slightly. “How about you, honey?”

  “I’m going to relax for a while, if you don’t mind.”

  “Looks like it’s just you and me, squirt.”

  That thought pleased me endlessly. “Yep.”

  He sat on the blanket, Indian style. “Can you get my shoulders?”

  I watched as mom rubbed the lotion into his skin, wishing my hands were touching him. I glanced at the sand, moving it around with my fingers.

  “You should get yourself, Alexa.” She handed me the sunscreen.

  “Thanks.” I lifted the t-shirt over my head and took my shorts down, revealing a light blue bikini. Ryan’s eyes were on me.

  “That’s last year’s bathing suit, isn’t it?” asked mom.

  “Yeah.” I rubbed the lotion into my arms.

  “We need to go shopping.”

  “I love shopping.” I grinned at Ryan, who eyed me.

  “That top’s hardly adequate.”

  I massaged the lotion over the exposed masses of my boobs, the flesh jiggling with the contact. Instinct told me that men liked them, and Ryan was no exception. That was why I only wore V-neck t-shirts.

  I gave him the lotion. “Can you get my back?”


  My hair was in my hands, being lifted up. The feel of his fingers on me sent a j
olt of awareness straight into my tummy, where a distracting buzz began. The contact was far too brief, and, before I knew it, he was done. Disappointment registered, but I swallowed it.

  “Grab a hat, and let’s get a canoe.”


  Mom lay back on the blanket. “Have fun.”

  “We will.”

  “Bring some water with you.” She handed me a bottle.

  “Thanks.” I followed Ryan to the dock, where we paid for a canoe. He gave me a lifejacket, which I refused to take. “No. I’m good.”

  “Take it.”

  “Ugh. Come on. I know how to swim.”

  “I don’t care.”

  I eyed the bulky orange vest with disdain. “This sucks.”

  “You have to wear it.”

  It would hide my boobs completely. “This is so stupid.”

  He grabbed a set of oars. “You gonna help me row?”


  “Yes you are.” He smiled, the edges of his eyes crinkling. “Come on, Alexa. Don’t look so bummed.”

  “I can’t get a tan with this stupid thing on.”

  “It’s the rules.” He whispered in my ear, “Maybe you can take it off on the lake. But these guys won’t let us on, unless we’re wearing them.”

  I perked up. “Okay.”

  We climbed into the canoe and situated ourselves, while Ryan released the line. His paddle sliced through the water. “Get the other side.”

  “Sure.” I was eager to get away from the rental shack, so I could take the bulky life jacket off. The lake was a lengthy rectangular shape, and there were areas that were completely cut off from the noisy shore. Twenty minutes later, when the shack was a tiny blip in the distance, I removed the jacket.

  “If you drown, your mom will kill me.”

  “Not gonna happen.” He continued to paddle gently, the water lapping against the side of the craft.

  “You’ve got quite a tan.”

  It pleased me endlessly that he noticed that. “Thanks.” His attention paused on my chest, and then he looked away.


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