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Hannah's Story (Sinful Submissions)

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by Ed Bemand


  Foreword by the author

  One: The first time Hannah fell in love

  Two: When Hannah and Jen were together

  Three: When Hannah wanted what Jen couldn't give her

  Four: What Hannah's husband didn't mind but Hannah did


  Hannah's Story


  Sinful Submissions: Why Hannah decided she liked cocks but kept wanting something else

  By Ed Bemand

  © Words and pictures copyright Ed Bemand & Waerloga 2013

  All rights reserved.

  This story should be considered a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is entirely coincidental.

  Warning, this story includes graphic sexual content and is intended for adults only.

  Odi concubitus qui non utrumque resolvunt. Hoc est cur pueri tangar amore minus.

  I hate sex where both sides don't get to cum. That's why I don't like fucking boys.

  Ovid, Ars Amatoria, Book 2 Part 18

  Foreword by the author

  This present story is of Hannah and a few of the significant moments in her life. While it shares no specific connections, I consider it a continuation of the stories included in my book Sinful Submissions. These stories reflect on the nature of sin and passion through the stories of many lives and the price that people pay for getting what they want.

  The reason that I have taken it upon myself to tell these tales and the manner in which I have gained the knowledge of them are better explained elsewhere but those curious may wish to seek out Sinful Submissions, which is available as a book and a Kindle ebook, or indeed the forthcoming follow-up, Succumbing.

  Hannah's is a love story but that is not to imply it is a story of Hannah's love for just one person, for she was a woman who embraced love where she found it. If in some moments it is necessary that the details of her love must be rendered explicit, that is to serve the integrity of this document in the telling of Hannah's story.

  That it may evoke prurient interest is simply because life does. Those who are living it appreciate that it is only natural and that to neglect to share the details would be to neglect to tell the story.

  If a few may gain pleasure from its telling then that is satisfaction enough. The manner in which they gain that satisfaction will not be called into question.

  One: The first time Hannah fell in love

  Hannah could vividly remember the very first time she ever saw Jen. It was during the confusion and disorientation that was her first week at university. Jen wasn't much taller than her but she somehow managed to look so much more composed. She was wearing a top that exposed the lean muscles of her arms and the tattoos that encircled them.

  Without thinking about it Hannah found herself turning, watching Jen as she made her way through the knots of people standing in the hall. She was so purposeful. She always seemed to know just which way to step and was able to progress smoothly through a crowd where Hannah knew that she herself would have been constantly stumbling and apologising.

  Hannah couldn't remember ever seeing another girl look so self-confident. She found it hard to imagine being able to stand up that straight, ready to look the world right in the eyes. Most of the time she preferred to look at the ground.

  That first glimpse of Jen left an indelible mark on her soul. She couldn't stop thinking about her afterwards.

  Hannah saw Jen in passing a few more times after that in the days that followed. It wasn't a big university and it was normal to become at least slightly familiar with a lot of people quickly. It was easy finding out her name. She found herself mouthing it as she lay in bed at night, rubbing her virgin sex and driving herself to orgasm.

  At eighteen Hannah was shy and nervous. Though pretty she had never really done anything to emphasise it and she usually looked like she could have done with a bit more attention with a hair brush and a possibly more realistic understanding of clothes-sizing and the correct fit for garments to suit her. She was happiest in shapeless and baggy clothes and often wore hats that were big enough for her to hide under.

  The few friends that Hannah had had in school had been the same ones throughout. She had never been exactly outgoing and always found it difficult to know where to start with people socially. Sexually she was inexperienced and though she had learned to give herself pleasure when she was thirteen, she had never had a real boyfriend and the couple of fleeting moments of attempted intimacy that she had experienced had made her feel very uncomfortable. None of it came close to the sweet purity of love as she had imagined it, or even just the pleasures that she could bring to herself with her fingers and fantasies.

  It was Hannah that made the first move with Jen and walking up to her was possibly the most difficult thing that Hannah had done in her life up to that point. It wasn't much of a move, as she would have been the first to admit. It was in the student union bar. Hannah had been forcing herself to go there, however uncomfortable she felt surrounded by people. She didn't really drink and she found it hard talking to new people, but it was better than just sitting in her room alone all evening and staring at the walls.

  "Hi..." Hannah mumbled nervously. What else was she supposed to say?

  "Hi. You're new here, aren't you?"


  "I'm Jen. What's your name?"

  "H... Hannah." Even just saying her name was difficult, how was she supposed to express all the things that had been bouncing around inside her mind and driving her mad since she had first seen Jen?

  Hannah felt like Jen could tell what she was thinking just by looking at her, that she knew just how many times Hannah had fallen asleep with Jen's name on her lips and her own fingers caressing herself. She found herself blushing uncontrollably.

  It was perhaps for the best that Jen clearly wasn't someone that looked for the other person to take the initiative, otherwise the two would have stood there in awkward silence for hours. As it was, Jen was a girl who was very comfortable in herself and her desires. Hannah was a pretty girl and Jen could tell immediately that Hannah was attracted to her, so what possible reason could there be to not take her home and play with her?

  When Hannah was a young girl and inclined to fantasies of being a princess she had always pictured in her mind the handsome prince who would ride up and rescue her from whatever peril it was that she was trapped in. He would be handsome, of course, and brave and strong and he would want her for himself and would do anything to have her.

  Jen wasn't what she had pictured, but now, just a few scant years later, she could barely think of anyone else. But then, was Jen really so different from what Hannah had imagined? She was gorgeous and had such confidence and courage about herself, and she made it clear that she wanted Hannah, even if in her girlish fantasies the prince's intentions had never been quite so carnal.

  The first time they made love Hannah was too nervous to be a very active participant. Fortunately, Jen seemed happy to do most of the work. Jen pulled off Hannah's clothes and gradually discarded her own. She hungrily explored Hannah's body with her hands and mouth, not giving her the chance to say no. Hannah wanted Jen, even if she didn't know exactly in what way she wanted her. Her shyness made her want to hide but Jen wouldn't let her.

  Hannah returned her kisses eagerly enough but she really wasn't sure what she was supposed to be doing with her hands and those moments when Jen clearly did know what she was doing with her hands on Hannah's body were making it very hard for Hannah to really concentrate on any
thing. Jen smiled as she stroked lightly through the curls of hair over Hannah's pussy.

  "You prefer to stay natural?"

  Hannah blushed. It wasn't something that she had really put much thought into. She knew that some girl's did shave down there, of course, but it had never really occurred to her to do so. The feeling as Jen lightly ran her finger down the edge of Hannah's lips was enough to make her arch her back and moan softly. Jen kept smiling, enjoying watching her reactions. She licked her finger and lightly dipped it between Hannah's lips. She was deft and certain in her movements. Hannah was too absorbed in her pleasures to be embarrassed.

  A short and noisy orgasm, followed by a longer and even noisier one later and Hannah was left dozing contentedly. Jen was sat back in bed rolling a joint from her stash and feeling quite happy with the state of the world, even if she hadn't managed to climax herself during what had gone on. She could always deal with herself later if she was still in the mood.

  Jen had gathered that Hannah was very inexperienced when they had first spoken but she had assumed that she would at least have had some experience. She might have been more careful in her choice of lover if she had realised that Hannah was truly a virgin. Usually there was too much risk of emotional complications with virgins. As a rule Jen preferred to do what she did with people that had the experience to understand what was happening and not try to make something of it that it wasn't.

  Hannah wasn't exactly a first and only for Jen. She had been there for three years and had already had pretty strongly held ideas about who she was when she had first come to university. At last count she had slept with sixteen girls and five guys since being there, the most recent being the previous weekend. Mostly it was pretty casual stuff and so far none of the guys had been given a second chance. She didn't have any specific problem with guys that didn't have one with her but she had yet to find a cock that was worth going back to for more.

  Her female lovers that had proved rational enough to enjoy a good thing without bringing negatives into it she was happy to return to on occasion but she didn't like to feel like she was ever in a position that others were dependant on her. Her pleasures were supposed to be transient and casual, free of commitment and obligation, beyond the courtesy of attending to each other's pleasures as mutually as possible.

  Hannah had a look of adoration in her eyes when they awoke the following day and in part it made Jen wary, mostly though it just made her feel horny, and horny will triumph over wary more often than not. She was used to getting away quickly the morning after and it wasn't an unreasonable claim by her that she had to get to a lecture. Hannah was normally a diligent student but that morning she was too dazed to even think about getting up. She lay in bed for a long time after Jen left her. She brought herself to a powerful orgasm that still felt like just a pale echo of the pleasure that Jen had been able to stir in her. She had to see Jen again very soon.

  Hannah had looked extremely embarrassed when she sidled up to Jen later that day.

  "I'd like to... it's your turn, isn't it?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "You did so much for me and I... didn't really do anything for you."

  "And you'd like to do something for me?"

  Hannah nodded, finding it difficult to hold a level gaze with Jen, which was making her stare at Jen's breasts more than she might have intended to.

  "That sounds like fun."

  Hannah spent a long time stroking her hands over Jen's body. She felt tight and solid, strong but feminine. Despite the turmoil of sensations she had been going through last time she had been paying enough attention that she could now mimic what Jen had done to her. Fortunately, Jen enjoyed having done to her what she had enjoyed doing to Hannah. Hannah loved the feel of Jen's breasts and the way that the nipples pointed a little bit upwards. Her own breasts were bigger and heavier and hung lower. Jen said she liked them and Hannah was happy to take her word for it.

  Jen had got her first tattoo when she was seventeen and had added one a year since. The swirling pattern that covered her upper arm and trailed onto her shoulder was beautiful, but it was the small pictogram above her pussy that caught Hannah's attention the most. Jen told her that it represented strength. Hannah kissed it gently, hoping that it would grant her a fraction of Jen's self-possession.

  Though nervous and inexperienced, the kisses that Hannah scattered over the perfect smoothness of Jen's pussy were driven by passion and were enough to open the lips. She found herself remembering her handsome prince and the way that she had imagined him kissing her, as she locked her lips on Jen's and kissed hungrily, her tongue dipping between them, her face held close by Jen's strong thighs. Jen's grip tightened on her as she was consumed by paroxysms.

  Though it had been neglected in the caresses, Hannah's own sex was wet enough to drip and a few minutes after her pleasure had subsided Jen was recovered sufficiently to offer Hannah release with just a few deft movements of her fingertips.

  Two: When Hannah and Jen were together

  As they lay together drained from their love-making, Jen tried to tactfully warn Hannah that she wasn't really looking for an exclusive relationship with anyone. Though obviously uncertain Hannah wanted to have whatever she could of Jen. Having experienced her first delicious tastes of pleasure with her she couldn't imagine letting Jen go. Better to share her than to have nothing.

  The following night, Jen was due to have a liaison with an old friend and semi-regular fuck buddy. They had arranged it about a week ago, before she had met Hannah. She could have cancelled it but that would have made it seem too much like she was in something serious. Deep down she knew that she was mostly just doing it to prove that she could. She went along to it and made no secret of what she was doing to Hannah but her heart wasn't in it.

  Her mind kept wandering and she found it difficult to focus on the pleasure in front of her. Her friend was used to the peculiarities of Jen's mind and the sporadic nature of her passion and attention and didn't take it too personally. When pressed, Jen reluctantly admitted that she had someone else on her mind. Her friend was sensible enough to tell Jen what she needed to do. It sounded ridiculous at first but she couldn't deny that Hannah had stirred something unexpected in her. She left and went to find Hannah.

  It was late at night and Hannah was asleep. Jen was persistent and kept pressing the doorbell until Hannah answered the door in a dressing gown looking still half asleep.

  "Jen, what is it?"

  "Can I come in?"

  "Of course. Is something wrong?"

  Jen pushed passed her into the room and Hannah shut the door behind her. Jen practically flung herself at Hannah, kissing her hungrily.

  "Let's go to bed."


  There was a hunger and passion between them that night, they were both active participants, craving sensation and lusting for each other. Their bodies formed a circuit, each with her mouth against the other's pussy. It was a feedback loop. The pleasure they stimulated drove each to new heights and greater efforts. There was no place for shyness, fear or embarrassment.

  Afterwards they kissed, the juices of their passion mingling between their lips. They could taste the combination of their lusts on each other and they loved it.

  They lay curled in each other's arms, their bodies against each other, legs entwined, breasts pressed together. Their pussies touched and the lingering charge from before was rekindled. They found themselves moving with each other, exerting delicious pleasure as wet skin rubbed wet skin. Exhausted by passion's labours, they spent hours slowly rubbing against each other, drawing forth soft whimpers and moans from each other at each new climax. It was a long night and what sleep they had was fitful dozing. By morning they were lying together dazed and drained of all lust. Neither wanted to let go of the other. It felt as though they had poured out their very souls together.

  The next night, their fourth together, Jen introduced Hannah to her cock. It was a tool that she had great affection for
and had claimed many of her lovers with it over the last couple of years, female and male. Hannah giggled nervously when Jen first showed it to her. The dildo was detailed with the features of a real cock, if rather on the large size. It was made of some kind of plastic and it was bright pink in a shade that no human cock would ever want to be. Jen had always loved wearing it. It was attached to a leather harness and the back end of the dildo had a plug that entered Jen's pussy. She was able to guide the dildo in such a way that it gave both her and her partner wonderful sensations. She had also fucked herself with it in many idle moments, but preferred to be the one on the inside of the straps using it on other people.

  "Are you ready?"

  "I've never..."

  "This isn't that different from what we've done already. Don't you want to feel me in your pussy?"

  "I'm glad it's you."

  "Now lie back and open yourself for me, I want to fit my cock all the way inside you. Can you take it all?"

  Jen stroked Hannah's body with her fingers, parting her legs and gathering the moisture that was forming between them. She smeared Hannah's juices all over her pussy then positioned the head of her cock at her opening.

  "It's very long, isn't it?"

  "Thank you, but you can take it, can't you?"

  It took some persistence and effort, but she could. Hannah found a new pleasure as Jen fucked her. Slow strokes opened her pussy and let the cock push deeper into her. The pressure of the back of the dildo against her clit drove Jen to build intensity, fucking Hannah harder. They climaxed together and then lay entwined, the cock still buried inside Hannah.

  They spent a lot of time in bed together in the weeks that followed.

  Hannah took great pleasure in the perfect smoothness of Jen's pussy. She was tempted to emulate it and shave herself completely, but she found she preferred to keep the hair over her pussy, though she kept it trimmed and took care over removing stray hairs from around her lips.


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