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Little Shop of Hamsters

Page 6

by R. L. Stine

  It was my turn to be silent.

  I pictured myself popping candy after candy into my mouth. And then I remembered feeding them to Noah.

  I pictured all the little hamsters. I tried to imagine what it would feel like to have something eating up your insides.

  The thought made my whole body shudder.

  And then I heard loud laughter in my ear.

  It took me a few seconds to realize it was Mr. Dover, laughing his head off.

  “That was good!” he exclaimed when he finally stopped laughing. “Good story, kid. Hamsters turning mean because of our candy. I love it. Really.”

  “You — you were joking? You don’t believe me?” I asked in a shaky voice.

  “Are you having a party with a bunch of your friends?” Dover asked. “Making funny phone calls, right? You’re going to put this on the Internet?”

  “No. No way,” I said. “I —”

  He laughed again. He had a loud donkey laugh. Sort of “hee-haw hee-haw.”

  “I got you back,” he said finally. “I think maybe you believed that flesh-eating stuff. You’re not the only joker in the world, kid.”

  I took a deep breath. “Please listen,” I begged. “I’m not a joker. The candy —”

  “Can I send you a free candy refill?” Dover asked. “You gave me the best laugh of the day. An all-hamster store. Love it. Love it! You’ve got a great imagination, dude.”

  “But — but —”

  “Give me your name and address. I’ll send you a free refill.”

  “No thanks,” I said.

  I hung up.

  Well, THAT went well! I thought.

  I sat on the edge of my bed, rolling the Phoney-Phone box between my hands. I rolled it faster and faster. Then I crushed the box with both hands. Crushed it and tossed it against the wall.

  Now what?

  Was I really responsible for turning those fuzzy, cuddly little animals into vicious beasts?

  After school, I made my way to the Little Shop of Hamsters.

  I didn’t exactly hurry. It’s impossible to walk fast when your stomach feels as if it has a bowling ball inside it. And your legs are as shaky as jelly.

  I walked with my head down, hands stuffed in my jeans pockets. I kept going over and over how I would tell Mr. Fitz what had happened.

  I stopped in front of the shop. Clouds rolled over the sun, sending a blanket of shadow over the store. The sky turned dark — dark as my mood.

  I took a deep breath. I tried to fight back the fluttery feeling in my chest.

  Then I pushed open the door and stepped inside.

  Fitz sat on a tall stool behind the counter. He was reading a paperback book. He looked up as I walked in.

  “Mr. Fitz, I have to tell you something,” I said. My voice came out shaky and high. My tongue felt dry and as big as a hamster!

  I lowered my eyes. I stared at the floor. I couldn’t bear to look at him.

  “Something bad happened,” I said. “I had this candy dispenser, which I accidentally left in the hamster cage. Before I could get it back, the hamsters ate all the candy.”

  I kept my eyes down, avoiding his stare. “And the candy changed them, Mr. Fitz. I know it’s hard to believe about cute little hamsters. But the candy turned them mean. They growl and snarl now. And they bite and scratch. Really.”

  I shut my eyes. “Maybe you already noticed. Maybe you already saw the difference. I … I’m so, so sorry,” I stammered. “Really. It was all an accident. But I had to tell you. I think they’re ruined! I think I turned them into monsters or something!”

  Eyes shut, I waited for him to say something.

  Finally, he broke the silence. “Get in the cage, Sam,” he said. “Go ahead. Get in the cage.”

  “Huh?” I let out a gasp. I opened my eyes.

  And I saw the white earbuds in Mr. Fitz’s ears. He pulled them out, and I could hear loud, tinny music pouring out of them.

  I hadn’t really looked at him. I hadn’t seen that he had an iPod on the whole time.

  “Mr. Fitz?” I asked. “You didn’t hear a word I said — did you?”

  He rubbed the front of his apron. “No. Sorry. Better get in the cage and freshen up the wood shavings, Sam,” he said. “The hamsters are acting a little strange. I think it’s because the cage wasn’t cleaned yesterday. With so many hamsters, we have to clean it all the time.”

  “You don’t understand —” I started.

  Fitz dragged a big green bag across the floor. “Here are the fresh shavings,” he said. He dumped the bag into my arms. “Go to work, fella.”

  I had no choice.

  I glanced into the cage. I saw several of the little creatures watching me. They had their noses pressed up against the glass.

  Their eyes were wild. A few of them were gnashing their teeth. One clawed at the glass frantically with both front paws.

  My hand shook. I started to slide the cage door open. My heart was pounding like a drum machine.

  Am I heading to my DOOM?

  I put a shovel, a bucket, and the big bag of shavings into the cage. I slid the door open all the way. I took a deep breath and stepped in.

  At least a dozen hamsters turned to watch me. More of them came darting forward to join the others.

  I dropped to my knees and began to scoop old shavings into the bucket.

  The hamsters bunched close together. Their fur bristled. Their noses twitched furiously. They all began to growl menacingly.

  “Please — stop.” The words escaped my throat.

  Hamsters snarled and raked the air with their paws. Several tilted their heads back and uttered roaring growls.

  “Give me a break!” I cried. “Please —”

  They jammed forward. Like an angry mob.

  Their black eyes were wide, all trained on me. They snapped their teeth.

  On my knees, I turned and peered out through the glass. Was Fitz watching this?

  No. I saw him heading to the basement.

  “All alone,” I muttered.

  Hamsters lowered their heads, as if preparing to attack. Their low growls rang off the glass cage walls.

  Their fur stuck straight up on their backs. Down on all fours, their bodies tensed.

  And then I heard their paws scrape the cage floor. The wood shavings flew in all directions as the roaring hamsters attacked.

  I let out a cry and tried to scramble to my feet. But I stumbled and toppled onto my back.

  The snarling hamsters thudded closer, kicking up the wood shavings.

  I pulled myself to a sitting position — and tensed my whole body, preparing for their attack.

  But to my shock, they turned — and attacked EACH OTHER!

  As I gaped in horror, the furious hamsters wrestled, rolling over and over. They clawed at each other’s eyes. They scratched and bit and punched.

  “This … can’t be happening!” I murmured.

  Shrill wails of pain rose up over the snarls and fierce growls.

  A hamster lay on his back, kicking another hamster with all four paws. The other hamster dug his teeth into his opponent’s belly. Shrieking, the two rolled over each other.

  “STOP it! STOP it!” I screamed.

  I pulled myself onto my knees.

  The whole cage rang with wails and cries and furious growls.

  Hamsters flew at each other, biting and clawing. Hamster fur floated in the air like blowing snow.

  My first thought was to get OUT of there! Escape from the cage as fast as I could.

  But I knew I had to stop this.

  If Fitz saw this, I’d be dead meat. He’d have to close his store. And it would be all my fault!

  Would he sue my dad?

  I couldn’t run away. I had to break up this horrible battle. But how?

  I lurched forward and grabbed two wrestling hamsters. I pulled them apart. They clawed the air, squirming and twisting in my hands.

  I separated them. Set them down on opposite sides
of the cage.

  Then I tugged two more battling creatures apart. I lifted them high. They screeched and clawed.

  “OWWW!” I uttered a cry as one of them dug his teeth into my wrist.

  The hamster slipped from my hand.

  I shook my arm. I saw a few drops of bright red blood on the back of my hand.

  In front of me, four snarling hamsters were in a raging battle. They were head-butting each other, ramming each other hard. They uttered squeals of pain. But it didn’t stop their furious fight.

  I pulled one up off the cage floor. He clawed my hand.

  I felt a sharp pain at my ankle. “OWWW!” I spun around to see a hamster with his teeth dug into my leg.

  Another hamster leaped onto my shirtsleeve. A hamster climbed my leg and clung to my jeans pocket.

  Did he think the candy dispenser was in there?

  “OWWW!” I felt another bite on my leg.

  A hamster leaped onto the back of my neck. I felt him scratching at my head.

  I grabbed him with both hands and lowered him to the cage floor.

  “I’m not going to win this fight,” I murmured. “No way I can break this up.”

  There were too many of them. And they were too vicious.

  I had no choice. I had to get out of there. These hamsters could claw me to shreds!

  I tugged two more hamsters off my sleeve. I shook one off my knee.

  Then I spun around. I dove to the cage door. I grabbed the handle and pulled.

  It didn’t slide.

  “Hey!” I uttered a shocked cry.

  Two hamsters were climbing up my jeans.

  I shook them off and tugged the door again.

  Tugged it hard with both hands.

  “Got to get OUT of here!”

  I pushed it. I pulled it. I tugged with all my strength.

  But I couldn’t budge it.

  I was trapped in the cage.

  The door was jammed!

  I felt a sharp stab of pain on the back of my neck.

  It sent a cold chill that made my entire body shudder.

  I reached one hand back and pulled a hamster off my neck. I set him down on the floor. Two more hamsters scrambled up my arm.

  I let out a cry. I could feel them scratching and clawing on the back of my shirt.

  I twisted my body. I squirmed and shook, trying to toss them off me.

  But hamsters clung tightly to my shirt and my jeans. I heard a tearing sound as claws raked down my back.

  I was hunched on my knees. I tugged at my shirt. They had shredded it!

  Hamsters dug and clawed at my jeans pockets. I pulled another one from my hair.

  “No more candy!” I shrieked. I felt another sharp bite on my ankle. “No more candy! NO MORE!”

  But they swarmed over me. Their claws raked my skin.

  I tried the door again. Tugged with all my strength. But it wouldn’t slide … wouldn’t slide … wouldn’t slide.

  I need help, I told myself.

  Hamsters covered my legs. I could feel them crawling inside my jeans!

  Shaking them off, I dove to the glass cage wall.

  Through the front window, I saw Lexi out on the sidewalk. Showing up for work.

  “Lexi! HELP me!” I screamed through the glass. “HELP me! I need HELP!”

  She waved and smiled at me through the store window. Then she turned her back on me. Who was she talking to? I recognized two girls from school.

  “HELP ME!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I pounded the cage wall with both fists. “Lexi! Can’t you hear me?”

  She didn’t turn around. The two girls laughed about something. They kept on talking.

  “Lexi! Help me!” I wailed.

  Hamsters scraped the back of my neck. I could feel them rolling down my back. I let out a cry as a hamster bit my ear!

  “Lexi! I need your help!”

  I could see her right outside the shop door.

  I pounded on the glass. I shouted some more.

  Outside, the two girls laughed again and kept chattering away to Lexi. I saw Lexi wave to someone in a passing car.

  “Lexi! Help me! Help me!”

  I pounded the glass some more. Then I slid down to my knees, covered in hamsters.

  I shoved them off my neck. I pulled two out of my hair.

  I covered my head with my hands. But there was nowhere to hide, nowhere to escape.

  The hamsters snarled and growled and kept up the attack. They swarmed over me. Two of them scratched and scraped at my jeans pockets.

  “No more candy!” I cried. “No more!”

  The hamsters tore frantically at my pockets. If I batted one away, another took its place.

  I gasped as two hamsters ripped my jeans pocket completely off.

  I stared in disbelief. The candy gave these hamsters amazing strength!

  Then I noticed that something blue fell out of the missing pocket and hit the cage floor. It took me a few seconds to realize it was a couple of Insta-Gro Pets. The last two in the package.

  I’d forgotten all about them.

  What were they doing in there? Oh, yes. I’d stuffed them in there to keep them away from Noah.

  Hamsters clung to my arms as I grabbed for them. Hamsters scratched my hair, crawled up my back.

  Before I could pick them up, two hamsters raced from out of nowhere. They came hurtling out of a pile of wood shavings — and pounced on the little blue sponge animals.

  “NOOOO!” I screamed. I made a wild grab for them.


  And then I stared in horror as one of the hamsters stuffed an Insta-Gro Pet into his mouth and began to chew.

  “Nooooo!” I let out another hoarse scream as the hamster instantly started to grow.

  In two seconds, he had ballooned to the size of a cat!

  I grabbed for the second hamster. But another growling hamster leaped up and bit my hand.

  Howling in pain, I toppled forward. I swung my throbbing hand out — and grabbed the second hamster. I pulled the Insta-Gro Pet from his paws.

  I squeezed it tightly in my hand to keep it safe.

  Hamsters scratched the back of my neck and nipped at my hair and scalp. Hamsters swarmed over my arms … my legs.

  But I ignored them and stared at the growing hamster, bulging in front of me.

  As big as a German shepherd now, he rose up on his hind legs. He scratched the air with enormous paws. Bigger … Bigger …

  His belly bumped me hard — and sent me flying against the cage door.

  The wire door unjammed. I quickly slid it open.

  The hamster stretched … bobbed in front of me. Rose over me — at least eight or ten feet tall now.

  His eyes were the size of tennis balls. His paws as big as baseball mitts!

  And then, with a mighty heave, he shoved me out of his way and thundered to the open cage door.

  And squeezed out of the cage.

  He made a sick plop as his wide body hit the floor.

  I froze in horror. The creature was out! The creature was FREE!

  What would he do now?

  He opened his jaws in a deafening roar. He flailed the air with his huge paws.

  Then the hamster reached into the cage and GRABBED me.

  “Huh?” I uttered a startled cry.

  He dragged me out of the cage. Lifted me in the air as if I were as light as … as a HAMSTER!

  “Let me down! Let me down!” My frantic cries were high and shrill.

  I kicked my legs and tried to twist free.

  But the enormous creature raised me high off the floor and dangled me in one paw.

  “Lexi — help! HELP ME!” I screamed. “Lexi!!”

  I could see her out the front door, talking to her friends. She didn’t turn around.

  “Lexi! I need HELLLLP!”

  My scream cut off when the hamster swung me hard and slammed me into the wall.

  Ooof. The air shot out of my body. I struggled to catch m
y breath.


  The giant hamster swung me hard into the wall again.

  My head spun. Everything went bright yellow, then darkened to red.


  I knew I couldn’t take much more of this. A few more hits and I’d be out cold.

  I suddenly remembered. I still had the last Insta-Gro Pet squeezed tightly in my hand.


  I had no choice. I had to act fast. I had to fight this monster!

  So … I slid the blue spongy thing into my mouth — and swallowed it down.

  It tasted chalky. Like powder.

  I swallowed once. Twice.

  I let out a long burp. I could feel my stomach start to fizz and bubble.

  I felt sick. I burped again, a long sour burp.

  I heard a stretching sound. Like fabric ripping. My T-shirt went flying off me!

  “Hey!” the shop began to move. The glass cage was rapidly shrinking!

  No — wait. The cage wasn’t changing. I was!

  Yes. I was definitely stretching … growing longer … wider.

  The big hamster dropped me. I hit the floor with a hard thud.

  I climbed quickly to my feet. I bobbed unsteadily. I was so big, it was hard to catch my balance.

  “WHOOOOAAAAA!” My cry came out in a deep, bellowing roar.

  My toes ripped right through my sneakers. The top of my head was about to bang into the ceiling.

  I was a giant!

  Still growing?

  I took a deep breath. No. I’d stopped.

  Far below, my feet were enormous, poking out of my shredded sneakers.

  I raised my eyes in time to see the giant hamster leap at me. We were the same size now. Both giants!

  The hamster pressed his wide furry body against me and pushed hard.

  Pushed me against the wall.

  Pushed hard. His chest covered my face. I couldn’t breathe.

  He … he’s trying to SMOTHER me! I realized.

  I opened my mouth to take a breath — and swallowed fur.

  Choking, I wrapped my long arms around the beast’s middle and squeezed.

  The hamster let out a whoosh of air.

  I shoved him back. Turned my head and breathed. A long, deep breath.

  He lowered his head and came at me. Head-butted me. A jarring blow.


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