Rain (Stranger in the Woods Book 1)

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Rain (Stranger in the Woods Book 1) Page 9

by India R. Adams

  On my left or right?

  Behind me and on your right. Stand by.

  Morning Star sits patiently, even though I am sure her body wants to run from the threat headed straight for her. The Demons must believe that she is Rose. Normally, they will pick a spot and wait for the humans to go to sleep, but since they believe Rose is on the back porch and have every intention on killing her, they proceed.

  I skfen, Don’t forget to start your run on a slower pace at first. If Morning Star takes off at her normal speed, the Blood Demons will know she is not human, and we’d be back to square one.

  I sense the Demons on the edge of the woods watching her. Morning Star, start walking to me. Parker wants Morning Star farther from the house so it makes sense when she runs into the woods for cover instead of running inside her home. The Demons crouch, restless with excitement for the kill. I’m starting your countdown. Ready?


  I will be behind you, but no stopping once I unleash you.


  Okay, Five, four, three, two, one… As soon as I say one, two Blood Demons cross the barrier of Rose’s property. Morning Star glances at them, acting shocked and scared. The scared part probably isn’t an act. This is serious, and Morning Star knows it. If they get a hold of her, they will recognize what she is immediately and kill her for the trickery.

  Morning Star takes off running to her left into the woods at a human’s speed. It takes the Demons no time at all to start the chase. I jump out of the tree and squat in a defensive posture. The Demons stop to size me up and search for other Guardians. Once they see I am solo, more Demons appear from the woods. Here we go! Morning Star, pick up your pace a little. I’m starting to fight them.

  The original two Demons are to me first; I kill both. This angers the rest, just as I had hoped. They think I’m protecting Rose, so when I run, they do not hesitate to follow me into the woods for revenge and to murder Rose. Morning Star, I’m running. Full speed, now!

  Ryder. Be safe.

  I will play hell catching up to her now.

  After running for a little while, Morning Star skfens, Ryder, I hear music.


  I just passed someone. A fire.

  Just get to safety.

  I’m hoping Morning Star is confused because of nerves.

  It’s like flying, the way we glide over the earth at such a high speed. Running is a natural way for us to travel. The Demons must believe I am carrying Rose by this point because I sense them a ways behind me. They know Rose could never outrun them without my assistance. That is also the purpose of the first two kills of the night, a slight distraction.

  The music and voices Morning Star spoke of echo in my ears. I’m not worried. The Demons are masters at staying unseen in the shadows and are far too focused on Rose. They will easily choose to bypass the human activity.

  On top of a hill, I am shocked to see the forest fairies gathering ahead beyond another hill. At this point, I’m not going to deny any signs or help, so I head toward them. Morning Star is nowhere to be seen, and I cannot hear her Reflect any longer. She is out of danger and will reach the Warriors soon.

  As I run farther away from the noise, I see a dog racing toward me: Sam. My heart sinks. Somehow, Rose has been brought to the woods! She’s supposed to be at the diner! The wood fairies. That is what they are trying to tell me. I pick up speed and run right past Sam. He tries but cannot match my pace.

  I race over another hill at top speed, and the fairies disperse up into the sky. It is too late. I smell Rose right before I crash into her. The force of my hit knocks her body backward at such a force I’m scared I might have killed her frail, human body. I reach my arm around her waist and pull hard to keep her from falling. My poor Rose’s body stops from one direction and is forced to go another at a rate humans are not meant to withstand. Tomorrow, she will feel as though she has been in a car crash.


  My thoughts go from worry to complete and utter awareness of having her awake and so close to me. That is, until she opens her eyes, smacks my chest, and tries to break free of my arms. “Let go of me!”

  Her fight, her spirit amazes me. For a split second, I had thought she recognized me, but she struggles to be released. I can’t, half because she is in such danger and half because she feels so vibrant and alive in my arms. Releasing Rose is the last thing I want to do.

  “My friends heard me scream! They’re coming!”

  “You are with that group—why are you so far away from them? Why did Gunner let you out of his sight?”

  “How do you know? Never mind—let me go!”

  Her hands touching the skin on my chest is completely distracting. I’m angry with myself for not focusing on her safety instead of her beautiful hazel eyes full of strength—determination. And her scent! The more she squirms in my arms, the more it invades my nostrils, making me want to claim her. I can’t help it. My arms tighten, my organ grows, wanting her as close as possible. The need to shelter her is utterly powerful on its own, but now I have another strong desire to contend with. I’m supposed to be setting her free, not manifesting more needs! She wiggles against me, confusing my body even more. “No. Rose. They will see you.”

  Rose is not able to move her arms in my embrace. They are folded, trapped up against me, her little fists tight. “H-How do you know my name?”

  Screaming at myself, trying to get control, I can only say, “You’re not supposed to be here.”

  “Who—what are you talking about?”

  I feel the Blood Demons slowing their approach, sensing the trickery. The fact that they are not rushing Rose and me tells me they are enjoying my plan going awry. Looking over my shoulder, expecting to see them any moment, I mumble in frustration, “Gunner, why is she here?”

  “What? How do you know Gunner?”

  I peer at her to answer but become enthralled with her face, the way her nose crunches in frustration and how her eyes squint at me as if powerful, and how her jaw locks with such anger at being held against her will. And her lips—I can’t explain how something so small yet full can show such emotions as she spouts demands. If I was not already in love with her, her determination—right here and now—would have won me over.

  This only makes me want to fight harder for her because, unbeknownst to Rose, she is in dire need of my assistance. “Rose, we’re in a lot of trouble here. If you run, they will kill you.”

  That gets her attention. She stills. I didn’t realize how much she instinctively is not afraid of me until true fear crosses her face. I’m worried my words have thrown her into shock. I try to open up and touch her with my love, so she knows what I have to say is nothing but the most honest truth. I will die for her. “I won’t leave you.” Ever.

  Her body language suddenly changes. The fight demanding her release dissolves, and she leans to me—no, she melts to me. What is happening? Something changes in her. I feel a shift or recognition. Could it be? Does she see me? I have to touch her. My hand moves without my command and rests upon her sweet, sweet face. “Rose?”

  A miracle happens. Rose begins to cry so deeply I literally feel all the anguish she has experienced about not knowing whether or not I exist. Her chest heaves as tears roll down her face. Her hand rises and lies over mine resting on her cheek. “How—how do I know your touch?” She inhales. “Your smell—woodsy scent.”

  At that moment, I know all we’ve had together is real. This wonderful soul somehow recognizes me. My forehead leans to hers. “Oh, Rose.” And just like that, time as I know it goes still. A thick cloud of energy engulfs us, and there is nothing around me but Rose. I am instantly aware of her every gasp, breath, movement, touch, and even the temperature of her body. Her fresh spring water and magnolia scent grows even stronger.

  Something a
lso happens to her. Her crying dissipates. The light from the fairies that closely surround us reflects on Rose’s skin. Electricity shoots from her to me. My eyes momentarily close with the sensation. I drink in the feeling of her this way. I can’t stop it. The intoxicating waves ride straight into and through my soul. It dawns on me: she is Linking to me.

  Sam’s growl wakes me from my trance, and I realize I have pulled Rose even closer to me. The Linked male part of me wants to kiss her deeply, but the Tied part is connected to the protector in me. Being Tied, my purpose screams loudly. “Thank you, Sam. I’m on it.” The Blood Demons are upon us. Sam growls again, sensing them before they can be seen. “Shh, I need to buy us time ’til help comes.”

  “Help? But who—” Her body stiffens. Her heart roars. Then she shivers. My skin prickles, telling me the Demons have arrived, but is Rose sensing them? Her voice quivers. “I’m scared… Not of you.” Peeking around my arm, she gasps. Poor Rose is getting her first glimpse of true nightmares. Her natural flight mode kicks into gear. The worst thing she could do right now is leave my side.

  “No, Rose. Look at me. Look at me. That’s my girl. Search for what you just felt for me, and try to trust what your soul tells you.”

  “T-Trust—says… to trust you.”

  “Yes. Now you listen to that trust, and stay behind me while I fight them.”

  “F-Fight them? But—”

  “My brothers are coming, Rose.”

  I glance up, hoping to see them barreling through this forest like an army on fire, but they aren’t to be seen and can’t be reached by skfening. I’m on my own to protect my most valuable treasure—my brother and sister’s most valuable gift. With no other choice, I release Rose, turn to face all the Blood Demons coming for her, and pull out my knife to prepare for the battle of all battles. Rose gasps as the group suddenly doubles in numbers when Demons walk from the trees—then doubles again.

  The Demons group together. I swear they’re smiling. Obviously, they do not feel the need to rush as they creep forward, relishing my compromised position. I bend my knees, pumping my body with powerful adrenaline for war. Slowly, the large group fans out without sharing a word. I know what they’re doing. The ones in front of me will keep me busy as the other Demons strike Rose from the sides.

  Her voice trembles. “Are they what I fear in the night?”

  I refuse to lie to her. “Yes.”

  “I can’t outrun them?”


  I’m so outnumbered that I know, without my fellow Warriors, Rose is going to die. I will have to witness her life slip through my incapable hands, and my love—the Prophecy—will be no more. Then it hits my blood. Isolde’s words ring through me. You are to do whatever is necessary to keep this human alive.

  Before my guilt for what I’m about to do to Rose completely takes me over, I hear the kindest words in the whole world. “But I just found you.”

  I beg myself to be strong for Rose. My shoulders fold in, already experiencing regret for an act not yet committed. I slowly face the beauty I adore. “I can’t hear my brothers yet. I’m so sorry.” I have no choice.

  “It’s okay. Go. Save yourself.” This brave woman thinks I mean to run and leave her? I’m touched because, instead of begging me for help, she is completely willing to sacrifice herself… for me.

  I wrap her in my arms in case my plan fails and this is the last time to touch her. “I can never leave you, Rose.” Even if we die. I whisper, “Please forgive me.” Rose’s eyes tear up. Mine do too because her world will never be the same. At this moment, I am changing her future. I am changing her. Ten yards, I tell myself, sensing how close the Clones are. I pull her so close my lips touch her skin. I’m so sorry. I have to try. And I bite the base of her neck.

  Rose gasps and jolts as I push my venom into her bloodstream as fast as I can. What I am pushing into her veins will kill my enemy if they bite her. She goes limp in my arms as my blood begins to take an unknown effect on her body. Her weight becomes mine to endure. I do so easily. The roar in the background tells me the Demons know I have changed the game.

  Anger explodes, all intended for me. Five yards, I warn myself as I force one last bit of my blood into her. I lay her down gently as I push more venom into her. She will be safe now. That’s all that matters.

  One yard.

  Rose’s eyes are almost closed as she stares at me. She has to know, so I beg for forgiveness. “I love you. I had to do it.”

  Zero yards.

  It is time to fight and take the Demons’ wrath. I stand and put my back to the most important female in the whole world as her body reacts to what I have just done to her. Sam stands by her side. I unsheathe a knife for each hand and let the venom dripping from my lips seep onto the blades then take my stance.

  The countdown is over, and they move in. Vengeance runs wild as they attack me. I stab, bite, rip, and fight harder than I ever have. Sam’s growls resonate as he stays by Rose. I know I am being shredded from all directions, but my body—no, my heart—won’t give up. With every slash I take, another Demon falls.

  We hear you, son. Fight!

  We’re coming! Fight.

  When a rescue comes, a part of you wants to surrender in the relief of finally being safe. I know this is a dangerous, false feeling. To relax my guard at this moment would be my death. So I fight on until my friends, my family, my brothers join me. It sounds like walls colliding as bodies and rage clash in the night. Warriors kill until the enemy understands this is our win tonight. Parker pulls them off me with an unmatchable fury. I have never seen him so out of control, practically foaming at the mouth, turquoise eyes on fire. I guess we all have those we would die for… and live for.

  As Parker chases away the remaining few Demons, I crumble to the ground, struggling to inhale properly. My lung…

  Blaze slides on his knees to my side. “Ryder!” He lifts my upper body to him. This action alone tells me how severe my injuries look.

  Parker runs to me. “My son.” He looks exasperated. “No, no, you crazy Tied male.”

  I’m fighting to stay conscious. I struggle to grab his hand. “Is she okay?” But Parker can not see past the fatal danger I am in.

  Sage is with Rose, looking her over. “She’s out. No Demon marks.”

  Parker is on his knees too. “Why did they not attack her?”

  My eyes keep closing as Blaze puts pressure on my wounds. “I… I… bit her.”

  “Yeah, he did.” Sage puts an herbed leaf on her neck. “Her bleeding is slowing.”

  Parker is enraged with me. “Y-You knew they would come for you!”

  The Guardians go quiet. Chase pets a nervous Sam as he looks worriedly at me.

  Parker says, “I knew how you felt for her. I shouldn’t have—”

  Hunter pushes his cloth onto another wound. “Ryder did what fate wanted. The Prophecy would be dead. Parker, this is no one’s fault.” He reflects, Ryder needs medical help. Focus… He probably hopes I’m not comprehending his skfen, but I do.

  Parker tries to fix two messes, Rose and me. “Let’s get them to the village.”

  When you truly love someone, your needs don’t compare to theirs. “No!” My lungs gargle. “She… began Linking… to me.” I cough up blood.

  “What?” Parker is with a stricken face.

  “I felt it.” I groan through my depleting energy.

  His brother, Hunter, watches me in horror. “But she is human.”

  Parker makes a fist. “If she is Linking, that is even more reason to take her with us!”

  “No, I might die tonight.” I’m barely audible. “The Link did not complete. She has a chance to survive without me on this earth.”

  “No!” Parker grabs his head.

  “Keep her from me!” I cough. �
��Please, as a father to me… You, of all people, know what will happen to a Linked mate… and… she might not be affected by my blood. Give her a chance. Let her go home… please.”

  Parker knows well how it feels to be Linked to a mate and lose her, so he reluctantly caves. If he wasn’t our leader and so needed, he would have followed his mate. “Okay, son, but I can’t just leave her here unconscious.”

  I try to wipe my mouth, but my arm won’t cooperate, so Hunter assists me. With my other arm, I attempt to pat the ground but only manage to move a couple of fingers. “Sam, come here boy.” Sam comes to me and whimpers as he licks me. “Go get Gunner. Sam—go… find Gunner… Bring him back to Rose. Go on.” I watch Sam do as he’s told. I know Gunner will find Rose. He loves her too much not to.

  Hunter puts pressure on my wounds. “The sacrifice of the heart is one of the deepest. I am proud to call you my Warrior Brother.”

  The last of the Demons are dragged away so sunlight will find them in the morning. I lay my head back down on my closest ally. “You might want to get me out of here before Gunner comes back.”

  Moving myself is no longer an option, and moving me could not happen fast enough for Parker. “Sage, move her over there. We can’t hide all this blood before Gunner arrives to retrieve her.”

  I smirk to cheer my brothers. “I take it I’m bleeding?” I feel it dripping from my chin.

  My closest ally seems to understand my nervous, odd humor. “Yeah, buddy. You look like sushi.”

  It hurts to laugh. “Asshole.” I cough up more blood.

  “Now I know it’s bad. You actually cussed.” Blaze tries to smile.

  As I watch Sage carry a limp Rose away, a strong emotion takes over. I burst out in pitiful tears. “She’s alive… She’s alive…” I am Linked and Tied, and someone is carrying my female away from me. There are no words to describe the torment. I try to get a grip on my sobbing, but my body shakes with the need to have Rose with me. I fight against thousands of years of instincts running through my bloodline. If I wasn’t dying, Rose would be in my arms, where she belongs. I guess this is what I did to Blaze at the beginning of the night. Everything always comes full circle.


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