Rain (Stranger in the Woods Book 1)

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Rain (Stranger in the Woods Book 1) Page 15

by India R. Adams

  Unable to inhale, I watch her walk to her bedroom door. Her windowsill creaks as my hands tighten with aggression and not wanting her out of my sight. Rose suddenly turns back to me. With her hand on her doorknob, she touches her stomach. “Not just hungry for me, Ryder?”

  My jaw unlocks in amazement. “I—yes, I, uh, came from my mountain—never ate.”

  Her eyes go incredibly big, then she rushes out her door. “I’ll be right down, Mama.” Her bare feet slap against wood as she runs. Rose returns quickly and kneels at the window again, holding a picture frame I’ve seen hanging in her hallway. “This mountain?” She is desperate. “Ryder, this mountain is your mountain?” I can only stare at my favorite place to watch the sun rise and set. The foliage tells me she took this picture in early spring, before I ever met her. One of her hands continues to hold the frame as her other grabs my face. Rose stares at me adoringly. “The mountain that pulls at me and I never knew why?”

  Rose sensing me at such a level speaks volumes. And those volumes demand that I acknowledge this being for all she’s worth. Everything.

  My lips crash to hers.

  The picture frame falls to the ground as her arms fight with mine to get a better hold on each other through the window opening. When I open my mouth to find the oxygen I seem to have misplaced, her tongue swipes at mine.

  Her taste? Inconceivable.

  Because this way of kissing is not that of the elves, I have never felt a wetness seductively possess me, but that is exactly what is happening. Rose’s flavor is intoxicating and feeding a beast inside me I did not know existed until this very moment. And this beast’s hunger is only growing. A guttural groan races up my throat as I monopolize her mouth, demanding to own every part—

  Ryder, she’s human. Ease up, brother.

  Blaze skfening me wakes me from my engrossment. I’m almost ripping her clothes, practically pulling Rose through the window. I reluctantly pull my face from hers. “I’m sorry, I—”

  Rose’s hand quickly seizes hold of my hair and yank my lips back to hers, devouring my appetite with one of her own. “I want it,” she demands. “I want this. God, don’t stop!”

  Or I’ll mind my own business, Blaze reflects. My other brothers laugh.

  Ignoring the males in my head, Rose and I resume our hypnotized actions, greedily swallowing each other whole. Pain aches in my chest, stomach, every part of me that wants Rose. Her lips suck and pull on me with such a fury that my hardened member is smashing into the wall between us, trying to find his way through.

  As I’m about to dive through the window to get to Rose—have all of her—her mother yells from downstairs, “Rose! Food!”

  Rose angrily pulls away and yells over her shoulder. “I’m coming!” She smirks at me. We’re both out of breath, me more so. “That kiss enough to keep you around ’til I get back, Ryder?”

  I growl in frustration. The windowsill creaks again.

  She proudly stands up. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She leaves me and my cravings to suffer alone.

  “In a hurry?” Her mother asks as Rose runs down the stairs.

  “Uh—no. Why? Look like I’m in a hurry?”

  “Hmm, as if I don’t know you. Come on into the kitchen while I figure out this mystery. I’ve got dinner.”

  “Mama, why are you smiling at me like that?”

  “You’re acting young and free. It’s a beautiful look for you.”

  My mating drive disappears with such a statement of recognition, and the implication that I am a part of it makes me proud and humbled. The thought of what just happened between us starts to settle. How am I going to explain this to Isolde—to everyone this affects? Will they understand how hard I tried to keep my distance? Will they understand that they asked the impossible of me?

  Rest your worries, Ryder, Parker skfens.

  I tell them, My soul knows hers. There’s more to this.

  Hunter assures me, We will talk to Isolde.

  Sage adds, And find a way to make this work.

  Did you see how she kissed him? We no longer have a say. Blaze of course.

  I smile in embarrassment. Sorry, I kind of got caught up in—

  Her tongue?

  It is hard not to laugh out loud. Damn, I don’t have a chance with this female.

  Her mother’s voice echoes from downstairs. “What’s with the humongous healthy sandwich?” After hearing no answer, her mother says with suspicion. “Things that make you go, hmm.” Her mother gasps. “You found him?”

  Chase mumbles, Uh oh…

  Does her mother know about you? asks Sage.

  I don’t know.

  “Yes, but I think he hears really well, so can you keep it down please?”

  “I want to meet him! Oh, my gosh! Is he cute?”


  Awe, Ryder is cute.

  Shut up, Blaze.

  As Rose climbs the stairs, Wade asks, “Is who cute, Mama?”

  I hear Rose’s door open and then lock. “Ryder?”

  I don’t respond to see what she will do, to see if she will reach out. She’s already sensed me on my mountain, felt my hunger. How far can her human body go?


  I can’t help smiling about her strong instincts. I’m here.

  Parker is blown away. Are you two skfening?

  Yes, can any of you hear her?

  I feel my brothers all answer, no. Then Parker reflects, It’s just the two of you, like true Linked mates…

  Where? Rose asks me.

  Outside your rear window.

  Rose kneels and hands me a plate through her window. “I wasn’t sure what you would want, but I remembered the somewhat vegetarian thing so I made you a salad sandwich?” She lifts her own plate. “And one for me. Sounded yummy.”

  My eyes close as I silently give gratitude for the offering.

  Spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers and mushrooms with oil and vinegar overflow homemade bread. I tell Rose, “This is perfect.” Her smile grows across her face as I take a huge bite. She follows suit. The sandwich is so fresh that my head leans back as I swallow with more gratitude.


  I guess Blaze is hungry too.

  Before I know it, the sandwich is gone, and Rose is offering me a glass of water. Too distracted with the evening, I didn’t realize how thirsty I am until I empty the glass in three swallows.

  After I hand her the plate and glass, Rose observes my hands coming together. I nod my head to her in thanks for her generosity. She’s absolutely adorable as she stands there, plate and cup in hand, awkwardly bowing her head as if trying to follow suit but clueless to the reason.

  “You warm my heart, Rose.”

  Rose playfully grins. “I aim to please.”

  After disposing of our dishes, she returns to the window. “Coming back in?”

  “If I do, you will distract me from my duties.”

  She kneels down on her pillows, denying nothing.

  Leaning against her outside wall, I ask, “Your mother is okay with this? Me being here?”

  “I’m twenty. We went from college dreams to nightmares when my dad got sick. I had to say goodbye to my future. Couldn’t and wouldn’t leave my family. It was a sacrifice I would make again for them. No time to experiment with love and young boys. So I guess sneaking a boy in my window tickles Mama pink.”

  I don’t understand the term “tickled pink,” but Rose’s smile tells me it’s a good thing. “What did your mother mean by, ‘You found him’?”

  “She believed me when I told her about you. She’s a great mom.”

  “Yes but how is how you met me not surprising to her?”

  “Gunner’s mama.”

  “I don’
t understand. What does she have to do with me?”

  “Mama said Gunner’s dad met her in the woods.”

  It can’t be, reflects Hunter.

  There is a connection here. I reach out, touching her charm. “Rose, who gave this to you?”

  Rose smiles, looking at her chest. “Gunner, for my birthday.” Her eyes meet mine, and her face pales. “I-I had a birthday recently.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “I-It was his mama’s.”

  “I knew there was something about that male.” I reach for Rose because she appears faint. “Rose, keep breathing. What’s Gunner’s mother’s name?”

  “W-Was. her name was Eve. She died giving birth to Gunner’s sister. What’s happening, Ryder?”

  I can’t believe it, Parker skfens.

  I reflect, Who is Eve?

  Sage answers. Of the Warrior race, Ryder.

  Gunner is a brother, Parker adds.

  I reach behind me, between my shoulder blades where my charm hangs, and pull it to my chest. Rose views it and collapses to her behind. “She—she—Gunner. How do you—Where did you get that?”

  “It was my mom’s. Was given to her by Isolde at birth.”

  “Is he—is Gunner like you?”

  “If Eve is his mother then… yes.”

  Rose’s eyes close as she mumbles, “Size, strength—always the fastest—Oh, my God. I trust him with my family’s lives. Maybe that is why you feel so… familiar?”

  Absolutely, skfens Hunter. But we need more intel.

  “Rose, we need to learn more before you speak with him.”

  “This—this is too much.”

  Trying to change her thoughts and calm her, I offer, “Want to feel the moon?”

  Rose’s expression transforms from horror to confusion. “W-What? Feel the-the moon? I just learned my best friend is not human, and you are asking me to feel the moon?”

  “Yes, focus on the glowing light upon us.”

  She ogles me. “Light upon us? Who says that?”

  “I was raised by elders. I’m still working on modern slang.” I sit back and lean against her outer wall, hoping she will follow and move past such substantial news.

  “I’ll say. Oh, no!” She stretches her upper torso through the window opening to see me. “Elders? How old are you?”


  “Human years?”

  I’m elated how she naturally follows my lead so I continue acting nonchalant. “Well, I’m not human, but yes, in human years.”

  She inhales loudly through her nose. “Okay. Can you tell me more about what you—what Gunner is?”

  “I am a half-breed. Gunner is more so, being tainted by human blood.”

  Rose leans further out the window and smacks me. “You just Linked with a tainted human, jerk.”

  I laugh at her playful taps. “We are considered to be of the Elven race but truly were Blooded by two different races to become a Guardian. Bigger, stronger—on all levels—and gifted in ways of no other elves.”

  “What were you blooded with?”

  “Legend says many centuries ago a female elf served—uh, you call it sex—a snake god called Glycon.”

  “Served? Don’t you mean she was served to him?”

  “We call it to Serve because it is to serve the one you’re with when commencing an out of body experience.”

  “Are you telling me, if I had—er, sex with you—I would have an out of body experience?”

  “If Linking—a nonphysical event, is felt so clearly, can you imagine what sex would be like?”

  Her cheeks blush. “Ryder, have you ever, uh, served another?”

  “No. We don’t serve for pleasure. We serve to Bond on a physical level to the one we have Linked to.”

  “Uh, I’m officially flushed now. Moving on. So why with a snake god?”

  “To form and have a way to extract our venom.”

  “Extract—oh, why you bit me. Ryder, did I just make out with a guy with fangs?”


  Her relief is evident. “Oh, good. Thought I fell for a vampire.”

  “You made out with a male with fangs.”

  Her breath stops. “Ryder, I think I’m ready to feel the light upon me.”

  I pat the spot next to me. Rose climbs out of the window, but once exposed, she stops moving, looking into the darkness. I feel her sudden fear, so I assure her. “Nothing present but Guardians. It is quiet tonight. I promise.”

  She hesitantly nods, looking around nervously. “No, it’s just… when I was a child, I used to feel like someone was watching me at night. Gunner was the only one who made me feel safe.” Surprising me, she sits sideways between my legs and curls into my chest. “You make me feel safe too.” Then she quickly sits up to face me. “Do you think that is because of the Guardian thing?”

  “Yes, on a deep level, you may have known he was your best chance of survival.”

  She studies me. “Can I kiss you again.”

  I nod, losing my oxygen again.

  But this time, her lips softly touch mine. The deep kiss we experienced earlier was phenomenal. This kiss is… earth moving.

  Leaving me stunned, Rose snuggles to me again, closing her eyes. “I’m so grateful for this night.”

  We’ve got a snuggler. Chase harasses me.

  I look into the woods and tell my brothers, My heart is lost to her. I wrap my arms around Rose in utter disbelief that I am so fortunate.

  I’m seeing that, son.

  My head rests next to hers as I breathe her in, so thankful I finally get to hold her like this. Parker, make this work because I’m never letting her go.

  Chapter Sixteen


  The woods are so dark I can barely see, but I run and run.

  “Why do you try to evade me?” echoes from all around.

  The sinister voice is petrifying, so I don’t stop, not until the soles of my feet feel like they’re being stabbed. I fall to the ground in excruciating pain. Moonlight shows I’m surrounded by black roses. Thorns puncture the flesh on my feet.

  “No more running, Rose. I will send them for you.”

  I pull the thorns from my soles until every rose around me transforms into red eyes.

  “Wake up, Rose. I feel your fear. Wake up, Rose.”

  I wake and immediately start gasping and crying. Ryder is in my bed, holding me. The relief that the nightmare is over has me throwing my arms around his neck. “Red eyes—the black roses turned into red eyes. My feet—he said not to run. He’s sending them.”

  Ryder tightens his arms. “We’re here. You’re safe.”

  “Rose?” Mama knocks on my door.

  I jump. Ryder tightens his hold.

  My eyes close, trying to inhale Ryder, needing him closer. “I’m okay, Mama. Nightmare.”

  “Want me to come in?”

  Holding onto the one I feel could ground me best, protect me most, I tell her, “No, Mama. Get some rest.”

  There’s a pause. She’s probably wondering if I’m alone but doesn’t pry. I’m thankful for the respect since my nightmare leaves me feeling a violation—an intrusion—of my privacy.

  “I love you, Rosie.” Mama speaks with such a tender tone.

  Resting on Ryder’s shoulder, I whisper, “I love you, too.” The realization Ryder has fought some creature in my room has terror racing through me. “Is my family in danger?”

  “No. Your mother is clear, and your siblings are too young. We don’t know why, but this breed of Demons waits for the twentieth birthday.”

  I panic. “Gunner—what about—”

  Ryder shakes his head. “Even part human, he would be toxic to them. Bl
aze, my closest ally, had two twenties—”

  “Wait. Blaze is a close what? Twenties?”

  “Uh, best friend. My best friend had two humans turning twenty years of age.”

  “Oh. Uh, continue.”

  “Blaze had to battle in the girl’s room and was late for Gunner.” An audible gasp escapes me. “Blaze witnessed a Demon coming out of Gunner’s window, rushed in to check on him, and there were no marks. They are no marks for the human eye, but Gunner was also without what we Guardians can detect.” Ryder looks at my necklace. “Now we know why.”

  In relief, I slowly lie back down feeling emotionally drained. “Can you stay inside with me for just a little bit?” Ryder peers into the woods as if concentrating then nods to someone I can’t see before settling next to me. “You can talk to them like me?”

  He seems endearingly focused on my face, pushing hair away to see me better, making me feel beautiful. “Yes.” He kisses me so gently I almost lose my train of thought completely.

  “Who are the ones with the red eyes?”

  “Darkness, driven by the need for plague and illness. The Clones of Despair.”


  Ryder’s gentle petting stops, and his answers become so matter-of-fact, disconnected from the emotional aspect of what he fights at night. “They all look the same. It’s my first time up against this particular demon.”

  If I weren’t so scared and exhausted, I’d take the time to try and comfort him for being in denial about the scariest job in the world. “God, that’s awful. What do they want?”

  Ryder’s tone is dead. “Destruction.” With an almost hidden anger, he adds, “Maybe we should speak in the morning after you get more rest.”

  “I need to know. I feel all over the place right now. This is just—”

  My words stop as his finger lifts my chin. Ryder stares at me, his eyes saying so much, his lips even more. This kiss is intense, not in the lust sense. It’s intense in a love sense. His heart’s exposed, and he’s knocking any remaining walls of mine to the ground, where they’re being shredded to pieces, never to be built again.


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