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Rain (Stranger in the Woods Book 1)

Page 21

by India R. Adams

  Mama smacks Wade upside the head. “I want some? Boy! Use the manners you’ve been taught, or I will beat them into your memory, permanently.”

  Wade doesn’t seem fazed. “Yes ma’am,” he says, happily helping himself to salad. As soon as the salad hits Wade’s taste buds, it comes back out, spit on his plate. “Yuck!”

  Mom. Sees. Red. “Wade Junior!”

  Lulu, with an open mouth, quietly lets the spinach hang from her tongue as she gauges the amount of trouble Wade is getting into. I can see Louisa’s wheels turning, deciding if the lashing is worth getting the yucky salad from her mouth. To rescue her, I grab a napkin and wipe her tongue while Mama is too preoccupied with the child who is always in trouble.

  As if I’m a hound dog, a smell catches my attention. Lulu looks at me in horror as I take a bite of her salad from her plate. An explosion takes place in my mouth. Saliva overflows to a whole new level as I finish her salad in a rush.

  Next thing I know, the salad bowl is in my arms as I pace the kitchen, devouring all I can cram into the hole in my face.

  In the background, Wade pleads for mercy. “Mama, do I have to eat it?”

  I moan in ecstasy, then freeze. Everyone is staring at me. “Never mind, son. I don’t think that salad was meant for you.”

  “Thank God,” Junior mumbles.

  Licking the empty bowl, I ask, “Wade, can I have your helping?”

  Lulu’s little voice says, “Mama? Is this another thing to make you go, hmm?”

  Mama stares at me, flabbergasted. “Yes, baby. Bath time.”

  Coming back down the stairs, Mama’s angry footsteps shake the house. Sitting at the kitchen table, Ryder quietly asks me, “Would you think less of this Warrior if I told you I am scared and leaving?”

  My chuckle is extinguished when my mama turns a corner, her eyes burning my flesh. “You think this is funny?”

  “No, ma’am.” I look down, wishing she knew how much I need laughter to survive this madness.

  In her chair, she stares at the plate of food she can’t seem to stomach. “This is what I get for being happy a boy is sneaking in my daughter’s window. Ryder, how long have you been sneaking in? Did you get my daughter pregnant?”

  He chokes on his sip of water.

  “Mama! It’s only been—”

  “No! Do not mama me.”

  Ryder catches his breath. “Miss Beverly, I can honestly say that I have not impregnated your daughter.”

  “Oh, thank God!” Her relief is so grand, I don’t have the heart to throw her into a pool of worry by telling her Gunner Hayes beat Ryder, my elf Guardian Warrior, to the punch.

  In what’s becoming our special spot, Ryder and I sit outside my window, staring at the inviting moon. I lean against his chest, feeling my exhaustion again. I’m hoping to hide it from Ryder because I’m scared of the next step.

  “I was worried about what we did last night.”

  My face tilts up to see him. “Why?”

  “I did not stop to think. You’re in a very delicate way right now, but Morning Star says you have no limits this early. That will come later. She also had more good news.”

  I sigh deeply. “Good news is good.”

  “She thinks my blood will prolong your life.”

  My chest tightens. This is not what I expected. Turning to face him, I hide in his chest. “Oh, Ryder.” I remind myself that he doesn’t know what it is like to be human. He doesn’t understand how what he’s saying is more scary information to me, not good news. “How long will you live?”

  He leans his head over me. “If all goes well, three hundred years.”

  I curl into a ball. “Sweet Jesus.”

  His arms wrap around me. “I’m sorry. I thought this was good.”

  “I know. I know you did, Ryder. And it is, but my world is so different from yours—and yours is rushing me into an existence I never saw coming.”

  Ryder’s tension and regret that I can feel compound my own emotions, almost stealing my own process. “You’re worried about your family.”

  I sit up, needing a moment without touching him. “I’m not supposed to outlive my younger siblings, Ryder. And what about Gunner?”

  Ryder’s deep voice softly rumbles. “Gunner is part elf. He will outlive you, Rose.”

  Nausea pelts my stomach. “Please stop. I feel sick. I just can’t think straight right now. Too much information.”

  He reflects, It’s not the information making you ill.

  My body refuses to move. I feel like prey about to be found and eaten. He stands and walks to the edge of the roof. I’m left with barely enough energy left to breathe. “Ryder, I don’t—” He jumps. On my hands and knees, I scramble to the ledge. “Ryder!”

  Standing on the ground, he lifts his hands in the air. “Come. I’ll catch you.” I shake my head. Ryder’s hands fall as he looks at the forest. I follow his gaze. My Guardians are there. I can’t see them, but they are there. He nods to them. His hands are back in the air for me. “Come to me, Rose.”

  Sitting on the edge of the roof, I feel like an emotional roller coaster. Earlier today, I was so convinced of his love. Now, I’m wondering if he understands how I feel. How can he? He’s not even human, for heaven’s sake! “Ryder… I’m—”

  In a flash, he jumps. His hand catches the ledge I’m sitting on, and he pulls himself up, effortlessly holding his weight. “I feel everything you feel. You are not feeling me at the moment because you detached yourself from me a moment ago.”

  “I-I can do that?”

  “You can do anything you want to, Rose, including this.” He face leans closer to mine. “Now, come to me.” He drops back to the ground, arms in the air, waiting for me.

  To leap down to him is so much more than trusting him to catch me. It’s making a decision to surrender to the undeniable path my life is traveling. I touch my belly, feeling I have no choice. Taking a deep breath, I push off, falling into the unknown.

  Holding my hand, Ryder leads me deep into the woods, the woods that helped start this all. My curiosity, my heart, my passion pulled me into a destiny with immeasurable risks. Only the brave will survive this. That’s when it happens. Warmth overtakes my belly. I feel her… talking to me with kindness. I believe she is already magical, and for some reason, she picked me to bring her into this world. How can I deny life?

  Without a doubt in my heart, I suddenly make the decision to pull all my courage forward, to accept the gift offered to me, the gift inside my belly and the gift holding my hand as he guides me over a hill. Ryder leads me away from my home because he has no idea how I will react with what needs to be done. There’s no need to hear the words. I have somehow let him back in, therefore I’m feeling again. When he stops walking and turns to face me, my heart pounds in my chest. He squeezes my hands. “I’m so sorry.”

  I nervously nod. I feel his truth. “I know. I know. Not your fault.”

  He doesn’t reply.

  “I-I think I need to sit.”

  Ryder helps me to the ground as my knees refuse to carry my weight any longer. He pulls me to him, trying to comfort me. My legs over his. He holds my face. “You know what’s coming.”

  I tremble. “Yes.” I try to smile. “Life is handing me another challenge, right?”

  He nods with sad eyes.

  “My baby needs this. That’s all that matters.”

  “I love you, Rose.”

  Coming unglued with nerves, I demand, “Kiss me first. I’m so scared.”

  His lips crush mine. “Rose, please forgive me.” He kisses me passionately. “Forgive me…” He slowly kisses my face then down my neck. His hand clutches the back of my neck to hold me still but stalls there.

  I want my baby to survive, no matter what she is, human, e
lf, or both. I tell him in a stern voice, “Do it.” Nothing but his panicked breath is on my skin. His guilt rivets me. I can’t take the wait. It’s almost worse. “Now!”

  Fangs sink into my skin.

  I try to hold in my scream and terror, but I fail. Tears run down my face as I feel him pushing his vital fluid, his blood, the venom, into my veins. His fingers and hands shake as he forces me to endure what he doesn’t want to do to me. But once I inhale again and surrender to this moment, the initial sting of the puncture wound subsides. I begin to relax because it’s not like I expected. Calm comes over me. Then I remember the first bite and how it made me feel: a little intoxicated, that is until I went to sleep. As he continues, I whisper, “I’m okay, Ryder. Keep going. It’s getting better. I… feel—”

  Chapter Twenty One


  Her body goes soft then limp in my arms as I continue dosing her with what feels to me like an unjust sentence. After I retract my fangs from her skin, her head falls to my shoulder. I gave her all I could because the baby is behind on nourishment and because Rose asked me to. I will always do what she asks of me, even if it kills me or breaks my heart.

  I put my palm with the herbed leaf against her neck to help stop the bleeding. This is what Sage said I had to do. Once her body closes the wound, I hold Rose to me. “What have I done to you, my dear Rose?”

  Leaves rustle above me as the Guardians close in. Brother, this is not your fault.

  It feels like it is.

  Leaving my brothers behind, I carry her home, just wanting to put her to bed for much needed rest, but that is not how this night is to go. Gunner gets up from the rocking chair on the back porch when he sees me entering the backyard. One look at what’s in my arms and he runs toward me. I can’t help becoming agitated as he nears the one I am Tied to. “Stop approaching her.”

  Rose starts to stir in my arms. “Who arrre youuu—” She lazily looks over her shoulder. “Heeyyyy, Bubba.”

  All Bubba has to say is directed to me. “Fuck you.” He stops right in front of me. His fist slams into my jaw. The instant soreness I feel reminds me he is part elf, definitely stronger than a human.

  Oh shit… Blaze has good reason to be worried.

  Parker strongly skfens, Ryder! Do not lose it with him.

  “Gunnerrrrr!” says Rose. “Bad boyyyy!”

  More anger seethes from him. “Did you get her drunk?”

  I try to stay calm. “No—” Gunner’s other fist is now forcing my jaw in the other direction.

  The only thing keeping me somewhat level-headed is how calm Rose is staying. She twirls one of my braids in her fingers. “Uh oh, Gunnnner. Nowww ya gone and done it. Ryder’sssss ssssstarting to glow.”

  With Rose still in my arms, I’m unable to defend myself. I begin to tremble, trying not to release my urge to fight. I can barely register Sam barking at the screen door. The thought that Rose could get hurt by Gunner’s stupidity makes it so I can’t keep my temper under control.

  Gunner stares at me as my eyes change. “So you are real.”

  I growl, “Yes and I am willing to fight you if that is what you wish. Just allow me a moment to set her down safely.”

  “If I wish? Who talks like that?”

  They are best friends.


  My adrenaline is preparing me for an easy battle. I’m going to kill him.

  That’s a negative, son.

  “A warrriiioooor talks like that. That’s whoooo, Misstterrrr Gunnnneeerrr.” She touches my face endearingly. “I love myyyy Warrior.” She takes my venom from my skin and rubs it on her face the way Blaze did. “Don’t worryyyy, Gunner. He will calm down now. Ryderrrrr likes it when I rub his juice on me.”

  Double, oh shit, Blaze interjects.

  For some reason, that certain phrasing of words sends Gunner over the edge. His anger grows to a controlled rage as he grits out, “Put. Her. Down. I do wish to fight, Glow Worm.”

  Son, don’t do this.

  Hunter reflects, Parker, you need to let these two males work this out.

  Taking two steps to the side, I try to balance her on her feet. “Rose, I need you to stay here. Okay?”

  She giggles as she salutes me. “Yesss, s-sir!” Her face has blue, glowing stripes across it, and damn it, she’s right. It helps me calm down. Rose is marked, and my competitor can clearly see my “feathers,” as Blaze so bluntly puts it.

  As I head back to Gunner, Chase skfens, Timber.

  Rose falls to the ground. Gunner and I both rush to her but see Rose is fine, sitting on her butt, laughing. “Whoopseee!”

  Gunner loses control and tries to tackle me.

  I grab him and throw him away from her. “Not near Rose!” Gunner rolls off the ground with impressive precision and comes back for more. I grin to infuriate him. “This is my specialty. Come and get it, Bubba.” Maybe there’s a little jealousy that Gunner has a nickname Rose gave to him. As he charges me, I punch him, restraining myself some but not all. I am a male.

  Gunner drops to his hands and knees. For a second, I feel guilty for hitting him so hard. Gunner has been here for Rose when I wasn’t. She might be alive because of this male I just sent to the ground. I put out my hand to help him up. “I’m sorry—”

  Gunner does not seem interested in what I have to say. Instead, he plows his shoulder into my thighs. Now we are both on the ground rolling, wrestling, and fighting like hormonal male/humans who have lost their minds.

  Gunner fights like he finally has a fight he can use all of his strength in, like deep down, he knows he is stronger than the rest. This does not shock me. I can only imagine being pinned down with limitations when I have so much to release.

  In the corner of my eye, I see Rose lying on the ground with her leg resting on her bent knee, talking into the sky. “Boooooys will be boys.”

  Parker skfens, This is exactly why we are staying out of this for the time being.

  Chase laughs. Incoming.

  Water suddenly sprays my back as I sit on top of Gunner, punching his face while he swings violently in return.

  “Ryyyder! It’s raining!” Rose is ecstatically happy.

  “Get off him!” Miss Beverly yells at me as she keeps the hose in proper working order. Halfway off Gunner, I’m trying to do what I’m told. Gunner takes advantage and comes at me again. I don’t lose my footing, but we lock up again, swinging harsh blows. That is, until Miss Beverly proceeds to drown us. “Gunner Hayes! I said, knock it off!”

  Gunner releases me. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Ooooh, Mama, they’re just talllking it out.”

  “Is she drunk?”

  Rose has no filter tonight. “Nooope. To drink would be babaaad for the baaaby.”

  Chase reflects, Uh oh.

  Gunner tackles me again.

  Miss Beverly lets the waterworks resume.

  Standing and panting, dripping with water, Gunner and I look at Rose’s mother. She appears as if I hurt her feelings. “I trusted your word! You told me you did not get her pregnant!”

  “You know about him?” Gunner acts betrayed that she has dared to associate with me.

  I shake my head. “I didn’t lie to you, Miss Beverly.”

  This is not my place. It is not my duty to tell this mother that her daughter is with child. I respect Rose’s decision to speak when she’s ready, but seeing how Rose’s condition is not the best at the moment—with her still in the grass in her own world—I have no choice. Especially when Rose declares, “Not Ryyyyder’s unborn.”

  Cat’s out of the bag now.

  What bag?

  Warriors! Quiet.

  Miss Beverly stumbles backward two steps. There’s only one other male close enough to her daughter. Without another word, Mi
ss Beverly sprays the hose’s water into Gunner’s face. His hands try to block the attack, but he finally turns around to let his back take the beating.

  The water stops. A hose hangs in shocked hands.

  Gunner slowly turns to face me, pointing to his chest. I feel sorry for the guy. With compassion, I nod. Not being able to handle Rose on the ground anymore, I pick her up and cradle her in my arms. “May I take her inside now?”

  Two numb heads nod.

  Rose’s head cheerfully rests on my shoulder as she grasps my braid again. “Ryderrr? I’m veeeery sleepyyyy.”

  I kiss her forehead as I walk up the porch steps. “Then I shall lie you down to rest.”

  “Will youuuu staaaay with me?”

  “If you request me to.”

  After covering her, I lie on top of the blue blanket next to her out of respect for the two sets of eyes standing in Rose’s bedroom doorway watching me. Rose rolls, her arm wrapping around me. “I looove you, Ryderrrr.”

  Gunner’s hand lands on his chest. He winces. It’s awful to see a reminder of how I once stood in this very room, watching him hold her like this, and I was powerless to stop it. As Blaze would say, it hurt like hell. I do not wish to wound Gunner in the same manner. Miss Beverly takes a gentle, caring hold of Gunner’s arm, and they both walk into the hallway and down the stairs.

  Rose’s breathing changes in moments. She is fast asleep. I get up, and the dog and I switch places in our well-rehearsed dance. “Thank you, Sam.” He rests his head on her stomach, ready to guard. I check to be sure her windows are locked and head downstairs.

  In the living room, I find Gunner and Miss Beverly. His face rests in his palms. “I’ve lost her.”

  Rose’s mother takes his hands as she sits in a chair across from him, not denying his words. When she sees me she stands. “Rosie’s okay?”


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