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Resisting the Lawyer: Office Friends to Lovers Suspense Romance (Dirty Hot Resistance Series Book 3)

Page 15

by Emelia Blair

  Lucas doesn’t say anything as we reach the table only to see my father having taken off Sophie’s shoes to her delight, then tugging on her toes, a slight smile on his face.

  Sophie is laughing, happily, as my mother murmurs sweet nothings to her.

  It occurs to me… maybe if I had forcibly taken Sophie to see them, maybe she could have enjoyed all this before. Or maybe they needed this time to realize they had gained a grandchild and not lost anything.

  My father’s expression clears when he sees us approaching and it goes back to the stern faced man.

  I wistfully wish he would show me that same expression that came so easy to him for my daughter. But I’m an adult and I can’t envy my own child, so I just sigh and smile.

  “What’s her last name?” my father asks.

  “Smith. Sophie Smith. I didn’t know what else to put there.”

  Actually, that’s not true.

  Lucas had offered. In the hospital bed, he had offered to give Sophie his surname that would offer her a wealth of protection. Of course, at that time, he hadn’t known what protection the family name of the Smith offered.

  I realize now that moment is forever carved into my memory.

  My father meets my gaze and there is approval in it.

  “Have you signed her up for preschools yet?” My mother questions me as she offers me her hands and I grasp them.

  “Not yet.”

  “I’ve heard you have to do that even before the child is born. Otherwise, all the good preschools are gone.”

  I wince, “I wasn’t in a state of mind to do anything of the sort when I was pregnant. “Besides, I was thinking of sending her to a public school. There’s one which has a preschool and it’s near my office.”

  “You can’t send her to a public school!” My father sounds horrified.

  I blink, feeling a little shocked at his outburst. Wasn’t I sent to one of those? I shake my head exasperated. “I can’t afford a private one and besides, I prefer to have her close by, so I can pick her up as needed.”

  “Nonsense!” my father says, angrily. “She’ll go to a private one. What’s not to afford? We have enough money to spare.”

  My mother nods in agreement. “Also, your father and I feel that maybe you should move back home. The house is big enough and has too many rooms. I can look after Sophie while you’re at work.”

  My jaw is dropping at all these changes. “Mother, I can’t just move back into my parents’ house. I’m a grown woman!”

  I cannot live under the same roof as them. I’ll go insane!

  Seeing the gloomy look appear on my father’s face, I bite my tongue and say, “Maybe I could look into an apartment close by. But I have to be mindful of things like rent and stuff.” His eyes flicker and I immediately say, “Look, give me some time and I’ll figure something out. I have a lot going on at the moment as well.”

  To my relief, they don’t argue, but I catch them glancing at Lucas and I have a very bad feeling Lucas will be dragged into this somehow.

  The rest of the wedding passes by pleasantly enough.

  Debra finds out about my parents and she’s beyond thrilled. Her and Lucas’ mother come over to introduce herself and my mother and her hit it off, quite well.

  Sophie is passed between the grandparents and the probably soon to be grandmother. I haven’t exactly digested the fact that there’s a very good chance that Lucas will marry me now. It’s a little too much to process.

  It’s evening when I finally take Sophie back with promises to bring her to see my parents on Sunday, after church. That also means no more lazy Sundays for me. I stopped going to church after the slight falling out with my parents. Now, I have to get back in the habit and I don’t completely hate the idea.

  During the ride back home, Sophie falls asleep in the baby seat that Lucas installed in the back row, permanently.

  Lucas and I are quiet, though a thrumming tension between us has my heart fluttering in my chest. I haven’t forgotten his words from before and now anticipation mixed with wariness is making an odd cocktail in the pit of my stomach.

  I carry Sophie inside. After changing her and feeding the sleepy child, I put her to bed.

  Lucas is sprawled on the couch, his long legs stretched out in front of him, his head against the back of the couch, his eyes closed.

  “Tired?” I ask, feeling my own feet aching.

  He cracks open one eye and holds out a hand. “Never too tired for such a pretty woman.” He leers at me. “Come sit in my lap.”

  I, of course, choose to sit beside him, but when has he ever let me do what I want?

  I’m tumbled into his lap.

  “So stubborn,” he murmurs, his hand groping my butt.

  I swat it away, flushing.

  He just grins. “You look fantastic in this dress. Gorgeous. I had half a mind to rip it off you when I saw it and then bend you over some surface.”

  My cheeks burn at his words, as a very clear image springs to mind in my head. “Lucas!”

  “It’s true.” His hand reaches for my nape and draws me in for a deep kiss.

  It fries half my brain cells and makes me forget what I was trying to say. One firm hand strokes over my back and I moan into his mouth as my skin tingles at his touch even though there is a very clear barrier between us. “M-Maybe I should get you some coffee.” I slip from his grasp.

  He rolls his eyes, “Come back, my beautiful little lap warmer.”

  “Stop being weird,” I tell him, chuckling at his antics.

  He trails after me as I go to the kitchen and I sigh remorsefully, “I can’t believe you scratched the fridge.”

  He leans in until I can feel his breath against my lips. “I’ll let you scratch me back.”

  The meaning isn’t lost on me and I raise my chin. “We’re having coffee.”

  His arms wrap around me from the back and I’m drawn into his chest.

  Giggling at how clingy he’s being, I start the coffee machine and feel him pressing kisses against my nape. However, it’s getting harder to breathe when he cups one of my breasts in his palm over my dress.

  When he murmurs a suggestion in my ear, a dirty line of what he’d like to do to me in bed, the spoon I’ve been holding slips from my hand as my pussy clenches. “P-Pervert.” I was determined not to make this easy for him but the man has a sinful voice and as he keeps telling me all the ways he can fuck me, my grip on my willpower fades.

  Before I know it, I’m pressed against the kitchen wall, one of his hands under my thigh, my leg wrapped around his waist, as he kisses me.

  His tongue is thrusting into my mouth in a way that gives away his intentions for tonight and I have nothing left to fight him with. His touch is driving me crazy and my pussy is directly rubbing against him as I whimper helplessly at the need flaring inside of me.

  I don’t want him to be gentle.

  I want him to do all the things he’s promising.

  I want him to push me against the wall, hike my dress up and fuck me until I can’t move.

  I want him to bend me over the table and thrust into me until I come, screaming his name.

  But I would crave none of these things, if I didn’t feel completely safe in his arms.

  Lucas pulls my head back with a wrench of my hair and I gasp out blindly staring at the ceiling as he presses open mouthed kisses on my jaw and neck, sucking on some spots, so hard, while rubbing against my pussy, making me see stars.

  I can hear the coffee pot making a sound in the background and I ignore it, my mind too hazy.

  “Still want to say no?” Lucas murmurs against my neck, then reaches up to gently bite my jaw.

  My breathing is heavy as I gaze at the ceiling through clouded eyes. His mouth reaches my ear lobe and he sucks on it gently before pressing his teeth on, making me cry out.

  “I need an answer, Elise. Or we stop here. Should I stop?”

  The threat hanging over my head is like a noose and I shake my
head, gasping out, “Don’t stop.” My head is clear and I finally understand this is why he wouldn’t let me touch any alcohol today at the wedding. He wanted me to give my consent with a clear head.

  He pulls back and there’s a small smile on his face. “Then let’s move this to the bedroom.”

  My bedroom has a double bed because I like to sprawl on it, uninhibited. But today it comes in handy for an entirely different reason.

  Lucas goes and sits on the bed, his hands behind his head. “Take off your dress.”

  I hear the command in his voice and I hesitate. I’ve seen this side of him and it’s never failed to thrill me. I remember thinking he might be dominant in the bedroom and something quivers inside of me at finally realizing it might be true. However, I still hesitate, “Maybe I should – the light?”

  He watches me, steadily. “I want to see you.”

  There are stretch marks on my belly and my hands go to them, instantly, panic infiltrates me.

  He doesn’t lose patience like any other man would have. Instead, he holds out his hand and I approach him, not knowing what to say.

  “I find you beautiful, Elise. Whatever you think is a flaw, I find it to be you and perfect. Don’t ever hide from me.” He presses his lips to my wrist. “I love you, just in case you haven’t realized and I adore you, everything about you. But I can wait for you to be ready. So, if you don’t want—?”

  I shake my head. His words give me strength like they always do. “You’re a first for me in many ways.”

  He follows me as I step back and turns me to face the full-length mirror across the room and standing behind me, he starts unzipping my dress.

  I tremble as the dress pools at my feet and my eyes flutter shut as Lucas presses his lips on my shoulder. I can feel his hands undoing the clasp on my bra and when it opens, he tugs it off, murmuring all the while, “So beautiful.”

  I feel bewildered at where he sees beauty but when I hesitantly meet his gaze in the mirror, there is reverence in his eyes, adoration, and love that shines so clear that my cheeks burn.

  When has anyone ever looked at me that way?

  His hands come around and he cups my breasts. They’re very tender and he seems to know this, so his touch is delicate. “You’re amazing,” He tells me in a low voice, dropping another kiss on my nape. “Taking care of a child, working, standing up to all your bullies, and you do it all with a smile.” He chuckles. “And maybe a few shots of really bad whiskey.”

  The corner of my lips tug up as I try to recognize the woman he’s talking about. Maybe it’s true that when you look at yourself, you only ever see your flaws because you’ve known yourself for so long.

  His hands are large and a thrill runs up my spine when he delicately squeezes my breasts. I’m still wearing my underwear and just as I feel glad I’m not completely bare, he suddenly hooks one foot around my ankle and yanks firmly, making my legs part. Then his thigh is forcing itself between my legs and my lower belly tightens at feeling how assertive he is.

  Assertive and gentle.

  “Lucas,” I breathe out, feeling both confused and overwhelmed.

  “Let me take care of you tonight.”

  His words whisper along my skin with a tingling sensation that makes me want to throw my head back against his shoulder and let him.

  “Just watch how you respond to my touch.”

  And I have no choice but to do just that.

  My eyes follow as his fingers ghost over my soft belly, leaving a trail of fire behind them, and then his whole hand palms my clothed pussy. He rubs it with the heel of his hand.

  I let out a small moan, feeling myself get wet at the friction and I see the smug curve of his lips.

  He doesn’t remove the barrier, instead, parting the bottom with a finger and tracing the seams of my pussy which are wet.

  I should feel embarrassed but he’s watching my face with a hungry expression on his face and I’m starting to get drugged by the way he’s teasing me, his fingers lingering but not breaching.

  My face is getting flushed and my pussy clenches, wanting the intrusion that he’s denying me. I shift, uncomfortably, wanting him but not knowing how to ask for it.

  “Is something the matter, Elise?”

  He asks, so calmly that it makes me want to grit my teeth. I open my mouth to say something when his fingers find my clit and he rubs it, hard.

  I groan at the delicious pleasure that assaults my body.

  “You were saying?” He’s rubbing it in slow circling motions now, the pad of his thumb deliberate, and his other hand circles around my neck in a possessive hold.

  “Lucas,” I beg, faintly. “Please.”

  He’s holding me to him in a way that is nothing short of territorial and right now, he’s in complete control of my body and we both know it. So, when he tightens his hold on my neck, pulling my head back to rest on his shoulder in a manner that provides him access to my lips, and then he descends on me, his lips, his teeth, his tongue robbing me of my breath. It steals my senses away, and the few brain cells I might have had left.

  I am completely at his mercy.

  And I like it.

  So lost am I in the kiss that I don’t register the movement of his hands below, until suddenly a finger is thrusting into me. A keening sound escapes my lips as Lucas starts fucking me with one finger all the while using my mouth as he sees fit, licking into my mouth, memorizing my taste as he breaks me to his leisure.

  My hips are moving against his finger in a bid for my pleasure as small whimpers escape me. He chuckles into my mouth and pulls away long enough to ask, “Do you want me. To put another finger inside you, Elise?”

  It’s such a polite question and so filthy that my lips part and I’m uttering ‘yes’ before I can process it. My breaths are shallow, my chest heaving.

  Lucas watches me, fascinated. He pulls out one finger and thrusts two in making me cry out. His plunges are quick and long, making it difficult for me to breathe.

  “Look at you,” he murmurs against my ear now, positioning my face so I can watch his fingers moving in and out of me. “You’re so responsive, Elise. All I’m doing is fucking you with my fingers and your pussy is already so wet. Maybe one day I should fuck you with a toy. Or maybe I’ll make you use it on yourself and I can watch.” When I don’t respond, my eyes cloudy with pleasure, he tightens his grip on my throat, “What do you think?”

  “Y-Yes, okay. Yes!” The last part is gasped out as he milks an orgasm out of me.

  My body twitches and as he withdraws his fingers, he brings them up to my lips. “Here, have a taste.”

  Obediently, I part my lips and suck on his fingers. My shyness has evaporated and I’ve become a creature of sensation, willing to be molded into whatever this man wants me to be.

  His jaw tightens and he hisses when my tongue licks his finger.

  Suddenly, I’m being dragged to the bed and pushed onto it before he descends on me, his mouth covering mine. His hands, in the meantime are discarding his clothes, tossing them aside on to the floor.

  When I feel his naked chest rub against mine, I moan out and he swallows it with his mouth.

  He pulls away after a brief few seconds and then he stands up and his hands are on my hips, pulling me to the edge of the bed until my legs are on the ground.

  Dazed with so many foreign feelings, I raised my head to ask, “W-what are you…” When I see Lucas go on his knees, my eyes widen. “No, you don’t hav…”

  Nobody has ever done this for me and although I’ve read about it, not having experienced it makes me hesitant.

  However, Lucas just smirks, “Open your legs.”

  I don’t move and he raises a brow. “Spread your legs, Elise.”

  This masterful way he has of talking to me has me getting wet and I whimper, obeying almost mindlessly.

  His hand caresses my thigh. “Good girl.”

  I can’t believe I’m doing this, I think frantically when I feel his mouth
place a kiss on my inner thigh. He’s tugged my underwear off and his mouth is pressing kisses on my thighs, getting closer and closer to my most intimate area.

  Then, without warning, one finger reaches inside my pussy and gathers up some of the cream.

  I see him bring it to his lips as he tastes it and his eyes darken.

  I can see the overpowering lust, the animalistic need in his eyes and it both excites and scares me.

  Then he lowers his head but nothing could have prepared me for the way his tongue feels lapping at my entrance and then forcing its way inside.

  “Oh, fuck!” The word is torn from me as I feel his mouth eating me up. I can’t think. I can’t see. I can only feel. “Oh, God!” I cry out, desperately, as that skillful appendage drives me to newer heights of pleasure, the likes of which I’ve never seen. And once I’ve started I can’t stop, this helpless chant, blindly ripped from my mouth as Lucas abuses my pussy with his mouth.

  It feels so utterly shameful to feel his tongue down there and yet it is pleasurable and so unbearably intimate. Lucas is spearing me with fast hard thrusts and then alternating with lapping at me and sucking. His hands are caressing my thighs, forcing them even farther apart while my own hands are clutching at the sheets, gasping out his name, pleading with him, all the while invoking a higher deity.

  He rips away the last thread of composure I have left and reduces me to a creature with base needs. I rock my hips and he growls into my pussy, the vibrations making me fall apart in a heartbeat.

  My back arches, the force of the orgasm so fierce that when I come down, for a few seconds I blackout.

  It’s when he doesn’t stop that I’m forced back and I don’t know how long it’s been as he draws out one and then another and then another orgasm from me until I’m a quivering mess on the bed, aching for his cock which he’s refusing me.

  When he finally lets me off, he climbs up my body and kisses my lips.

  My body is limp under his and I can taste myself on him. When I feel his hard cock brush against my belly, I want it inside of me. “Lucas…” I reach for it.


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