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Filthy Doctor: A Bad Boy Medical Romance

Page 142

by Amy Brent

  “Was there a card?” I asked lightly as she narrowed her eyes. I knew there wasn’t, and I leaned down to look into her face. “It’s just a small thank you for helping me so much this week.”

  “That’s my job,” Lily reminded me, making me shrug.

  “That doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate it.” I walked back into my office with a smile as heat flooded her beautiful skin. She murmured a thank you before I was too far, and I paused before closing my door. I considered asking her to join my next client and me, but it was a bit soon after the last time we drank together. I also suspected that this client might enjoy something that might be a bit much for Lily.

  I was right. We ended the night at one of the higher-scale strip clubs, and I watched the nude women move to the forced sexual beats of the songs, missing Lily’s curves and soft skin as I sipped whiskey. I had the deal of approval on the contract, so it had all paid off, but I didn’t want to be here. “How about a lap dance in the private room?” James asked with a wicked glint in his dark eyes. He was a pig of a man, but his catering company did very well at some of the bigger events in town. They would make us money.

  “You go on. I’m just going to stay here and enjoy the view.” I held up my glass, and he nodded as he stumbled toward the back room that I was certain was filthy and likely covered in disease. There’d been a period that I spent time back there, and no matter how classy the establishment claimed to be, they were always the same once you went back to the private rooms. At one time, the impersonal feel of it all didn’t bother me. Now I knew what I wanted.


  I left the flowers at my desk when I left for the weekend. I wanted to bring them home, but I’d felt the looks all week from Lauren and the others. I didn’t want to draw attention to myself further, thought I could play them up like they were from my boyfriend. That might make them pay less attention to me, as I knew they a

  ll thought I’d slept with Landon that night. They weren’t wrong, and I deserved the looks and the whispers. I shamed myself day after day.

  I had agreed to go to Brian’s tonight to hang out with his friends, and I headed to my car to make the short drive there. I’d chosen a more casual dress for work, something light and, oddly enough, purple. It matched the flowers Landon had sent me, and the thought made me smile now that I was alone. We’d barely spoken this week and the vibe with us was still awkward, though he’d had the decency not to bring up last weekend. I hoped it was over and forgotten, or did I?

  It was the only fantasy getting me through the nights spent with Brian. It was the only thing that gave me any release, alone or with him. I was pathetic. As I stared out the window after Brian and I were finished that night, feeling lonely and unsatisfied, I was missing the way Landon and I had talked over dinner and the way he’d made me feel when I knew he was going to kiss me. I missed everything about the night I played through my head over and over, asleep and awake.

  I got myself off silently as Brian slept beside me before I turned onto my side to fall asleep. The party was still going on in the living room, and I tried to drown out the noise, tired from my long day. I wondered if there would come a time when Brian would ever be ready to live in his own place, or maybe a place with me. Since I wasn’t in college anymore, I craved dinners after work as we talked alone in a peaceful apartment.

  Jesus, I sounded like I wanted that with Brian. Did I? He had seemed to be going in that direction when we met, but all I’d seen him do since was revert to the past, when he’d been in college as well.

  I lied and told him I had plans on Saturday so I could leave in the morning. I had no plans other than to veg on my couch and in my bed, getting a little solitude. I talked to my aunt a lot, confessing what I’d done, and she talked me through it. Amy assured me that we all got lost in the moment, and after my description, she was certain that Landon was gorgeous. She even googled him and told me that any woman would fall prey to those eyes.

  At the end of one conversation on Sunday as we watched a movie together over the phone, I was laughing. I promised to come out to Philadelphia next weekend to visit her and her boyfriend, Lance, before telling her I loved her and ending the call. I talked to Brian a couple of times over the weekend too, but he was out and about with his friends while I was hiding from the cold, heavy air. The closer to winter it got, the less I wanted to be outside. New York was lovely around the holidays, no doubt. I just got cold a lot despite having grown up on the East Coast.

  I went to work Monday knowing it was going to be a busy week, including some late hours as we worked on something for the new client. I’d enjoyed the food from his popular catering company here and there, finding it good, but I found him kind of crass as a person. He’d been in the building several times, and he had hit on me every one of them. It wasn’t even in a flattering way, more in a make-my-skin-crawl way.

  I stepped inside the elevator with a few other early birds, smiling at a girl who worked on my floor. She was shy and dark haired and far removed from Lauren’s group. We’d said hello a few times, and I cautiously wondered if there was hope for a friendship here as I made my way to my desk.

  Landon’s door was already open, and I set my coffee down on my desk before sitting down to warm up my computer. I slipped my purse into the drawer and was securing it with the key when I felt his presence. “Nice hat.” I smiled gently, loving my hat collection even if nobody else did. Today’s choice was a dark gray one to go with my plum blouse and matching skirt.

  “Thanks,” I replied as I looked at my screen.

  “Ready for a busy week?” he asked as I glanced at him with a nod. “I want to make something great for James since he is going to bring in quite a profit. I want a detailed contract.”

  “It will get done,” I assured him as I looked into his face for more than a fleeting second for the first time in days. I knew from the weeks I’d been here that Landon took his job seriously and demanded perfection, something I could provide. I was willing to work as late as he needed me, even if the idea of being alone with him in his office made me shiver inside. I had avoided getting too close for the last several days, though my body still craved Landon. Every time I slept with Brian, it seemed to get worse, and I was gradually losing interest in the waning relationship with him.

  I did what I could at my desk and then headed into Landon’s office in the afternoon. He was sipping more coffee, and he looked me over for a long moment as I moistened my lips. “So, what is the grand plan?”

  “I want to draw up what we are going to do for his company. James wants to be stable with his clients and protected in every way possible,” Landon told me as our eyes locked. Oh, god, I was wet already. I sat down and took a deep breath as I forced a smile onto my face. We went over his outline and I entered it into my iPad to be taken to my desk afterward. I knew how hard Landon had worked on this contract, and I listened to him talk about every aspect of it, taking careful notes.

  He declared that he was hungry a few hours after the building emptied and suggested a nearby Thai place, offering to order in so we could keep working.

  Close up, I knew he was flirting heavily with me. It was thick in the air, and I knew staying here was dangerous. “Wouldn’t some fresh air be great?” I suggested as he loosened his tie and chuckled.

  I knew what I wanted him to do with it, and I jumped as he picked up the phone. “We’re not finished yet.” He held a brochure in his hand and ordered a variety of food in a confident voice, telling them that a security guard would be available to greet them in the lobby. Landon ended the call and walked over to the dorm-sized fridge to pull out two beers. He handed me one and I stared at him with wide eyes as I took it.

  “We’re at work.” Landon grinned and stretched as I watched helplessly.

  “It goes great with spicy food and we deserve it,” he said as he walked closer to me. “You look nervous, Lily.”

  “I’m not,” I lied as the bottle shook right along with my hand. I set it do
wn when his eyes dropped to follow the movement. Being alone with him reminded me of the night we’d spent together, and I cursed the part of me that wanted him all over again. I licked my dry lips as he stood above me, his eyes piercing mine as our gazes locked.

  “I have been thinking of you every second,” he told me softly as I felt the heat between my thighs. “I can’t count how many times I have jerked off to that sweet pussy of yours.”

  “Landon, you’re my boss,” I stammered as he slid a hand down the stomach that I knew was tight with muscle over the tent in his pants.

  “I think we both know that it is more than that,” Landon assured me as he dropped into a chair and rolled toward me. “Tell me that you’re not wet for me, Lily. Tell me that you haven’t been thinking about me as well, craving me.” His arrogance was both maddening and the biggest turn on I’ d ever experienced, and I dropped my head forward.

  I had been thinking of him, constantly. Every time I tried to rekindle what I’d shared with Landon in bed with Brian, it failed miserably and I’d get myself off after he was asleep. I’d get myself off alone in my bed and sometimes here in the bathroom. I was officially a sex addict, and it wasn’t because of my boyfriend.

  I felt hands cup my face and then his rough lips were on mine, claiming me as I moaned. God, he was so rough as he nibbled at me, and I tilted my head to deepen the kiss. I couldn’t turn him away. We moved together in the chairs easily, though it should have been awkward. “How long until the food is here?”

  “Twenty minutes. Raph will hold it for us,” he told me before he lifted me onto his lap. We rolled across the floor as I squealed, holding on to him as he kissed me again.


  I lifted Lily easily and brought her to the couch, dropping her on it as I crawled over her body. She tasted like the little beer she’d sipped, and I thanked her silently for wearing a loose skirt. I pushed it up and parted her thighs with my knees as our tongues danced, feeling euphoric at the contact. I could feel the need in her hard kiss and in the way she slipped her hand over my hard cock. I was ready to plunge my fingers inside her, but she unbuttoned my pants and took me into her hand as she stared down at my swollen cock.

  I saw her eyes lock with mine, dark with need, before she leaned in to take me into her mouth. Lily didn’t do this the first night, and I groaned as her lips wrapped tightly around me. I slipped my hands into her hair and pulled her closer as I moved in front of her carefully, so as not to hurt her.

  She was hungry, sucking me with her mouth, down her throat. She was needy in the way she reached around to my bare ass and pulled me closer, urging me to fuck her mouth as I closed my eyes.

  I gave in, taking her slow and rough as I swelled further, needing to come in her throat. I wanted to fill her mouth with me and watch my essence drip out of her, and I rocked against her as I edged toward my goal.

  I came as the phone rang, clutching her face in my hands. Lily swallowed me down as she stared into my eyes, taking all that I had to give her. I stumbled back and walked over to the phone as she licked her lips. Had it been the twenty to thirty minutes like I’d expected? I’d barely gotten my hands on her. I didn’t want the security guard to come up and find us like this, so I assured him in a low voice that I’d be right down to get the food. “Stay there. I’ll be back.” I looked at Lily, her thighs spread and her eyes wide, and licked my lips. “I am not done with you yet, Lily.”

  I remembered how she’d left that last time and my heart pounded at the thought of it as I fixed my clothes, so I least looked like I was working a late night in the office. I closed my door, tempted to lock it even though I knew it would do no good. Lily could leave it she wanted to, but I held on to the memory of her eyes as she sucked my cock. I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her.

  I thanked the delivery guy for the food, handing him two large bills as he looked down with a grin. I nodded at Raphael, my night security guard, and headed back up, my heart pounding with every step.

  The food triggered my hunger, and I felt a growl in my stomach as I stepped into the empty elevator. The building was empty, and I longed to fill it with the sounds of Lily’s screams as I took her again and again.

  I wanted her there, waiting for me.

  I stepped off the elevator, making my way to the office and pushing the door open. I looked to the couch to see Lily against the cushions, fingering her clit as she rocked against her hand. Her voice was low and gasping, and I kicked the door closed and dropped the food on one end of the couch. “Fucking hell, Lily.” I growled as I dropped to my knees and put my mouth to her wet pussy, licking hungrily as she released for me. She was sweet and hot, just like I remembered, and I ate at her eagerly as she whimpered and moaned throughout the prolonged orgasm.

  Her clit was hard and swollen as I tugged at it with my teeth, making her scream my name. “I am going to fuck you the way you like it. I am going to fuck you the way you’ve been craving me.”

  “Yes, please,” she begged me as I loosened my pants and dropped them to the floor. I was hard as hell all over again, and I looked back toward my desk, where I knew I had some condoms.

  “Are you protected, Lily? I’m clean and I want you right now.” I looked into her face, seeing fear cross it for a moment before she nodded. “You can trust me. I’d never hurt you.”

  She nodded again and I stood and moved over her body. Her panties were already moved to the side, and I spread her legs with one hand and tore at her panties with the other. Once she was bare, dripping and wet, I slipped forward and inside her. Lily was tight and welcoming, crying out as I buried myself inside her. “Oh, god. Fuck me,” Lily pleaded as I took her repeatedly.

  “So good. You feel so good.” I lowered my lips to hers and kissed her, pressing our bodies together. Her pussy tightened around me as she moaned, her tongue soft against mine. “I missed you.”

  We fucked hard and rough before she came a second before me. I felt all her heat and jerked as I came inside her, combining us into one as we both moaned. I never wanted to be inside her covered again, and I fell against her body as I worked her shirt lose to cup her breast over the lace of her bra. I knew that when I pulled out, I would leak from her, and I didn’t want that. I needed to remain inside her. I had a fleeting glimpse of her belly swollen with my child in my mind, and I sucked in my breath.

  What the fuck was I thinking?

  I reluctantly pulled out, covering her with my hand to keep myself inside her. Lily looked at me as she breathed deeply, as if to ask what I was doing. Her stomach growled, breaking the ice with following her giggle as I dropped against her body. “Are you worried about a mess?”

  “God, no,” I told her as I looked into her eyes. “I’ll get the food and we can eat here. Okay?”

  “Perfect.” I locked the office door before walking back over with the bag, unloading the food, and placing it on the floor. We each grabbed a fork, opening everything and taking bites of things as she looked at me with curious eyes.

  “This happened again.”

  “Are you going to run off?” I asked her gently as she chewed a piece of chicken slowly. “Why did you do it the first time?”

  Lily looked around the office slowly before she gave me a long stare. “I was scared. I work with you and I have someone in my life.”

  I swallowed the noodles I’d been chewing and stared at the bottle of beer on my desk. “That worked when we were just a one-time thing, perhaps. We both wanted it this time, sober and well aware of what we were doing. I saw the way you went right for my cock.”

  Her cheeks flushed pink, and she frowned as she stared at the floor. “It’s like I can’t control myself around you, but I don’t know if that’s the right thing. I need this job and the future it provides me. I can’t risk that for sex.”

  “This isn’t just sex, Lily. It’s more than that for me, and I can take care of your future. I can take care of you,” I promised her as she ran a hand through her hair.

“I…I don’t know. What if we don’t last? Is it worth the risk?” Her voice was soft, and she looked at me, showing me the future I’d attempted with Nadine. As I stared into Lily’s beautiful face, I realized it had never been there with her.

  “Yes. You remind me of the way I felt with my first wife,” I assured her as she stared into a container of food. “I can take care of you. I can make you happy.”

  “I worked hard for this job, not to be taken care of,” she told me as she stared at me. “I am not that kind of girl.”

  “Lily,” I said as she moved off the couch and adjusted her clothes. “Don’t do this again.”

  “I think we got a lot done, don’t you?” She slipped her shirt into her skirt and smoothed her hands down the material. “I mean, we can call it a night and return to this on Monday.” I heard the shakiness of her voice as I set my food down and stood up.

  “Stop this. Don’t leave me again. Give this a chance,” I told her as I cupped her face and kissed her, tasting the food as our tongues danced together. I didn’t let her move away, and I slipped her clothes off again as she melted against me. I held her close as she pushed me to the couch, where she rode my cock as I gripped her hips and guided her over me.

  She didn’t look at me when we were done. She rolled off me and back onto the couch, closing her eyes, as I reached for her. “I can’t believe that happened again.”

  I watched her dress after she regained her senses, and I didn’t try to stop her this time. I could see that Lily was determined to go this time, and I felt an emptiness settle in my heart. “You don’t have to do this,” I told her as she gave me a sad look.

  “I don’t want this with you. I don’t know that I want it with Brian, but there’s too much going on between us. I can’t do this,” Lily said as she reached for her purse.


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