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BDSM Connections - The Complete 4 Novel Series

Page 5

by Claire Thompson

  “Jesus god,” Matt whispered, his eyes fixed on Bonnie as she stood before them. “I’m the luckiest man in the world.”

  “You are,” Liam agreed.

  Matt turned to him. “Let’s do a scene. It’ll be like old times. We can put Bonnie through her paces in the playroom, and you can stay over in the guest bedroom. What do you say?”

  Matt hadn’t consulted Bonnie, but then, in this context, he didn’t need to. She would submit to whatever her Master wanted for her, as it should be. Liam was tempted, and his little head counseled that he should agree at once. But his brain, or was it his heart, had other ideas.

  Regretfully, he shook his head. “Thanks, Matt. And thank you, Bonnie,” he added, smiling at her. “I’m incredibly tempted, don’t think I’m not. But, I know this is going to sound really weird, but it just wouldn’t feel right. Not without talking to Allie first. I mean, I would want her to know, to be okay with it.”

  Matt raised his eyebrows so high they disappeared into his hair. “So that’s how it is, huh, bro? And you’re trying to run that line of bullshit that it’s too soon to get together with this girl?” He chuckled. “You know what they say—actions speak louder than words. Your actions tell Bonnie and me all we need to know. Isn’t that right, sub girl?”

  Bonnie managed a smile, despite her tortured breasts. “It certainly is, Sir.” Liam couldn’t swear to it, but he thought he saw a decidedly mischievous glint in her pretty, dark eyes.


  Allie glanced up from her work at the sound of an email ping. Since she’d met Liam, she’d disabled the email function on the BDSMConnections site, but with the new jewelry website she’d recently set up, she needed to be responsive to customer emails, in case there was a problem.

  She rose from the worktable and walked over to her desk. Sure enough, the email had come through the website. Hopefully there was no problem. For the first week or so, the shopping cart had kept screwing up, but she’d thought that was all fixed now.

  Sliding onto the chair in front of the laptop, she opened the email from someone named Bonnie Wilson.

  Hi Allie,

  First, I wanted to say I can’t wait to receive the three pieces I ordered from your site. You are a truly talented artist and I love your work.

  Allie smiled, delighted she had a new customer. She’d been surprised how quickly the pieces were selling. If things continued at this rate, she wouldn’t even need to worry about placing her work in boutiques and galleries, where they took half the proceeds in exchange for giving her space.

  Second, I wanted to let you know we have a friend in common. His name is Liam Byrne.

  Liam Byrne! What the hell? Allie’s heart began to beat faster. What was going on? Was this where she found out Liam was actually married? Was the pleasant opening of this email just the precursor to the diatribe of an enraged, wronged spouse? Steeling herself, Allie forced herself to read on.

  Really, Liam is more than a friend, he’s like a brother to me and my husband, Matt. We are also Master and sub—Matt owns me in all the best possible ways. Liam has always been there for us, and we want to be there for him, too. Matt knows I’m writing to you, and I have his full support. Liam, however, doesn’t know.

  Okay, phew. No wronged spouse. But what was going on? Why was this woman emailing her? Had something happened to Liam? Allie’s gut tightened in panic and she had to force herself to read on.

  Liam has told us about you. You should see his face when he talks about you—it’s like someone lit a candle inside his head. He just glows. I’ll just tell you, girl-to-girl and sub-to-sub, the guy is head over heels crazy for you.

  Allie grinned widely as she read this. Liam had talked about her! It was one thing for girlfriends to confide in each other, as she had with Lauren, but for a guy to do it, it had to be serious.

  I know you two have been chatting and emailing for a few weeks now, and you’re probably wondering why Liam hasn’t arranged to meet you yet. As I think he told you, Liam was in a car accident about a year ago. While his physical recovery is going well enough, he’s had a rough time emotionally. I hope I’m not overstepping in telling you that he was engaged to a girl who couldn’t deal with the fallout from the accident.

  Whoa. Allie’s heart constricted with pity, followed quickly by a rising indignation. What kind of woman dumped the man she loved when he needed her most? Now that she thought about it, Liam had vaguely indicated he’d been engaged to someone a while back, but he’d never given any details about why they had broken up. To be fair, Allie hadn’t volunteered too much about her failed love life either. They’d both been too busy living in the moment, she supposed, to dwell on past history.

  Because of that, and some of the issues he’s had to deal with in recovering from his injuries, Liam is kind of gun shy when it comes to getting involved again. To put it simply, he’s dying to meet you, but he’s afraid of your reaction when you see he isn’t “perfect,” at least as he defines it.

  What I’m working up to here, Allie, is that, if you want to meet Liam and move your relationship forward, you’re going to have to be the one to take the next step. That said, I can only imagine, as an independent artist making it on her own, that money doesn’t grow on trees and it might not be that easy or economical for you to just book a flight from Boston to Portland.

  The good news is, my husband’s job requires him to travel. We have so many free miles built up we’ll never be able to use them all. It would cost us nothing to get an airline ticket for you. His points work for hotels, too, and we could get you a room for however long you need. We could make the return portion of the flight open-ended so there’s no pressure, no worries if things don’t work out.

  I’m assuming you can do your jewelry design work anywhere, or maybe you’ve earned a break for a week or two? The good thing about being your own boss is you’re the one who approves the vacation days, right? Ha ha.

  Anyway, once you got here, we could either arrange for you to meet Liam at our house for dinner, say, or (and this is my personal favorite, but bear in mind that I love romance novels, so I’m a sucker for this kind of thing) you could just show up at his door (naked and on your knees would be ideal, right? But then, we do live in a vanilla world…).

  I hope you forgive and understand this invasion of your privacy. I only take this step because we love Liam, and he’s literally come alive again since he found you. He’s a good man and a fabulous Dom. Like my Matt, he’s one of those delicious sadists with a heart of pure gold. I know I’m suggesting something pretty radical here, but that’s what it might take to penetrate his defenses. And, after all, what’s life without a dash of risk?

  I look forward to hearing from you. You can email or call. See all my contact info in my signature line.

  Love, Bonnie

  Allie sat for several long moments staring at the screen, stunned by what she’d read. She read it a second time, savoring the sweet bits, mulling over the vague language regarding the accident and Liam’s injuries, which still affected him a full year after the fact.

  It must have been a pretty serious accident, and yet Allie hadn’t seen any evidence during their FaceTime chats, though she had never seen him naked. She had accepted this in light of their Dom/sub connection, but now she had to wonder. What lay beneath that white button-down and those faded jeans?

  She had to admire Bonnie Wilson’s nerve, just writing to her out of the blue as she had done, with a complete proposal, airline tickets and all. What would Lauren think about all this? Lauren, who had been asking lately the same question Bonnie had just posed: When are you going to meet this Über-Dom, this sensitive, sexy, too-good-to-be-true dreamboat?

  Allie grabbed her cell phone. She returned to her laptop as the call connected and Lauren picked up.

  “That you, girlfriend?”

  “Yeah. You have time to talk?”

  “Sure. What’s up?”

  “You’ll never guess what a crazy email I just go
t. I’m going to forward it to you, okay? Just stay on the line while you read it, and then tell me what you think.”

  “Sounds very mysterious. What’s going on?”

  “Just wait. It should be there. I sent it to your personal email.”

  “Okay.” After several beats of silence, Lauren said, “Got it.”

  She began to laugh as she read the email, making the same assumptions and deductions aloud that Allie had when she’d first read it. “Holy shit, Allie, this is like a freakin’ romance novel. You’re going to do it, right? I mean, come on, you have to. Let’s move it from romance novel to erotic romance novel. I totally agree with Bonnie. You should show up at his door, naked and on your knees.”

  Allie laughed. “I’m sure that would make a great first impression with his neighbors.”

  “So, who cares? Like Bonnie said, what’s life without a little risk?”

  “Yeah, but Lauren,” Allie protested. “I’ve never done anything even remotely like this. It goes beyond risky. It’s crazy!”

  “Hey, crazy isn’t always a bad thing. You’re thirty years old and you’ve never been in love. So, something has to change. If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done. This is clearly a gift from the universe. Accept it. Go for it.”

  When they hung up, Allie opened the email once more, and added Bonnie’s information into her contacts. Lauren was right. This was her chance at something real, at last. She opened her contacts on her phone and scrolled down to the one that read: Bonnie Wilson. She closed her eyes, blew out a breath, opened them again and touched the phone number.

  Chapter 4

  Liam, his solitary dinner completed, swirled the last bit of his wine and drained the glass. He was trying to decide if he wanted a second glass of wine to take into the living room with him when the doorbell rang.

  Wondering who it could be, Liam hoisted himself up from the chair, grabbed his cane and moved quickly through the house toward the door. He leaned to the peephole and peered through. The cane clattered to the floor, but he barely noticed, his heart lurching and twisting in his chest.

  What the hell? Was he drunker than he thought? Was he hallucinating? He stared for several long seconds as his mind struggled to process the impossible. It was Allie, all right. She was even lovelier in real life, though he could see from her expression she was more than a little nervous.

  She was standing back far enough that he could see she was wearing some kind of raincoat, buttoned to her throat, even though the evening sky was clear. Her legs were bare, a pair of pretty red high heels on her feet.

  Open the door, stupid, his brain ordered. With fumbling hands, he hurried to comply. She hadn’t vanished into a hallucinatory haze—there she stood, his dream girl, his sub girl, his Allie, in the flesh.

  Surprise,” she said, flashing a dimpled grin. “I just happened to be in the neighborhood, so…”

  “Allie,” Liam whispered. “You’re here.”

  He stepped over the threshold and took her into his arms. He could smell the faint scent of her perfume, a fresh, pleasing hint of lavender. Her breath was sweet, like peppermint, and her lips were soft and yielding to his. As he kissed her, he stepped backward into the house, drawing her with him. Once inside, he pushed the door closed and pressed her against it, unable to take his mouth from hers.

  When he finally pulled away, she was breathless, her eyes shining. She reached for the top button of her raincoat and opened it. Her eyes remained fixed on his as her fingers moved nimbly down the column of buttons.

  When the coat fell open, Liam sucked in his breath as he stared at her naked body beneath it. She let the coat fall from her shoulders and stood proud in front of him, a vision of pure, radiant submission.

  As he stared, she sank to her knees. “I’m here to offer myself to you, Sir Liam. Please accept my submission.”

  The Dom in Liam responded in kind, pushing away any lingering hesitation or confusion. He placed his hand lightly on her silky head. “Yes. Yes, sub Allie. I accept what you offer. Stand up, I have to kiss you again.”

  Allie rose and Liam took her in his arms once more, pulling her close. He kissed her lips, her eyes, her forehead, the curve of her throat. Dipping his head, he ran his tongue down her throat to her breasts. He licked her nipples, one at a time, savoring the sweet, silky hardness as she sighed her approval, her head back, her eyes closed.

  When he eventually stepped back, Allie opened her eyes and blinked several times, as if awakening from a dream.

  “Hi,” she said with a shy laugh.

  “Hi,” Liam replied, grinning. “I can’t believe you’re here. You’re supposed to be in Boston. How did you even know where I live?”

  Allie wrapped her arms protectively around her torso. “Bonnie told me.”

  “Bonnie?” Liam echoed stupidly. “My Bonnie? Bonnie Wilson?”

  “She’s not yours,” Allie said with an impish grin. “I’m yours. And yes, that Bonnie. Your friends, Matt and Bonnie, decided we needed to meet, and they took matters into their own hands. They sent me a ticket. I only arrived at Portland International about an hour ago.”

  “My friends, the matchmakers.” Liam laughed, shaking his head, not sure yet if he should be furious at their meddling or eternally grateful. “You’ll have to tell me the whole story, but there’s time for that later. Can I get you something to drink? Do you need anything?”

  Allie smiled and shook her head. “I’m fine. I freshened up at the hotel before I came over.” She looked down. “I hope it’s okay I’m here, Liam. Bonnie said you really wanted to see me, but were a little shy…” She trailed off, looking suddenly quite shy and vulnerable herself. Liam could only imagine the courage it had taken to fly across the country and present herself to him as she had.

  He placed his hands on Allie’s shoulders, staring with undisguised wonderment at her lovely face. “Trust me, Allie, it’s more than okay. I’m so glad you’re actually here. Thank you for doing what I couldn’t.” He stopped, embarrassed.

  “Um…” Allie said.

  “Yes, what?” Liam asked, regarding her quizzically.

  “There’s something I really want to do, Sir. It might be kind of, uh, un-submissive to ask but…” She trailed off, a look of uncertainty moving over her face.

  “Go on,” he urged, wildly curious now. “What is it?”

  Allie sank once more to her knees and whispered something he couldn’t quite hear.

  “What?” he said. He reached down and put his finger under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “Speak louder. I couldn’t hear you.”

  A pretty blush moved over her face as she said, “I want to suck your cock, please, Sir. I’ve thought about it forever.”

  Liam certainly didn’t need to be asked twice. He tugged at his fly, pulling it free of the row of metal buttons that held it closed. He pushed his jeans and underwear to the top of his thighs, shifting his stance to keep them in place. Sweet, sexy Allie actually licked her lips as she regarded his cock. Liam grinned, delighted. “Please me, sub Allie. Worship my cock and balls until I tell you to stop.”

  “Yes, Sir, thank you, Sir.” Allie leaned forward to close her mouth over the head of his shaft while her long, cool fingers cupped and stroked his balls. Liam groaned with pleasure. It had been so long, he’d almost forgotten the hot, velvety caress of someone’s tongue and lips on his cock. He watched as she moved forward, taking the length of him fully into her mouth, not stopping until the head of his shaft made contact with the soft flesh at the back of her throat.

  He held her in place for several long beats. She didn’t struggle or try to pull away, though he was reasonably sure she was unable to breathe.

  “Good,” he said softly. “Very good, sub Allie. You please me.” The full weight of his dominant persona had settled over him now. It felt good to be back, as if he were finally fully himself again. More than good, it felt right.

  He kept her that way several
beats longer, holding his own breath to make sure he didn’t overdo it. Finally, he released his hand from her head. Allie pulled back and drew in a quick, deep breath. Then she plunged forward once more, sucking and kissing his cock with delightful enthusiasm.

  Liam gave in to the pleasure for several lovely minutes. He didn’t want to come yet, however. Not this soon. He tapped her shoulder. “That’s enough, sub girl. Put my cock back in my underwear and re-button my fly.”

  Allie looked up at him with a pout and mewed petulantly. Though Liam was both pleased and amused by her obvious reluctance to stop, he couldn’t permit that sort of behavior if he was to give Allie what she claimed to crave—complete and total erotic submission.

  Bending down, he slapped her right cheek, not too hard, but certainly hard enough to get her attention. With a gasp, she brought her hand to her face, her eyes widening, her lips parting, both shock and, it seemed to Liam, arousal washing over her features.

  “Why did I slap you, sub Allie?”

  She knit her brow, her hand still covering the spot where he’d struck her. She bit her lip, but didn’t answer.

  “Are you silent because you don’t know? Or because you’re ashamed to admit that you do know?”

  Still nothing.

  “Did you already forget that, as my submissive, you are to answer every direct question promptly and honestly?”

  Allie dropped her hand and lowered her head a moment. Then she looked up at him with those lovely blue eyes. “I’m sorry, Sir. You took me by surprise. Face slapping is kind of a trigger for me. I have a hard time with it.”

  Liam nodded, filing this information away. “I understand. Now answer the question. Why did I slap you?”


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