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BDSM Connections - The Complete 4 Novel Series

Page 11

by Claire Thompson

  He led her to the beautifully constructed St. Andrew’s cross. “I’ve never seen such a pretty cross, Sir.” Allie ran her finger over the silvery steel set in the wood, admiring the simple, elegant design.

  The pride evident on his face, Sir Liam said, “It’s cool, right? I had it custom-built by a friend of mine who makes BDSM furniture.”

  “Matt?” Allie asked, intrigued.

  Sir Liam shook his head. “No, another friend. I haven’t seen him in a long time.” He brought his hand to his forehead and pushed back his hair, a thoughtful look on his face. “I guess I really haven’t seen anyone for a long time. Maybe it’s time for that to change.”

  Allie said nothing to this, although she understood it was some kind of turning point for her new lover. She wondered if her being here was in part responsible, and the thought pleased her.

  She forgot her musings as Sir Liam said, “Stand with your back to the cross, and lift your arms against the top of the X.” Allie obeyed, a shivery wash of erotic anticipation moving over her skin as Sir Liam buckled her wrists into the leather cuffs secured to the cross, then squatted to bind her ankles in the same fashion. As always happened when she was bound, a buttery, delicious sensation of release moved through her body, while at the same time, her clit and nipples hardened with erotic anticipation.

  Apparently satisfied she was properly restrained, Sir Liam moved temporarily out of her line of vision. When he returned, he carried a tripod in one hand, a long, white wand with a huge baton-like round head in the other. She knew immediately what it was, though this one had no cord.

  No, no, no, no. Absolutely not. Somehow she managed to hold her tongue for the moment, but she’d have to say something. You’re supposed to say something. Communication is paramount, remember?

  Sir Liam set down the tripod directly in front of Allie. Looking at her and then the apparatus, he adjusted the height of the thing until he was satisfied. When he straightened, Allie burst out, “Is that one of those Hitachi Wand things?”

  “It is,” Sir Liam agreed calmly. “Is there a problem, sub Allie? Something you need to discuss with me? You may speak freely.”

  More unwelcome memories of yet another boyfriend in yet another failed relationship assailed her, but she shook them away. Sir Liam was different. He would listen. He would really hear her.

  “Thank you, Sir.” Allie blew out a breath, trying to think how to phrase her concerns without coming across like a willful brat. “It’s just that, um, I had a kind of bad experience with one of those things during a scene. They’re too intense for me; too powerful,” she added nervously.

  “Thank you for letting me know your concerns, sub Allie. I will certainly take them into consideration during this exercise.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” Allie knew it was too much to hope that he abandon his plans. She silently counseled herself to trust the man who so far hadn’t missed a step in their new and exciting BDSM dance. She watched as he secured the wand into place on the tripod, though, to her relief, he moved it to one side so he could stand directly in front of her.

  “I’m sorry you had a bad experience with the wand. It sounds like whoever was using it didn’t really know what they were doing. I do, however.” He let that sink in a moment and then added, “Regarding the intensity, let me set your mind at rest. First of all”—reaching over, he touched a dial on the side of the wand and the fat head began to vibrate ominously—“this deluxe model has an adjustable control, so I can very precisely calibrate the level of stimulation.” He turned the dial again and the vibrator stilled. “That said, I don’t expect you to climax. In fact, I forbid it. If I think you’re about to come, I will do this to get your attention.”

  All at once, he slapped her across the face with his open hand. Allie gasped in shock and instinctively jerked her head away. He slapped the other cheek just as hard.

  “Sir,” Allie cried breathlessly. “You’re scaring me.” Her cheeks tingled and stung, but at the same time she couldn’t deny the sudden flame of desire that had ignited deep in her loins.

  “You need to calm yourself. Draw from your inner strength. Trust me, sub Allie. I won’t take you anywhere unsafe.” Allie relaxed a little at his words, though she still didn’t entirely understand her own powerful, confused reactions. As if Sir Liam could see directly into her mind, he offered, “It’s clear you have a strong emotional response to face slapping. It both frightens and excites you, am I right?”

  Confused but unwilling to lie, Allie nodded. “Yes, Sir, though I don’t understand it.”

  “It’s one of those delicious dichotomies a submissive masochist experiences—genuine fear coupled with fierce desire—a very potent combination when handled correctly.”

  He gently stroked the cheek he’d just slapped. “Face slapping can trigger unpleasant feelings and memories. And, especially when you’re bound as you are now, helpless and defenseless, it serves to heighten the uneven balance of power between us.” His voice softened, though Allie could sense the steel of his resolve. “This is where the trust comes in, sub Allie. For this session, I’m going to sexually stimulate you with the wand, while at the same time slapping your face to keep you focused.

  “You need to feel free to tell me what is happening with you. In fact, I insist on it. I know you seek the intensity this experience will offer you, but I also acknowledge this is a trigger for you. So if you need me to stop, just use your safeword, and I’ll stop. That said, I want you to give this a chance. Open your mind and your body to what I’m offering you. If you can, try to let go of previously held fears and preconceived notions of what you can and can’t handle. You don’t need those anymore. They no longer serve you.”

  He took her face in both hands then and dipped his head, gently kissing her mouth. When he let her go, he stepped back, his eyes fixed on her face. “It’s your decision, sub Allie. If you tell me this exercise is too much for you even to try, we can stop now. But if you can find the courage to continue, I promise it will be an experience you won’t soon forget.” He tucked a strand of her unruly hair behind one ear. “So, I will ask you now, are you ready to experience the vibrating wand and the sting of my palm, sub Allie?”

  Allie’s focus shifted from Sir Liam’s face to the ominous wand waiting for her in the tripod. She looked at his large, masculine hands, her cheeks still tingling, though the sting had faded. So far, every step of the way with this man, every time she had trusted him, he had rewarded her trust with new and increasingly intense experiences, all of which had fed her starved submissive soul.

  She met his eyes, willing the strength of her resolve to override the fear. “Yes, Sir. As ready as I can be.”

  Sir Liam smiled. “Fair enough. Then we begin.” Reaching into his jeans pocket, he pulled out a small tube of lubricant. This he squirted over the head of the Hitachi wand. He moved the tripod until it was directly in front of her, edging it closer until the gooey head of the vibrator pressed against Allie’s smooth mons. He spread her pussy lips, pushing the wand head gently until it was firmly lodged against her clit. Stepping back, he touched the dial on the side of the wand.

  The pulse was admittedly far gentler than what she’d experienced in the past. It didn’t hurt, but it tickled. Allie squirmed, but she was unable to move away from the wand’s persistent vibration. Sir Liam touched the dial again, and the wand hummed louder, vibrating more insistently against her clit. The tickling shifted to something less annoying, perhaps even slightly pleasurable.

  He stroked the dial again, and a jolt of hot pleasure shot suddenly through Allie’s loins. “Oh,” she gasped involuntarily. The spiral of shuddery pleasure continued to unwind inside her.

  As suddenly as before, Sir Liam’s hand came up, striking her cheek with a stinging blow. “Focus. Control yourself.” He slapped her other cheek.

  Allie jerked back, emitting a startled cry, the pleasure at her sex diminished by the shock. Yet, she had to admit, she was wildly aroused. The sharp points o
f panic the face slapping had poked into her pleasure were mitigated by the undeniable sexual thrill of her position and the situation. She was in this sexy, powerful man’s dungeon, tethered against his cross, arms and legs spread wide, a vibrator throbbing at her cunt, her face stinging from his hand. She was dizzy, and when she tried to take in a breath, her lungs refused to fill. She realized she was panting.

  “Breathe,” Sir Liam reminded her, his tone soothing. “Slow down. Show me you can do this.”

  Allie struggled to obey, sucking in what air she could and releasing it slowly. As her head began to clear, Sir Liam touched the dial again, and the vibrator kicked up its intensity. “Oooooh,” Allie moaned, the syllable held for several seconds as she struggled to regain control. As impossible as it seemed, her body was signaling her of an impending orgasm.

  Again he slapped her, hard across her left cheek and then her right, giving her no chance to anticipate or recover. “No!” Allie cried before she could stop herself. “I can’t!” The vibrator continued to thrum between her legs. Her cheeks were flaming, her body trembling. She would have fallen if the cuffs hadn’t held her in place.

  Sir Liam stepped back at once, pulling the vibrator back so it no longer touched her throbbing sex. “I don’t hear your safeword. Are you ending this session? Or are you just reacting off your fear, instead of pushing through it, instead of embracing it?”

  Allie swallowed hard. She did feel especially vulnerable, the face slapping heightening her helplessness. At the same time she couldn’t deny how incredibly turned on she was. Sir Liam was watching her intently, clearly waiting for her response. “I don’t know, Sir,” she answered honestly. “I’m not entirely sure what I’m feeling.”

  “Would you like me to help you sort out those feelings?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “I’ll tell you what I think. I think you can do this. More than that, I think you want to do this. You want to see where this exercise will take you. You’re afraid, but at the same time you’re excited.” Allie couldn’t deny what he was saying. She nodded in mute agreement. Sir Liam continued, “Would you like to hand the decision to me? Are you able to trust me to read your body and your reactions, to gauge what you can and can’t handle?”

  An undeniable surge of relief washed through Allie. She would give herself over to Sir Liam, to her Master. She would trust him. “Yes, please, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

  With a nod, Sir Liam returned the tripod to its position and adjusted the wand until the head was once more firmly nestled between her labia. He eased the dial slowly, giving her time to adjust to the increasing intensity. As the pleasure quickly mounted, she struggled to keep her body under control. She began to tremble again, sweat breaking out over her skin, her breath once more a ragged pant.

  Just when she knew she was going to lose the battle, Sir Liam slapped her face, jerking her out of the sexual swoon that had nearly pulled her under. He slapped her several more times, alternating cheeks as she squeezed her eyes closed and tried to keep her rising panic at bay.

  “Look at me,” he commanded, though she could barely hear him over the pounding of her heart. “Let me see your eyes. Focus on my face.”

  Allie struggled to obey. Her cheeks were on fire. Her clit felt swollen to the size of a cherry, her cunt aching to be filled.

  He eased the dial up a notch and then slapped her again. Allie uttered a low, primal moan, her entire body trembling uncontrollably, tears slipping down her hot cheeks. He slapped her again and again, until the oddest thing began to happen. Somehow her spirit seemed to slip from her body. It rose and hovered just above her, watching as she trembled, shuddered and jerked, overloaded by the relentless touch of the wand and the sharp clap of Sir Liam’s palm.

  “Oh, god!” she heard herself cry, her voice rising to a high-pitched whine. “Oh, god, help me, help me!”

  Even as the words left her mouth, she had no idea what she was asking for help with, but Sir Liam must have understood because he said, “I am helping you. I’m helping you get where you need to go. And now you have permission. Come for me, sub Allie. Give yourself over to the sensations. Do it. Now.”

  He slapped her once more and then stepped back, letting the vibrating wand lift her into a sphere that was new to her. Her spirit slipped back into her body as she was hurled and tumbled under waves of orgasmic pleasure the likes of which she’d never experienced in her life. At first she struggled against the onslaught of such intense, blinding sensation, but at last she gave in, letting its undertow drag her down, down, down…

  She opened her eyes, for a moment completely confused, with no idea where she was or how she got there. Liam was gazing tenderly down at her, cradling her in his arms. He was seated on the floor of the dungeon, leaning against the St. Andrew’s cross.

  “Gosh,” Allie said, smiling weakly, “I feel like I left the planet. I didn’t know it was even possible to experience something so intense. It was fucking amazing,” she added, awestruck as the memory of the most powerful orgasm of her life returned to her. She was lying across Liam’s lap, supported by a strong arm around her shoulders. “I guess I must have passed out or something.”

  “Or something,” Liam agreed, returning her smile.

  Chapter 8

  A few days later they walked down the aisle at the Home Depot not far from Liam’s neighborhood. The unseasonably cool and rainy spring day worked well for Liam’s purposes, as it enabled him to carry out his plans more easily.

  Allie, walking beside him, was wearing one of his windbreakers draped loosely over her shoulders. To the casual passerby, she appeared simply to have her hands clasped behind her back beneath the jacket. In fact, her wrists were cuffed in leather and clipped together. She had a slim anal plug in her ass and a Venus butterfly vibrator strapped in place beneath her short skirt. She wore neither bra nor panties.

  Liam fingered the small remote in his pocket as they approached his favorite aisle. He smiled as Allie’s eyes widened, her lips lightly parting as she took in the huge reels of chain and rope arrayed on shelf after shelf. He touched the remote, bringing the vibrator to life.

  “Oh!” Allie exclaimed softly as the soft rubbery body of the butterfly thrummed against her clit.

  “Remember,” Liam reminded her, putting his hand on her shoulder for emphasis, “you are not to orgasm. No matter what.”

  Allie met his gaze. “No, Sir. I won’t.”

  They stopped in front of a reel of chain with one-inch links. Liam reached for the end of the chain and slowly unwound several feet. Using the chain cutter provided by the store, he clipped about six feet and looped it around his arm.

  “I’m going to use this on you this afternoon when we get home,” he informed Allie. “I’m going to chain you to the wall in the water play area. After I tease and torture you with the water hose, I’ll place you in the submersion tub for an intense exercise in trust and obedience.”

  As he spoke, he upped the intensity of vibration at Allie’s sex until she shuddered and bit her lip, probably to keep from moaning aloud. Liam’s cock hardened as he watched her.

  A shopping cart suddenly appeared from around the corner of the aisle. It was moving very quickly, though Liam couldn’t see anyone pushing it. The cart suddenly rushed towards them with no signs of slowing. Instinctively, Liam pushed Allie to the side, shielding her body with his. As a result, the corner of the oncoming cart caught him hard, ramming directly into his left leg.

  Burning pain ripped through him like a hot knife. “Ah,” he cried, jerking away from the cart, both the coiled chain on his arm and his walking cane clattering to the ground.

  “Liam,” Allie cried, “You’re hurt!”

  In spite of the pain, Liam managed to put his hand in his pocket to shut off the butterfly remote. “I’m okay,” he managed through gritted teeth as sweat broke out on his forehead and upper lip.

  A harried-looking woman appeared a moment later, shouting, “Jason, get back here with that cart
right this second, you little shit.” The mother barely glanced at Allie and Liam as she took off after the boy, who was rapidly disappearing around the corner.

  Allie leaned into Liam. “She didn’t even apologize,” she said angrily. “We should tell the manager.”

  “No, no, really, Allie, it’s okay,” Liam repeated. Angling away from her, he reached into his back pocket and pulled out the pill container he always carried with him. He dropped two of the tiny pills into his palm and popped them discreetly into his mouth. As he re-pocketed the container, he glanced down at the chain and his cane lying on the floor in front of them.

  Allie, following his gaze, gave a small shrug. “Sorry. Wish I could pick those up for you, but I’m a bit tied up at the moment, ha ha. Now, if you wanted to remove the cuffs…” She lifted and dropped her shoulders beneath the windbreaker.

  “Nah,” Liam smiled, control returning to him. “I enjoy you like that too much to let you go.” He bent and snagged the wrist strap on his cane, pulling it upright. Using the cane for support, he bent again and gathered up the length of chain. “Let’s get out of here.”

  As they walked toward the front of the store, he reached into the pocket that held the remote and clicked it back on. Allie startled as the butterfly vibrated to life. “Remember,” he said softly, bending down to murmur in her ear, “don’t come, sub girl.”

  Back at the house, Liam had taken off Allie’s wrist cuffs and allowed her to remove the butterfly and anal plug. “Take off the clothes, too,” he had said. “You will have lunch naked and on your knees today.”

  After lunch, he brought her to the dungeon. He had her carry the chain they’d bought down the stairs as he led her to the water play area. After directing her to stand against the wall, Liam moved to the nearby supply cabinet. He selected a chain-link dog collar with a clip already in place on the leash ring, and an elastic hair tie. Returning to Allie, he gathered her shiny, coppery hair and twisted it into a ponytail to keep it off her face and neck, slipping the elastic over it to hold it in place. Gesturing for her to dip her head, he positioned the choke collar around her neck and adjusted it so it was snug but not too tight against her throat.


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