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BDSM Connections - The Complete 4 Novel Series

Page 13

by Claire Thompson

  He didn’t have long to wait, as it was only a matter of minutes before Allie began to tremble again, her hips bucking forward to meet his thrusts, her fingers digging into his back. “Oh god, oh god, oh god,” she wailed, each word rising musically up a scale. “Oh god, oh, it’s actually happening, this is real. Oh, oh, oh can I, can I…”

  “Yes, sub Allie, yes, you can. And you may. Come for me, baby. Come for me.”

  While that first feigned orgasm in the leather sling had been very convincing, now that he knew Allie and her body, there was no mistaking that this was the real thing. She gripped him as if he was keeping her anchored to the earth, while her voice rose in a high-pitched keening wail. She thrashed against him, her cunt stroking him in its tight, sensual grip as a new gush of moisture lubricated their coupling.

  Unable to hold back another second, Liam let himself come, thrusting hard with each climactic spasm until he collapsed, completely spent.

  They lay that way for a long time, until their racing hearts eventually slowed, their breath returned to something approaching normal. Liam must have dozed for a moment, because he was roused by Allie’s words.

  “Wow,” she said softly, the wonderment evident in her voice. “I can’t believe you did that.” And then, louder, “How did you do that? I can’t come that way. I’ve never been able to come that way. What did you do? You’re a miracle worker. You did it!” She laughed happily.

  Liam lifted himself on his elbows and regarded her with an amused, tender smile. “No, sweetheart. We did it.”

  Chapter 9

  Allie looked at her email account with dismay. She had twenty-two unread emails, most of them business-related. In the time she’d spent in Portland with Liam, she had been so caught up in their new love affair, she had barely glanced at her laptop, or given any thought to her jewelry business. The only texts she’d answered were those from Lauren, eagerly assuring her best friend that Liam was everything, and more, she’d hoped for.

  She scrolled through the subject headers and opened an email from someone at her jewelry website who couldn’t figure out how to use the shopping cart.

  Allie went to the website to see if she could determine the person’s issue. She quickly figured out the problem, which was a failure on their part to provide certain basic information necessary to complete the transaction. Reminding herself the customer was always right, Allie sent a quick, pleasant email apologizing for the inconvenience, explaining the issue, and giving the customer a fifty percent discount coupon for her troubles.

  She read an exciting email from a jewelry boutique in San Francisco interested in carrying some of her necklaces, and then moved on to an email tagged as urgent from her part-time assistant, Marybeth, who was handling a few of the simpler aspects of the business during Allie’s absence. Apparently, a very expensive shipment of Italian glass beads had arrived with most of the inventory smashed and broken, the result of poor packing, and the seller was giving Marybeth a hard time about a refund.

  “Hey there, sexy. How’s it going?”

  Allie looked up from her laptop at the sound of Liam’s voice. She had been working out on the veranda while he caught up on some work of his own inside. “Crazy, if you want to know the truth. I’ve been having such an amazing time with you this week that I guess I kind of forgot I actually have a business to run back in Boston. As much as I hate to say it, I think I have to go back home and take care of some things. I need to get back to my design studio and do some actual work, too, that is if I want to be able to pay my rent and fill all the new orders that are coming in.”

  Liam shook his head decisively. “Sorry, I don’t think I can let you go. I might just have to leave you caged and bound in my dungeon, my sexual prisoner.”

  Allie laughed, though at the same time a shiver of delicious fear moved through her at the sexy fantasy. Then real life reasserted itself as she glanced at the still unopened emails before her. “I don’t want to go, either, but I really don’t have a choice. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am to let things fall apart.”

  She hesitated a moment as she did a quick mental calculation. “It would take me a few days to pack up more clothing, plus my jewelry inventory and some basic equipment. Then I could go back before month’s end to sell my furniture and close down the apartment.” Suddenly aware of the full implication of what she’d said, she added shyly, “If that’s what we want, I mean. For me to move to Oregon permanently.”

  As she said it aloud, she realized it was definitely what she wanted. While she loved Boston, she had no family there, unless she counted Lauren as family, and there was really nothing else to keep her on the East Coast.

  To her vast relief, Liam smiled broadly. “Of course that’s what we want,” he confirmed. Then, with a frown, he added, “I understand you have to go back right now to take care of business. I was being selfish. It’s just that I don’t want to be apart from you, not for a week or a day or even an hour.”

  Allie didn’t want to be apart from Liam, either. They had packed more into their week together than she had experienced in a lifetime. “Come with me for the trip,” she blurted in sudden inspiration. “Then we don’t have to be apart.”

  Liam’s face clouded and he looked away. “I don’t know,” he said slowly. “I haven’t really traveled since the accident. I’m not sure it’s worth the hassle.”

  Allie opened her mouth to protest, but stopped herself as the experience at the Home Depot came back to her. While she had been angry over the episode with the little boy and the cart, she hadn’t really considered on a gut level what it must be like to face the challenges Liam had to endure on a daily basis.

  Gently, she said, “You won’t be alone. I’ll be with you, Liam. We can take our time. We can arrive extra early at the airport and we can be seated early so people don’t jostle and annoy us.” She stood and moved to him, placing her hand on his back. “I would love for you to meet my best friend, Lauren. And there are some pretty cool clubs we could check out while we’re there, if we wanted to. It would mean a lot to me if you came back to Boston with me.”

  Liam seemed to weigh her words. Finally, he nodded. “You’re right, Allie. I’m being foolish. Forgive me. I would love to come with you, as long as you promise to come back with me. To come home with me.”

  Warmth suffused Allie at the thought of making a home with this wonderful man, and she flung her arms around him. “I’ll come back with you.” Her voice caught with sudden emotion. “I’ll come home with you. That’s a promise.”

  In spite of a few glitches with seating and getting Liam’s cane stowed overhead, the flight went smoothly, and they managed to navigate their way out of Logan and into an Uber cab without incident. The ancient elevator of her old, crumbling apartment building was broken, as usual. Allie became acutely aware of just how long and steep the climb up four flights of stairs was, with Liam, grim-faced and determined, limping beside her.

  Finally at her door, Allie unlocked it quickly and pushed it open, gesturing for Liam to precede her. Once inside, they set down their bags. As Allie closed the door, all at once, Liam whirled around, letting his walking cane fall to the ground as he reached for her.

  Placing his large hands on her shoulders, he pushed her gently but firmly against the door, leaned down and kissed her hard on the mouth. “I’ve been wanting to do that all day,” he growled, when he finally let her go.

  As Allie struggled to catch her breath, he reached for the buttons of her blouse, opening them one by one until it hung open. He pushed the blouse from her shoulders and reached behind her back, expertly unhooking her bra in one deft movement. Pulling the bra from her bare midriff, he leaned down to her, his lips closing over her rapidly stiffening nipple.

  Allie couldn’t stifle a moan as he licked and lightly bit first one nipple and then the other, while cupping her breasts in his hands. When he let her go, it was only to reach for the zipper on the side of her short skirt, which he tugged down. Slipping hi

s fingers beneath the waist of her skirt, he pulled both it and her panties down her thighs until she stood naked before him.

  Tugging at his jeans, he yanked them, along with his underwear, down to mid thigh. His cock sprang toward her like a divining rod, and Allie’s cunt contracted with need and anticipation.

  Reaching for her, Liam lifted Allie into his arms. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist. He shifted her until their bodies connected, his hard shaft slipping easily into her wet heat.

  They groaned in unison as Liam thrust deep inside her. A flash of pure, wanton pleasure heated her to a fever pitch. Through the haze of her lust, she saw Liam’s head was thrown back, his eyes closed, a vein throbbing at the base of his neck in time with the pounding of his heart against her breastbone.

  The whole situation was fiercely erotic, she stripped bare by her lover and slammed against the door, he too eager to wait another second before claiming her. How perfect, how romantic it would be if they could climax together. The problem was, she couldn’t come in this position, she was sure of it.

  You don’t know that, a voice in her head retorted. Everything is different now. You’re with the man you love.

  The thought slipped into her mind without her permission. Allie had never, not once, been in love, not truly. Was it even possible to love someone after so short a time? Liam hadn’t said the L word, and neither had she, yet here it was, shining like a beacon in her soul.

  The man I love.

  Liam’s movements pulled Allie back into the moment. He was breathing hard, his body damp with perspiration as he stroked her with perfect friction. She loved the way he smelled. She loved the way he tasted. She loved the way he held her so she felt at once safe and more desired than she ever had been in her life.

  His cock moved insistently inside her, his pubic bone rubbing just so against her throbbing clit. A buttery, melting warmth began to suffuse her entire body, moving from her toes up through her trunk, licking at her nipples, heating her neck and cheeks as if a flame had been ignited in her core.

  “Oh god, oh god, oh god.”

  Allie heard the words, only processing a second later that it was she who had spoken. Realization arced through her like a bolt of lightning. As astonishing, as impossible as it was, she was about to come!

  Permission. You need to ask permission.

  Breathlessly, she cried, “Please, Sir, may I come? Oh. Oh, god.”

  Liam held her tighter as she trembled in her effort to hold off the inevitable until Sir Liam gave his permission. Just when she lost the last toehold of control, Sir Liam replied as breathlessly as she, “Yes, sub Allie. Yes, my love. Come for me. Come for your Master.”

  He pressed her hard against the door, holding her tight as he ejaculated inside her, his release accompanied by a low, sensual moan. Allie let herself ride the wave of their mutual pleasure, her body melting in the heat of an astonishing, powerful orgasm.

  Finally, still holding her in his arms, Liam turned so his back was against the door and slid slowly to the ground. Still wrapped around him, Allie lowered her head to his shoulder and closed her eyes, deeply contented.


  Liam hated to disturb Allie. She looked so peaceful: eyes closed in slumber, thick, dark lashes brushing her cheeks, lips softly parted. His leg was screaming, however, painfully cramped beneath her. As gently as he could, he lifted Allie and set her beside him on the carpet so she rested against the door.

  Her eyelids fluttered open, and she smiled at him. “Oh, hey. Hi.”

  “Hi, you,” Liam replied tenderly. He tried to keep the pain out of his face as he struggled upright. His jeans were tangled around his legs, and he pulled them, along with his underwear, up over his hips.

  As Allie began to get to her feet beside him, he extended his hand to help her, grateful that she took it without appearing to be aware of his struggles. When she, too, reached for her clothing, Liam didn’t stop her. In truth, he hadn’t intended to make love to her the second they’d walked into her apartment. It had just happened, his desire suddenly overwhelming everything else.

  But now, out of his element, his immediate need for her slaked, he decided not to assert his right to keep her naked. He was pleased when she pulled on her blouse without first putting on her bra. The fabric was sheer, and he could see the outline of her nipples poking alluringly against it. His cock nudged awake, and he gave it a silent order: Down, boy.

  To distract himself, he looked around her small but nicely decorated apartment. She had partitioned the living room into three sections. Near the window was a sitting area with a loveseat and two chairs set around the coffee table. On the opposite wall she’d created an office space that contained a desk, over which hung a bulletin board filled with photographs and drawings that appeared to be jewelry ideas she must be working on.

  Her work area, or design studio, as she’d called it, consisted of a large drafting table covered with clear plastic containers spilling over with glass beads, gold and silver chains, stones and polished gems, and bottles of what appeared to be various types of glue. There was soldering equipment and several trays of small tools, no doubt used in the creation of her art. In the far corner of the large room stood a small galley kitchen, and nearby a doorway that presumably led to the bedroom.

  “This is really nice,” Liam said. “You’ve definitely maximized the space.”

  Allie offered a rueful grin. “Thanks. I’ve done what I can with it.”

  “You’ve done a great job,” Liam said sincerely. “It must be expensive living in Cambridge.”

  “You got that right,” Allie said emphatically. “This tiny apartment costs me a fortune every month. Sometimes, it’s been all I could do to make the rent. Forget about even considering buying a car or getting a bigger place. Every spare dime goes to expanding my business.”

  “Now there’ll be more than dimes,” Liam said with a grin. “No more exorbitant East Coast rent to pay.”

  “I’ll pay my share of the mortgage, don’t worry,” Allie said quickly. “I always pay my own way.”

  Now it was Liam’s turn to shrug. “Nothing to pay. I own that house free and clear. There is no mortgage. The settlement I got from the accident left me with enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life. Like you, I work from home and am my own boss. The only thing I lack is someone to share my life with. The only thing I lack,” he added, his voice softening, “is you. I love you, Allie Swift. I never want to let you go.”

  He held his breath as he waited for Allie’s response.

  “I love you, too, Liam. I’ve loved you all my life, even before I met you.”

  Her words blossomed in the very center of Liam’s being, sparking their way up his spine and along every nerve. He moved closer and cupped her face, touching his forehead to hers. They stood that way for several long moments.

  When they finally broke apart, they each took a breath and then laughed. “Listen to us,” Allie said with a shake of her head. “We sound like a romance novel.”

  “No,” Liam corrected. “They sound like us.”

  They laughed again, and then Allie said, “Where are my manners? You must be dying of thirst. I know I am. Airplanes always dehydrate me. Not to mention stand-up sex against the back of a door.”

  They moved toward the kitchen, which barely had space for the two of them. Allie opened the refrigerator and turned back to Liam. “I have Fresca, white wine and beer. If you’re hungry, I have some wilted celery and a whole variety of condiments. What’s your pleasure?”

  Taking a pass on the celery, mustard, ketchup and even the capers, they both had the soda. Liam, who was thirstier than he thought, drank two full cans. The sweet drink made him realize he was hungry. “How about we order some takeout? Make an early night of it.”

  “That sounds like a plan,” Allie agreed. “Do you like Middle Eastern food? There’s an incredible Lebanese bistro just down the block that delivers.”

  “Works for me,�
�� Liam agreed. He would’ve been happy eating spaghetti out of a can, as long as he was with Allie. It occurred to him he was happier than he had ever been in his life, so happy he could almost forget the buried, jagged shard of guilt that never truly stopped ripping at the heart of him.

  Almost, but not quite.

  They fell into bed later that evening, but Liam wasn’t ready to sleep. “I brought you a present,” he said with a sly grin, showing Allie the rope he’d packed in his overnight bag.

  “Ooooh,” Allie said, her eyes widening with excitement. “Thank you, Sir.”

  “The pleasure is mine,” he replied sincerely, his cock hardening.

  He took his time securing her to the bed frame until she lay like a submissive goddess before him, spread-eagle in her ropes, naked and flushed, her hair wild on the pillow around her face. He clamped her nipples with alligator clips, turning the small knobs until her nipples were compressed and red, her chest rising and falling as she struggled to handle the erotic pain. He smacked her bare, smooth cunt with an open hand, making her cry out with each strike. At the same time, her clit rose hard beneath his palm, and the spicy sweet scent of her arousal filled his nostrils and fueled his lust.

  When he finally released the clamps, he suckled away the pain. Once she had calmed, he straddled her chest and pressed the head of his cock against her lips. She opened her mouth as eagerly as a baby bird. He eased forward, sliding the full length of his shaft down her throat, aware in this position he was blocking her ability to breathe. He remained that way for several long seconds, until her eyes widened, her pupils dilating with a heady mixture of lust and fear that made his heart kick into high gear.

  He pulled back slowly, allowing her to suck in a deep breath before plunging once more deep into her throat. “I own you, sub Allie,” he growled, power moving through his veins like rocket fuel. Not yet ready to come, he repositioned himself between her bound, spread legs.


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