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BDSM Connections - The Complete 4 Novel Series

Page 35

by Claire Thompson

  Marco was on the mat with a guy Rylee recognized as Mike, a thirty-something, muscle-bound gym rat who approached Jiu Jitsu like an offensive tackle football player.

  Rylee stood quietly for a few minutes, watching them grapple. She had hoped to talk to Marco, but knew she was taking a chance by just stopping by. She would call him later.

  Just as she turned to leave, the men broke apart. They rose to their feet, Mike breathing hard, sweat rolling down his face, Marco barely winded, bouncing lightly on the balls of his feet. “Good job, Mike,” Marco said, patting the huge man on the back. “We’ll keep working on defensive techniques. You need to stop attacking from an inferior position. Remember, the gym mat is not the competition floor.”

  As Mike lumbered away, Marco turned to Rylee, his face lighting up. “Hey you! Where have you been hiding?” He looked her over, a question on his face. “You’re not dressed for a workout.”

  “No time today. I just stopped by to say hi.”

  “You look like the cat who ate the bird.”

  “The canary,” Rylee corrected automatically.

  “Right, whatever.” Suddenly his face lit up. “O-M-G, girl! You’ve been with him, haven’t you? The Leather Master! See, I told you it was meant to be.”

  “Cut it out, Marco. It’s just been a few days.”

  “Details,” Marco said emphatically. “I want details. Give me three minutes to shower. I’ll meet you in the snack bar. Get me a protein shake.”

  “For a sub boy, you sure are bossy,” Rylee rejoined with a laugh.

  “All subs are bossy,” he retorted. “That’s why we need Masters.”

  Freshly showered, Marco joined Rylee at a small table in the gym’s snack bar and picked up his green protein drink. Rylee had ordered a banana, raspberry smoothie for herself.

  “Tell me everything,” he said. “Leave nothing out.”

  He listened with rapt attention as Rylee told him about the BDSM convention and Taggart’s offer of submission training. While she didn’t go into explicit detail about their sexual liaison, she did tell him about the dungeon sessions and her powerful reaction to the experience.

  Marco beamed at her from across the table. “It’s about time you came over to my side. Masochism only takes you so far, you know. Since Jordan and I saw the way you two clicked during the video, we agreed if there was a guy out there capable of domming you, the Leather Master would be the one to do it. I’m so happy for you—for you both.”

  “Stop it, Marco,” Rylee snapped, her words coming out more sharply than she’d intended. “You’ll have us walking down the aisle next. It’s just a five-day arrangement, not a relationship.”

  “What?” Marco scanned her face. “What’s the matter? Something happened just now. Something you’re not telling me.”

  Rylee looked down at the table. “I’m sorry. It’s nothing. It’s just…” She shook her head. “No, it’s really nothing.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Rylee Elizabeth. I know you too well.”

  Suddenly she was back on the floor of the dungeon, lying in Taggart’s arms, those three words having just plopped out of her mouth like slimy toads. As if Taggart were still nestled behind her, he stiffened, the radio silence of his nonresponse reverberating in her brain.

  “Hey.” Marco put his finger underneath Rylee’s chin and gently lifted her face. “It’s me. Marco. Your best friend. Tell me what’s going on.”

  Rylee let out a breath. “It’s stupid, really. I feel like I’m in middle school and Taggart is my first boyfriend.” She forced a small laugh. “I did a dumb thing. I’m afraid it might have messed things up a little bit.”

  “What? What did you do?”

  “I said that I loved him,” she blurted in a rush. “We’d spent all of two days together, and I said the dreaded L word.”

  Marco looked confused. “So? What’s wrong with that? Jordan and I fell in love the first hour we met.” He shrugged. “When it’s right, it’s right. You just know. Especially with a BDSM connection. It’s the most powerful thing in the world. Submission is just another face of love. I hope the guy got on his knees and thanked you from the bottom of his heart.”

  “That’s just it. He didn’t react at all. He didn’t say a word.”

  Marco frowned. After a moment, however, he brightened. “It was at the end of an intense scene, right?”

  “Yeah. Very intense.”

  “And you were, what? Lying together in each other’s arms?”


  “So, that’s simple, then. He probably didn’t even hear you. He was probably asleep already. Remember, he’s a guy.” Marco grinned.

  Rylee smiled, but shook her head. “I don’t think so. He wasn’t asleep. I think he heard me.”

  “Okay, then.” Marco pondered a moment longer and once again brightened. “Here’s what I think. Taggart’s never been married, right?”

  “Right. At least as far as I know.”

  Marco slapped the table with his hands for emphasis. “That’s it then. He’s afraid of the L word, as you call it. That doesn’t mean he’s not falling in love. He’s just too scared, or too stupid, to admit it yet. My advice to you is to play it cool. No pressure. If the guy is worth his salt, and I believe he is, he’ll come around. You’re way too special for him not to.”

  Rylee smiled. “Thanks, Marco. You always know the right thing to say. I appreciate it.”

  When Rylee returned to Taggart’s place, he wasn’t back yet. She took the long skirt upstairs and then went down to the workshop. She set up her laptop at the empty worktable in the corner they’d agreed would be hers.

  She had a lot of ideas for Taggart’s website. As soon as she handled her email and addressed a few pressing issues for current clients, she turned her attention to building the site.

  She was deep into her work when she heard the sound of Taggart’s truck pulling up in front of the house. She looked up expectantly as the key turned in the lock, and Taggart entered the room.

  He was carrying an armful of leather hides along with several bags of groceries. “Hey there. Everything taken care of on your end?”

  “Yeah. I’m all yours for the rest of the week.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.” He flashed a grin. “I connected with Steve and Zach,” Taggart said. “They’re both available and eager for the work. They should be here in about an hour.”

  “Great.” Rylee stood and moved around the table toward Taggart. “I’ve been working on the initial layout for your website. I have some questions and a bunch of ideas I want to run by you.”

  “Sounds good.” Taggart walked to one of the worktables and set down the hides. Turning to Rylee, he said, “Can you put away these groceries while I get these hides on the stretcher? I picked up some sandwiches, too. We can eat while we work. I want to get a bunch of this knocked out so we have time for more training after Zach and Steve leave.”

  A thrill of anticipation moved through Rylee. She was definitely ready and eager for more submissive training.

  As she reached for the grocery bags, Taggart leaned down and kissed her mouth, lightly at first and then with more intensity, his tongue sliding between her lips, his free hand reaching up to cup the back of her head.

  When he finally let her go, Rylee was breathless, her nipples straining against her bra, the crotch of her panties damp.

  “We’ll be doing some low-level training while the guys are here. As soon as I get these hides going, let’s go upstairs. I want to pick out a different outfit for you to wear.”

  Rylee put away the groceries, her heart thumping with pleasant anticipation. While she was nervous at the prospect of being trained in front of Zach and Steve, she was also excited by the idea.

  She had never understood the appeal of erotic submission, but since Taggart had begun to introduce her to its power, it was as if the floodgates had opened inside her. She was eager to do more, to learn more, to be the very best sub she could be.

bsp; A few minutes later, Taggart met Rylee at the bottom of the staircase, a small wrapped package in his hand. She glanced at it, but Taggart said nothing, only gesturing for them to go upstairs.

  In the bedroom, he had Rylee spread out all the clothing she had brought on the bed for his review. “That will be perfect.” He pointed to a leather miniskirt Rylee liked to wear when she went out to BDSM clubs. “And this blouse will go nicely.” He picked up a long-sleeve, button-down, see-through white silk blouse and handed it to Rylee.

  “R,” he said, his voice deepening. “I want you to strip naked and present yourself to me in the supine offering position.”

  Rylee started automatically to ask what he had in mind, but his use of her first initial instead of her full name had sent her to a different place. She pulled off her jeans, sweater, bra and underwear, tossing them onto the bed.

  Supine offering position.

  Hoping she was remembering correctly, Rylee positioned herself on her back on the throw rug at the foot of the bed, feet flat on the floor, her pelvis arched upward, legs spread wide.

  Taggart opened the package he’d brought upstairs and held out the two items it contained. The first was a vibrator made of soft, black rubber. The second was a medium-sized butt plug, also black and flaring at the base.

  “You’re going to wear these toys inside you while the guys are here,” Taggart informed her. He held up something else, which Rylee saw was a small remote. “These are both controlled by this remote. I’ll keep it with me and use it as it pleases me. If you find you need to come, you may ask me for permission.”

  Still on her back, pelvis raised in the air, Rylee’s mouth flew open, a protest very nearly flying out of it. She caught herself in time and closed her lips. Yet a small war waged inside her head. She wasn’t sure she was ready for training of that sort in front of strangers, but at the same time, she couldn’t deny the deep erotic thrill that thrummed through her loins like an electric current.

  Taggart was watching her, as if daring her to refuse.

  She met his eye, determination giving her courage. “Yes, Sir,” she said.

  “Good girl,” he said softly, as if he had been witness to her internal debate.

  He lubricated the phalluses. The large one slid into her pussy with relative ease, leaving her with a full feeling that made her clit throb.

  He had her turn over onto her hands and knees so he could insert the anal plug. She accommodated it without any trouble, until that last bit when the flared base was forced past her resisting sphincter. But the pain passed quickly as her body adapted to the invasion.

  “Excellent,” Taggart said, patting her bare ass. “You may get up and get dressed. The panties will help keep the dildos in place.”

  Rylee got to her feet, moving carefully so as not to dislodge the toys inside her. She pulled on her panties and reached automatically for her bra.

  “No bra,” Taggart said.

  “But—” Rylee cut herself off. Obviously, Taggart knew the blouse was see-through. That was why he had chosen it. He was going to display Rylee for Steve and Zach.

  As your Dom, a voice inside her whispered, he has every right to do so.

  “But what?” Taggart’s voice was suddenly hard.

  “Nothing, Sir.”

  Taggart nodded curtly. “It pleases me how quickly you’re learning, R. You probably won’t even need the full five days. You’re a natural.”

  Rylee glanced up sharply. What the hell did that mean? Was he going to “let her go” because she’d finished the program early? Was that really all this was for him? Just training another sub for the good of the BDSM community at large?

  What the fuck?

  Taggart had turned away and was already walking toward the door.

  Marco’s advice returned to her: Play it cool. Yes, she would play it cool as a cucumber. Whatever happened, happened.

  At the door, Taggart turned back as she was buttoning her blouse. “Damn,” he said approvingly. “You look incredibly hot like that. Tuck the blouse into the skirt. Oh, and bring the heels with you. You don’t have to put them on until the guys get here.”

  Rylee found it difficult to concentrate on her work, dressed as she was, the sex toys buried deep in her cunt and ass. She shifted constantly on her stool, her nipples hard points against her sheer blouse, her clit aching. Though she should be hungry, she had no appetite for the chicken salad sandwich Taggart had brought for her.

  They worked quietly for nearly an hour. Taggart hadn’t activated the remote, and appeared to be completely absorbed in his work, cutting long strips of leather with a firm, practiced stroke.

  They both looked up at the sound of a car pulling into the circular drive in front of the house. As a car door slammed, a second car pulled up and a second door slammed.

  Taggart rose from his worktable and went to the door. Rylee could see two men standing on the porch through the glass. Taggart pulled open the door and gestured the two of them inside. Both of them had large messenger bags over their shoulders, presumably containing the tools of their trade.

  Taggart shook hands with both guys and turned to Rylee. “R, come and present yourself to my friends.” Heat rushed to Rylee’s face as she stood in her skimpy, revealing outfit. Using the table for balance, she slipped her feet into her high heels and stepped toward the guys, all three of whom were staring at her.

  “This is Steve”—Taggart gestured toward the older of the two men, who appeared to be in his early thirties. Of medium height, he had blond hair, dark blue eyes and a long, narrow face and a wiry frame. He swept his gaze slowly over Rylee with a casual, insolent cruelty that made her flush and look away.

  “And this is Zach,” Taggart continued, apparently unaware of Rylee’s sudden discomfiture.

  “A pleasure to meet you,” Zach, the apparently more polite of the two, said.

  The heat fading from her cheeks, Rylee turned her attention to him and smiled. Taller by several inches than Steve, Zach appeared to be in his mid twenties. He had dark brown hair cut short on the sides and long on the top, a swath of it hanging down over his forehead. Zach was a big guy with the build of a football player. His tongue appeared on his full lower lip as he regarded her, an obvious bulge rising at his crotch.

  “Rylee, assume the prone welcome position,” Taggart commanded quietly.

  Praying she would do it correctly, Rylee lowered herself awkwardly to the floor, keenly aware of the shortness of her skirt and the toys inside her. On her knees, she leaned forward, stretching out her hands, palms flat on the floor, her forehead touching the ground.

  “Holy shit,” Zach exclaimed. “Is she yours? Can we have her for a few days?”

  Taggart chuckled. “Keep your dick in your pants, Zach. You guys are here to work, remember? I’m paying you in dollars, not pussy.”

  Listening to this conversation, bowed in this deeply submissive position in front of the three men, Rylee was at once annoyed and thrilled by their banter. She experienced a curious, powerful blend of pure humiliation and intense sexual arousal. She was glad her face was hidden, afraid of what it might reveal.

  He tapped on her shoulder. “You may rise, R. Return to your work station.”

  Rylee got to her feet, keeping her burning face averted as she walked carefully back to her table on the high heels.

  Taggart and his assistants got down to work on their leather while Rylee tried to focus once more on the Leather Master’s fledgling website. They passed an hour or so in relative silence, save for the men discussing various aspects of their work as they cut and plaited the leather.

  Rylee had actually managed to do a fair amount of coding when the phalluses still wedged inside her leaped to whirring life. “Oh,” she cried, startled at the sudden, intense vibration in her cunt and ass.

  Taggart was watching her, a sensual half smile lifting one side of his mouth. The other two men looked up at her and then over to Taggart. When he said nothing, they returned to their wor
k, both with shit-eating grins on their faces.

  Rylee’s clit swelled and hardened as the dildo stimulated it from the inside out. She had never experienced a vibrating butt plug, and the combined effect was intense.

  She gasped involuntarily as the dual vibrations intensified, the whirring sound audible in her ears. She pressed her thighs together, her clit throbbing. She shifted on her stool, casting a sidelong look at Zach and Steve, both of whom were again openly staring at her, their eyes bright with lust, their mouths hanging open.

  The vibrations intensified once more, and Rylee moaned. Her body had begun to tremble. Jesus, she wasn’t going to be able to hang on much longer. She glanced beseechingly at Taggart, who smiled blandly back.

  “Oh, god,” she groaned, the words wrenched from her lips. She placed her hands flat on the table as she panted. “Please, Sir,” she cried. “Oh, god, please, oh, shit, can I come, Sir?”


  Startled and shocked, she shot a glance at Taggart.

  “Not yet, R. Hold on for ten more seconds. Count them out loud. When you’re done, you may come.”

  Her face on fire, her body trembling, Rylee struggled to control herself as the vibrators whirred against each other inside her. “One,” she panted. “Two…three…four…”

  She couldn’t help it—by the count of eight, her body betrayed her, an orgasm slamming through her like a freight train. “Nine! Ten!” she cried as it dragged her along its tracks, hurtling at a hundred miles an hour through her senses.

  All at once, the vibrators ceased their whirring. Utterly spent, Rylee collapsed back onto the stool, still shaking from the powerful climax. Slowly, she lifted her head and looked at her Dom, not sure if he was aware of just what had happened or not.

  To her relief, he was smiling at her, pride evident on his face.

  “Christ, Fitzgerald,” Steve said. “We call dibs on this one when you’re done with her.”

  Rylee’s eyes flew from Taggart to Steve and back to Taggart, her heart pounding as she waited for his response.

  Without even glancing at the other man, his warm eyes still fixed on Rylee, the Leather Master replied, “Sorry, Steve. She’s all mine.”


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