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BDSM Connections - The Complete 4 Novel Series

Page 49

by Claire Thompson

Turning to Jeannie, she smiled. “Actually, I am seeing someone,” she said.

  Two someones, to be precise.

  After all, Aaron had noticed she was “sparkly” so why try to hide it? None of them needed to know the someones were trainers, or that she was only a client.

  “Good for you,” Jeannie said approvingly as she left the room.

  “Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me,” Shea said, pushing back from the table. “I’m taking an early lunch.”


  Zach sat on the dungeon couch beside Steve, their new trainee naked on the kneeling pad in front of them. He would have actually liked to take Shea with him to Hardcore and put her through her paces in public, but when he’d mentioned his thought to Steve, his partner had said, “Not yet, Zach. We don’t want to push her too fast. She’s already handling a lot for such a novice. Maybe we can take her next Saturday, depending on her progress over the course of the week.”

  Zach had been startled by Steve’s use of the word “we” and it made him realize he hadn’t been thinking about Steve as part of the equation when he had considered taking Shea out.

  The thought pulled him up short. They had an unspoken but definite rule—neither of them dated one of their trainees until the training was officially over. It got too complicated otherwise, especially for Steve, who tended to get more emotionally involved than Zach.

  It was kind of ironic, when he thought about it—Zach knew he came across as the lovey-dovey one—the more sensitive, gentle of the two, while Steve, who was more of a hardcore sadist than Zach, gave the impression he was also the more aloof, demanding Master. And Zach couldn’t deny the combination of the two of them was an effective one. There was never a shortage of women eager to train with them. He sometimes joked with Steve that together they made the perfect Dom.

  But in fact, beneath the rules, protocol and whips, Steve was the mush, his heart too easily broken, his defenses too easily penetrated, while Zach kept his emotions firmly out of the mix. He liked playing the field, and part of the fun was avoiding the potential landmines of emotional entanglement along the way. No way was he going to settle for one girl when there were so many lovely ladies just waiting to be trained, claimed, conquered and then sent, always with a tender kiss and swat on their ass, of course, on their merry way.

  Shea was different, though, from anyone they had trained before. She was so disarmingly…genuine. Yes, that was the word. There was no hidden agenda, no sly topping from the bottom, no false moves. And though it shouldn’t really matter for training purposes, there was the unusual yet intriguing complication of her virginity. Zach hadn’t been with a virgin since…wait, he’d never been with a virgin.

  His first serious girlfriend in high school had been a year older than he, and quite a bit more experienced. She’d been wet and ready and, though he’d only lasted about three minutes, he still remembered the first time he’d entered her velvety wet heat—the sudden grip of her vaginal muscles and her soft, yielding body beneath his. He’d heard plenty of horror stories from buddies about their wilting erections in the face of their girlfriend’s nervous, anxious resistance, and he’d been more than glad to have dodged that particular bullet.

  Returning his focus to the girl kneeling before them, Zach said, “We’ve been reading your emails, of course, and they’ve been very enlightening. We’re looking forward to watching your video with you. Tell us a little about the process—how it went for you, what you were feeling.”

  Shea’s cheeks began to redden. Her capacity to blush was astonishing but also rather sweet. She looked down at the floor as if gathering herself. Finally, she swallowed and lifted her gaze, focusing first on Steve and then on Zach, who gave her a reassuring smile. “You had me make a video of myself masturbating while I shared out loud a secret sexual fantasy—one I hadn’t told you yet.”

  She paused again for so long that Zach prompted, “Go on. Remember, there is no right and wrong here. It’s a process.”

  She flashed him a grateful look and nodded. “I kind of zoned out while I was doing it—I mean, I just sort of let go. The fantasy I came up with, I really have no idea where it came from. I mean, it’s not anything I ever even imagined before…” She trailed off again.

  “That sounds like a good development, S,” Steve said. “One of your training goals is to let go of your inhibitions. An essential component of submission is to give yourself, to share of yourself, without holding back. If you come up with hot new fantasies in the process”—he shrugged and grinned—“so much the better.”

  “Exactly,” Zach concurred. “Before we watch the video, tell us about today’s assignment.”

  “Today I wore the butterfly to work. It took me a while to figure out how to put the darn thing on.” Shea flashed a sudden grin. “You told me I should have five orgasms over the course of the workday using the butterfly. I couldn’t use it in the lab, of course, because it makes too much noise, not to mention, I have a bunch of guys sitting around me.” She grinned sheepishly.

  “So, how did you manage?” Zach asked, imagining Shea at her office or lab or whatever it was, surrounded by other science geeks in white coats who had no idea what she had on inside her panties.

  “I took a lot of bathroom breaks,” she said with a small laugh. “Luckily, my time is pretty much my own, as long as I get my work done. I really like my butterfly,” she added enthusiastically, her words followed by another spectacular blush.

  “Good to hear,” Steve said with dry amusement. “Now, the recording of your masturbation. Where is that?”

  “I put it on a thumb drive, like you said, Sir. It’s on top of my cell phone in the top cubby. It’s not—I mean, you’re not going to use it for anything, or show it to anyone, right?” she asked, worry coloring her tone.

  “Absolutely not,” Zach assured her. “Once we’ve watched it, you’ll keep the thumb drive in your possession.”

  “Thank you, Master Zach. Um, if it’s okay, could you just, you know, watch it later, when I’m not around? I don’t really want to see it.”

  Zach flashed Steve an amused glance before replying, “No, that’s not okay. You’ll sit between us here on the couch, and we’ll watch it together.”

  She swallowed visibly but, after a moment’s hesitation, replied, “Yes, Sir.”

  Zach retrieved the laptop and the thumb drive while Shea seated herself next to Steve. Zach returned and sat on her other side, noticing, not for the first time, the warm, inviting scent of vanilla on her skin, along with the light floral scent of her shampoo. Her long hair was over her shoulders, the tips covering the tops of her breasts. Zach gathered the long, unruly tendrils into a ponytail and smoothed them back behind her so he had a better view of her full, round breasts and the perky nipples at their centers.

  Then he placed the laptop on her bare thighs, the thumb drive already in the USB port. He touched a key to unlock the screen, and a still of Shea, naked on a bed, appeared in front of them, a play arrow superimposed over the image.

  “Yuck,” Shea muttered, turning her head aside.

  “Shea,” Steve said sharply. “Would you rather start tonight’s session with a punishment?”

  “No, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir,” Shea said hurriedly. “It’s just—”

  “Enough. You will remain silent until asked a direct question.”

  Shea glanced beseechingly at Zach, but he only nodded, crossing his arms over his chest for emphasis.

  Slowly, she turned back to face the screen.

  Steve leaned over and touched a key, and the image came alive.

  Shea had set up whatever recording device she was using so there was a full view of the mattress. She appeared in front of the camera, naked, her face reddening as she lay down in the center of the bed. She placed her feet flat on the mattress and let her knees fall open, immediately covering her cunt with her right hand. Her large breasts were soft mounds on her chest, her hair loose and wild on the pillow. She began to speak in a low, halti
ng murmur.

  Zach reached unobtrusively to the side of the laptop to increase the volume.

  “I’m in a cage in the corner of a large dining room,” the girl in the video began. “There are several men seated around the table. They’ve just finished a meal and they’re drinking glasses of brandy. Master Zach and Sir Stephen are at either end of the table. Nobody is paying any attention to me.

  “‘When are we going to get to sample your new slave?’ one of the men at the table asks.

  “‘How about now?’ Sir Stephen says. He stands and moves to my cage. He turns the lock and pulls the door open. He puts his hand on my throat.” The girl in the video gasped, a tremor moving through her body.

  Zach, who had already observed her sensitivity to chokeholds, made a mental note to explore that further in their training.

  “Sir Stephen pulls me out of the cage, his fingers clamped below my jaw like a vise.” The girl in the video stopped speaking as she rubbed herself for several seconds, the sound of her breathing audible.

  Zach stole a sidelong glance at Shea beside him. Her face was as red as a tomato but her nipples were fully erect, and he bet if he slid his hand between her legs to take her temperature, he would find that she was hot and wet.

  “‘Lie on the table in front of Master Brandon and spread your legs so he can see your cunt, S,’ Sir Stephen commands me. I’m shy about doing this, but I don’t dare disobey or he’ll whip me and keep me in the cage all night, like he did the last time.”

  Zach flashed a glance at Steve over Shea’s head. The last time? he mouthed with raised eyebrows. Steve answered with an amused shrug. Clearly, the girl had a very active imagination.

  Zach experienced a rush of gratitude that Shea was so willing to give of herself to the two of them. There was something about D/s that seemed to skip past so many of the social conventions that kept people at arm’s length. It was one of the things he loved most about the scene.

  At the same time, it didn’t escape his notice that the fantasy was focused around Sir Stephen, though at least Master Zach was at the table. That made sense, he supposed, since, so far during their training sessions, Steve had been the one who had given most of the direct commands to the girl.

  That was often the way between them, though this was the first time Zach had thought much about it. This was the first time it seemed, for some reason, to matter.

  As Shea continued to talk and masturbate on the video, she described various scenarios involving the different guys at the table, each of whom did things to her while the others looked on. As she talked, her voice took on an increasingly breathy, husky tone, her fingers busy between her legs all the while. One guy whipped her cunt with a single tail, then another stood over the table and choked her with his cock, while yet another dripped hot wax on her breasts.

  Zach was impressed at the narrative as he glanced from the screen to Shea seated beside him on the couch. She was biting her lower lip, her eyes fever bright as she watched herself approach orgasm on the small screen.

  “Then Master Zach steps in front of me.”

  Finally, Zach thought with an inward grin.

  “He opens his leather fly to reveal his massive cock,” the girl on the screen said, while the girl beside him groaned.

  Delighted with the recognition of his “massive cock,” Zach shot a triumphant look toward Steve, who grinned and shrugged.

  “’It’s time,’ he says in his deep, sexy voice. “You’ve been a virgin too long. Now you belong to me.’”

  Again Zach and Steve exchanged a glance as Shea continued, “He places the head of his shaft between my legs and enters me.” The girl in the video gasped as if it were really happening to her. “It hurts, but I welcome the pain. I need the pain. I need to suffer. I need to suffer for my Masters. I need—oh god, oh, oh, oooooh…”

  Shea lifted her hips from the bed, a shudder wracking her body as she clamped her knees together and then fell back against the mattress with a cry. Her hand fluttered away from her cunt and she lay still for a long moment on the bed, the only sound her heavy breathing.

  Finally, she lifted herself on her elbows and looked directly at the screen. “I can’t believe I just did that,” she muttered as she rocked herself forward. She reached toward the device, ending the video.

  The living girl between them brought her hands to her face. “Oh, god, Sirs,” she wailed. “I’m so embarrassed that you watched that.”

  Zach and Steve both reached for her hands, each pulling one away from her face.

  Her wrist still caught in his grasp, Steve demanded, “Did you forget one of the primary rules of D/s? Modesty has no place in submission. You executed the assignment you were given, and you did it very well. But this little display of yours definitely calls for another correction.”

  “But first,” Zach interjected, his cock throbbing, “I really think we need to address this issue of your virginity. It’s obvious from what you’ve said when we’ve talked, as well as the action in your fantasy, that you’re ready to be deflowered.” He felt a little ridiculous saying the silly word, but didn’t know how else to put it. “One of us will be happy to take care of that for you before we move on with your training.”

  Of course, based on her fantasy, he, Zach, would obviously be her chosen one.

  Steve shot him a sharp look. They had in fact discussed the interesting fact of her virginity, but had agreed they would wait for her to broach the subject again.

  Zach avoided meeting Steve’s eye. Maybe she hadn’t brought it up directly, but that fantasy was clearly a call for help, and he was just the man to provide such assistance. After twenty-nine years of avoiding virgins at all costs, he found himself quite ready to take the plunge.

  To his surprise, Steve agreed. “I think that’s a good idea, Shea. Zach’s right. Your virginity might be something of a roadblock as we get deeper into training. Let’s address it and move on. Which one of us would you like to have fuck you?”

  Shea stared from one to the other of them, her face actually draining of color for a change. Zach was afraid she was going to faint, but just as he reached out to steady her, Shea said, “Both of you, please, Sirs.”

  Chapter 7

  “I think we’ll be more comfortable upstairs for this particular, uh, exercise. You agree, Zach?”

  Zach glanced at Shea and then regarded Steve for a long moment before finally nodding. “Yeah, that makes sense.”

  It had been fascinating to watch Shea on the screen, alone in her bedroom, her hand between her legs, as she painted such a vivid scenario with her words. Her voice had been husky with lust, her gasps pulled from deep inside. It had been more than just a window to her secret fantasies. Steve had gotten a sense of the real woman behind the somewhat shy, occasionally awkward new trainee. Virgin or not, Shea was clearly very in touch with her submissive and masochistic feelings, and extremely sexually responsive.

  They led her out of the dungeon and up the stairs to the first floor. “Let’s go up to my bedroom,” Steve said. “The bed is bigger.” And it’s mine, not Zach’s. Did that matter? No, Steve told himself firmly. Zach and I are a team.

  On the second floor, they walked down the hallway past Zach’s room and the guest bedroom to the large master bedroom, Shea naked between them. Steve stopped at the door and gestured for the pair to enter ahead of him.

  Shea stepped into the room, stopping abruptly as she took in Steve’s king-size bed on its high wooden frame and the three decorative whips he’d hung above the headboard.

  Zach neatly sidestepped the immobile girl and entered the room. Turning to Shea, who had wrapped her arms protectively around her bare breasts, he said, “So, you sure about both of us? I mean, you can only lose your virginity”—he used his fingers to put quotations around the phrase—“once, right?”

  “Actually, that’s not true,” Steve interjected, his balls already tight with anticipation, his heart beating just a little too fast. They both turned their heads tow
ard him. “Zach will take you vaginally,” he managed to say evenly, “and I’ll take you anally.”

  Shea’s mouth opened, her eyes widening as she took a step back, her arms still wrapped tightly around her body.

  “S,” Steve said with quiet authority, consciously using only her initial to help her return to the proper mindset, “drop your hands to your sides and stand at attention, feet shoulder-width apart, back straight.”

  He waited until she had complied, pleased to see some of her submissive calm returning in the process. “Do you have an issue with anal sex?”

  Shea swallowed visibly, a play of emotions moving over her face that included both fear and desire. He waited, his gaze fixed on her face. Finally, she said, “No, Sir Stephen.”

  Satisfied, Steve moved to the bed and pulled down the covers. “Lie on your back right here,” he said, pointing to the side of the bed he didn’t sleep on. Shea obeyed him, settling herself against the sheets. Turning to Zach, he said, “Vaginal first?”

  “Works for me.” Zach flashed a broad grin, not even trying to hide his obvious eagerness.

  Zach stripped quickly. His cock fisted in his hand, he turned to Steve. “Condoms?”

  Steve reached into the drawer of his nightstand and tossed a packet, along with a tube of lubricant, to Zach, who caught the items easily, tore open the wrapper and slid the pre-lubricated sheath over his large, erect shaft. Then he sat on the edge of the bed beside Shea and placed his hand on her right breast. “This is a new step forward for you.”

  “It’s no big deal,” Shea asserted with a defiant lift of her chin “I really don’t understand what all the drama is about.”

  Her body language belied her words, her nipples erect, her voice wavering slightly, the same fever-bright look in her eyes he’d seen in the video. Steve looked forward to showing her precisely what all the drama was about.

  He glanced at Zach to see his reaction to Shea’s claim. Zach grinned and said in typical Zach fashion, “You don’t need drama to have fun, babe. It’s about time you learned just what it is you’ve been missing.”


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