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BDSM Connections - The Complete 4 Novel Series

Page 60

by Claire Thompson

  “Listen to you, with talk of secondary revenue streams,” Ruby said, impressed and horrified in equal measure. “Next thing you’ll be talking about stock options and going public.”

  “Not hardly,” Allie laughed. “But it is pretty cool to think there’s a market for my BDSM pieces.”

  “Of course there’s a market. Your work is beautiful.”

  Allie had created fine quality jewelry, all with a BDSM theme, including tiny handcuff earrings with pretty gemstones in place of chain, necklaces that could also be worn as slave collars, and an assortment of bracelets in silver, gold and leather that could also serve as restraining cuffs.

  “Did you check these out?” Rylee said to Ruby, reaching for what looked like a walking cane set in a wicker umbrella stand by the counter. The piece was made of polished wood with a crystal knob wrapped in delicate silver filigree on top for the handle.

  “But I thought you were showing just your BDSM wares in this storefront?” she asked, perplexed.

  Rylee handed Ruby the cane. “See that little seam, right there?” She pointed to a barely noticeable break in the wood.

  Ruby examined the cane more closely, understanding dawning. “Ah. It’s hollow. I once saw a guy arrested at the airport in Mumbai, trying to get one of these things through customs. He’d hidden like a pound of hashish in there.”

  “Mine have something even better inside,” Allie said. “Open it and see.”

  Curious, Ruby twisted the two halves of joined wood. They slid easily apart. She pulled out the long, thin bamboo cane, the handle end bound in leather. She whipped it in the air with a laugh. “Sweet.”

  She slid the cane back into its groove and returned the walking stick to its incognito status before placing it carefully back into the stand with the other four offerings, each with a unique handle grip. “I bet you’ll sell out of these the first day.”

  “About that,” Allie said with a lift of her eyebrows. “You do such beautiful woodwork, Ruby. Would you be interested in helping me with these canes while you’re here? I’m more of a metal and fine gem girl, myself, as you know. I’d split the proceeds down the middle and provide the materials, if you wanted a little something to do while you’re house-sitting?”

  Frank and Janice Martin, friends of Ruby’s parents, had picked her up from the airport that morning. She had been back in the States only a few weeks when the opportunity had presented itself to cat sit for the couple while they traveled to Canada. Ruby, already chafing from the stifling hospitality of her chronically disapproving parents, had leaped at the chance.

  “Sure,” Ruby agreed, picking up another of the canes. “These are made from maple, right?” As Allie nodded, Ruby continued, “We could try other woods too, like black cherry and walnut. I learned a cool polishing technique in Chile that really brings out the grain. It’s been a while since I did any woodwork. I’d love to tackle the project.”

  “Great. I’ve got a nice workshop at home, and I have a good wood supplier who should be able to get us whatever you need.” She looked with satisfaction around the small booth. “I think we have this pretty well in hand. You guys want to come back to my place?”

  “Thanks, but I have a website I need to get finished,” Rylee said.

  Ruby glanced again out into the warehouse, her ass still tingling pleasantly from the flogging, but there was still no sign of the handsome Dom. “I should get back to Cuddles and Binky,” she said. “It’s time for their afternoon walk.”

  “A walk?” Rylee asked. “I thought they were cats, not dogs.”

  “They’re very special cats,” Ruby said with a smile. “Mr. and Mrs. Martin spent the better part of an hour this morning detailing their daily regimen. They wrote it all out for me, too, in case I forget. I don’t dare vary from the routine, or the kitty cats might freak out.” She shrugged. “It’s not really that onerous. It’s the least I can do in exchange for the use of a car and luxury accommodations for two weeks.”

  “Maybe you could come over for dinner then?” Allie said.

  “Yeah,” Rylee added. “Taggart and I are coming too.”

  Ruby wavered. As eager as she was to catch up with her dear friend and meet all the new people in Allie’s life, she was exhausted from the early plane flight and not yet adjusted to the three-hour time difference.

  “Liam invited Evan Stewart to join us,” Allie continued. “You should totally come. Seven o’clock.”

  The no that had been forming on Ruby’s lips vanished into thin air. “Sure,” she said. “I’d love to.”

  Chapter 2

  Evan pulled up to the address he’d been given and cut the engine. There were already two other cars on the street in front of the house. He picked up the bouquet of flowers he’d bought along the way and climbed out of the car.

  Normally he didn’t accept personal invitations from the folks involved in the BDSM events he helped to coordinate, preferring to scope out the local scene on his nights off, but this group was different. He already knew and quite liked Taggart Fitzgerald, as they’d crossed paths a number of times over the years at various BDSM events. Taggart and his friends weren’t the usual weekend dabblers. They were clearly dedicated to the lifestyle. Plus, Liam had mentioned his state-of-the-art personal basement dungeon, which Evan was looking forward to checking out.

  He walked up the path to the front door and pressed the bell. Allie Byrne pulled open the door with a smile. “Hey there, Evan. Come on in.” She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

  He held out the bouquet. “Thanks for having me over. These are for you.”

  Allie beamed as she took them. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.” She stepped back and gestured him inside. “Come on back. Can I get you a beer or a glass of wine?”

  “Sure, a beer would be great,” Evan agreed.

  He followed Allie into a large living room. Taggart and his partner, Rylee, were ensconced on one end of a large sofa, snuggled against each other. “Hey there, bro,” Taggart said in his deep, gravelly voice.

  “Hey,” Evan said back, smiling at the couple. “Hi, Rylee.”

  Then he saw her.

  His body reacted a split second before his brain, stopping mid-stride. Blood drained from his head and limbs into his core in a sudden, adrenaline-induced gush that left him lightheaded.

  She had vanished from the warehouse that afternoon before he could extricate himself from his duties with the crowd. Now she sat at the other end of the sofa, a glass of red wine in her hand, her dark, wavy hair falling over her shoulders. She had changed from her earlier outfit into a red blouse that hugged those gorgeous breasts, tucked into black slacks, red slippers on her feet. If possible, she was even more beautiful than he’d remembered.

  “I’m not sure if you were formally introduced,” Allie said beside him. “This is my good friend, Ruby Beckett.”

  For a moment, Evan forgot how to speak. He just stared, mouth hanging open, cock hardening at the sight of the lovely Ruby. His hands twitched with the muscle memory of whipping that beautiful naked body.

  “Yes, yes, of course,” he finally managed. He cleared his throat. “You kind of disappeared after the demo. It’s nice to see you again, Ruby.” The momentary fog that had assailed his brain lifted, and he realized he was grinning like an idiot.

  Ruby flashed him a dimpled, radiant smile, a devilish glint in her dark eyes. “Nice to see you, too, Evan,” she replied in that low, pleasing voice.

  He had a nearly overwhelming desire to pull her into his arms and crush her lips with his. Instead, he forced himself to settle into the chair near her. He crossed his legs to hide the sudden erection seeing her had caused.

  “I’ll just go put these lovely flowers in water and get you that beer,” Allie said.

  Evan was able to pull his gaze from Ruby. “Thanks, Allie.”

  “I was just telling the girls about that National Leather Association convention in LA a few years back,” Taggart said. “When that guy was doing the v
iolet wand demonstration and there was a loose electrode and he shocked the shit out his volunteer.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Evan replied, shaking his head. “As I recall, he didn’t make too many sales that day.” He looked at Taggart. “That’s where we first met, right? You sold out of your gear in like ten minutes.”

  He had met Taggart a few more times on the road, as their paths crossed at various BDSM events. They’d gone out one night for a drink, and Evan had enjoyed Taggart’s easygoing manner. Though he was pretty famous within the BDSM community for his whip making talents, the guy was completely down to earth, not a conceited bone in his body.

  Taggart offered a rueful grin. “Yeah. I never could keep up with demand. Even with two full-time guys working with me now, I still spend too long on every piece.”

  “That’s because you care about the quality,” Rylee said, adoration on her pretty face. “Our slogans aren’t bullshit. There really is no better whip maker than the Leather Master.”

  Allie reappeared a moment later with Evan’s beer, Liam just behind her. Evan rose to his feet and accepted the beer from Allie before turning to shake Liam’s hand. “Nice to see you again. Thanks for having me.”

  “Glad you could make it, Evan. Dinner’s just about ready. Anyone else need a refresher?” He held up the half-full bottle of red wine. “How ‘bout you, Tag? Another brewsky?”

  “Nah, I’m good, thanks,” the big man replied.

  “Okay, but this is last call. We’ll need to sober up before we go down to the dungeon.”

  That sounded interesting.

  Rylee and Ruby both held out their glasses. As Liam refilled them, Taggart leaned toward Evan. “I heard you tried out one of my floggers this afternoon. How’d you like it?”

  “It’s a beautiful piece. I’m surprised you can keep any inventory in stock. Your craftsmanship is phenomenal.” Evan let his gaze sweep over Ruby. “Though apparently I didn’t do my volunteer justice,” he added, recalling her wisecrack. “We’ll have to remedy that.”

  Ruby lifted one fine eyebrow, her mouth quirked in a half-smile that could have meant anything.

  A timer dinged from what must be the kitchen. Both Allie and Liam jumped to their feet. “Come on to the table, everyone. Liam’s awesome lasagna and garlic bread await you,” Allie said.

  Rylee and Taggart sat on one side of the table, Liam and Allie at either end. Evan pulled out Ruby’s chair, though he would rather have pulled her onto his lap. As food was passed and conversation ensued, Evan almost wished he was sitting across from her, just so he could drink in the strong, graceful planes of her face and those almond-shaped dark eyes. Only almost, though, because it was better to be next to her, especially when their arms or thighs brushed accidentally on purpose. Something fizzy and electric arced between them each time they touched.

  The food was delicious, and, when he was able to get his mind off Ruby for a second, he thoroughly enjoyed both it and the company.

  “You and Ruby have something in common,” Allie said to Evan when everyone had eaten their fill. “You’ve both traveled all over the world.”

  “Is that right?” Evan turned his head with interest to the sexy woman beside him. He wanted to hear more of that low, smooth voice.

  But Ruby only said, rather cryptically, “Yep.”

  “Ruby doesn’t just pass through, either,” Allie continued. “We met in Boston, where we’re both originally from. But she’s lived in Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Greece, Budapest and Nepal.” Allie looked at Ruby. “What am I forgetting, Ruby?”

  “New York City, if that counts,” Ruby said with a laugh. “That sometimes seems like a foreign country all to itself.”

  “Impressive,” Evan said, meaning it. “I’ve done a lot of traveling, but mostly in the US and Canada. Plus a short stint in London.”

  “She’s been there, too, right, Ruby?” Allie interjected, clearly proud of her friend.

  “Cut it out, Allie,” Ruby said, though there was affection in her tone. “Let’s talk about something else, like that dungeon you told me about. I can’t wait to see it.”

  “We can do better than talk about it,” Liam said, pushing back his chair. “Come on down, and we’ll give you the grand tour.”

  Liam wasn’t kidding. The dungeon was fantastic, as well-equipped as most BDSM play clubs. There was a gorgeous St. Andrew’s cross made of wood with an inlay of steel, along with a padded bondage horse, a wooden punishment beam and a woven leather sling with stirrups set in an aluminum stand.

  “And check this out,” Liam said, leading them toward the back of the dungeon where the floor and wall had been tiled like a bathroom. “Allie has become incredibly well trained in intense water play. She’s grace personified.”

  His wife’s face flushed a pretty pink at his words, and she smiled up at him as if he were a god. A sudden, uncharacteristic stab of jealously poked at Evan’s gut, but he shook it away. The world was full of sexy submissives he had yet to meet. If he had his way, Ruby would be the next one to succumb to his charms.

  “Wow, this setup is really something,” he said appreciatively. They had installed a large Plexiglas water submersion tub. There were three shower hoses topped with adjustable spray nozzles neatly coiled on the wall nearby. Evan had always found water play, especially boundary-pushing immersion and breath play, quite erotic, with the right partner.

  “Would you care to see a demonstration?” Liam asked, putting his arm around his wife.

  Evan would have rather put Ruby into the submersion tub, but he only said, “Sure.”

  “Allie,” Liam said. “Strip and take your place against the wall.”

  “Yes, Sir Liam,” she said, her expression softening.

  Rylee and Taggart were standing nearby, Ruby on Evan’s other side. Rylee stood on tiptoe and whispered something into Taggart’s ear. He nodded. “My sub would like to join Allie for the demonstration. That okay, Liam?”

  “The more the merrier,” Liam said with a smile. “How about you, Ruby? There’s room for three.”

  “No, thanks,” Ruby said. “I’ll just watch for now.”

  For now.

  That boded well, or at least Evan decided to assume it did. The night was still young, after all.

  Allie and Rylee stripped down to bare skin. They were both extremely easy on the eyes. Allie was slender and graceful. Her nipples had been pierced, and pretty gold hoops accentuated her high, round breasts. Rylee had the broad shoulders and narrow hips of an athlete, though her breasts were large and full.

  Ruby stood quietly beside Evan as Liam directed both girls to sit on stools set against the wall. The guys wrapped rope around the girls’ thighs, tying it off on either side of each stool to hooks strategically placed in the wall. This position forced them to spread their legs wide.

  The girls then raised their arms overhead, allowing their wrists to be cuffed and secured against the wall, further immobilizing them for the fun to come. Evan would have enjoyed using the hose to spray those pretty, bare cunts until each girl begged for mercy, but he was content to stand beside Ruby and watch—for now.

  Liam turned on the spigots below each coiled hose and handed Taggart one of the hoses. Liam looked back to Evan and Ruby. “I’m a softy, so I added a thermostat feature to the hoses. Though if Allie is being punished, it’s cold water all the way,” he added with an evil grin.

  The guys took their places in front of the bound, naked women.

  “Let’s stand over here so we don’t miss the action.” Evan put his arm around Ruby’s shoulder as he guided her to a spot with a clear view. He left his hand in place as they came to a stop and was pleased when she didn’t pull away. He glanced down at her. She was staring at the spectacle before them, her full lower lip caught in her teeth, her eyes wide.

  The men aimed their nozzles at the girls’ naked bodies and pulled the triggers, sending jets of water pulsing between their forcibly spread legs. Both girls squealed.

  Ruby stiffened,
drawing in a sudden, sharp intake of air.

  Evan glanced down at her again. “You okay?”

  She looked up at him, her dark, luminous eyes wide. “Yeah. I just”—she paused and blew out a breath—“I’m fine. Water play makes me kind of nervous. It’s just so…intense.”

  “You act like that’s a bad thing,” Evan said with a grin, but he pulled her a little closer, feeling suddenly protective.

  “Oh god, oh god, oh god,” Allie began to chant, while Rylee just mewled like a kitten, her hands clenched tight around the ropes above her wrist cuffs.

  “Not yet,” Liam warned.

  “Wait for permission,” Taggart added.

  They moved the focus from the girls’ pussies to their breasts, eliciting more squeals and wriggling.

  “Please,” Rylee gasped as the water cascaded over her bound form. “I can’t…”

  “Oh god, oh god, oh god,” Allie repeated, like a mantra, trembling from head to toe, her cheeks flushed, her eyes squeezed tightly shut.

  Ruby put her hand on Evan’s arm, momentarily distracting him with her touch.

  “Don’t worry,” he reassured her. “It’s clear they all know what they’re doing.”

  Ruby nodded, some of the tension leaving her body.

  Then, at a nod from Liam, both guys adjusted their hose nozzles so the spray narrowed to a single, pulsing stream. They aimed the water between the girls’ legs, letting the spray pummel their sexes with relentless force.

  “Now,” Liam shouted. “Come for us.”

  The girls’ moans and breathy cries filled the air as they shuddered and twisted beneath the water’s onslaught. Ruby gripped hard on Evan’s arm. His cock throbbed, his balls aching as he watched the girls climax.

  Only when the guys finally eased off the triggers and moved toward the girls did Ruby release her death grip on Evan’s arm. “Whoa,” she breathed. “That was intense.”

  The men helped their women from the stools and wrapped thick, white robes around their shivering forms.


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