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BDSM Connections - The Complete 4 Novel Series

Page 67

by Claire Thompson

  “Ah,” Ruby cried as it pinched tight against tender flesh.

  Evan moved quickly, attaching all the pins, three on either side, until her cunt was spread wide, the ring held in place against the backs of her thighs by the tension of the pins on their elastic bands. Each time she shifted or struggled the tension only heightened, the clothespins tugging harder against her taut flesh. Better to remain still, if she could.

  He stared down at her, an erection visible in his jeans. “You look so hot like that.” He picked up the e-stim wand. “I’m going to shock that pretty little pussy.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered, her exposed clit throbbing. Her labia had grown numb in the grip of the clothespins. She bit her lip as she watched Evan lubricate the dildo, her heart was beating wildly against her breastbone.

  He positioned the tip at her spread cunt and pushed it carefully inside her. It was hard and thick, and her muscles contracted and spasmed involuntarily against it as it invaded her.

  “You doing okay?” he queried. “You took the whole thing.”

  “It feels really full, really intense,” Ruby replied breathlessly.

  “It’s about to get a whole lot more intense.” Evan picked up the power box. “I’ll start slowly. We’ll see what you can handle.” He twisted a small knob on the box, sending a jolt of electric current through Ruby’s body.

  She squealed, more from surprise than pain. In fact, it had tickled.

  “Okay?” Evan asked, searching her face.

  She nodded.


  “Yes, please, Sir.” She was curious now to find out how much she could handle. The second jolt was a little stronger than the first, and her muscles shivered in protest, though her clit continued to throb, made hypersensitive by the tension added from the taut clothespins.


  “Yes, please, Sir.”

  Evan gripped the handle of the dildo that was lodged inside her. He shifted it somehow, increasing the friction against her G-spot. Ruby had always envisioned her clit as three dimensional, with the outer part visible, but the underside deep inside her. Whatever Evan was doing with the dildo sent radiating waves of pleasure through her clit from the inside out, and she moaned her appreciation.

  Another jolt of electricity shot through her, intensifying the pleasure with a buzz of erotic pain. “Oh,” she cried out. Another jolt, and then another, until the current was moving through her in a steady, pulsing beat, penetrating deep muscle tissue and triggering hidden nerve bundles as it sent shudders of raw pleasure all through her.

  “Oh, oh, oh, oh,” she chanted, as he increased the intensity a little more, and then more still. She trembled as a powerful orgasm rose from deep inside her. She wailed as wave after wave of dark pleasure crashed over her senses.

  When she opened her eyes, Evan was peering at her from between her legs. He’d pulled the electrified dildo from her body, though her cunt was still spread wide by the pinching clothespins. “I’m guessing you liked it?” he said with an impish grin.

  “Fuck, yeah,” she breathed.

  He frowned. “Now comes the hard part. We have to get this thing off you.” He touched the rim of the metal ring pressed against the backs of her thighs. “It’s better if we do it now, while the endorphins are still coursing through your blood.”

  Ruby tensed, aware the releasing of the pins would hurt as much as, if not more than, when he’d attached them. “Okay.” She closed her eyes.

  One by one, he released the pins, moving quickly. Ruby sucked in her breath. It hurt, but not as much as having clamps removed from sensitized nipples, which had a lot more nerve endings than labia.

  Bringing his mouth to her sex, he licked the tortured folds. His tongue was like wet satin, his hands on her inner thighs only adding to her pleasure. He kissed and licked her pussy until another orgasm rose on the heels of the last one.

  “Ask me,” she heard Evan say over the pounding of her heart and the pant of her ragged breath. “Ask me for permission, sub girl.”

  “Please,” she begged, too far gone even to think of protesting. “Please, Sir, can I come?”


  He lowered his head and focused on her clit, giving her a shuddering, powerful climax that left her senseless.

  After a while, she opened her eyes to a rustling sound. Evan was stripping off his shirt and jeans, revealing his hard, muscular body. His cock jutted toward her like a divining rod. Sitting next to her on the bed, he growled, “I want to fuck that gorgeous ass of yours.”

  Still reeling pleasurably from her orgasm, Ruby nodded. She had always enjoyed anal sex, not so much the act itself, but the submissive aspect of it. She rolled onto her stomach and rested her head on her arms.

  Evan crouched behind her. Reaching for her hips, he pulled her up to her knees. His fingers, gooey with lubricant, smeared over her sphincter. The hand was withdrawn, replaced a moment later by the spongy head of his cock.

  “Relax,” he crooned, leaning up over her as he pushed carefully past the tight ring of muscle at the entrance. There was a moment of pain, and then her muscles relaxed and opened to him, drawing him in as she pushed gently back.

  He reached beneath her body with one hand, cupping her cunt as he moved inside her. The skilled dance of his fingers against her sex was perfectly juxtaposed with his thick, hard shaft as it moved and thrust inside her. He came before she did, emitting a sudden, sharp cry as he slammed against her. They both fell forward onto the mattress, she pinned beneath him, his hand still between her legs.

  But instead of pulling away, as she’d expected, he continued to stroke and tease her, his cock still buried in her ass. He didn’t stop until he wrested yet another strong, wild orgasm from her exhausted body.

  They lay as they’d fallen for a long while after that. Ruby tried to summon the energy to speak, to move, to get up, to think. But the powerful urge to sleep tugged at her senses, dragging her down until at last she gave in to its sweet, dark peace.

  Chapter 7

  When Ruby opened her eyes the next morning, the bed beside her was empty. She lifted herself on her elbows. “Evan?” she called. There was no reply. She got out of bed and went into the bathroom, which was empty. Maybe he was downstairs already, making coffee. She smiled at the thought as she used the toilet and brushed her teeth.

  Back in the bedroom, she noticed that his gear bag was gone. “Hmm,” she said, for the first time considering that he’d flown the coop without so much as a goodbye. She looked around for a note, then remembered what century she was in and went in search of her phone.

  At first she couldn’t think where she’d left her purse, but a little digging revealed it under the small heap of clothing she’d thrown off the night before. Pulling out her phone, she woke up the screen and checked her messages. There it was.

  “Hey, sexy girl. You were sleeping like an angel. Didn’t want to disturb you. Text or call when you’ve recovered.” He added an emoticon of a grinning devil.

  “Hey, sexy guy,” she texted back. “I’m recovered, are you? Gotta do some stuff today. Let’s connect later.”

  Still smiling, she pulled on a nightshirt and went downstairs to take care of the kitties and make coffee.

  Grabbing her phone, she texted, “Hey, Allie. I’ve got time today if you need more help with the walking canes. Let’s hang out.” She added a heart and a smiley face.

  Allie’s reply came quickly. “Great! Wood order expected today. Hurry over. I have buttermilk pancake batter with fresh blueberries that has your name on it.”

  Ruby’s stomach rumbled in anticipation. “Yum. See you in thirty.”

  The cats were happily ensconced in the sunroom. Ruby sent a quick text and a short video of Cuddles and Binky to her hosts, letting them know everything was going great and the cats were eating well. Then she returned upstairs to straighten up and make the bed. She pulled on an old red T-shirt and a pair of faded jeans, good work clothes for whittling and sta
ining wood. She smiled at herself in the bathroom mirror as she pulled her hair back with a pretty red leather barrette shaped like a Celtic knot that she’d picked up in Ireland.

  She felt good from her head to her toes, and Evan was the reason why. She loved that he was as highly sexed, adventurous and energetic as she was. Not many guys who weren’t avowed subs would feel comfortable enough in his own skin to let a woman whip his ass or use an e-stim toy on his cock. She liked that he was still in touch with that part of himself. Even better, he was a real Dom, and that, at least in her experience, was a rare find. Most guys who enjoyed BDSM play could put on a good show during a scene, but as soon as they came, the party was over. Evan, she sensed, was someone who could sustain a D/s relationship for the long term.

  Not that Ruby was thinking long term, but if she were…

  Her stomach reminded her blueberry pancakes were waiting. Grabbing her purse, she headed back downstairs. She planned to spend most of the day at Allie’s working on the canes. It would be a real pain to leave in the middle of a project. Maybe just this once the cats’ schedule could be altered without extensive psychological damage.

  She pulled out the container of the specially prepared cat food her hosts had provided and put some into the cats’ matching china food bowls. When they got hungry again, their noses would lead them back to the kitchen. She would give them an extra long walk when she came back. Guilt averted, she headed out to the car.

  Liam pulled open the front door before she’d even had a chance to ring the bell. He held out his arms for a hug. “Good morning, Ruby. Come on in. It’s great to see you again.”

  She stepped into his arms and stood on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “You, too.”

  “Allie’s in the kitchen. Come on back and have some breakfast.”

  Ruby walked beside Liam through the living room. He used his cane expertly, so that his limp was barely noticeable. Allie had told her about the devastating car accident, and all the dark stuff he’d put himself through as a result. Thankfully, he seemed at peace with it now.

  “Hi, sweetie,” Allie said as they entered the kitchen. She was standing at the stove, a spatula in her hand. They embraced and Allie pointed to a bowl of batter filled with plump berries. “Our friends Bonnie and Matt Wilson stopped by this morning and dropped off these great locally grown blueberries. I’ve got some bacon too.”

  “Sounds delicious,” Ruby said. “Can I do something?”

  “Everything’s still on the table. Just have a seat. Pancakes coming right up.”

  Liam, who had moved to a counter, opened a cabinet and took out a mug. “What do you like in your coffee, Ruby?”

  Ruby laughed. “You guys are spoiling me. I could get used to this.” Turning to Liam, she added, “Just a little cream, thanks.”

  Liam brought her mug to the table, a second mug in his other hand. “If you lovely ladies will excuse me, I need to get my butt in gear and get to work.” He kissed Allie on the top of her head and left the kitchen.

  Allie brought over a plate stacked with hot pancakes, several pieces of crisp bacon beside them. “Let me just get another cup and I’ll join you.”

  Ruby added some butter and syrup to the steaming pancakes. She took a bite and nearly swooned with pleasure. “I swear, Allie, you’re a fantastic cook.”

  Allie grinned as she slid into a chair across from Ruby with her coffee mug. “I like to bake and make breakfast—that’s about it. But thanks.”

  The doorbell rang. Allie jumped up. “That’s probably the wood supplier. I got some black cherry and walnut, just like you suggested. I’m excited to get started.”

  “Great. Me, too.”

  As Allie left to get the door, Ruby took several more bites of the delicious breakfast. She sipped her coffee, which was strong and hot.

  Allie returned a few minutes later and sat back down. “Yep. That was the wood guy. I had him take it right up to the workshop, so we can get started right after breakfast.” She took a drink from her mug. “But first I need an update on the Beckett/Stewart romance since yesterday.”

  Ruby laughed. “I don’t know if it can be called an official romance, but it’s been pretty intense, I have to say.”

  “Details, details, details,” Allie said, leaning forward eagerly.

  Ruby filled her in, Allie asking questions and interjecting commentary along the way. “You two sure can pack a lot into the space of a few days,” she said with an approving laugh. “That’s what’s so great about a true D/s connection. The intensity is immediate and sustainable. You’ve got a built-in spark and love just keeps the flames fanned.”

  “Whoa,” Ruby said with a grin. “Who’s talking about love? I just met the guy.”

  “Don’t discount it, Ruby,” Allie said seriously. “Love at first sight isn’t just the stuff of romance novels. It happened to me, and now he’s my Master.” She fingered the tiny gold heart on the red leather collar around her throat. “I was watching you during the whipping demo the other day, and then again at dinner and down in the dungeon. There was something happening between the two of you from the second you set eyes on each other that went beyond casual play. Something special.”

  Ruby couldn’t deny it, but nor was she quite ready to confirm it. Instead, she pushed back from the table with a contented sigh. “That was absolutely delicious, Allie. If you keep feeding me like this, I’m going to need a new wardrobe.” She got to her feet and picked up her plate to take it to the sink. “Now that I’m properly fortified, let’s get to work.”

  As they always did when Ruby was engaged in a creative process, the hours flew by. The smooth wood and the woodworking tools felt good in her hands, like old friends she’d been away from too long. Allie and she worked in companionable silence, losing themselves in their craftsmanship.

  At one point, Liam brought them sandwiches and lemonade. He sat with them as they took a break to eat. “You’re just like Allie,” he said to Ruby, flashing an indulgent smile at his wife. “You both get lost in your art and forget to eat.”

  “Guilty as charged,” Ruby agreed, suddenly hungry at the sight of the food. They cleared a space on one of the tables to eat their lunch. When they were done, they returned to their tasks, quickly becoming absorbed.

  “Something’s dinging.”

  Ruby, engaged in her task, took a moment to process Allie’s voice as words. “What?”

  “I said, something’s dinging on your butt,” Allie said with a grin. “Someone’s texting you.”

  “Oh!” Ruby put down the staining rag, wiped her hands and reached into the back pocket where she’d stashed her phone.

  It was a text from Evan. Her heart quickened as she clicked on the message.

  “Been thinking about you. Can’t wait to try out a few more toys.”

  “It’s from Evan,” she said, looking up at Allie.

  “I knew that from the goofy grin on your face. What’d he say?”

  She showed Allie the screen.

  “Oh, that sounds promising,” Allie said with a sly grin. “Tell him to come here. We need a break, anyway. It’s already past two. We’ve been at it for hours.”

  “I’m at Allie’s place. She says why don’t you come by?”

  “And what do you say, Ruby? Do you miss the feel of my hand on your throat?”

  A shiver of desire moved through Ruby’s body at the image his words conjured, her hand moving unconsciously to her throat.

  “What?” Allie said, holding out her hand to see the screen. “What did he say?”

  Ruby showed her.

  “OMG, Ruby. He’s so hot. Tell him yes!”

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to set you up with him, Allie?” she teased.

  Allie laughed. “Hey, a girl can look, right? He’s very easy on the eyes. Seriously, tell him to come over. You guys could use the dungeon.” She began to put her tools away. “You could go down and wait for him. Wouldn’t that be so hot? You down there, naked and on your knees, head bo
wed, waiting to serve him.”

  Ruby laughed again. “What’re you, my BDSM social director?”

  Allie shrugged. “It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it. Anyway, doesn’t it sound super hot?”

  Ruby couldn’t deny that it did. A good night’s sleep and a half day away from Evan, and she was more than ready to pick up where they’d left off. “Yeah,” she agreed. “It does at that.”

  She thumbed back a reply. “Yes, Sir. Yes, please.”

  Evan rang the doorbell at the Byrne house and took a step back. He felt more like eighteen than thirty-six, puppy-dog eager to see Ruby again. But when the door opened, Allie, not Ruby, greeted him.

  “Hi, Evan. Welcome.” She gave him a quick hug and stepped back. “Come on in.”

  Evan entered, looking around. Ruby was nowhere in sight. “Uh, Ruby’s car is out front but…?”

  Allie grinned. “Yes, I’m doing fine, thanks.”

  Evan flashed an embarrassed smile. “I’m sorry, Allie. It’s really good to see you again. I had a great time the other night.”

  “You’re forgiven. I was just teasing. Ruby’s here. She’s waiting for you.”

  Liam raised his eyebrows.

  “Downstairs,” Allie added, her pretty blue eyes twinkling. “In the dungeon.”

  “In the dungeon,” he repeated, slow to process the import of her words. “She’s down there now? Waiting for me?”

  “That’s right. Hopefully naked and on her knees.”

  Evan’s stomach flip-flopped, his pulse quickening. He was dying to race down immediately, but now mindful of being rude. “Should I…?” he queried, uncertain.

  “Go,” Allie urged with a laugh. “The dungeon is all yours. No one will disturb you.”

  Evan smiled. “Thanks, Allie. You’re a good friend—to both of us.”

  He walked down the stairs, his cock already stiffening in anticipation. At the bottom, he drew in a breath at the lovely vision before him. Ruby was naked and on her knees, her hands clasped behind her head, her breasts thrust proudly forward.


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