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BDSM Connections - The Complete 4 Novel Series

Page 75

by Claire Thompson

  “Bob Benson. Looks like I have to go in to work for a few hours later this afternoon. A group is coming in to conduct a branding ceremony, and he wants me to oversee them since he can’t make it till later.”

  “I’ve always been curious about ritual branding. Can I come with you?”

  Evan grinned, delighted she wanted to join him. “Sure.”

  Sunshine was pouring through the windows. He threw the covers back and swung his legs over the side of the bed. “Want to go out for some breakfast?”

  Ruby got to her feet, lifting her arms into an elaborate stretch, her chin raised, her eyes closed, utterly relaxed in her nudity. She looked so lovely that he considered scratching the breakfast idea and hurling her back into the bed.

  As he took a step toward her, she opened her eyes and looked pointedly at his crotch. He followed her gaze, seeing that his cock, so recently sated, was hardening again. “Shame to waste it,” he said with a comically leering grin. “Breakfast can wait, right?”

  “You greedy boy,” she teased. “There’s more to life than sex, you know.”

  “There is?” he asked, trying but failing to keep a straight face.

  She tossed her hair with a laugh and headed into the bathroom. Still grinning, Evan followed.

  “It’s a gorgeous day,” Ruby said as they were washing up. “We have time before you have to be at the warehouse. How about let’s do some hiking. Allie was telling me about all these cool trails right in the middle of the city. We can pick up breakfast on the way and eat it at the top of a mountain.”

  “Sure,” he said with a smile, letting go of any lingering thought of taking her back to bed. “That sounds fun.”

  They decided to go to Mount Tabor Park. It wasn’t too far from the BDSM Convention Event Center, and there were several relatively easy hiking trails they could do within a few hours.

  Evan was glad Allie and Liam were still sleeping, so they could slip out without a fuss. Ruby found a thermos in the kitchen and left a note to let their hosts know where they were going. They stopped at a bakery, where Ruby selected various muffins and pastries. She had Evan stop next at a convenience store, where they filled the thermos with coffee, and also bought a couple bottles of water, plus two cups of coffee to drink right away.

  “You’re good at this organizing stuff,” Evan noted with admiration as Ruby neatly packed the items away in the small pack she’d brought along for the purpose.

  At the park, the lot was relatively empty. They walked hand in hand toward the hiking trail entrance without seeing another soul.

  “This is so cool,” Ruby said as they stood in front of a sign reading about the park’s various trails. “Underneath all these pine trees, this mountain is actually a three-million-year-old volcanic butte.”

  They chose the blue trail, the most challenging of the three that led to the top. In spite of himself, Evan was impressed with the rugged, natural beauty surrounding them. You could completely forget you were in the middle of a city. It felt good to stretch his limbs as they moved slowly upward along the dirt paths.

  Though Ruby was petite, she was strong and fast. While Evan could keep up with her, she was clearly the more experienced hiker. “Hey,” she said, turning back to regard him as they climbed single-file up a narrow path. “I told you my darkest, most secret sexual fantasy. What about you? What’s yours?”

  Evan shrugged. “I don’t really have one. I mean, nothing as complicated as your Master/slave thing. I’m not nearly as imaginative as you are.”

  “Okay. So what’s your fantasy when you masturbate? You know, the scene that flashes into your mind that gives you that push you need to finish?”

  An image leaped instantly into Evan’s mind. He pushed it away, not used to sharing such private moments. He started to shrug again, but stopped himself. Ruby had bared her soul to him. She’d trusted him with her deepest secrets. He owed it to her to be as honest with her as she’d been with him.

  “There was this photo I ripped from some porn magazine I’d managed to buy back when I was fifteen or so. It was of a beautiful girl in this flowing, gauzy, see-through dress. She was barefoot, her hair wild around her face. You could see her nipples and the small patch of her pubic hair underneath her dress. She was locked in a full-sized upright cage, her hands on the bars, a beseeching expression on her face. The picture always gave me an instant erection.”

  “Do you still have the photo? I’d love to see it.”

  Evan gave a small laugh. “It finally fell apart from too much handling but I’ve never forgotten the image. It had a powerful impact on me and was one of the factors that propelled me into the scene.”

  “And yet, you said when you were first exploring, you were a sub?”

  “I was never really a sub,” Evan replied with a snort. “It was more that I wanted to get into Mistress Marta’s panties. She was this gorgeous older Spanish woman I met at the first BDSM club I ever ventured into. In order to do that, I had to agree to be her slave boy. It was fun while it lasted, but it was just a game, nothing more. I knew right away my interest lay in domination, but I’m not sorry for the experience. I learned firsthand what it feels like to be bound, whipped, spanked and controlled by another. That’s important for a Dom to know.”

  “Agreed,” Ruby said. “You’re a pretty cool guy, you know that?”

  A rush of warmth moved through Evan’s body. “You’re not so bad yourself,” he replied, stopping to pull her into his arms for a long, sweet kiss.

  As the path grew steeper, they quieted, focusing on the climb. The pine-scented air was cool and refreshing. From time to time a chipmunk or marmot would scramble across the path, and birds sang their cheerful songs high up in the trees.

  Ruby stopped suddenly as they rounded a curve, so that Evan nearly collided into her. “Look,” she whispered, putting her hand on his arm. “There.”

  He focused on a clump of small trees a few feet to their right, at first seeing nothing but shadow and light. Then something moved, a flicker of white, and he saw them—a doe and her spindle-legged fawn, the baby’s coat still dappled with white spots. The mother lifted her head toward them, stiffening, though the fawn continued to nibble delicately at some wildflowers.

  He started to say something but stopped when Ruby shook her head, her grip tightening on his arm. They stayed as still as the deer, barely breathing. After a while, the doe lowered her head, gently nudging her baby with her nose. Then she dipped her head farther and nibbled the flowers alongside her fawn.

  There was a sudden crack of branches somewhere nearby, and in a flash, the pair had vanished into the pine forest.

  Ruby blew out a soft sigh. “So majestic,” she breathed. “Such grace.”

  Evan nodded, startled at how moved he’d been by the simple scene, made all the more poignant because he had Ruby to share it with. Though he would have had a good time walking through a garbage dump if Ruby was with him, he was surprised to discover how much he was enjoying himself on the hike. Maybe there was more to life than traveling from city to city, living out of a suitcase, working by day and clubbing at night.

  When they arrived at the summit, they were greeted by a stunning view of downtown Portland to the west and Mount Hood to the northeast, just peeking through the trees. Evan took the small pack from his back. Sitting against a broad tree trunk, they shared their meal. Evan couldn’t remember when he’d felt happier.

  Later that afternoon when they pulled up at the BDSM Connections warehouse, a man and woman were already waiting by the front door. The guy was big and tall, dressed in black leather and boots, his graying hair pulled back in a ponytail. The woman, at least a foot shorter than her partner, wore a low-cut black gown that barely contained her large breasts. Her arms were sleeved with tattoos from shoulder to wrist.

  “Bob?” the guy queried as they approached.

  “I’m Evan Stewart,” Evan said, extending his hand. “I work with Bob. He’ll be along later.”

“George Hanson,” the man said, catching Evan’s hand in his beefy paw and squeezing so hard Evan thought he felt some bones crack. “And this is my Mistress, Simone Goddard.”

  “Nice to meet you both,” Evan said, pulling his hand away as soon as it was politely possible. “This is my”—he hesitated a fraction of a second before settling on—“friend, Ruby Beckett. We’ll stick around during the branding in case you need anything.”

  “Great. Thanks.”

  Just as Evan unlocked the warehouse, another car pulled into the lot. A tall, willowy woman in black leather pants stepped out of the car. She had very short white-blond hair and pale skin, her lips painted a deep red that matched her red silk blouse. She popped her trunk and pulled out a large black cauldron. Setting it on the ground, she hauled out a large gear bag.

  Evan and George went to help her. “This is Goddess Athena,” George said by way of introduction. “She’s our branding expert.”

  Evan introduced himself, and they returned to the warehouse, Evan carrying the cauldron, George hefting the gear bag. As they entered the space, Evan said, “Who’s getting branded today? You, George?”

  George glanced at his Mistress with a lugubrious frown. “Not today. Mistress says I’m not yet ready.” He touched the black choker he wore around his neck. “But someday soon I hope to be worthy.”

  “Slave George tends to bite off more than he can chew,” Simone said. “And I’m not just talking about his belly.” She patted George’s substantial gut, her smile affectionate. “He thinks he wants to wear my brand, but he passed out cold when he got the Prince Albert, so I think we’ll wait awhile on that.”

  “How many folks are you expecting for the event?” Evan asked.

  “About thirty,” Simone said. She glanced toward the front doors. “Our guests of honor should have been here by now. Maybe they got held up in traffic.”

  Evan and Ruby put two rows of chairs in front of a small staging area while Simone and George helped Athena set up her gear. Athena poured a small bag of charcoal into the cauldron. George got the coals lit while Simone emptied a bag of ice into a bucket that she placed alongside the cauldron. Athena produced a small folding table from her large bag and set up her branding gear.

  People began to arrive and take their seats in front of the impromptu stage, chatting excitedly. Simone had set flyers on two seats in the front row to reserve them.

  The fire had gone out in the cauldron, the coals now glowing red-hot. Just as Athena placed the branding iron on top of the embers, a couple Evan guessed to be in their forties entered the warehouse, the man athletically built, his partner slender but curvaceous, her eyes heavily made up with eyeliner and mascara. The man had a collar around his neck, a leash attached to it, and the woman held the other end of the leash.

  “Ah, Jade, there you are,” Simone said, coming over to the couple and taking the woman’s hands in hers.

  “I’m sorry we’re late,” the woman called Jade said as she unclipped the leash from the man’s collar. “Billy’s covering for another doctor who was supposed to be on call this weekend. He had to do a quick run to the hospital to see a couple of patients. Hopefully we can get through this without his being interrupted,” she added with a grin.

  “Let’s hope so,” Simone agreed. “Otherwise, I might just let George have his wish.” George, standing nearby, looked suddenly alarmed.


  Ruby and Evan slipped into two empty seats on the end of the back row as the branding expert chatted quietly with the Jade and Billy. After a few minutes, the couple took their seats in the front row.

  Athena gave a short lecture to the group about the history of ritual branding in BDSM, as well as the mechanics of conducting a safe branding. Then she called up the couple again. At a nod from Jade, Billy removed his shoes, shirt and pants, leaving only his black bikini briefs in place. At a tap on his shoulder, Billy sank gracefully to his knees beside his Mistress.

  Jade turned to the group. “A collar can be removed. Chains and cuffs can be unlocked. But branding by hot iron is forever. It’s a powerful expression of ownership. My slave and I gave it a lot of thought and discussion before making our decision.”

  You could have heard a pin drop in the room. Ruby shivered at the thought of that hot brand scalding her flesh, leaving a mark even more permanent than a tattoo. She glanced at Evan, who smiled at her. He reached for her hand and gently squeezed it. “You okay?” he whispered. “We don’t have to watch this.”

  “No, I want to,” Ruby said, though butterflies were flitting wildly in her stomach, as if she were the one waiting to receive the burning mark on her flesh.

  Jade turned to Billy. “Slave Billy, do you consent to have my brand placed permanently on your body, forever marking you as my property and my treasure?”

  “Yes, Mistress,” Billy said in a deep voice. “Willingly.”

  “My mark will be a lasting symbol of our bond to each other,” Jade said, her eyes shining as she looked down at her slave.

  “I love you, Mistress Jade,” Billy said, staring up at her.

  “I love you, Billy.” She held out her hand, and Billy took it, getting to his feet.

  Jade turned to Athena. “We’re ready.”

  Athena handed Jade a bit gag. “Bite down on that,” Jade said as she placed it in Billy’s mouth. “It will help you handle the pain.” Then she pulled down Billy’s underwear, taking it from him as he stepped out of it. He turned away so his back was to the audience. Jade stood to his side, taking his hand in hers.

  Athena, meanwhile, put on a thick leather glove to protect her hand from the heat. Reaching into the cauldron, she lifted out the branding iron. The brand glowed red and appeared to be the initials MJ.

  Ruby’s mouth had gone dry and her heart was pounding as she watched the woman bring the brand slowly and carefully to Billy’s right butt cheek. Ruby gasped as the brand touched his flesh. Smoke rose around the brand and there was a sizzling sound. Suddenly dizzy, she leaned gratefully into Evan as he put his arm around her.

  Billy groaned around his gag, but remained perfectly still. After about ten seconds, which seemed more like thirty minutes, Athena lifted the brand away. As she set it back into the caldron, Jade grabbed a handful of ice from the nearby bucket and rubbed it over the burn on Billy’s bottom.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?” she said, using her other hand to pull away the gag.

  “Yes, Mistress,” Billy replied in a strained voice, but when he turned his face to hers, Ruby could see that he was smiling.

  Athena stepped between them to apply Aloe Vera gel to the wound, which she then covered with what looked like Saran wrap. When she was done, Jade took Billy in her arms and they kissed passionately, while the small audience erupted into cheers and applause.


  They were just leaving the warehouse when Evan’s phone dinged. He fished it out of his pocket and read the text. He turned to Ruby. “Liam wants us to stop at a bakery on NE Broadway and pick up some dessert on our way back to their place. They’re having another couple over for dinner, and of course, we’re invited.” He glanced at the screen again. “Matt and Bonnie Wilson. Do you know them?”

  “I know of them, though I haven’t met them yet,” Ruby said. “Matt is Liam’s best friend, and Bonnie and Allie are close.”

  Ruby googled the bakery location as Evan pulled out of the warehouse parking lot. Once they were on their way, Evan said, “So, what did you think of that branding ceremony? It was pretty intense, huh?”

  “It sure was,” Ruby agreed. “I never would have thought that was something I’d want, but the way they did it—like a kind of wedding ceremony almost—it was really moving.”

  “Would you ever do that—let someone brand you?” An image of Ruby naked and waiting for a red-hot branding iron to sear her flesh with his mark leaped into his mind’s eye.

  She didn’t answer immediately. Then she said, “I don’t know. Maybe, if I was with someone I loved
and trusted. Maybe with someone like you,” she added softly.

  Evan glanced over at Ruby, startled at the look of love in her eyes. He looked back at the road, her words lodging like a hot, sweet arrow in his heart, even as the old tapes in his brain instantly started to whir. Watch out for the L word. When it comes up, it’s time to hit the road.

  Evan had never cared that much about sweets, but you’d have thought Ruby was looking at sex toys, the way she got so excited over the many cupcakes, pastries and cookies on display in the glass cabinets.

  “Let’s get the chocolate éclairs,” she finally said.

  “Great,” Evan agreed. He got the young woman’s attention behind the counter. “We’d like a dozen chocolate éclairs, please.”

  “For here or to go?” the woman asked, her expression deadpan.

  “Uh, to go,” Evan said with a glance at Ruby, who was grinning at him.

  As the woman boxed up the éclairs, Ruby said, “I love chocolate éclairs. A dozen should be perfect. But Evan”—she looked at him, her expression serious—“what about everyone else?”

  Evan chuckled, shaking his head. “Maybe her question about here or to go wasn’t as crazy as I thought.”

  When they pulled up at the house, there was a late-model Lexus parked in the driveway. As they entered the front hall, Liam appeared, another guy just behind him. He was tall and imposing, with a broad chest, short blond hair and a neatly trimmed beard, his face open and friendly.

  “Hey, guys. I thought I heard you come in,” Liam said as he approached them.

  Ruby held out the large bakery box tied with red string. “We got chocolate éclairs.”

  “Excellent,” Liam said. He turned to his friend, who had come up beside him. “This is my best buddy since forever, Matt Wilson. He travels a lot for work or you would probably have met him sooner. Matt, meet Ruby Beckett and Evan Stewart.”

  After they exchanged greetings, Matt said, “My wife, Bonnie, is in the kitchen helping Allie with the dinner preparations.”


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