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Pick Your Pleasure_The Heart's Desire Series

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by Hilary Storm

  I’m not dealing with an asshole again. I’m still not over the fiasco the last one cost me. And fuck this guy to have been there that night and actually ask me what my price is. Fuck him.

  Chapter Four

  Mr. Briggs

  “Jesus.” I watch her ass sway as she walks away from me. The thought of chasing her out the door flashes through my mind… but I don’t. I’ll leave that for later when we’re not both trapped in this building. I know if I touch her again, I’ll be putty in her hands, especially now that she walked out on me for asking the loaded question.

  My instincts were right about her. I had to push her buttons to remind me what she’s all about. That shit show a few weeks ago would’ve ruined any other woman. Mia stands just as tall as she did that night, not once playing the victim when any other woman would’ve broke.

  Brent is a dick. I’ve always known he can be an asshole, but for him to publicly humiliate her in front of hundreds of people and then sit back and laugh… that’s an entirely different level. The way she stood up to him got my attention, what can I say… I love a feisty woman who’s not afraid to stand her ground.

  I drop a few folders in the bottom drawer and grab my car keys while I watch her leave the building on the same security monitor I watched her come in on. Once I see which direction she begins to walk, I turn it off and make the easiest decision I’ve made all day. It’s time to finish what I started and get her sexy ass in my hands.

  I avoid all my employees by taking the second elevator and slip out the back door. My Escalade is parked close, so it doesn’t take me long to get on the road and spot her. Her confident stride makes my dick twitch and sends a huge smile on my face. What is it about this woman that has me acting like a damn fool?

  She turns the corner before I expect her to, but I still manage to follow her. Her sudden stop and sassy reaction when she sees me pull in front of her was well worth the wait.

  “What is wrong with you? Why do you insist on ruining my life today?” She places her hand on her hip with a look on her face that reminds me of that night a few weeks ago.

  “Maybe we should start over.”

  “No… maybe you should just leave me the hell alone. You’ve done enough for one day.” I start laughing… because let’s be honest, I can’t keep my eyes off of her and she hates me with a passion. I’m not sure I went about this the right way today.

  “Look… I messed up. When I asked you what your price is… that wasn’t to actually buy you. I wanted to see what your response would be. There are women constantly after me because of my money.”

  “Well I’m not one of them… In fact, I don’t remember even acting like I want you at all.” God, she’s sexy as hell when she’s mad.

  “And I remember Brent saying you were only after his money. I figured I’d just find out right away.”

  “I don’t need a man for money… Jesus.” She yells back at me with so much frustration that I’m sure I’ve ruined my chances with her.

  “Let me make it up to you. Go on that date with me and I promise to leave you alone if you still want me to at the end of the night.”

  “What about my job?”

  “I’ll clear everything up at the office.” I’ll make this right for her in more ways than she can imagine if she’ll just take me up on the offer.

  “I’m not even sure why I’m considering going anywhere with you.”

  “Because you can feel the pull too.” I don’t say another word to her as she walks around the Escalade and climbs in the passenger seat. She doesn’t deny the pull and I take that as a win.

  Chapter Five


  How is it possible that he can infuriate me one minute, then have me riding in his passenger seat another. It’s the way he looks at me like he’s never seen another woman before. The intensity in his stare sends my heart beating like crazy every single time.

  I don’t remember him from the benefit, but the truth is I don’t remember anyone from that night except for Brent and the brunette that I caught him with in the back room. The rest was a complete blur of insanity.

  “I need to grab a few things at my apartment. It’ll only take a second.” He starts driving us in the opposite direction of my apartment before I get my words out.

  “I’ll get you whatever you need. We’ll stop at my place first.” I don’t argue. I already know he’s going to try to buy his way through this day. I knew that before I got in his vehicle. He’s been very transparent about who he is.

  “I’m still not sure what you expect from me. Hell… I don’t even know your first name.”

  “My first name is Andrew. And I don’t have any expectations of you. I simply want to get to know you. Of course, I think you’re sexy as fuck and would love nothing more than for you to relax and let me treat you the way you should be treated.” I’m not naïve to what he’s referring to and I’ve had my share of experiences in the bedroom, but this is the first time I’ve been approached so aggressively. He’s determined and I can’t decide if I should be flattered or disturbed by the way he’s been all day.

  “I should’ve never called you into my office today. I guess I was hoping it would all go a little differently.” I take this as my opportunity to chime in.

  “I’m not that girl. If you want me to fall at my knees the second you grace me with your presence… then this date- or whatever it is- is over before it even starts.”

  “Jesus… you’re even better than I imagined you’d be.” My face contorts into a squint before I can stop myself.

  “You’ve imagined me?”

  “Actually… I’ve been looking for you. Your spit fire attitude pulled me to you during the benefit.”

  “Yeah, sorry. I had just found my boyfriend with another woman.” I sit back against the seat once again and let the wind catch my hair. He turns on to a side road that I had never noticed and slows just before two black iron gates. I still can’t see his house from here because of all of the trees and foliage. “What are the plans for today?”

  “I’ll let you decide. I want you to enjoy every minute of it.” His sexy grin gets to me once again.

  “I’m not in the habit of going to someone’s house when I barely know the person.” He pulls through the gates and drives at a slow pace down the long, narrow road until we’re in front of what seems like an ordinary house. I’m surprised that it’s not more extravagant, but I don’t say anything about it.

  “Send someone my address if you’re worried… I’m not out to hurt you.”

  He doesn’t say anything when he gets out of the vehicle and he only gestures for me to step out once he opens my door. I follow him until we’re inside and then he begins to make me feel more comfortable about being here.

  I witness him coming to life in the living space after the music begins to play and he’s draped his jacket over the back of a chair. The man who just an hour ago infuriated me, now has me smiling and feeling more at ease by the second. I’m not sure why he couldn’t have started this morning out with this demeanor.

  “Let’s start this date of you making the decisions. I can make you lunch here… or I’ll take you to any restaurant you’d like to go to.” Having a man cook for me is hands down what I’d rather have. There’s nothing sexier than a man that’s not afraid to show off his cooking skills. It just means he’s doesn’t have an old-fashioned mentality that a woman belongs in the kitchen.

  “I’d love to see how well you can cook.” I respond with a smile as I sit on the bar stool facing him.

  “Ohhhh. I can cook. How do you like stir fry?”

  “Sounds perfect.” I watch as he chops and slices all the vegetables before he begins to prepare the chicken. The conversation is light and fun the entire time and once again I find myself enjoying time with him.

  “You know you’re different than I thought you’d be. Why did you act like that this morning?”

  “I wanted to come across strong and determined… and for you to
take me up on this date. I knew just enough about you to know you’d make it difficult.”

  “Given what you know about me… I’ll just leave that comment alone.” He glances up at me, not moving his head, but doing it so that his look is even more serious.

  “I refuse to judge you on a single night of your behavior. Now if I can just keep you from doing the same.” He winks before he looks back down at the knife below. I can’t even lie and say that wink didn’t get to me.

  “What’s next on the agenda? We can stay here and I’m sure we’ll find something to do… or I can take you anywhere you’d like to go.”

  “Hmm. I’m not sure if I want to be seen in public with you. People might think I’m working hard for some kind of promotion or something.” My smile tells him I’m teasing. Staying here will give me the chance to see what he’s really about anyway.

  “So… she wants to stay in. Is this an invitation to take this to the next level?” He slowly walks around the bar, making my insides flutter as he does.

  “I guess it’s a good time to tell you that I don’t have sex on the first date.” I sit back, proud of myself for coming up with a valid excuse to his aggressive approach.

  “What about foreplay?”

  I nod my head in acceptance to his counter argument and give him another. “As long as I’m the focus of that foreplay.”

  His face lights up just before he leans in to whisper in my ear. “You’ll always be the focus when you’re with me.” My skin erupts with sensations I haven’t felt in a long time, only making me question my own sanity for having this conversation with him yet again.

  “Well then… I’m glad we’re staying in. What about my job.”

  “It’s there if you want it… but we’ll see what you say after a night with me.”

  “I told you I’m not having sex with you.”

  “Remember that, Mia. When you’re begging me to fuck you… remember what you said.” He walks around the bar again with the same confidence he had at the office. He faces me while he begins to unbutton his shirt, never taking his eyes away from mine. One. Button. At. A. Time.

  Chapter Six


  I’m a goner. His sexy smirk is the end of the road for my resistance to this man. I don’t know why I’m still sitting on this side of the bar when he’s looking like sculpted sex cooking lunch for me.

  Every time he stirs the food, I watch his back muscles ripple and move so magically… imagining my fingers riding the ridges and my nails scraping across his skin.

  “Mia… I can feel you watching me. You’re fucking killing me over here.” I don’t truly hear what he’s saying. The way his slacks hang lower than his waist makes me insane. He looks in my direction, pulling my eyes to his. The depth of the connection we have in this moment nearly suffocates me.

  I watch him turn off the burner and move toward me. The heat of his body next to mine is the first thing I notice… the feel of his touch is the next.

  My hair falls from band holding it up as he removes it slowly. His string fingers move over the back of my head, massaging me nearly into a euphoria. He only allows a few seconds to pass before he fully grips my hair and yanks my head back against his chest. “So tempting.” He slides his palm over my exposed neck… then down my shirt.

  “We’re wasting precious time. We could be wrapped up in each other… you screaming as I fuck you all damn day.” His grip tightens again before he continues to speak. “Look at us… both of us craving control.” He squeezes his hand around my throat just hard enough to send a tingle over my body. “But something tells me you’d prefer to be led.”

  My eyes are still closed from when he yanked my hair back and a moan escapes my chest the instant his scruff brushes against my cheek. “Sit on the bar. I’ll take my dessert first.”

  His grip on my hair doesn’t let up until I open my eyes and meet him with a look of what I can only assume is desperation. That’s how I feel. My entire body is heated, making every single move he makes that much more effective.

  He leads me to sit on the bar then runs both of his palms up my sides, dragging my dress with heat of his fingertips. My panties are now exposed pulling his eyes to focus between my legs and making me squirm with just the thought of what’s coming next.

  He slides the thin material down my legs, gently maneuvering each side over my heels. The burn of his kiss across the sensitive skin on my ankles brings a smile to my face. He’s already heated me up more than the last guy ever did and he hasn’t even started the real stuff.

  His scruff tickles my inner thigh as he leaves a trail of moisture from his tongue. He pulls away before he gets to high, then moves to the other leg before I have a chance to object.

  I want him between my legs. I want his tongue licking my pussy… and I want his hands all over me while I come undone.

  “Look at you. Squirming and writhing in front of me like a hungry little whore.” His words wash over me as he slides two fingers deep inside me. I watch him hook his fingers and go back in over and over again, drawing my orgasm closer with every rotation of his thumb on my clit.

  My hips voluntarily begin to rotate, riding his hand as if it’s where I’ll get my last breath. “God your face is sexy when you’re heated.” He lowers his mouth to my clit, nibbling his way to my first orgasm of the day.

  My high is a continual linger on the edge of explosion, but he manages to hold me back from falling. “Please.” It slips out before I can stop myself. The pathetic begging for more.

  “There it is. I thought you’d hold out longer.” And before I have a chance to say a word he grips my ass in both hands and slides my legs over his shoulders before lifting my into the air so that I’m straddling his face.

  He buries his face into me while I try not to scream from being so high in the air. My fingers twist in his hair as I grab on for dear life.

  He walks us to the living room and lays me on the couch. The hungry look on his face matches the feeling I have about being strung along without a release.

  I watch him slowly drop his pants, freeing his cock as his slacks fall to his ankles. It’s seconds before he’s over me, sliding between my legs and sending us both into a frenzy of fucking.

  We hit just about every position before the sun goes down. His insatiable sex drive is something I’ve never experienced and something I’ll be more than eager to try again.

  I expect him to load me up and take me home when we both finish… but he doesn’t. He goes back in the kitchen and starts to cook again.

  I sit in a t-shirt at the bar and watch him move. He’s mesmerizing and has me thinking about all the endless enjoyments I’d have spending time with a man like this.

  I guess I’ve come to a simple conclusion… I’m not sure what tomorrow brings. Hell, I don’t even know what’ll happen the rest of this day… but I refuse to miss out on a man wanting to cherish me like he claims to and has so far today.

  Worst case scenario… he fucks this up and I’m back to square one. I’ll take my chances.

  Laid Over

  S.E. Hall

  © 2017, S.E. Hall

  All rights are reserved to the author. No part of this ebook may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Chance encounters are what keep us going.r />
  Haruki Murakami

  Chapter One


  “You’re late,” a shriveled-faced flight attendant sneers the obvious at me as I fumble my way onto the plane. “Boarding pass?” She thrusts out an impatient hand, the other on her hip, and foot a-tapping while I dig around for the inconveniently elusive slip of paper.

  “Do, uh, you usually ask for those? Because the man inside the airport, who probably would’ve blocked my path should I have tried to sneak my way this far, said — ”

  “I’m asking now. Do you have one or not?”

  Okay, tuck in the dry sarcasm, Lily… kill her with kindness.

  “I’m so, so sorry… but, uh” — frantically, I give myself ten-times the “pat down” as the one served up by Old Man Pervy Hands at security check, which I would’ve thought impossible — “I can’t seem to find it. It’s been that kind of day.” I strive to lighten things up, unsuccessfully — confirmed by her steadfast, unresting bitch face. “I’m in First Class; Lily Reyn—, um, Myers. Lily Myers.”

  Well that went swimmingly. Couldn’t have made a bigger, bumbling jackass of myself had I been trying.

  Which I wasn’t.

  Much like I didn’t try, or succeed at, juking my way past security to board a plane for which I didn’t have a pass to do so.

  But… “If at first you don’t succeed” and all…

  “Could I maybe sit down, get situated, then look for it again? I promise, it’s here somewhere. They wouldn’t have let me this far if not, right? I just… I need a second to put my bag up and regroup.”


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