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Mystery : Cozy Mystery: Forsaken (shocking, mystery, thriller, cozy, short stories) (suspense, short reads, detective, murder)

Page 7

by Athena Dorsey

  “Look, man, I have been trying for a very long time to tell you that I am trying my level best to make this thing worth your while. But from the look of things sir, you seem to be very impatient. And for that matter, I will just go ahead and tell you all about my project.”

  And it was at that moment that Richardson stopped passing up and down Dr. Greene’s living room and waited for a moment. All that he wanted to hear had just been spewed into his ear, and so he needed to hear it. And as he assumed the seat just beside Dr. Greene’s, it seemed as though his eyes had widened.

  “So, what is it that you are planning. I know you have a good reason as to why you are keeping it a secret. And I also think you aren’t planning on selling that invention to someone else because there will be dire consequences if you make the mistake of doing just that.”

  “I know. And I wouldn’t be that foolish to do something like that.”

  “So, the invention, what is it all about?”

  “Well, I have been devising some nanotech that will be able to clean the blood of patients suffering from kidney failure and the result will most definitely be something that will earn you some good money. And the reason why I have been keeping this quiet for a while was because my previous invention had failed miserably. And so to restore my reputation, I needed to come up with something brilliant that works.”

  Richardson smiled for a moment. It appeared as though he was already thinking about how amazing the invention was and just how much money he was going to cash in on the whole thing. But the thing was that Dr. Greene could be lying, and if that were to be the case, then Richardson would have to do something to his most valued asset.

  “You know, this could work. But I will need some proof of work by the end of the week.”

  “Sir, the end of the week is just…”

  “Three days away. Trust me, I know. But if you have been working on something, I expect some reports on the progress that you are most definitely making. It is very important since it helps me keep track of my inventions.”

  Your inventions? Are you kidding me? Dr. Greene screamed in his head. Richardson was so dumb to the point that he didn’t even know the difference between ‘your’ and you’re’ and there he was, talking shit and claiming that all of those incredibly made inventions were his. It was shameless. But Dr. Greene knew that he would pretty much agree with him so that he could get over every single thing that was going on.

  “Hey, sure. Whatever you need, I will make sure that you have been sorted out in due course.” Dr. Greene lied.

  Richardson didn’t want to add anything else. He left immediately after glancing at his fourteen karat gold watch. And Dr. Greene knew that he had to finish up his work and teleport the hell out of that dimension and make sure that he was never coming back no matter how hard Richardson tried to find him. Heck, he even got himself fantasizing about going back fifty years and killing Richardson as a baby so that he would cease to exist in this new time.

  Chapter 6:

  -The human testing-

  So far, it seemed as though the research was nothing but flawless. And for quite some time, Dr. Greene had been working on a serum that would enable him to teleport all the way to wherever he wanted to go, something that was just too darn amazing as far as he was concerned. First and foremost, the most important thing was making sure that he had to check and countercheck right before restarting to the whole procedure.

  He even made sure that he had the little baboon checked out just to make sure that he wasn’t getting himself infected with any surprising side effects. But even after going through the whole procedure and checking the little baboon for a while, it appeared as though the results were the same.

  The side effects that the baboon had as a result of teleportation were temporary, and that said, the little one was very fine.

  And since the anatomy of that primate was almost the same as that of a human being, Dr. Greene was sure as hell that it was all going to work out in the best way possible. But still, he had this feeling that he needed to be sure so that if something might happen on the way and he failed, Dr. Greene would die or get stuck in limbo for the rest of time knowing jolly too well that he did his level best.

  It took the good doctor almost a week just to go over his calculations before he begun making the serum. And once everything had been all sorted out, the next thing that was to be done was none other than making sure that everything was being he had taken care of the one thing that he wasn’t sure about – his conscience. In his very long career as a scientist, it did appear as though it was very difficult for him to prepare for anything because there was no way you could predict an outcome of a scientist experiment.

  A brilliant scientist could pretty much have made a point of getting everything all sorted out and even become successful after some trials. But even after doing just that, it occurred to him that things would pretty much go haywire at the last minute and ruin virtually everything. And that was the kind of sensation that Dr. Greene was having.

  The carbureting machine beeped a couple of times, and Dr. Greene went straight to the LCD screen to check out the readings. And it went without saying that it was the same damn thing as it was a couple of days back. The truth of the matter was that he had been trying this out for a very long time, and that said, the only thing that would have made some sense at the time would have been for him to kick back and ensure that he was able to trust the results.

  And at that moment, all that the good doctor could do was to set a date and once that was done, the following would have been pretty much easier – just making a follow up that would see to it that he had been sorted out.

  The human experiment where he was going to be the subject was to take place the following day. And so as soon as he was done with all of the experiments, it seemed as though the only thing that he could have done at the time would have been to visit the club where Tori worked. Dr. Greene thought that if anything were to happen to himself, then he would have said his goodbyes once and for all.


  Well, I don’t think I will ever understand whatever the heck you scientists have to put up with at the moment. But all I know is that you do work as hard as possible to get on top of your game. And for that, it's just respectable. So, whatever is bothering you, I think you have been there before, and you can do it once more.”

  Tori said as soon as Dr. Greene stepped up into the club with a worried look on his face. And once thing that astonished him more often than not was the fact that Tori was very good at reading people. She was dead on and from the look of things; it seemed as though that was the only thing that Dr. Greene needed to hear.

  He had been there and had done a hell lot of things that looked just like that. But the issue here was simple – he had never put himself as a subject, and that went without saying that he was scared shitless. But either way, there was no way that he was going to let this window of opportunity pass him. So as soon as he was done with a couple of drinks, Dr. Greene had to leave.

  “Look, I am about to do something very dangerous. And if I don’t come back, just know that I did it for humanity.”

  “Ok, now that is very scary. Just make sure that you call me as soon as you get there. You understand?”

  “Yes, Tori. And thanks for caring.”

  “You know I always care.”

  And with that, the good doctor had to leave. He knew that if anything bad was going to happen, then he was dead sure that he had made his peace with the woman that he cared about the most. And now that his conscience was clear, the next thing that he would have done would have been to ensure that the experiment was going to happen as soon as possible. That is before his mind got changed all of a sudden.

  Dr. Greene wasn’t still very sure about what he was about to do. But that said, the only thing that could have made things a little less confusing was the fact that he knew why he was doing this. And if the rodents, as well as the monkey, came back alive, then Dr. Greene knew
that he was most definitely going to come back in one piece.

  The problem was he didn’t know what to expect from the other end of everything. As a matter of fact, he didn’t know where the heck he was going and what he was going to meet out there. In short, Dr. Greene had plenty of reasons not to go into that place. But that said, he also seemed to have no other choice but to do it. It was his life’s work and not being able to go in there would have been a very bad thing for him in the end.

  It was finally time. The time machine had finished calibrating and heating up, and the beep indicated that the machine was ready for Dr. Greene. He swallowed hard, closed his eyes right before injecting himself with the serum.

  As the serum went up his veins, he felt as though his arm was chilling, becoming numb and frozen. It was the first time he was injecting himself, and he was scared. But thankfully, it wasn’t painful at all and in a minute or so, the numbness passed, and Dr. Greene was glad that he hadn’t died. And now that the nano-technology was flowing through his system, he opened the door and stepped right in naked.

  Dr. Greene was still having the scare of his entire life, and that said, it appeared as if he wasn’t going to get over it. But he also knew that everyone gets scared once in a while. But what they did with the fact that they were very scared was what seemed to matter the most. And as far as he was concerned, the only thing that would have made some sense at that time would have been to kick back and ensure that he was making the right decision.

  Once he had been accustomed to being in the time machine for the first time, Dr. Greene clenched his teeth, trying as much as possible to avoid his body from shaking right before pressing the red button and holding tight as his entire body disintegrated, separating on an atomic level.


  …Synopsis…Book 3

  Dr. Greene was sent tumbling over the laboratory equipment, spilling all of the gadgets and fluids that he used for his research. Richardson wasn’t going to have any of this. As a matter of fact, it did occur as though all that they wanted to do was break his spirit first before they could torture him for the manual.

  The truth of the matter was that no scientist had the audacity of operating that machine without his instructions. But first, Richardson wanted to make an example of him. And that was meant to scare any other scientists who thought themselves smart enough to cross him. If that were to happen, then they were going to regret having done so at the end of the day.

  But as Dr. Greene was getting a beating of a lifetime, all he prayed for was an opportunity for him to get that golden chance to retaliate. And if that were to be the case, then they were going to have the worst time of their lives!!!

  Chapter 1

  -The pioneer

  It did appear as though everything was falling into a blur and rather slowly, the good doctor began losing his sight as he felt as though the strength was leaving his body. If it were some subject, then he would have probably done something to study and record the findings. But since he was the subject himself, it was rather too darn late for him to do a damn thing about it.

  But since it was too late for him to come back from it, Dr. Greene had decided that it was way much better for him just to proceed with the process and hope that everything was going to work out rather perfectly in the end. And so he clenched his teeth and made sure that he had completed the sequence right before pressing the green button and laid back, hoping that this wasn’t going to be his very last moment on earth.

  And at that moment, his body disintegrated, and he disappeared.

  Dr. Greene had made sure that he was going back to the15th century. And it wasn’t as though anything was intriguing back there; he just wanted to see how things were. Of course, there were plenty of dangers involved and some of the dangers included having a different language as well as a different outfit.

  And since Dr. Greene had been a fun of watching epic movies, he knew that he could either be mistake as a message from god or a curse from Satan. And chances were than the latter was going to be the case and the outcome was sure going to be hella nasty. But since he was too darn curious to let the whole thing go, Dr. Greene decided to take his chances.

  According to the fundamental rules of time travel, he didn’t have to put on his clothes because it could have had some dire consequences which included mixing his DNA with that of the clothes and shoes, resulting in immediate death. And that explained why the good doctor didn’t even bother brining a firearm in the name of protecting himself. And that said, Dr. Greene knew that he was to be extra careful.

  In a village in the heart of Greece, children were seated around a fire, some sitting bolt upright while others were resting their heads in the arch of their two hands, pivoted on the ground while listening to one of the best orators of all time. He was giving them a story that they had heard way too many times before. But from the look of things, it appeared as though the kids just couldn’t get enough of it and so the orator decided to give them whatever the heck they wanted.

  His story was all about Zeus, the god of gods and how he was responsible for the existence of the bravest warrior of all time – Hercules. It was the year 1541 AD but even so, it seemed as though the Greeks had made some incredible developments, some even looking to be much more complicated and sophisticated than the artefacts in the modern world which was more or less impressive.

  Everyone wore a white robe made of thick cotton fabric and they paid attention to the orator as though their lives depended on it. And as they were doing so, no one expected that a very unusual thing was about to happen in the forest that was just a couple of yards away from the first village.

  It dead in the night when lightning stroke in the heart of the forest and a naked man dropped out of thin air, shaking and groaning in pain. It was none other than Dr. Greene who had successfully travelled through time using the machine that the other doctors once laughed about. It wasn’t as though he didn’t know it was going to happen. He was very confident that it was all going to work out without a doubt.

  The only problem was that he didn’t know that whatever he was missing could be fixed, a matter than he took care off almost immediately. But since he was already feeling the pain, Dr. Greene decided to take it like a man. Besides, nothing good in this world ever came easy. And that said, the good doctor knew that he had to work as hard as possible to keep himself together before the ancient beasts that dwelt in the forest sniffed him out and hunted him down.

  Dr. Greene knew that he didn’t have much time. And that said, he decided to get himself up, look for something to cover up his nakedness right before he embarked on walking as slowly as possible, heading all the way to the edge of the forest where he could see some light and follow it into civilization.

  And as he was walking there, it appeared as though he was shaking all over the place, the last thing that he wanted was to end up being dinner for these creatures that he suspected were strolling all over the forest. Many a times the good doctor wanted to stop for a moment, but he just couldn’t. he was just too darn scared to wait even for a second.


  It was almost sunset when the naked doctor hid behind the bushes, hoping that he was going to find some clothes to cover his shivering body. It had been a very long day and it, went without saying that he was really trying as much as possible to stay focused but the cold just seemed to be getting the better of him more often than not.

  And that said, the only thing that he could have done at the time would have been to sit back and try his level best to get something to cover his body.

  The world was different, from the buildings to the cultures of the people. And most people seemed to be out of their houses ad for a moment, Dr. Greene thought that maybe they had been summoned to a village meeting or worse, maybe the people were fleeing some plague of some sort.

  And it was at that moment that he paused for a moment and got to think about life itself. How much it had changed and just how beautiful life seemed
to have been back in the day. And that said, the only thing that would have made some sense at the time would have been to kick back and ensure that he had taken a good look at how life used to be.

  There was a little boy bringing in sheep from grazing and Dr. Greene took a couple of steps back and made sure that he wasn’t really trying anything funny or else he could be detected. So he stood stock steel, trying as much as possible not to make a sound whoever hard the cold whipped against his naked body.

  He watched as the little boy who was bare feet with long, curly almost gingery hair just drove the huge herd of sheep into the barn and then ran through the tiny pathways and disappeared. It was then that Dr. Greene realized that maybe there was some kind of important meeting going on.

  He also knew that he didn’t have any time left and so without wasting any, he took that opportunity and dashed through the bushes and into one of the houses with the intention of finding some garments to put on.

  Lucky for him, there were some while linens that had just been washed and dried. And since he had seen how the boy had been dressed up, he quickly took one, carefully wrapped around his naked shivering body right before he turned around with the intention of following the little boy. But as soon as he turned around, he did so only to find three heavily built men staring at him.


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