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Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 2

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by Wm. Theodore de Bary

  Sources of Chinese Tradition




  Introduction to Asian Civilizations


  Sources of Japanese Tradition


  Sources of Chinese Tradition

  (1960, rev. 1999)

  Sources of Indian Tradition

  (1958, rev. 1988)

  Sources of Korean Tradition


  Sources of Chinese Tradition



  From 1600 Through the Twentieth Century

  Compiled by Wm. Theodore de Bary and Richard Lufrano


  Wing-tsit Chan, Julia Ching, David Johnson,

  Kwang-ching Liu, David Mungello, Chester Tan

  and contributions by

  John Berthrong, Woei Lien Chong, John Ewell, Joan Judge, Philip Kuhn, John Lagerwey, Catherine Lynch, Victor Mair, Susan Mann, Ian McMorran, Don Price, Douglas Reynolds, William Rowe, Lynn Struve, Burton Watson, Tu Weiming, Pierre-Etienne Will, John D. Young, and Peter Zarrow



  Columbia University Press

  Publishers Since 1893

  New York Chichester, West Sussex

  Copyright © 2000 Columbia University Press

  All rights reserved

  E-ISBN 978-0-231-51799-7

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  de Bary, William Theodore, 1919–

  Sources of Chinese tradition, vol. 2 / compiled by Wm. Theodore de Bary and Richard Lufrano ; with the collaboration of Wing-tsit Chan . . . [et al.].—2d ed.

  p. cm.—(Introduction to Asian civilizations)

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN 0–231–10938–5 (vol. 1 cloth)—ISBN 0–231–10939–3 (vol. 1 paper)

  ISBN 0–231–11270–X (vol. 2 cloth)—ISBN 0–231–11271–8 (vol. 2 paper)

  1. China—Civilization—Sources. I. Lufrano, Richard. II. Chan, Wing-tsit, 1901–1994. III. Title. IV. Series.

  DS721.D37 1999

  951—dc21 98–21762

  A Columbia University Press E-book.

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  List of permissions

  “Azure (Sky Blue).” Chinese Sociology and Anthropology (Winter 1991–92). Reprinted by permission from M.E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, NY 10504.

  Benton, Gregor, and Alan Hunter, eds. Wild Lily, Prairie Fire, China’s Road to Democracy. Copyright © 1995 by Princeton University Press. Reprinted by permission of Princeton University Press.

  Bringing Down the Great Wall by Fang Lizhi. Copyright © 1991 by Fang Lizhi. Reprinted by permission of Alfred A. Knopf Inc.

  “Building Socialist Spiritual Civilization.” Beijing Review, no. 10 (March 9, 1981): 16–17.

  Chan, Anita, Stanley Rosen, and Jonathan Unger, eds. On Socialist Democracy and the Chinese Legal System. Reprinted by permission from M.E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, NY 10504.

  Chang, Carsun. The Development of Neo-Confucianism. NY: Bookman, 1962.

  “The Chinese Debate on the New Authoritarianism.” Chinese Sociology and Anthropology (Winter 1990–91 and Spring 1991). Reprinted by permission from M.E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, NY 10504.

  Compton, Boyd. Mao’s China: Party Reform Documents. Copyright © 1952, University of Washington Press. Reprinted with permission of publisher.

  “Communique of the Third Party Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.” Beijing Review, no. 52 (December 29, 1978): 6–16.

  “The Deep Structure of Stagnation” and “Surveillance,” by Sun Longji. Translated by Fok Shui Che in Seeds of Fire: Chinese Voices of Conscience, edited by Geremie Barmé and John Minford. Copyright © 1986 by Geremie Barmé and John Minford. Reprinted by permission of Hill and Wang, a division of Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc.

  Engendering China: Women, Culture and the State, edited by Christina Gilmartin, Gail Hershatter, Lisa Rofel, and Tyrene White. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. Copyright © 1994 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

  Fan, K. H. The Chinese Cultural Revolution: Selected Documents. Copyright © 1968 by K. H. Fan. Reprinted by permission of Monthly Review Foundation.

  Feng yu-lan. Selected Philosophical Writings. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1991.

  “The Fifth Modernization,” from The Courage to Stand Alone by Wei Jingsheng. Translated by Kristina M. Torgeson. Translation copyright © 1997 by Wei Jingsheng. Used by permission of Viking Penguin, a division of Penguin Books USA Inc.

  Gao Yuan. Born Red: A Chronicle of the Cultural Revolution. Copyright © 1987 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University.

  Hayhoe, Ruth, and Yongling Lu, Ma Xiangbo and the Mind of Modern China. Reprinted by permission from M.E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, NY 10504.

  A Higher Kind of Loyalty by Liu Binyan. English translation copyright © 1990 by Random House, Inc. Reprinted by permission of Pantheon Books, a division of Random House, Inc.

  “How China Can Become Prosperous.” Bachman, David and Dali L. Yang, translators and editors, Yan Jiaqi and China’s Struggle for Democracy. Reprinted by permission from M. E. Sharpe, Inc., Armonk, NY 10504.

  The Hundred Flowers Campaign and the Chinese Intellectuals, edited by Roderick MacFarquhar. Copyright © 1960 by Roderick MacFarquhar. Reproduced with permission of Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., Westport, CT.

  I Myself Am a Woman by Ding Ling. Copyright © 1989 by Beacon Press. Reprinted by permission of Beacon Press, Boston.

  MacFarquhar, Roderick, Timothy Cheek, and Eugene Wu. The Secret Speeches of Chairman Mao: From the Hundred Flowers to the Great Leap Forward. Cambridge: Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1989. Used with permission.

  Mao Zedong. Report From Xunwu. Translated and with an introduction and notes by Roger R. Thompson. Copyright © 1990 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University.

  Merwin, Wallace C. Documents of the Three-Self Movement. NY: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, Division of Foreign Missions, Far Eastern Office, 1963. Used with permission.

  The Political Thought of Mao Tse-tung by Stuart Schram. New York: Praeger, 1972. Reprinted by permission of the author.

  Red Flower of China by Zhai Zhenhua. New York: Soho Press Inc., 1992. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

  Selden, Mark, ed. The People’s Republic of China: A Documentary History of Revolutionary Change. Copyright © 1979 by Mark Selden. Reprinted by permission of Monthly Review Foundation.

  “Several Questions in Strengthening and Perfecting the Job Responsibility Systems for Agricultural Production.” Issues and Studies (May 1981). Reprinted by permission.

  “The Ugly Chinaman,” by Bo Yang, from Seeds of Fire: Chinese Voices of Conscience edited by Geremie Barmé and John Minford. Copyright © 1986 by Geremie Barmé and John Minford. Reprinted by permission of Hill and Wang, a division of Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc.

  Yu Qiuli. “The Relationship Between Politics and Economics.” Issues and Studies (January 1980). Reprinted by permission.

  Zhou Enlai. “Report on the Work of Government.” Beijing Review (January 24, 1975): 21–25.

  This volume is dedicated to Irene Bloom in appreciation of her outstanding contributions to the study and teaching of Chinese thought and to the develo
pment of Asian Studies.


  Explanatory Note


  The Maturation of Chinese Civilization and New Challenges to Chinese Tradition

  25. The Chinese Tradition in Retrospect

  Huang Zongxi’s Critique of the Chinese Dynastic System

  Waiting for the Dawn: A Plan for the Prince

  Lü Liuliang’s Radical Orthodoxy

  Commentaries on the Four Books

  Late Confucian Scholarship: Wang Fuzhi (Ian MacMorran)

  Cosmological Foundations

  Wang’s “Revision” of Orthodox Neo-Confucianism

  Historical Trends

  The Justification of Social and Cultural Divisions

  The Preservation of Chinese Political and Cultural Integrity

  Gu Yanwu, Beacon of Qing Scholarship

  True Learning: Broad Knowledge and a Sense of Shame

  Preface to Record of the Search for Antiquities

  On the Concentration of Authority at Court

  On Bureaucratic Local Administration, ca. 1660 (William Rowe)

  The Han Learning and Text Criticism

  Dai Zhen and Zhang Xuecheng (Lynn Struve)

  Dai Zhen’s Text-Critical Moral Philosophy (L. Struve)

  Letter to Shi Zhongming Concerning Scholarship (L. Struve)

  Letter in Reply to Advanced Scholar Peng Yunchu (John Ewell)

  Zhang Xuecheng’s Philosophy of History (L. Struve)

  “Virtue in the Historian”

  “Virtue in the Writer”

  Women’s Learning (Susan Mann)

  Cui Shu and the Critical Spirit

  Foreword to the Essentials of the Record of Beliefs Investigated

  Han Learning and Western Learning

  The Qing Version of Neo-Confucian Orthodoxy

  Village Lectures and the Sacred Edict

  The Sacred Edict

  26. Popular Values and Beliefs


  Ensemble Performance


  A Procession on the Birthday of the Sanzong God

  The Great Sai Ritual of Zhangzi County, Shanxi

  The Refining Fire Ritual of Shenze Village, Zhejiang

  The Attack on Hell, a Popular Funeral Ritual (John Lagerwey)


  Mulian Rescues His Mother

  Guo Ju Buries His Son

  Solo Performance


  “Woman Huang Explicates the Diamond Sūtra”

  “Song of Guo Mountain”


  Sacred Edict Lecturing


  The Precious Scroll [Baojuan] on the Lord of the Stove

  Written Texts


  The True Scripture of the Great Emperor


  Selections from The Twenty-four Exemplars of Filial Piety

  27. Chinese Responses to Early Christian Contacts


  Li Zhizao: Preface to The True Meaning of the Lord of Heaven

  Xu Guangqi: A Memorial in Defense of the [Western] Teaching

  Yang Guangxian’s Critique of Christianity

  Yang Guangxian: I Cannot Do Otherwise (Budeyi) (John D. Young)

  Zhang Xingyao and the Inculturation of Christianity

  An Examination of the Similarities and Differences Between the Lord of Heaven Teaching [Christianity] and the Teaching of the Confucian Scholars

  28. Chinese Statecraft and the Opening of China to the West

  Chen Hongmou and Mid-Qing Statecraft (William Rowe)

  On Substantive Learning

  On Universal Education

  On Women’s Education

  On the Duties of an Official

  On Governance by Local Elites

  Statecraft in the Grain Trade and Government-Controlled Brokerages

  (Pierre-Etienne Will)

  A Memorial on Grain Prices, the Grain Trade, and Government-Controlled Brokerages

  Hong Liangji: On Imperial Malfeasance and China’s Population Problem (K. C. Liu)

  Letter to Prince Cheng Earnestly Discussing the Political Affairs of the Time, 1799

  China’s Population Problem

  The Deterioration of Local Government

  The Roots of Rebellion

  Gong Zizhen’s Reformist Vision (K. C. Liu)

  On the Lack of Moral Fiber Among Scholar-Officials

  Institutional Paralysis and the Need for Reform

  The Scholar-Teacher and Service to a Dynasty

  Respect for the Guest

  Wei Yuan and Confucian Practicality (K. C. Liu)

  The Learning of Statecraft

  Wei Yuan: Preface to Anthology of Qing Statecraft Writings (Huangchao jingshi wenbian)

  Criteria for Anthology of Qing Statecraft Writings

  Learning and the Role of Scholar-Officials

  On Governance (Philip Kuhn)

  The Pursuit of Profit

  On Institutional Progress in History

  On Merchants and Reform

  On Taxation and the Merchants

  On Reform of the Tribute-Rice Transport System, 1825

  On Reform of the Salt Monopoly

  The Western Intrusion Into China

  The Lesson of Lin Zexu

  Letter to the English Ruler

  Letter to Wu Zixu on the Need for Western Guns and Ships

  Wei Yuan and the West

  Preface to Military History of the Qing Dynasty (Shengwu jixu), 1842 (K. C. Liu)

  Preface to Illustrated Gazetteer of the Maritime Countries (Haiguo tuzhi)

  29. The Heavenly Kingdom of the Taipings

  The Book of Heavenly Commandments (Tiantiao shu)

  A Primer in Verse (Youxue shi)

  The Taiping Economic Program

  The Principles of the Heavenly Nature (Tianqing daolishu)


  Reform and Revolution

  30. Moderate Reform and the Self-Strengthening Movement

  K. C. LIU

  Feng Guifen: On the Manufacture of Foreign Weapons

  On the Adoption of Western Learning

  Zeng Guofan and Li Hongzhang: On Sending Young Men Abroad to Study

  Xue Fucheng: On Reform

  Zhang Zhidong: Exhortation to Learn

  31. Radical Reform at the End of the Qing

  Wang Tao on Reform

  Yan Fu on Evolution and Progress (DON PRICE)

  “On Strength”

  Kang Youwei and the Reform Movement

  Confucius As a Reformer

  The Three Ages

  The Need for Reforming Institutions

  The Grand Commonality

  Conservative Reactions (CHESTER TAN)

  Chu Chengbo: Reforming Men’s Minds Comes Before Reforming Institutions

  Zhu Yixin: Fourth Letter in Reply to Kang Youwei

  Ye Dehui: The Superiority of China and Confucianism

  Tan Sitong

  The Study of Humanity

  Reform Edict of January 29, 1901 (DOUGLAS REYNOLDS)

  Liang Qichao

  Renewing the People

  “The Consciousness of Rights” (Peter Zarrow)

  “The Concept of the Nation” (P. Zarrow)

  Liang Qichao and the New Press (Joan Judge)

  Inaugural Statement for the Eastern Times (Shibao) (J. Judge)

  Advocates of Script Reform (VICTOR MAIR)

  Song Shu: Illiteracy in China

  Lu Zhuangzhang’s Attempt at Romanization

  Shen Xue’s Universal Script

  Wang Zhao’s “Mandarin Letters”

  Zhang Binglin’s Revolutionary Nationalism (P. ZARROW)

  Letter Opposing Kang Youwei’s Views on Revolution

  32. The Nationalist Revolution

  Sun Yat-sen and the Nationalist Revolution

  Hu Hanmin

  “The Six Principles of the People’s Report”

  Sun Yat-sen

  The Three P
eople’s Principles

  The Principle of Democracy

  The People’s Livelihood

  The Three Stages of Revolution

  Democracy and Absolutism: The Debate Over Political Tutelage

  Luo Longji: What Kind of Political System Do We Want?

  Jiang Tingfu: “Revolution and Absolutism”

  Hu Shi: “National Reconstruction and Absolutism”

  Chiang Kai-shek: Nationalism and Traditionalism

  Chiang Kai-shek: Essentials of the New Life Movement

  China’s Destiny

  Jiang Jingguo (Chiang Ching-kuo): The Republic of China in Taiwan

  The Evolution of Constitutional Democracy in Taiwan

  Implementing “The Three People’s Principles”

  33. The New Culture Movement


  The Attack on Confucianism

  Chen Duxiu: “The Way of Confucius and Modern Life”

  The Literary Revolution

  Hu Shi: “A Preliminary Discussion of Literary Reform”

  Chen Duxiu: “On Literary Revolution”

  Hu Shi: “Constructive Literary Revolution—A Literature of National Speech”

  The Doubting of Antiquity

  Gu Jiegang: Preface to Debates on Ancient History (1926)

  A New Philosophy of Life

  Chen Duxiu: The True Meaning of Life

  Hu Shi: “Pragmatism”

  The Debate on Science and the Philosophy of Life

  Zhang Junmai: “The Philosophy of Life”

  Ding Wenjiang: “Metaphysics and Science”

  Wu Zhihui: “A New Concept of the Universe and Life Based on a New Belief”

  Hu Shi: Science and Philosophy of Life

  The Controversy Over Chinese and Western Cultures

  Liang Qichao: “Travel Impressions from Europe”

  Liang Shuming: Chinese Civilization vis-a-vis Eastern and Western Philosophies

  Reconstructing the Community

  Hu Shi: Our Attitude Toward Modern Western Civilization

  Sa Mengwu, He Bingsong, and Others: “Declaration for Cultural Construction on a Chinese Basis”

  Hu Shi: Criticism of the “Declaration for Cultural Construction on a Chinese Basis”

  Radical Critiques of Traditional Society (Peter Zarrow)

  He Zhen: “What Women Should Know About Communism”

  Women’s Revenge

  Han Yi: “Destroying the Family”

  34. The Communist Revolution


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