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Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 2

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by Wm. Theodore de Bary

  Gushi bian. See Gu Jiegang

  Haiguo tuzhi. See Wei Yuan

  Han Yi [pseud.]. “Huaijia lun” (“Destroying the Family”). Tianyi bao (Natural Justice), no. 4, July 25, 1907. Reprinted in Zhang Nan and Wang Renshi, eds., Xinhai geming qianshi nianjian shilun xuanji, 2B: 916–917.

  Hayhoe, Ruth, ed. Ma Xiangbo and the Mind of Modern China, 1840–1939. Armonk, N.Y.: M. E. Sharpe, 1996.

  He Zhen. “Lun nüzi dangzhi gongchan zhuyi” (“What Women Should Know About Communism”). Tianyi bao (Natural Justice), nos. 8–10 (October 30, 1907, combined ed.). Reprint. Tokyo: Daiyasu, 1966, pp. 229–232.

  ——. “Nüzi fuzhou lun” (“Women’s Revenge”). Tianyi bao (Natural Justice), no. 3 (July 10, 1907): 7–23. Reprint. Tokyo: Daiyasu, 1966.

  Hengbao (Macao), no. 7 (June 28, 1908). Reprinted in Ge Maochun et al., Wuzhengfu zhuyisixiang ziliao xuan, ch. 34.

  “Heshang” (“River Elegy”). Trans. Xie Xuanjin and Yuan Zhiming. Chinese Sociology and Anthropology 24, no. 2 (Winter 1991/1992).

  Hong Liangji. Hong Liangji nianpu. Reprint. Hong Kong: Zhongwen, 1973.

  ——. Juanshi geji. 2 vols. Reprint. Taipei: Wenhai, 1977.

  Hu Ping. “On Freedom of Speech.” SPEAHRhead 12/13 (Winter/Spring 1982): 35–37.

  Hu Shi. Hu Shi wencun. Taipei: Yuantong, 1953.

  Hu Shih. “On the Chinese Renaissance.” Bulletins on Chinese Education.

  Huang Zongxi. Mingyi daifanglu. Selections from de Bary, Waiting for the Dawn.

  Huangchao jingshi wenbian. 120 juan. Comp. Wei Yuan. 1827 ed.

  Huc, Evariste-Régis. The Chinese Empire: Forming a Sequel to the Work Entitled “Recollections of a Journey Through Tartary and Thibet.” London: Longmans, 1855. Reprint. Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1971. (First published in Paris, 1853–1854.)

  Hudson, G. F., ed. and trans. Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom: The Complete Text of “On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People.” New York: Tamiment Institute, 1957.

  Ji Yun. “How China Proceeds with the Task of Industrialization.” People’s Daily, May 23, 1953. In Selden, The People’s Republic of China, pp. 290–293.

  Jiang Jingguo. Jiang Jingguo xiansheng wenji. 28 vols. Taipei: Xingzheng yuanxin wenju, 1991.

  Jiang Tingfu. “Jianguo yu zhuanzhi.” Duli pinglun, no. 81 (December 1933).

  ——. “Kaiming yu zhuanzhi.” Duli pinglun, no. 80 (December 1933).

  Jianzheng tang zhegao. See Chu Chengbo

  Jiaobinlu kangyi. See Feng Guifen

  Jiaonü yigui. See Chen Hongmou

  Johnson, David. “Mu-lien in pao-chüan.” In David Johnson, ed., Ritual and Scripture in Chinese Popular Culture. Berkeley: Chinese Popular Culture Project, 1995.

  Jordan, David K. “Folk Filial Piety in Taiwan: The Twenty-four Filial Exemplars.” In Slote, The Psycho-cultural Dynamics of the Confucian Family. Seoul: International Cultural Society of Korea, 1986.

  Juanshi geji. See Hong Liangji

  Kang Youwei. Kongzi gaizhi kao. Wanmu caotang congshu ed. 5 ce. Beijing, 1920.

  ——. Lunyu zhu. Wanmu caotang congshu ed. 20 juan. 1917.

  ——. Wuxu zougao. 1 ce. Japanese ed. 1911.

  ——. Yingchao tongchou quanjuzhe. In Wuxu zougao.

  Kao xin lü tiyao. See Cui Shu

  Kongzi gaizhi kao. See Kang Youwei

  Lagerwey, John. Taoist Ritual in Chinese Society and History. New York: Macmillan, 1987.

  Legge, James. The Chinese Classics. 5 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1893–1895. Reprint. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1979.

  ——. “Imperial Confucianism.” China Review 6 (July 1877): 149–150.

  Li Chang. “Building Socialist Spiritual Civilization.” Beijing Review, no. 10 (March 9, 1981): 16–17.

  Li Fuqun. “Report on the First Five-Year Plan for Development of the National Economy of the People’s Republic of China in 1953–1957, July 5 and 6, 1955.” In Selden, The People’s Republic of China, pp. 295–299.

  Li Jinghan and Zhang Shiwen, eds. Dingxian yangge xuan. Dingxian: Zhonghua pingmin jiaoyu cujinhui, 1933. Reprint. Taipei: Orient Culture Service, 1971.

  Li Xiaojiang. “Gaige yu Zhongguo nüxing qunti yishi de juexing” (“Economic Reform and the Awakening of Chinese Women’s Collective Consciousness”). Shehui kexue zhanxian (Social Science Battlefront), no. 4 (1988): 300–310. Trans. S. Katherine Campbell, adapted from Gilmartin et al., Engendering China, pp. 360–382.

  Li Zehou. “A Reevaluation of Confucius.” Zhongguo shehui kexue (Social Sciences in China), no. 2 (1980).

  ——. Zhongguo gudai sixiang shi lun. Beijing: Renmin chubanshe, 1985.

  Li Zhizao. “Tianzhu shiyi.” In Tianxue chuhan, microfilm copy of the 1629 ed. in the National Library in Beijing.

  Liang Qichao. Xinmin shuo. Chung-hua shu-chü ed. Taiwan: Zhonghua shuju, 1959.

  ——. Yinbing shi heji. Comp. Lin Zhijun. 40 vols. Shanghai, 1936.

  Liang Shuming [Liang Sou-ming]. Dongxi wenhua ji qi zhexue. Comp. Chen Zheng and Luo Changpei. Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1922.

  ——. Xiangcun jianshe lilun. Zouping, 1937. Reprint. Taipei, 1971.

  Liu Binyan. A Higher Kind of Loyalty: A Memoir of China’s Foremost Journalist. New York: Pantheon, 1990.

  Liu Huiqun. “Qiju mulianxi zongheng tan.” In Hunan sheng xiqu yanjiusuo et al., eds., Mulianxi xueshu zuotanhui lunwen xuan. N.p.: Hunansheng xiqu yanjiusuo, 1985 [?].

  Liu Jin and Li Lin. Xin quanwei zhuyi (The New Authoritarianism). Beijing: Beijing jingji yanjiusuo chubanshe, 1989.

  Liu Shaoqi. How to Be a Good Communist. New York: New Century, 1952.

  ——. On Inner-Party Struggle. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, n.d.

  Liu Shipei. “Wuzhengfu geming yu nongmin geming” (“Anarchist Revolution and Peasant Revolution”). In Hengbao, no. 7 (June 28, 1908). Reprinted in Ge Maochun et al., Wuzhengfu zhuyi sixiang ziliao xuan, pp. 158–162. Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe, 1984.

  Lu Xun. Selected Works. Trans. Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang. 2d ed. 4 vols. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1980.

  Lu Zhuangzhang. Yimu liaoran chujie. In Pinyin wenzi shiliao congshu. Beijing: Wenzi gaige chubanshe, 1956.

  Lunyu zhu. See Kang Youwei

  Luo Longji. “Women yao shemayang de zhengzhi zhidu?” (“What Kind of Political System Do We Want?”). Xinyue 2, no. 12 (1930): 4–13.

  Lynn, Richard John, ed. and trans. The Classic of Changes: A New Translation of the I Ching as Interpreted by Wang Pi. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.

  Ma Xiangbo. “Religion and the State” and “Religion and Culture.” In Hayhoe, Ma Xiangbo and the Mind of Modern China.

  MacFarquhar, Roderick. The Hundred Flowers Campaign and the Chinese Intellectuals. New York: Praeger, 1960. Reprint. New York: Octagon Books, 1974.

  MacFarquhar, Roderick, Timothy Cheek, and Eugene Wu, eds. The Secret Speeches of Chairman Mao: From the Hundred Flowers to the Great Leap Forward. Cambridge, Mass.: Council on East Asian Studies, 1989.

  ——, and John K. Fairbank. The Cambridge History of China. Vol. 14. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987.

  Mair, Victor. “Language and Ideology in the Written Popularizations of the Sacred Edict.” In David Johnson et al., eds., Popular Culture in Late Imperial China. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.

  Mann, Susan. “Fuxue (Women’s Learning), by Zhang Xuecheng (1738–1801): China’s First History of Women’s Culture.” Late Imperial China 13, no. 1 (June 1992): 40–62.

  Mao Zedong. “Leaning to One Side.” In Selden, The People’s Republic of China, pp. 176–177.

  ——. Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom: The Complete Text of “On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People.” Ed. and trans. G. F. Hudson. New York: Tamiment Institute, 1957.

  ——. “On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People.” In Mao, Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom, pp. 14–49.

  ——. “The Question of Agricultural Cooperatio
n.” In Schram, The Political Thought of Mao Tse-tung, pp. 343–346.

  ——. “Remarks at the Beidaihe Conference, August 1958.” In MacFarquhar, Cheek, and Wu, The Secret Speeches of Chairman Mao, pp. 397–441.

  ——. Report from Xunwu. Ed. and trans. Roger R. Thompson. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990.

  ——. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung. Vols. 1 and 2, London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1954. Vols. 3 and 4, New York: International Publishers, 1954, 1956.

  ——. “Stalin Is Our Commander.” People’s Daily, December 20, 1939. In Schram, The Political Thought of Mao Tse-tung, pp. 426–429.

  Mao Zedong (attrib.). Chinese Communist Party Central Committee directive, June 1943.

  Merwin, Wallace C., comp. Documents of the Three-Self Movement. New York: National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, Division of Foreign Missions, Far Eastern Office, 1963.

  Michael, Franz. The Taiping Rebellion—History and Documents. 3 vols. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1971.

  Mou Zongsan. Zhongguo zhexue de tezhi. Taipei: Xuesheng shuju, 1984.

  Nee, Victor. The Cultural Revolution at Peking University. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1969.

  Nivison, David. The Life and Thought of Chang Hsüeh-ch’eng. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1966.

  Office of the CCP Dehong Dai Nationality and Qingbo Autonomous Zhou Committee. “Several Questions in Strengthing and Perfecting the Job Responsibility Systems for Agricultural Production.” Issues and Studies 17, no. 5 (May 1981): 74–83.

  Palace Museum Archives. Taipei: Memorial of 1763, QL 015160 Tianxue chuhan.

  Peking Review, Peking (Beijing), vols. 1–21 (1958–1978).

  Peiyuantang shugao. See Chen Hongmou

  Peng Dehuai. “Letter of Opinion,” Selections from People’s Republic of China Press 4032 (36b, p. 7). Trans. adapted from Selden, The People’s Republic, pp. 476–480.

  Pianxue shugao. See Xu Guangqi

  Price, Francis Wilson, trans. San min chu i: The Three Principles of the People by Sun Yat-sen. Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1929.

  “Publication Statement.” Beijing Spring Magazine, January 1979. In Seymour, The Fifth Modernization, p. 38.

  Qiugulu. See Gu Yanwu

  Quanshan yishu. See Wang Fuzhi

  Renxue. See Tan Sitong

  “Report of the Propaganda Bureau of the Central Committee on the Cheng Feng Reform Movement,” April 1942. In Compton, Mao’s China, pp. 1–8.

  “River Elegy.” See “Heshang.”

  Rizhilu jishi. See Gu Yanwu

  Rong Jian. “Does China Need an Authoritarian Political System in the Course of Modernization?” In Liu Jin and Li Lin, Xin quanwei zhuyi (The New Authoritarianism), pp. 113–131. Trans. adapted from Rosen and Zou, “The Chinese Debate on the New Authoritarianism (I).”

  Rosen, Stanley, and Gary Zou. “The Chinese Debate on the New Authoritarianism (I).” Chinese Sociology and Anthropology 23, no. 2 (Winter 1990/1991): 46–68.

  ——. “The Chinese Debate on the New Authoritarianism (II).” Chinese Sociology and Anthropology 23, no. 3 (Spring 1991): 16–23.

  Ruan Yuan. Chouren zhuan. CSJC ed.

  Sa Mengwu et al. “Zhongguo benwei di wenhua jianshe xuanyan.” Wenhua jianshe 1, no. 4 (January 1935).

  San Min Chu I. See Sun Yat-sen

  Schram, Stuart R., ed. The Political Thought of Mao Tse-tung. New York: Praeger, 1972.

  ——. Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung. New York: Bantam Books, 1967.

  Selden, Mark, ed. The People’s Republic of China: A Documentary History of Revolutionary Change. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1979.

  Seymour, James D., ed. The Fifth Modernization. Stanfordville, N.Y.: Human Rights Publishing Group, 1980.

  Shen Xue. “Shengshi yuanyin” (“Original Sounds for a Flourishing Age”). In Pinyin wenzi shiliao congshu. Beijing: Wenzi gaige chubanshe, 1956.

  Shen Yunlong, ed. Jindai Zhongguo ziliao congkan. Taipei: Wenhai, 1971.

  “Shibao fakanci” (Inaugural Statement to Shibao). Shibao, June 12, 1904.

  Sishu jizhu. See Zhu Xi

  Slote, Walter H., ed. The Psycho-cultural Dynamics of the Confucian Family: Past and Present. Seoul: International Cultural Society of Korea, 1986.

  Song Shu. Jingxiang lou congshu. Ser. 1, no. 18 (1928).

  ——. Liuzhai beiyi. In Song Shu ji 1: 135–136. Beijing: Zhonghua, 1993.

  Su Xiaokang and Wang Luxiang. “Heshang” (“River Elegy”). Beijing: Xiandai chubanshe, 1988.

  Su Yu, ed. Yijiao congbian. Collected in Shen Yunlung, ed., Jindai Zhongguo ziliao congkan. Taipei: Wenhai, 1971.

  Sun Longji. “The Deep Structure of Chinese Culture.” In Barmé and Minford, Seeds of Fire, pp. 136, 311.

  Sun Yat-sen. San Min Chu I: The Three Principles of the People. Ed. L. T. Chen. Trans. Frank W. Price. Shanghai: Commercial Press, 1927.

  ——. Zhongshan quanshu. 4 vols. Shanghai: Sanmin tushu gongsi, 1946.

  Taiping tianguo congshu. Comp. Xiao Yishan. Ser. 1. 10 vols. Shanghai, 1936.

  Tan Sitong. Renxue. In Chen Naiqian, ed., Tan Liuyang quanji. 6 ce. Shanghai, 1924.

  Teng, Ssu-yu, and John K. Fairbank. China’s Response to the West. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1954.

  Thompson, Laurence G. The One-World Philosophy of K’ang Yu-wei. London: Allen and Unwin, 1958.

  Thompson, Roger R. Mao Zedong: Report from Xunwu. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1990.

  Tianxue chuhan. See Li Zhizao

  Tianyibao (Natural Justice), no. 3 (July 10, 1907): 7–23. Tokyo: Daiyasu, 1966.

  ——, no. 8–10 (October 10, 1907, combined ed.): 229–232. Tokyo: Daiyasu, 1966.

  “Tianzhujiao Rujiao tongyi kao.” See Zhang Xingyao

  Tianzhujiao tongjuan wenxian xubian. Ed. Wu Xiangxiang. Taipei: Xuesheng shuju, 1966.

  Tinglin shiwen ji. See Gu Yanwu

  Tiyong lun. See Xiong Shili

  Tongya. See Fang Yizhi

  “Wall Poster from the April Fifth Forum.” In Seymour, The Fifth Modernization, pp. 201–203.

  Wang Fuzhi. Quanshan yishu. Taipingyang shudian ed., 1933.

  Wang Ruoshui. “Tantan yihua wenti” (“Discussing the Question of Alienation”). Xinwen zhanxian (Journalism’s Frontline), no. 8 (1980).

  ——. “Wei rendao zhuyi bianhu” (“In Defense of Humanism”). Wenhuibao, January 17, 1983, p. 3.

  Wang Shiwei. “Wild Lily” and “Political Leaders, Artists.” In Benton and Hunter, Wild Lily, Prairie Fire, pp. 69–75, 75–78.

  Wang Tao. Taoyuan wenlu waibian. 6 ce. Hong Kong, 1883.

  Wang Xizhe, Li Zhengtian, Chen Yiyang, and Guo Hongzhi. “The Li Yizhe Poster.” In Anita Chan, Stanley Rosen, and Jonathan Unger, On Socialist Democracy and the Chinese Legal System, pp. 74–80.

  Wang Zhao. Guanhua heshang zimu. In Pinyin wenzi shiliao congshu. Beijing: Wenzi gaige chubanshe, 1956.

  Watson, Burton, trans. The Complete Works of Chuang Tzu. New York: Columbia University Press, 1968.

  Wei Jingsheng. The Courage to Stand Alone: Letters from Prison and Other Writings. Ed. and trans. Kristina M. Torgeson. New York: Viking Penguin, 1997.

  ——. “Democracy or New Dictatorship.” In Benton and Hunter, Wild Lily, Prairie Fire, pp. 181–184.

  ——. “Diwuge xiandaihua—minzhu ji qita” (“The Fifth Modernization: Democracy”). In Xie Dinghua, Wei Jingsheng qishilu, pp. 37–48. Taipei: Lianya chubanshe, 1981. Translation adapted from The Courage to Stand Alone, pp. 199–212.

  Wei Yuan. Haiguo tuzhi (Illustrated Gazetteer of the Maritime Countries). 1876 reprint of the 100 juan ed. 24 ce.

  ——. Wei Yuan ji. 2 vols. Beijing: Zhonghua, 1983.

  Wei Yuan ji. See Wei Yuan

  Wenshi tongyi. See Zhang Xuecheng

  Wenshi tongyi xinbian. See Zhang Xuecheng

  “What Have Song Shuo, Lu Ping, and Peng Peiyun Done in the Cultural Revolution?” In Benton and Hunter, Wild Lily, Prairie Fire, pp. 105–108.

>   Wu, John C. H. Beyond East and West. New York: Sheed and Ward, 1951.

  Wu Han. “Hai Rui Scolds the Emperor.” People’s Daily, June 19, 1959. In Fan, The Chinese Cultural Revolution, pp. 72–76.

  Wu Jiaxing. “An Outline for Studying the New Authoritarianism.” In Liu Jin and Li Lin, Xin quanwei zhuyi (The New Authoritarianism), pp. 47–53. Trans. in Stanley Rosen and Gary Zou, “The Chinese Debate on the New Authoritarianism (II),” Chinese Sociology and Anthropology 23, no. 3 (Spring 1991): 16–23.

  Wuxu zougao. See Kang Youwei

  Wuzhengfu zhuyi sixiang ziliao xuan. See Ge Maochun

  Xiangcun jianshe lilun. See Liang Shuming

  Xinhai geming qianshi nianjian shilun xuanji. See Zhang Nan

  Xinmin congbao.

  Xinmin shuo. See Liang Qichao

  Xinweishilun. See Xiong Shili

  Xiong Shili. Cunzhai suibi. Taipei: Erhu Publishers, 1993.

  ——. Tiyonglun. Shanghai: Longmen lianhe, 1958.

  ——. Xin weishilun. Yudi ed. Taipei: Lianya chubanshe, 1981.

  Xu Guangqi. Pianxue shugao. In Wu Xiangxiang, Tianzhujiao tongjuan wenxian xubian 1: 21–28, 36. Taipei, 1966.

  Xue Fucheng. Yongan quanji. 12 ce. 1888. Xueshi yigui. See Chen Hongmou Yan Fu yi. 5 vols. Ed. Wang Ji. Beijing: Zhonghua, 1986.

  ——. “On Strength.” In Yan Fu yi, 1: 15–32.

  Yan Jiaqi. “How China Can Become Prosperous.” Speech given at the Da Gong Bao anniversary gathering in early 1988. Trans. in David Bachman and Dali L. Yang, Yan Jiaqi and China’s Struggle for Democracy, pp. 83–90.

  Yang Guangxian. Bu deyi (I Could Not Do Otherwise). 1929 photolithographic ed. reprinted in Wu Xiangxiang, ed., Tianzhujiao tongjuan wenxian xubian, 3: 1909–1092, 1121–1123.

  Yang Kuan. A New Approach to Ancient Chinese History. Beijing: Zhonghua Publishing House, 1964.

  Ye Dehui. “The Superiority of China and Confucianism.” In Su Yu, ed., Yijiao congbian.

  Yijiao congbian. See Zhu Yixin

  Yingchao tongchou quanjuzhe. See Kang Youwei

  Yongan quanji. See Xue Fucheng

  Yu Qiuli. “The Relationship Between Politics and Economics,” Xuexi ziliao, September 4, 1979. Trans. Yun-hua Kao, Issues and Studies 16, no. 5 (January 1980): 88—90.

  Zeng Guofan. Zeng Wenzheng gong quanji, Yishu hangao.

  Zeng Wenzheng gong quanji, Yishu hangao. See Zeng Guofan


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