Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 2

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Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 2 Page 89

by Wm. Theodore de Bary

  Zhai Zhenhua. Red Flower of China: An Autobiography. New York: Soho Press, 1992.

  Zhang Binglin. See Zhang Taiyan.

  Zhang Boxing. Zhengyi tang quanshu. Zhengyi xueyuan ed. Fuzhou, 1866. Zhang Junmai, Ding Wenjiang, et al. Rensheng guan. In Kexue yu rensheng guan. Vol. 1. Shanghai, 1923.

  ——. Xuanxue yu kexue. In Kexue yu rensheng guan. Vol. 2. Shanghai, 1923.

  Zhang Nan and Wang Renshi, eds. Xinhai geming qianshi nianjian shilun xuanji (A Selection of Polemical Writings from the Decade Preceding the Revolution of 1911). Beijing: Sanlian shudian, 1963.

  Zhang Taiyan. Zhang Taiyan quanji (The Complete Works of Zhang Binglin). 5 vols. Shanghai: Renmin chubanshe, 1982.

  ——. Zhang Taiyan xuanji: Zhushiben. (The Selected Works of Zhang Binglin: Annotated Edition). Shanghai: Renmin chubanshe, 1981.

  Zhang Wenxiang gong quanji. See Zhang Zhidong

  Zhang Xingyao. “Tienzhujiao Rujiao tongyi kao.” Manuscript in the former Xujiahui Library collection (Shanghai), preface dated 1715, pp. 1a–2b.

  Zhang Xuecheng. Wenshi tongyi. SBBY ed.

  ——. Wenshi tongyi xinbian. Ed. Cang Xiuliang. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 1993.

  Zhang Zhidong. Zhang Wenxiang gong quanji. 229 zhuan. Beijing, 1928. Zhengyi tang quanshu. See Zhang Boxing

  Zhongguo Guomindang shi gao. Ed. Zou Lu. Shangwu yinshuguan, 1947; reproduced in Minguo congshu, vols. 25–26. Shanghai: Shanghai shudian, 1989.

  Zhongshan quanshu. See Sun Yat-sen

  Zhongyong zhangzhu. See Zhu Xi

  Zhou Enlai. “Report on the Work of the Government.” Delivered on January 13, 1975, at the First Session of the Fourth National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China. Peking Review, no. 4 (January 24, 1975): 2–25.

  Zhu Xi. Zhongyong zhangzhu. In Sishu jizhu. Zhongguo zixue mingzhu jicheng ed.

  Zhu Yixin. In Su Yu, ed., Yijiao congbian.

  Zongzai yanlun xuanji. See Chiang Kai-shek


  Translated selections from the Chinese sources are indicated by italics.

  Absolutism: Hu Shi on national reconstruction and; Hu Shi on national state and

  Academia Sinica

  Academies: Huang Zongxi on

  “Accommodating” (Song Shu)

  “Admonitions for Women” (Ban Zhao)

  Age of Disorder (Kang Youwei)

  Age of Great Peace (Kang Youwei)

  Age of Order (Kang Youwei)

  Agriculture: scholars and; people’s democratic dictatorhip and; collectivization of; Mao Zedong on collectivization of; responsibility system in; Chen Yun on commerce and

  Ah Cheng

  Aid to the Eyes and Ears of Western Literati (Xiru ermu zi) (Nicholas Trigault)

  Alexander [the Great]


  Alphabet: reform of Chinese script and; Lu Zhuangzhang’s romanization and. See also Script reform


  Analects (Lunyu)

  Anarchism; Communism and; peasantry and. See also “Anarchist Revolution and Peasant Revolution”

  “Anarchist Revolution and Peasant Revolution” (Liu Shipei)


  Anglican Church



  Anthology of Qing Statecraft Writings (Huangchao jingshi wenbian) (He Changling and Wei Yuan). See also Criteria for Anthology of Qing Statecraft Writings

  Anthology of Qing Statecraft Writings, Preface to (Huangchao jingshi wenbian) (Wei Yuan)

  Antiquity: doubting of, and New Culture Movement

  April Fifth Forum: wall poster from

  April Fifth Movement


  Arabian Peninsula1


  Armed struggle: Mao Zedong on

  Art and literature: Mao Zedong on4

  “Asiatic” (“Oriental”) society (Marx)

  Asoka, King

  Astronomy, Chinese

  Astronomy, Western


  Attack on Hell

  Aurora (Zhendan) Academy


  Authority: economic management and


  “Awakening of Women’s Consciousness” (Li Xiaojiang)

  Axis powers

  Bakufu, Tokugawa

  Ban Gu

  Ban Zhao

  Banners, Eight

  Bao Sheng Da Di. See The Great Emperor Who Protects Life

  Baojuan. See Precious scrolls

  Barbarians: Wang Fuzhi on Chinese and; Chen Hongmou on; Feng Guifen on control of

  Beijing Gazette (Chaobao, Jingbao)

  “Beijing Spring,”

  Beijing Spring Magazine, publication statement of

  Beijing University

  Beiyang Naval School

  Bergson, Henri

  Beyond East and West (Wu Jingxiong)

  Bianfa. See “Reform”

  Bible, romanized

  Bin Chun

  Bo Lü Liuliang Sishu jiangyi. See Refutation of Lü Liuliang’s Discourses on the Four Books

  Bo Yang (Guo Yidong) See also The Ugly Chinaman

  Bo Yi


  Bolshevik Revolution. See Russian Revolution


  Book of Common Prayer

  The Book of Heavenly Commandments (Tiantiao shu): A Form to Be Observed in Repenting Sins; The Ten Heavenly Commandments

  Book of Poetry. See Classic of Odes

  Boundaries: Kang Youwei on abolition of

  Boundaries, Nine (Kang Youwei)


  Bourgeoisie, Chinese: Mao Zedong on imperialism and

  Boxer Rebellion

  Britain; Opium War and

  British East India Company

  Broad learning

  Brokerages, government: memorial on grain trade and, in Qing


  Buddhism popular culture and; colloquial writing and; Xiong Shili and

  Budeyi. See “I Cannot Do Otherwise”

  “Building Socialist Spiritual Civilization” (Li Chan)

  Bureau of Astronomy

  Burke, Edmund

  Burning of the books (Qin dynasty): Tan Sitong on

  Cai Yan

  Calendars: Wei Yuan on Chinese and Western

  Calendrical mathematics: Adam Schall and

  Cambridge University

  Cang Jie

  “Canon of Yao” (Classic of Documents)

  Cao Xueqin

  Caodong (Buddhism)

  Capitalism, Western; Mao Zedong on penetration of China by

  “Capitalist road,”

  Carsun Chang. See Zhang Junmai

  Casebooks, local official’s: Chen Hongmou on compilation of

  Catholicism, modern Chinese: state and


  Censorship: Complete Library of the Four Treasuries and

  Chairman Mao’s Comments on Educational Revolution

  Chamberlain, Neville

  Chan (Zen) Buddhism. See Buddhism

  Chantefable; genres of

  Chao, T.C. See Zhao Zichen

  Chaobao. See Beijing Gazette

  Characters, Chinese. See Writing, Chinese

  Charter Oath of Meiji Japan

  Chefoo Convention

  Chen Duxiu; anti-Confucianism of; women and tradition in; literary reform in. See also “On Literary Revolution”; The True Meaning of Life; “The Way of Confucius and Modern Life”

  Chen Hongmou; life and career of; statecraft and; critique of civil service examinations in; universal education in; women’s education and; ideas on governance of conduct of local officials in; compilation of official casebooks and; governance by local elites in

  Chen Qitong

  Chen Xianzhang

  Chen Yiyang

  Chen Yun. See Speech Given at the Chinese Communist National Representative Conference

  Chen Zeming

  Cheng brothers

  Cheng Hao

  Cheng, King (Zhou dynasty)

  Cheng, Prince (Jiaqing emperor)

  Cheng Yi

  Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism; critique of, in Evidential Learning

  Chiang Ching-kuo. See Jiang Jingguo

  Chiang Kai-shek (Jiang Jieshi) educational background of; Three People’s Principles and; Confucianism and; traditionalism of; national reconstruction and; views on unequal treaties in. See also China’s Destiny; Essentials of the New Life Movement

  China Christian Council

  China Discussion (Qingyi bao)

  China: European fascination with; Opium War and; Mao Zedong on absorption of foreign culture and

  China Human Rights Organization

  China Merchants Steam Navigation Company

  China Progress (Shiwu bao)

  China Youth

  China’s Destiny (Chiang Kai-shek); Social Effects of the [Unequal Treaties]; Moral Effects; Psychological Effects; The Decisive Factor in China’s Destiny

  China’s Way to Freedom (Feng Youlan)

  Chinese Civilization Vis-A-Vis Eastern and Western Philosophies (Liang Shuming)

  Chinese Communist Party. See Communist Party, Chinese

  “Chinese Culture Fever,”

  “Chinese learning for substance, Western learning for function” (Zhongxue wei ti, Xixue wei yong)

  Chinese Renaissance: Christianity and, See also New Culture Movement

  The Chinese Revolution and the Chinese Communist Party (Mao Zedong) The Chinese Nation; Ancient Feudal Society; Present-Day Colonial, Semi-Colonial, and Semi-Feudal Society; The Chinese Revolution

  Chinggis Khan



  Chongzhen emperor (Ming dynasty)

  Chouyang chuyi. See Suggestions on Foreign Affairs

  “The Christian Manifesto” (Wu Yaozong)

  Christianity; China’s early contacts with; Ming reaction against; Confucianism and; Qing opposition to; ancestor worship and; reconciliation of Confucianism and; Zhang Xingyao on Confucianism and. See also I Cannot Do Otherwise

  Christianity, modern: stigma of imperialism and; Catholics and Protestants and; Zhao Zichen on role of Chinese Renaissance and; Zhao Zichen on education and, See also Beyond East and West; “The Christian Manifesto”; The Lotus and the Mud; Ma Xiangbo; “The Present-Day Tragedy of Christianity”; “Present-Day Religious Thought and Life in China”; The Reformation of Christianity; Should a Head of State Preside Over Religious Ceremonies?; Wang Mingdao; We, Because of Faith; Wu Yaozong; Zhao Zichen

  Chronological Autobiography of Kang Youwei (Kang Nanhai zibian nianpu)


  Chu Chengbo

  Chuci (“Songs of the South”)

  Chun, Prince

  Ci poetry; Tang and Song

  Citizenry: Liang Qichao on; Liang Qichao on rights and; Liang Qichao on concept of the nation and

  Civil infrastructure

  Civil service

  Civil service examination system: revival of, in Qing; Huang Zongxi on schools and; selection of scholar-officials and; career success, Western Learning and; Zhang Boxing on failure of; Chen Hongmou on; Wei Yuan on; Feng Guifen’s critique of; abandonment of; Sun Yat-sen on

  “Civil society,”

  “Civilizing” (Song Shu)

  Class struggle

  Classic of Changes (Yijing)

  Classic of Documents (Classic of History) (Shujing)

  [Classic of] Etiquette and Ceremonies (Yili)

  Classic of Filial Piety (Xiaojing)

  Classic of History. See Classic of Documents

  Classic of Odes (Book of Poetry) (Shijing)

  Classical Chinese: literary revolution and

  Classics; Huang Zongxi on schools and; Evidential Learning and; Dai Zhen on

  Classics Mat Lectures, Tang-Song

  Classified Sayings of Master Zhu (Zhuzi yulei)

  Clearly Distinguishing the Lord of Heaven Teaching [from Heterodoxy] (Tianzhujiao mingpian) (Zhang Xingyao)

  Collected Works (Feng Youlan)

  Collected Works of the Hall of Correctness and Propriety

  Collectivization, agricultural; Mao Zedong on

  Collontay (Alexandra Kollantai)

  Columbia University


  Combat Liberalism (Mao Zedong)

  Commanderies and prefectures (jun xian); Gu Yanwu on

  Commentaries on the Four Books (Lü Liuliang)

  Commentary on the Great Learning. See Great Learning, Commentary on

  Commentary on the Mean. See Mean Commentary on

  Commerce: Wang Fuzhi on threat of; grain trade and; reform and; Chen Yun on agriculture and. See also Merchants

  Common good (public interest) (gong)

  Common man. See People

  Communalism: Kang Youwei on; Liu Shipei on peasants and

  Communes, people’s; dismantling of

  Communiqué; of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

  Communism; New Culture Movement and; mingling of anarchism and, in Liu Shipei; Liu Shipei on peasantry and; Li Dazhao on victory of, question of land redistribution and New Confucians on. See also Communism, Chinese; Communist Party, Chinese; How to Be a Good Communist; Mao Zedong

  Communism, Chinese, liberals and

  Communist Party, Chinese (CCP), tradition and; Chinese revolution and; collaboration with the Nationalists and; Liu Shaoqi on inner party struggle and; victory of; post-war policies of; role of, in post-Mao era; capitalist practices and, in post-Mao era

  Community compact (xiang yue); Zhu Xi and; Liang Shuming on

  A Comparative Study of Life Ideals (Feng Youlan)

  Compendium of Commentaries on the Classics

  Compendium of Qing Statutes (Qing huidian)

  Competition: Liang Qichao on nationhood and

  “Competition” (Origin of Species): Yan Fu on

  Complete Library of the Four Treasuries (Siku quanshu)

  Complete Works of Master Zhu (Zhu Xi)

  Comprehensive Consideration of the Whole Situation (Yingchao tongchou quanjuzhe) (Kang Youwei)

  Comprehensive Mirror for Aid in Governance Topically Arranged (Tongjian jishi benmo) (Zhang Xingyao)

  Concensus of many (zhongyi)

  Concubines: He Zhen on

  Conditions. See Material conditions

  Conditions, local: Chen Hongmou on

  Confucianism; belief in ghosts and; Feng Guifen on Western Learning and; Kang Youwei, reform and; Kang Youwei’s view of, as state religion; Zhu Yixin on reform and undermining of; Ye Dehui on superiority of; Tan Sitong on; Chiang Kai-shek and; New Life Movement and; New Culture Movement and; Chen Duxiu on individual independence and; Liang Shuming’s reappraisal of; Li Zehou’s reevaluation of; conservative role of, under Deng Xiaoping

  Confucius, Mou Zongsan on humaneness in

  Confucius Foundation

  Confucius as a Reformer (Kongzi gaige kao) (Kang Youwei); How Confucius Founded His Teaching in Order to Reform Institutions; The Six Classics Were All Written by Confucius to Reform Institutions

  “The Conquest of Bread” (Peter Kropot-kin)

  Conscience (liangxin)

  Constitutionalism; American; revolution and; monarchy and; Sun Yat-sen on


  Construction (Jianshe)

  “Constructive Literary Revolution—A Literature of National Speech” (Hu Shi)>

  Contradictions, social: Mao Zedong on, Liu Binyan on

  Copernicus, Nicholas

  Cornell University

  Correct norm. See Equilibrium

  Cosmology, Neo-Confucian: Evidential Learning and


  “Cosmos of life” (Xiong Shili)

  “Country” (Ch. guojia, J. kokka)

  Courtesans, literary activities of

  Criteria for Anthology of Qing Statecraft Writings (Wei Yuan)

  Criticism, art and literary: Mao Zedong on

riticism of the “Declaration for Cultural Construction on a Chinese Basis” (Hu Shi)

  Cromwell, Oliver

  Cui Shu; classical exegesis and

  Cultural construction

  Cultural Construction

  Cultural Revolution. See Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution

  Dai Zhen; critique of Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism in; background and career of; scholarly attainments of; views on philosophical inquiry of; critique of Neo-Confucianism in; study methods of; critique of Song and Ming Neo-Confucianism in

  Dalai Lama

  Daoism; popular culture and; funerals and

  Daoshi. See Priests

  Darwin, Charles

  Darwinism: Liang Qichao’s conception of

  Datong shu. See Grand Commonality

  Death: ritual and

  Debates on Ancient History, Preface to (Gu Jiegang)

  “Declaration for Cultural Construction on a Chinese Basis” (Sa Mengwu, He Bingsong, et al); Hu Shi’s criticism of

  The Deep Structure of Chinese Culture (Sun Longji)

  “In Defense of Humanism,” (Wang Ruoshui)

  De Gaulle, Charles

  Democracy; Yan Fu on, in the West; One World and, in Kang Youwei; dictatorship and, in Maoism; legal system and, in post-Mao era; Wei Jingsheng on; Yan Jiaqi on prosperity and; New Confucians on

  “Democracy or New Dictatorship” (Wei Jingsheng)

  Democracy, Reform, and Modernization (Fang Lizhi)

  “Democracy Wall”

  Democratic centralism

  Democratic League

  Deng Xiaoping; “modernization” and; economic pragmatism and. See also “Build Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”; Communiqué of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China; “Uphold the Four Basic Principles”

  Desires: Lü Liuliang on; Dai Zhen on

  “Destroying the Family” (Han Yi)

  “The Destruction of India” (“Lun Yindu wangguo shu”) (Kang Youwei)

  Dewey, John; Hu Shi on

  Dharma: Xiong Shili’s thought and

  Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate (Taiji tushuo) (Zhou Dunyi)

  Dialogue on the New Science (Galileo)

  Diamond Sūtra

  Dictatorship: Luo Longji on political tutelage and; democracy and, in Maoism

  Dictatorship of the People’s Democracy (Mao Zedong)

  Dictatorship of the proletariat

  Ding Guangxun (K.H. Ting)

  Ding Ling. See “Thoughts on March 8, 1942”

  Ding Richang

  Ding Wenjiang. See also “Metaphysics and Science”

  Discipline for Beginners (Zhengmeng) (Zhang Zai)


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