Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 2

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Sources of Chinese Tradition, Volume 2 Page 90

by Wm. Theodore de Bary

  Discourses in the White Tiger Hall (Bohu tong delun)

  “Discussing the Question of Alienation” (Wang Ruoshui)

  Dissent: Mao Zedong on

  District (xian)


  Divorce: Ding Ling on women revolutionaries and

  Documents. See Classic of Documents

  “Documents of the Shang Dynasty” (Classic of Documents)

  “Does China Need an Authoritarian Political System in the Course of Modernization?” (Rong Jian)

  “Doing Nothing” (wuwei) (Laozi)

  Dong hua lu. See Imperial Documents of the Qing Dynasty

  Dong Zhongshu

  Donglin Academy

  “Doubting of antiquity,”

  Drama, Yuan

  Dream of Red Mansions (Honglou meng)

  Du Fu

  Du Halde, Jean-Baptiste: view of career success and classical studies in

  Du Tongjian lun. See On Reading [Sima Guang’s] Comprehensive Mirror

  Duan Qirui

  Duke Hu


  Dynastic histories

  Dynasties. See Rule, dynastic

  E meng. See A Strange Dream

  East Asia

  “Eastern ethics and Western science,”

  Eastern Orthodox Church

  The Eastern Times (Shibao)

  Eastern Zhejiang School (Evidential Learning)

  Economics: pragmatism and, in post-Mao era-492; Yan Jiaqi on

  Education: Chen Hongmou on; Western-style; Maoist; Liu Shaoqi on traditional; Protestantism and, in modern China

  Education, women’s: Chen Hongmou on

  Egalitarianism: Kang Youwei on; Kang Youwei on Nine Boundaries and


  Eight Items (Great Learning)

  Eight-legged essay

  Eight Specifications. See Eight Items

  Elections, free

  Elites, local: Chen Hongmou on governance by

  Emoluments: Lü Liuliang on, in Mencius

  Empathy (shu): Zhang Xuecheng on

  Emperor of Heaven

  Empress Dowager

  Empress He Scolds the Emperor

  Encyclopedias, institutional

  Enfeoffment system

  Engels, Frederick


  English Bible

  “On Enlightened Rulers and Worthy Ministers” (“Ming liang lun”) (Gong Zizhen)

  Enlightenment, European

  Enlightenment, German: Mou Zongsan’s thought and

  Entertainers, popular


  Equilibrium (zhen)

  Essay on the Principle of Population (Mal-thus)

  Essays on the History of Chinese Thought (Li Zehou)

  The Essential Ideas of Human Nature and Principle (Zhu Xi)

  Essentials of the Moral Way (Yuandao) (Han Yu)

  Essentials of the New Life Movement (Chiang Kai-shek); The Object of the New Life Movement; The Content of the New Life Movement; li, yi, lian, and chi in

  Essentials of the Records of Beliefs Investigated (Kaoxin lu tiyao) (Cui Shu)

  “L’état c’est moi,”

  Eucken, Rudolph


  Evidential Learning (Evidential Inquiry, Han Learning) (kaozheng); Gu Yanwu and; origins and character of; Confucian classics, textual discoveries and; thinkers and trends in; critique of Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism in; Confucian tradition and; anticipation of Western methods in; fundamentalist tendency of; Dai Zhen on; Chen Hongmou on; Wei Yuan on

  Evidential Study of the Meaning of Terms in the Mencius (Mengzi ziyi shuzheng) (Dai Zhen)

  Evolution and Ethics (Thomas Henry Huxley)

  Evolution: Yan Fu on, in Spencer

  An Examination of the Similarities and Differences Between the Lord of Heaven Teaching [Christianity] and the Teaching of the Confucian Scholars (Zhang Xingyao)

  Exhortation to Learn (Quanxue pian) (Zhang Zhidong): United Hearts; The Three Mainstays; Rectifying Political Rights; Following the Proper Order; On Reform

  Exorcism; communal

  Exorcists (fashi):

  Explanation of Writing and Characters (Shuowen) (Xu Shen)


  Facts: Western world and, according to Yan Fu

  Family: Kang Youwei on abolition of; Tan Sitong’s opposition to; Han Yi on destruction of

  Fan Ye

  Fang Guancheng

  Fang Lizhi. See also Democracy, Reform, and Modernization; “Reform and Intellectuals”; “The Social Responsibilty of Today’s Intellectuals”

  Fang Xiaoru

  Fang Yizhi: critique of Chinese writing system in

  Fashi. See Exorcists


  Feelings: Dai Zhen on; Wei Yuan on governance and


  Feng Guifen; reformism and; Chinese and barbarians in; Western military technology in. See also Protests from the Study of Jiaobin

  Feng Youlan (Fung Yu-lan): philosophy of; Marxism and. See also Speech of Response Delivered at the Convocation of September 10, 1982, at Columbia University

  Festivals, temple

  Feudalism: Mao Zedong on

  Feurbach, Ludwig

  Fichte, Johann Gottlieb

  The Fifth Modernization (Wei Jingsheng)

  Filiality; dynastic law and

  Fire ritual

  Fire walking

  First Emperor of Qin (Qin shihuangdi)

  First Principles (Herbert Spencer)

  First Steps in Being Able to Understand at a Glance (Yimu liaoran chujie) (Lu Zhuangzhang)

  Five Classics

  Five Constants (Five Constant Virtues)

  Five Moral Relations Tan Sitong’s repudiation of

  Five Phases (wu xing)

  Five Teachings

  Five Year Plans

  The Flood (Old Testament)


  Ford, Henry

  “Forged Classics,”

  Four Books

  Four Curricula

  “Four dragons” (Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore)

  Four Modernizations

  Fourth Letter in Reply to Kang Youwei (Zhu Yixin)

  Fourth National People’s Congress


  Free trade

  Freedom of religious belief: Ma Xiangbo on

  Freedom of speech: Mao Zedong on; Hu Ping on; “On Freedom of Speech” (Hu Ping)

  Freedom: Yan Fu on, in the West

  French Revolution

  Fu She society


  Function (yong)

  Fundamentals of Japan s National Polity (Kokutai no hongi)

  Funerals; Daoism and

  Furen Catholic University

  Further Studies of the Dongguan (Huang Bosi)


  Fuzhou Arsenal School of Navigation

  Galileo Galilei

  Gamble, Sidney

  Gandhi, Mohandas

  Gang of Four

  Gao Huangdi (Ming Taizu): Huang Zongxi on abolition of prime ministership and; Village Lectures and


  Gazetteer of the Four Continents (Sizhou zhi) (Lin Zexu)


  Gentleman (junzi): Wang Fuzhi on mean man and


  George, Henry; Sun Yat-sen and


  Gezhi. See Investigation [of things] and the extension [of knowledge]

  Ghost Funeral

  Ghosts: Confucianism and belief in

  Giles, Herbert A

  Glasgow University

  God the Heavenly Father

  God Worshippers (Taiping movement)

  Gong. See Common good

  Gong, Prince

  Gong Zizhen: life and career of; resistance to West and; civil service examinations and; critique of scholar-officials and. See also “On Enlightened Rulers and Worthy Ministers”; Respect for the Guest

  Gongyang Commentary [on the Spring and Autumn Ann

  Governance: Huang Zongxi on sharing of; Huang Zongxi on law and; Chen Hongmou on; Chen Hongmou on local elites and; Hong Liangji on deterioration of; Gong Zizhen on need for reform of; Gong Zizhen on concentration of authority and; framework of, in statecraft thought; Wei Yuan on; Wei Yuan on human feelings and; Wei Yuan on profit and; Kang Youwei on stages of; Ye Dehui on Confucian ism and See also Chen Hongmou; Huang Zongxi; Statecraft; Waiting for the Dawn

  Government: Sun Yat-sen’s five branches of

  Grain trade: brokerages and

  Grand Canal

  Grand Commonality (Datong) (Record of Rites) Kang Youwei on

  Grand Commonality (Datong shu) (Kang Youwei)

  Grand Model (Hongfan) (Classic of Documents)

  Grand Unity. See Grand Commonality

  Great Compendium of Human Nature and Principle: Qing abridgement of

  The Great Emperor Who Protects Life (Bao Sheng Da Di)

  Great Leap Forward; Peng Dehuai on shortcomings of

  Great Learning

  Great Learning, Commentary on (Zhu Xi)

  Great Proletarian Cultural RevolutionWu Han and; background of; critique of, in “Li Yi Zhe Poster,”; Deng Xiaoping and. See also The Sixteen Points: Guidelines for the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution The Great Sai Ritual of Zhangzi County Shanxi

  Great Ultimate (Supreme Ultimate, Supreme polarity) (taiji)


  Group organization: Liang Shuming on individual and

  Gu Jiegang. See Debates on Ancient History Preface to

  Gu Mu1

  Gu Yanwu; Evidential Learning and; life and career of; Wang Yangming school and; view of scholarship in; practical learning and; critique of Ming in; view of human mind and mind of the way in; concept of hereditary bureaucracy in; anti-bureaucratism of

  Guan Zhong

  Guangxu emperor (Zaitian)

  Guanhua hesheng zimu. See Letters for Combining the Sounds of Mandarin




  “Guests”: Gong Zichen on the Way and

  “Guided democracy” (Sun Yat-sen)

  Gujin tushu jicheng. See Synthesis of Books and Illustrations from Past and Present

  Guo Hongzhi

  Guo Moruo

  Guo Ru Buries His Son

  Guo Yidong. See Bo Yang

  Guochao Hanxue shicheng ji

  Guomindang. See Nationalist Party

  Guoshan Temple Record

  Guoshan yishi

  Hai Rui

  Hai Rui Dismissed from Office (Wu Han)

  “Hai Rui Scolds the Emperor” (Wu Han)

  Haiguo tuzhi. See Illustrated Gazetteer of the Maritime Countries


  Han Confucians

  Han dynasty

  Han Feizi

  Han Learning. See Evidential Learning

  Han Shaogong

  Han Yi

  Han Yu

  Hanlin academicians

  Hanshu. See History of the Former Han

  Hartmann, Eduard von

  Harvard Law School

  He Bingsong

  He Changling

  He Xiu

  He Zhen: husband and wife in polygamy in; rights of women in. See also What Women Should Know About Communism; Women’s Revenge

  “Heap of loose sand,” Chinese people as (Sun Yat-sen)

  Heaven; Way of, in Dai Zhen; Christian concept of God and

  Heavenly Elder Brother (Taiping movement)

  Heavenly Father (Taiping Heavenly movement)

  Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace (Taiping Tianguo)

  Heavenly Way

  Heaven’s Imperative (tianming)

  Heaven’s Wind (Tian Feng)

  Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich

  Hegemon (ba)



  Henry VII (England)

  Henry VIII (England)

  Hereditary office: Gu Yanwu on


  Heterodox teachings

  A Higher Kind of Loyalty (Liu Binyan)


  Historian: Zhang Xuecheng on virtue and; Zhang Xuecheng on “quality of mind” in; Zhang Xuecheng on three strengths of

  A History of Chinese Philosophy (Feng Youlan)

  History of the Former Han (Hanshu)

  History: Wang Fuzhi on; Wei Yuan on institutional progress and; Mao Zedong’s Stalinist periodization of. See also Historian; History writing

  History writing: Evidential Learning and; Zhang Xuecheng and; doubting of antiquity and, in New Culture Movement

  Holmes, Oliver Wendell

  Hong Kong

  Hong Liangji; view of population problem in; critique of local government in; ideas on heterodoxy of. See also Memorial on the War Against Heterodoxy

  Hong Mai

  Hong merchants (Chinese Merchant Guild)

  Hong Ren’gan

  Hong Xiuquan; origins of Taiping movement and. See also Taiping Heavenly Kingdom; Taiping Rebellion

  Honored King of Broad Compassion (Guangze Zun Wang), cult of

  Hou Yi (Archer Yi)

  How to Be a Good Communist (Liu Shaoqi); traditional self-cultivation and; ethics and

  “How China Can Become Prosperous” (Yan Jiaqi) Give Free Play to People’s Initiative; Use Systems to Limit the Tenure of Leaders; Democracy is an Error-Correcting Mechanism; Change “Personal Rule” to Legal Rule; Use the Market to Regulate the Movement of Resources; Using Law to Promote and Guarantee Reform

  “How China Proceeds With the Task of Industrialization” (Ji Yun)

  Hu Hanmin: nationalization of land in. See also “The Six Principles of the People’s Report”

  Hu Ping. See “On Freedom of Speech”

  Hu Shi; critique of political tutelage in; background of; literary revolution and; literary reform in; doubting of antiquity and; pragmatism in; science and philosophy of life in; defense of West in; Sa Mengwu’s view of cultural construction and. See also “Constructive Literary Revolution - A Literature of National Speech”; Criticism of the “Declaration for Cultural Construction on a Chinese Basis”; “National Reconstruction and Absolutism”; “Our Attitude Toward Modern Western Civilization”; “Pragmatism”; “A Preliminary Discussion of Literary Reform”; Science and the Philosophy of Life

  Hu Wei

  Hu Weiyong

  Hu Yuan

  Hua Guofeng

  Huang Jin

  Huang Qiuyun

  Huang shu. See The Yellow Book

  Huang Zongxi; life and career of; critique of dynastic rule by. See also Waiting for the Dawn

  Huang Zunxian

  Huangchao jingshi wenbian. See Anthology of Qing Statecraft Writings

  Huc, Abbe

  Hui Neng

  Human mind and mind of the Way (renxin, daoxin): Gu Yanwu on

  Humaneness (ren); egalitarianism and, in Kang Youwei; Tan Sitong on; Mou Zongsan on; Mou Zongsan on Confucius and; Li Zehou on

  Humanism (renben xue): Wang Ruoshui on; Wang Ruoshui on socialism and

  “Hunchback Guo Plants a Tree” (Liu Zongyuan)

  Hundred Days Reform (1898); Kang Youwei and

  Hundred Flowers Campaign. See “Let A Hundred Flowers Bloom”

  Hungary “Hypo-colony” (Sun Yat-sen)

  I Cannot Do Otherwise (Budeyi) (Yang Guangxian)

  Ideology, vernacular

  Illiteracy. See also Script reform

  Illustrated Gazetteer of the Maritime Countries (Haiguo tuzhi) (Wei Yuan); contents of

  Illustrated Gazetteer of the Maritime Countries, preface to (Haiguo tuzhi) (Wei Yuan)

  Imperial College

  Imperial Documents of the Qing Dynasty (Dong hua lu) (Wang Xianqian)


  Inaugural Statement for the Eastern Times (Shibao)


  Individual; nation and, in Liang Qichao; Liang Shuming on group organization and



>   Indonesia

  Industrial revolution: Feng Youlan on the medieval, the modern and

  Industrialization: socialism and

  Innate good knowing (liangzhi)

  Inquiry, conscientious: Wei Yuan on

  Inquiry Into Goodness (Yuan shan) (Dai Zhen)

  Inquisition, Qianlong

  Inscriptions, stone

  Institute of Marxism-Leninism

  Institutions: Kang Youwei on reform and; Chu Chengbo on men’s minds and reform of; Zhu Yixin on principles and

  Instruments, Western (qi) (methods); reform and; principles and

  Intellectuals; Hundred Flowers campaign and; post-Mao era and; freedom of, in nineteen-eighties; Fang Lizhi on

  International Women’s Day

  Investigation of things: empirical research and

  Investigation of things and extension of knowledge (Gewu zhizhi); Lü Liuliang on; Liu Shaoqi on

  “Iron rice bowl,”


  The Israelites


  Jade Emperor


  James, William; Hu Shi on pragmatism and

  Japan; China and, compared; reform and, according to Kang Youwe

  Jesuits; Confucian literati and

  Jesus; Yang Guangxian’s attack on; Lord-on-High in Six Classics and, according to Matteo Ricci; Taiping theology and

  La Jeunesse Nouvelle. See The New Youth

  Ji Yun. See “How China Proceeds With

  the Task of Industrialization”

  Jia Yi

  Jiajing emperor

  Jiang Fan

  Jiang Jieshi. See Chiang Kai-shek

  Jiang Jingguo (Chiang Ching-kuo); democracy on Taiwan in: “Three People’s Principles” in

  Jiang Qing

  Jiang Tingfu

  Jiang Zemin

  Jiangxi Soviet

  Jiaqing emperor

  Jie and Zhou (last rulers of Xia and Shang dynasties)

  Jin dynasty (265–419 C.E.)

  Jingbao. See Beijing Gazette

  Jingshi. See Statecraft

  Jingxiong. See Wu, John C.H.

  Jinshi degree; adoption of Western technology and

  Journalism: Wang Tao and

  Journey to the West (Xiyou ji)

  Juren degree: adoption of Western technology and

  Kana syllabary (Japan); Chinese writing compared to

  Kang Nanhai zibian nianpu. See Chronological Autobiography of Kang Youwei

  Kang Youwei; background and education of; youthful iconoclasm of; Western Learning and; Hundred Day’s Reform and; constitutionalism of; Hundred Days Reform and; institutional reform and; idea of progress in; communalism and egalitarianism in; Three Ages and; Nine Boundaries in; abolition of family in; bolition of boundaries in; new press and; Zhang Binglin’s critique of. See also Comprehensive Consideration of the Whole Situation; Confucius as a Reformer; “The Destruction of India”; Grand Commonality


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