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Once Bitten, Twice Seduced [Revenants 1] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 18

by Mackenzie Williams

  “Why are you doing this?”

  Gabe removed his hand from her face. “Just feed.”

  Gabe turned his attention away from her and down to the girl. Addison felt that Gabe was slightly offended and hurting, but she didn’t have time to worry about that now. She was going to really feed for the first time. Will I be able to stop? Will I start needing this?

  Chapter Fifty-One

  Addison cleared her mind with a deep inhale and closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them again, she felt completely different. Her nostrils were full of the smell of blood and skin. She smelled the girl, and it wasn’t unpleasant.

  Addison’s hands started to tremble as the excitement was building in her. Her eyes flashed and she felt some of her weakness fall off. She was turning into the predator she knew she was deep down. Addison locked her eyes on her target, the woman’s neck, as she crawled closer to her. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Gabe watching intently. She knew he would love every minute of this. She briefly worried about where Luke was but pushed that thought down.

  Addison leaned over the female. She looked like she was peacefully playing in dreamland. I hope she’s enjoying herself, because I’m about ready to enjoy her. Any other time, Addison would have felt sick at how cavalier her attitude was about this, but not now. Now, she was in her Revenant zone.

  Addison watched the girl’s neck throb with each heartbeat. Saliva started to pool in her mouth as she bent forward. Finally, her teeth touched flesh. Addison paused for half a second and then let the hunger takeover. She pressed her teeth down firmly and quickly. She felt them sink into the skin and the first taste of blood hit her tongue.

  As she savored the moment, the woman under her started to moan and twist her hips. Addison noticed that she was still pretty calm, though. Was it Luke or Gabe subduing her, now? She took just a second to look up at Gabe, whose expression was pure desire. Addison doubted that he was concentrating on calming waves directed at the victim.

  Addison went back to feeding with the thought of Luke helping her eat. It made her feel guiltier, but at this point, she was far too committed. She sucked one hard time on the girl and felt her mouth fill. It was the most delicious thing she had tasted in a very long time. She even tasted a trace of the girl’s emotions, a bit of her fear. This only made Addison want more.

  She took more of the drink and then heard Luke. “Addison, enough.”

  She ignored him. She wasn’t ready to be done. There was too much left in this girl, she felt it. Another long pull, and again, Luke’s voice. This time it was stronger, louder.

  “Addison! Stop!”

  Just before Addison could do more damage, the woman under her came alive. Her arms started to whip around wildly as she kicked her legs. A loud scream came off her lips. Addison knew instantly that Luke had let go of the calming energy he had held on the victim. He wants me to feel the full effect on my victim.

  Addison finally pulled her teeth from the runner and sat back. The woman looked up at her with terror in her eyes. It was like someone had just ripped Addison’s heart from her chest. A bit of panic spiked through her and then Addison’s mind kicked in. She sent her own cool, calming wave over the girl. She immediately stopped moving. A few small whimpers came from her as her eyes closed.

  The newly rejuvenated Revenant turned to find Luke. He was standing a ways back from the action. He was watching her from afar.

  Addison could feel her power increasing by the second. It was like a slow heat moving through her veins. “Thank you.”

  When she sent those words to Luke, she felt the connection returning to full strength. That made her feel more powerful still. Her attention then turned back to the bleeding woman before her on the forest floor. An intense déjà vu sensation ran over her. She was once just like this girl. That thought felt full of sadness, but also full of thankfulness. Where would she be now if Gabe had never bitten her?

  Addison looked back up at Gabe to see that he was probably thinking the same thing. His eyes were full of memories and a little sorrow. It didn’t last long, however. He closed his eyes and raked a hand through his beautifully unkempt hair. When he looked back on Addison, the only feelings in his eyes were confidence and coolness.

  “My work is done here.” Gabe stood from the two unmoving joggers and looked over Addison’s shoulder.

  She saw him nod with a stone face at Luke behind her. Addison didn’t completely understand, but the thought of Gabe leaving weighed heavily on her. She felt the dread start to fill her chest. Before she had really thought anything through, she stood and stepped over the humans. Gabe had turned his back on them all and was walking away.

  “Gabe.” Addison started to walk after him.

  Her first few steps were shaky, but she soon gained her legs back. She watched him stop and hang his head, but he didn’t turn around. When she reached him, she grabbed his arm and lightly turned him toward her. He kept his eyes down, refusing to look at her face.

  “Thank you.”

  No response from him.

  “I’m not sure what to say here.” There was a long silence between them. Addison nervously twisted her fingers back and forth. “I love your brother, you know.”

  Addison wasn’t sure why she had said that. It just sort of blurted from her without too much thought. She couldn’t retract it now even if she felt she should.

  Finally, Gabe looked up. His eyes locked on Addison’s. The pure rawness in them ripped a sob from her throat. “I know. That’s the only reason I’m letting you go...for now.”

  She didn’t know what she wanted to do in that moment. A very big part of her wanted to hug him, kiss him, even. Tell him that he mattered to her, and that they could have something. The realization that Luke was not far, watching, had her frozen.

  Gabe brought up his hand and rubbed her cheek with the back of his fingers. A small smile lifted one side of his lips. “You know, there was a time when I would have suggested that if I couldn’t have you alone, that I could share you with Luke. I know him well. He wouldn’t agree to it. It seems like you couldn’t live that way. Right now, anyway. Never say never, though.” He paused and his smile left. “I’ll be around, love. Don’t forget that.”

  Addison closed her eyes and rubbed her cheek back against his hand. She didn’t want to focus on his words, on his cloaked invitation. But the seed had been planted. Did that matter?

  Then, before she could open her eyes again, he was gone. She didn’t have to look to know that he was already too far away to see. Gabe, I hope you find your happily-ever-after. Addison had a strong feeling that Gabe would always be a part of her life. To what degree, was yet to be determined.

  Chapter Fifty-Two

  “We can’t just leave them here.” Addison spoke with her head down, staring at her feet. She didn’t want to see the victims she had drunk from, now or ever.

  “They will be fine. Look, their wounds have already stopped bleeding. After an hour or so of rest, they will awaken with little memory of what happened. They’ll be hurt, but fine.”

  Luke came up behind Addison and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. She felt like hugging him and running from him at the same time. She settled on not moving at all. He squeezed her tighter before releasing her shoulder and taking her by the hand.

  “Come on. Let’s get you home. We’ve both had a rough day.”

  Addison snorted at his huge understatement. “Rough” wasn’t even the half of it. She let Luke lead her away from the crime scene. There was a little tug inside her to look back and sear the image into her mind forever. She resisted and kept her head down as they walked. Addison hoped that the boys were right about the humans being weak, but fine. She guessed that, at this point, she couldn’t change it either way.

  They exited the dense forest and walked through the grassy area, leading into the ditch by the highway. She only looked up when she sensed Luke’s car was just in front of them. Addison wondered how long they had been here. To
her, it felt like just a few minutes, but she had no memory of them even driving down the highway.

  Luke opened the passenger side door for her and she quietly climbed inside. Without speaking, he closed her door and climbed into the driver’s seat. The only hint that he was on edge was when he pulled onto the pavement. He gunned the engine while his tires were still on the gravel, causing the car to fishtail a bit. He whipped the car around one hundred and eighty degrees and headed back the way they had come.

  * * * *

  It was a short drive, which Luke appreciated immensely. He didn’t want any extra time for his or Addison’s mind to dwell on all the chaos that had transpired today. It seemed like a lifetime ago when they were shopping for clothes. I shouldn’t have left her alone, but how was I supposed to know? I need to teach her more, guide her more.

  Luke glanced over at Addison just as they were about to pull into his driveway. She looked radiant after her feeding. She looked melancholy, though. It would just take a little time for her to get past this, and he would do everything he could to help her. Another thought crept into his mind. He knew that if anything happened to him, Gabe would be there for her.

  Just a few hours ago, that thought would have made him furious. Now, it didn’t seem to be all bad. Luke didn’t fully trust his brother yet, but he had come a lot closer today. Yes, Gabe would still steal Addison if he had the opportunity, but Luke was less worried about Addison’s future now.

  As he pulled up to the house, Luke slammed on the breaks. Shit! Brooklyn. He turned to see Addison staring at him with wide eyes. He put the car in park and opened his door before the car had stopped jerking forward.

  “Stay here.”

  Luke tried to exit the car, but Addison gripped his arm. It was actually quite forceful. Luke knew she was back to one hundred percent, now.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Addison, stay here. I’ll be right back.”

  Luke ripped his arm away from her and could feel her confusion and a small amount of annoyance as he stood and closed his door. He hit the lock button on his key fob and rushed to the front door.

  “Luke, is Brooklyn still here?”

  Addison’s voice was extremely loud in his mind, he suspected partly because she was scared, but also because of her strength from eating. He didn’t answer her. In fact, he tried to shut her out as he entered his home.

  Luke headed straight for the kitchen. As he walked, he listened. There was nothing. He froze in the doorway when he saw what greeted him. There was a wooden chair in the middle of the room. It had rope draped over the back of it, but it was empty. No Brooklyn.

  Search the house. At a frantic pace, Luke searched the rest of the kitchen but found no other signs of the girl. He then turned and sprinted to the bedroom. After searching the whole room, including under the bed and in the closet, he found nothing still.

  Luke then made his way through the bathrooms and then finally into the living room. Just as he opened a closet door to inspect the inside, he heard movement behind him.

  “Is she here?” Addison’s voice was thick with concern.

  Luke shook his head very slowly and then closed the closet door. He exhaled roughly before turning to face Addison. “I told you to wait in the car.”

  Addison walked closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. He held her back for a few seconds, giving her a scowl for her defiance. He couldn’t keep it up long, though. She was wearing a sweet smile that melted him. Luke wrapped his arms around Addison’s back and let his scowl fall.

  “You could use me, you know. I’m not going to make the mistake of underestimating her again. I’m stronger now.”

  “I know, sweet, but I can’t put you at risk again. I’d be lost without you.” Luke lifted a hand and gently stroked her cheek. He watched her eyes dance. “You are so beautiful.”

  Addison leaned into him and squeezed, with her cheek against his chest. “So she’s gone?”

  Luke raised his hand to stroke her hair down her back. “Well, she's not here, now. I think Gabe took care of her.”

  They stood there for several peaceful minutes, just holding each other. As they swayed slowly back and forth together, Luke wondered just how true his last statement had been. Had Brooklyn escaped? Had Gabe ever really tied her up? Had he hurt her, or maybe worse? Luke let those questions float away as he bent down and kissed the top of Addison’s head.

  Chapter Fifty-Three

  “I’m ready!” Addison shouted from the bedroom.

  She giggled as she waited for Luke. She knew he was probably checking the locks and security system again for the millionth time. In the week since Brooklyn’s attack that led to their attack of two innocent joggers, Luke had installed a state-of-the-art security system. There was an alarm hooked up to every door and window. Addison herself had set it off by accident a few times already, which had given Luke a heart attack each time.

  Addison squirmed on the bed and giggled to herself, again. She thought he was going overboard, but she still thought it was cute how protective of her he was. Truthfully, she wasn’t scared of Brooklyn returning. For one, she didn’t think the other girl would try it again. But if she did, Addison was much smarter today. She wouldn’t gulp down a random mystery drink.

  Her pain powers and calming powers had both returned, as had her mental connection with Luke. All were as strong as ever. She had to hand it to Gabe. He at least had known how to save her. As for Luke, he was still amazed that their mental pathway was still open after him turning her so long ago. Addison had no past experience, so all of this was strange, no matter how strong or weak.

  Finally, she heard Luke coming down the hallway. Butterflies reared up inside her stomach and she held her breath. She clenched her pussy lips together as she shifted her weight from one knee to the other. This sent a slow tingle through her clit. Addison’s smile fell into a wanton stare.

  Her breath rushed from her as Luke entered the room. He looked damn sexy, she thought, with his bare chest puffed out. He was barefoot and wearing only a pair of dark jeans. The way he looked her over had that tingle in her clit intensifying.

  “Stand up,” he commanded her as he walked further into the room.

  Addison was already completely naked. She slowly stepped off the bed and stood still as he walked closer to her. Luke stopped in front of Addison and stared down at her. His expression was hard, but not callous. The Dom was out tonight.

  Luke lifted his hand and Addison braced for a kiss. She didn’t get one, though. Roughly, he gripped her upper arm and spun her around to face the bed. A small squeak came from her at the surprising motion. Addison couldn’t see what Luke was doing behind her but soon felt something against her wrists. Rope.

  “You are mine, love.”

  Luke grabbed both of Addison’s hands and pressed them firmly against the small of her back. She then felt him wrapping the rope around both wrists, several times. The rope wasn’t exactly soft, and he was tying it tight. This roughness only made the heat in her pussy grow faster. Addison wanted to be used and taken.

  When he was finished and satisfied with his work, Luke let go of Addison’s hands and stepped back. She tested out her restraints. Addison pulled on her wrists, lightly at first, but then harder. They were secured. Deep down, she knew that she probably had the strength to break free, but it wouldn’t be easy. Addison could feel her arousal juices building at her opening.

  Before she could contemplate what was coming next, she was pushed. Luke shoved her forward so she fell onto her stomach on the bed. A huffed breath was pushed from her lungs as she bounced a bit on the soft mattress. She suppressed the smile that was tugging at her lips.

  “Now sweet, I’m going to have a little fun with my pussy.”

  Luke then rubbed his warm hands over her upturned ass. Her eyes fluttered shut just before she felt a harsh smack to her ass cheek. Addison bit her lip to stop her moan. Luke gifted her with another harder swat on the same spot. She still had h
er lip bitten between her teeth, but a muffled whine came from her mouth.

  Addison felt Luke move back behind her and then she jumped as his wet tongue raked up through her exposed pussy lips. She tried to wiggle away from him, but with her hands tied, she didn’t get far. It wasn’t an awful feeling, it was just shocking and a tad embarrassing.

  Luke made male grunting noises as he continued to lick up her juices that were now fully coating her lips. After a few more licks, Luke thrust his tongue into her cunt, causing Addison to moan softly and again try to crawl further up the bed.

  Luke then put both hands on her ass cheeks, spreading them while his tongue worked in and out of her. Addison whimpered as her clit started to pulsate more. It was looking for some relief. Luke then moved his tongue through her folds up toward her ass crack.

  “Don’t,” Addison pleaded as she moved her ass back and forth.

  She pulled on the rope restraining her hands and whimpered as his tongue headed back down to her pussy lips. Addison could feel the smile on Luke’s face as he continued to lap up her juices. He is enjoying torturing me.

  As if he was answering her, Luke removed his mouth from her just long enough to slide one long finger into her pussy. She rolled her head from side to side as he started to wiggle his finger back and forth inside her. Her inner muscles were waking up more and she whimpered at her need to be taken.

  Luke removed his finger from inside her and trailed it up, just like he had done with his tongue. This time, however, he didn’t stop to head back down. Luke’s finger slid all the way up to her tight rosebud.

  “Luke.” Again, Addison squirmed under his touch.


  Luke made small circles around her asshole with his slightly wet finger. Addison moaned softly at the impending threat. He was moving his finger painfully slow around and around until, finally, he plunged it inside her ass.


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