Book Read Free

Stepbrother Obsessed

Page 22

by Devon Hartford

  Geez! Now he decides to leave work early?! Couldn’t he have picked tomorrow?! “That’s great, Dad,” I lie frantically.

  Dad’s brows knit. “Skye, are you high?”

  “Uh, no! I was just, uh, dancing? That’s why I’m out of breath, see?” I do a really bad pirouette and nearly fall over.

  “Careful,” Dad warns, reaching out to catch me.

  I recover my balance, but I’m hopping from foot to foot anxiously. “And, um, I was trying to remember this complicated dance step when you knocked.”

  “I thought you said you were changing?”

  “Oh! I was! I had to change outfits for the dance!” This sounds way too stupid to be believed.

  “How come I didn’t hear any music when I came in? The house was completely silent.”

  At least he didn’t hear us banging around in here. “Because I was changing! Duh!” I smile at him hopefully.

  “All right,” Dad nods. “You should open a window. It smells… sweaty… in here.”

  I cringe. Or cummy. Oh, gawd. “Yeah! Good idea!”

  Dad looks around the room one last time. “What’s that spot on your wall? Above your bed?”

  “Nail polish! I spilled it!”

  “On the wall?”


  He narrows his eyes, staring at me.

  LEAVE!! He doesn’t listen. I didn’t shout it, but you get the idea.

  Dad’s phone rings in his suit jacket, which dangles from his hand.

  “Isn’t that Catarina’s ringtone?” I suggest maniacally, sounding completely insane.

  “Yes.” He glances down at his jacket.

  Phew. Saved by the ringtone.

  He fishes his phone out of the jacket pocket and strolls down the hall toward the master bedroom, “Caaaat,” he drawls. “I have a surprise for you, honey…”

  My daughter is having sex with your son!

  He doesn’t say that, but damn, that was close.

  I push my bedroom door shut. Too bad I can’t lock it. Thanks, Dad. At least he didn’t surprise me by opening the door without knocking. But there’s always a first time. Now that he’s wondering if I’m high, who knows what he’ll do next time.

  I step toward the closet to strategize with Dante about what to do now. We have to get him out of my room pronto.

  Knock, knock, knock!

  My eyes saucer and I spin around because innocent people never hesitate when answering the door. “Yeah?”

  “I saw Dante’s motorcycle outside. Is he here?”

  I bite my lip. Why, he’s in the closet getting cum all over my dresses! Do you want to say hello? “Uhh… he went for a walk!”

  “Okay. When he gets back, tell him to call his mother.”

  “Yeah! Will do!”

  I close the door and wait until I hear the shower running faintly in the master bedroom. I open the closet. “You need to climb out the window and—”

  “I heard,” he grunts, looking really mad as he leans out from between my clothes, still naked.

  “Sorry, it’s just, my dad, and… well, I don’t want to—”

  He puts his hands on my shoulders. His face softens and he whispers, “I get it, Cielo. It’s okay. We have to be careful. Now you know why I brought Phoebe over for dinner.”

  “Yeah.” I hate hearing her name. But at least I’m the one who just made Dante come everywhere, not her. Speaking of which, I’m staring at his naked mansicle. I shouldn’t be looking at it right now. Bad timing. But I really want to touch it and… I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head. Not now!

  “You didn’t get cum on my dresses, did you?” I quip, trying to be humorous and not horny.

  He smirks, “I think I got it all on your bed. But I have more, if you know where to find it.” He winks. He’s already getting hard again. His cock is twitching and growing, going from a slumped curve to a proud column in like four seconds.

  I watch it, transfixed. Oh, damn. Do we have time to have sex or something while my dad is still in the shower?


  Hard… Rock hard. Throbbing… Pulsing… Oh, my…

  I mean, no! Not enough time!!

  I roll my eyes and smirk at him. “Get dressed and climb out the window before my dad decides to go water the grass in the backyard or whatever. Then you’ll be stuck up here.”

  “I’m okay with that,” he says suggestively.

  “Get dressed,” I grin and turn away. Not because I want to, but because if I don’t, gazing at the hypnotizing hotness of naked and rock hard Dante Lord in my very own bedroom will lead to nothing but more cum-soaked trouble.

  Not that I’d mind…


  oOoOoOo + O+O+O+O

  “Goodness,” Catarina says as she walks across the kitchen on her heels, adjusting an earring. “We’re going to be late for our reservations at ReaXion.” ReaXion is the trendy restaurant Dad is taking her for dinner. It’s on Melrose, on the other side of the Hollywood Hills. It’s supposed to be the coolest place in town, but I’ve never been.

  “We’re fine on time,” Dad says. He’s dressed in a blazer and black silk shirt.

  “Where’s your tie, Dad?” I say sarcastically.

  He smirks at me, “I don’t always wear a tie, Princess.”

  “Your father looks dashing,” Catarina insists. She walks up to him and kisses him on the lips before stroking her hand through his hair. “Now let’s go before we lose our table.”

  I take a moment to be grateful that the discord between Dad and Catarina evaporated the moment Dad had a change of heart about Dante. They had me worried for a while. Now they’re back to their usual affectionate selves. I just hope Dad doesn’t find out about me and Dante now. Something tells me that would ruin everything.

  “Let me get the door for you guys,” Dante says to Dad and Catarina, wearing his leather jacket. “I’ve got a date too.”

  “With Phoebe?” Dad asks.

  “Yeah,” Dante grins.

  Wait, what the F? I’m shocked. My heart clamps and my throat locks.

  “Phoebe is great,” Dad says.

  “I really like her,” Catarina says.

  Assholes! Every last one of you!

  “Yeah,” Dante agrees.

  “Are you two serious?” Dad asks.

  “I think so,” Dante smiles bashfully.

  Oh my god! I’m an idiot! No wonder I need so much math tutoring! No wonder I’m taking the SAT a second time! I’m too stupid! I can’t believe it! I drill Dante with a hateful gaze.

  Catarina kisses Dante on the cheek, “Say hi to Phoebe for us,” she smiles.

  Say hi to Phoebe for us, I snivel in my mind. How about murder Phoebe for us? Drive a truck over her stupid red head? Crash a jet airliner into her dress shop while she’s in it?

  “Goodnight, Skye!” Dad calls as he walks down the front porch. “Don’t stay up too late! The SAT is right around the corner!”

  “Bye, sweetie!” Catarina calls.


  The front door closes behind Dante. He didn’t even look back to say goodnight.


  My jaw drops to the floor.

  I stand in my empty house, staring at the door, abandoned by my entire family.

  How the hell?

  This isn’t happening.

  But it just did.

  I’m incredulous, which is another SAT word. I grimace at myself, disgusted by who and what I am.

  Since I’m alone, this is a good time to cry. The tears flow like fountains. I trudge upstairs and slam my bedroom door. I won’t need a lock for it now. Dante is never going to set foot in here again, and that’s a promise.

  Everyone in this world is a liar and an asshole.

  My phone buzzes on my desk. My heart jumps. Dante! It has to be him calling to say he was just pretending about going out with Phoebe. I swipe my phone off my desk.

  A text from Luke, Hey.

  Disappointment weighs down on me. Well, at l
east Luke isn’t a liar or an asshole. I text back, Sorry about earlier.

  It’s okay. Can we talk?

  Do you want to come over?

  Is Dante there?

  No. He went on a date with Phuckbe.

  Phuckbe? :-)

  I grin to myself. That’s how I spell it.

  Riiiiight. I’ll be over in 5.

  I’m waiting at the door when Luke shows up. I open it before he knocks.

  “Hey,” I sigh.

  He runs his hand through his black blades of hair. “Hey,” he smiles. His other hand is thrust in his pocket nervously. “Can I come in?”

  “Oh, sorry,” I smile and lead him into the kitchen. “Do you want something to drink or anything?”

  “Sure. Er, have you had dinner yet? I’m kind of hungry.”

  My stomach is still knotted up. “I guess.”

  “Do you want to get some Mexican? I’m in the mood for a burrito.”

  “Okay.” Anything to get out of the house. “Let me grab a sweater.” I run upstairs and get it. When I come downstairs, Luke is waiting by the front door. A shadow outside moves behind the cloudy glass. Oh no. Don’t tell me that’s Dante! Did he not go to Phoebe’s? Oh shit! I’m so stupid! Of course he didn’t!

  Luke reaches for the door to open it.

  Don’t open that door!

  I need to do something quick, before they see each other! I imagine Shakespearean hijinks that involve dragging Luke into the living room while marshaling Dante upstairs. But they would hear each other and it would be useless. I sag as Luke opens the door.



  Luke’s smile snaps in half.

  Dante’s smile torques into a frown.

  I hope they don’t fight. Luke will lose and it’ll all be my fault.

  “I thought you said he was gone,” Luke growls, glaring at me.

  I feel so small and petty right now. “He was,” I mutter.

  “We can fix that,” Luke laughs. “Now I’m gone.” He shoulders past Dante.

  Dante turns and watches him for a moment before Luke drives off.

  When the sound of Luke’s car fades, Dante says, “Care to explain?”

  I wince. “You probably hate me right now.”

  “I don’t hate you, Cielo.”

  “You don’t?”

  He smiles and shakes his head, “I could never hate you.”

  Relief. “I’m so sorry, Dante. I thought you were actually going on a date with Phoebe.”

  “My bad. I didn’t think of it until our parents were heading out. When I started imagining what we might do to each other once they were gone, I freaked. I was convinced your dad was reading my mind when we were standing in the foyer. So I went with the obvious. After I left, I hopped on my bike and rode a couple of miles away so I wouldn’t run into them on the way back here. Then I, uhhh, ran an errand before coming back.” He suddenly narrows his eyes. “But you didn’t waste any time calling Luke, did you?”

  “I am so sorry. He texted me right after you left. I was hurt, I thought you were serious. You didn’t give me a high sign or a wink or anything when you left.”

  He grins and shakes his head, “I’m telling you, I knew your Dad would know. He’s fucking smart.”

  “Yeah, unfortunately,” I smirk. “But I’m really sorry about Luke. I don’t know what I was thinking.”

  He shrugs. “It’s okay. He’s gone, right?” It sounds like he’s trying to convince himself.

  I grab Dante’s arm with both hands and pull him into the house, closing the door behind us. “I’m an emotional girl, Dante. I was hurt. I can’t tell you how hurt I was. When I believed you were going from my bed to Phoebe’s, I was kicking myself for being so stupid. For, I don’t know—” I have to stop myself, because I can’t think of a good word that describes how I feel for Dante right now. The obvious word is way too scary to say. And way too soon for me to be feeling. I’ve only known Dante for a few weeks. I can’t feel that way for him already, can I? Whatever I’m feeling, one word that captures it is the word ‘powerful’. “Am I making any sense right now?”

  He smiles that perfect smile and bends down to kiss my forehead with those perfect lips. “Yeah. I get it. And I’m sorry. I would’ve said something if I’d thought of it sooner.”

  “Are we okay?” Whoa, why did I say that? That’s what people in a relationship usually say.

  “Yeah, we’re okay. Better than okay.” His dimples flicker under his cheeks. “So, what do we do now that our parents are out for the next couple hours?”

  My eyes widen. I laugh, “Uhhh…”

  “Remember I said I ran an errand while I was out?”

  My stomach flips.

  He reaches into his leather jacket and pulls out a small box of condoms.

  “Oh, fuck…” I mutter.

  “That’s what I was thinking…”

  Okay, I’m wet all over again.

  Good thing I drank a bunch of water earlier.

  oOoOoOo + O+O+O+O

  Dante stalks toward me, shrugging off his leather jacket. He drops it on the floor.

  We stand in the foyer.

  I’m frozen in place.

  He stops a foot away, smirking at me, gazing down from way up high. Dante must be at least a foot taller than me. God damn it, he is so hot and manly. I smell his scent, which is that same dusty biker smell. I think part of it is the leather jacket, but the rest of it is seasoned world traveler. Adventurer. Nomad. A man who knows no boundaries. It is intoxicating. I inhale deeply.

  His eyes flicker with hunger.


  I’m still wearing my blouse from earlier. Re-buttoned properly, of course. I thought it would look less guilty if I left it on. Dante wraps his fists in the material near my throat, almost like he’s going to choke me to death. The feral snarl on his face frightens me. My heart starts to hammer.


  He tears the shirt open and buttons clatter across the hardwood.

  I’m not wearing a bra. I didn’t bother putting it back on earlier. Cool air blasts across my breasts. My nipples harden instantly.

  “Wet yet?” he chuckles in his deep rolling baritone.

  “Uhhh…” I stammer. Obvi.

  He releases my blouse and the two panels hang open. I almost feel violated, but not in a bad way. All I can think about is how he flipped earlier when he saw my breasts for the first time. The way he treasured them, the way he made me feel proud of them for the first time ever. I arch my back, thrusting them toward him. I slide my hands onto my hips seductively, doing it in such a way that I also casually pull the panels of my blouse open just enough to expose my nipples. Both are tight buds of feminine sexuality. I feel suddenly powerful.

  His face curls into an approving snarl as he gazes at my chest. He nods approval, then commands darkly, “Take your shorts off. Now.”

  His voice is so powerful, so forceful, so dangerous, it jolts me out of the fantasy and back to reality. Anxiety floods in. I’m standing in my parents foyer, my shirt torn open by a caveman, my breasts on display, and he wants me to get completely naked? What if they come home? What if they forgot something? There’s no convenient closet to hide in now. I swallow hard.

  “Your shorts,” he growls.

  “What if our parents come home!” I hiss.

  “What if I fuck you right here on the floor and make you come so hard and scream my name so loud the neighbors call the cops? What if I tell you I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks, because you are mine and I’m going to make you forget everything in this world that isn’t me?”


  “When I’m done with you, the only word you’ll know how to speak is my name…”

  He sounds serious. Like, this is not a game. I’m overwhelmed. I’m scared. I don’t know what to do. But I know I want what he’s offering. I want it more than anything ever. “Can I at least remember your nickname? Fuego or Tierra?” I giggle.

nbsp; “Okay, that’s it. But only my name.” A grin flickers across his face. “Your personal dictionary is now down to three words.”

  With that corny comment, I know I’m safe. For a moment, I’m actually bummed, because I don’t want to be safe. I want to be scared of this nasty gorgeous man.

  “Now take your fucking shorts off before I tear them off,” he growls.

  Okay, scared again. Oh so yummiliciously scrumptiously scared. “Okay,” I warn, “But can I turn around first?”

  He responds with a grunt.

  I’m thinking about how much he said he’d admired my ass at the 7-Eleven. As I push my shorts down to my ankles, I arch my back and cock my hips, presenting my ass, teasing him.

  He grumbles approval. “Take your shirt off. I want to see every inch of you.”

  I drop my blouse to the floor, revealing my naked back. I plant my hands on my hips defiantly and turn my head to the side. I watch him from the corner of my eye. “What are you gonna do now?” I feel so confident right now, it’s incredible. No man has ever made me feel like this. Somehow, this all seems like a game, a fantasy, but I know I’m being the woman I’ve always wanted to be. Not some frightened high school girl. I am sexuality incarnate. I cock my hip to the side, teasing him with my ass.

  “Now your panties. Get rid of them.”

  “No,” I taunt.

  He strides up behind me and grabs a handful of the stretchy cotton material. It pulls against my wet folds pleasantly. He pulls harder and harder, the panties getting tighter and tighter until the sensation is almost painful, then he releases it just a fraction and pleasure floods through me. Somehow, he knows my body better than I do. He wraps a big hand around me and presses his hot palm against my flat stomach, yanking me into his body. I nuzzle my head against his muscled chest and moan. His hand rubs down my tummy and pushes under the waistband of my panties. His finger slides across my wet clit and dives inside me.

  “Ohhhh…” I sigh. “Dante…” I drop my arms to my sides.

  Dante slides his free hand over my breasts, squeezing them lustily and twisting the nipples softly. His other hand thrusts his finger in and out, rubbing it across my magic bud, casting a hypnotic spell over me. I sag into him, but he supports me. I am so turned on, quivering with anticipation, that I can’t think. I forget everything except the hot man burning behind me. I push my ass against his jeans, feeling his hot cock rigid against me. His finger strokes me and I start to shake.


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