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Stepbrother Obsessed

Page 36

by Devon Hartford

  “That’s amazing,” I sigh. “I’m super jealous. I wish I could’ve gone with you…”

  “You still can. There’s lots of the world left to explore.”

  “Will you take me with you?”

  “Of course I will, mi Cielo.” He smiles lovingly.

  “So, why did you decide to come looking for Catarina now? I mean, your life was full of adventure. What was missing?”

  “This,” he says, gazing into my eyes.

  I feel warm and fuzzy all over.

  “Love,” he sighs. “You make incredible friends when you jump into chaos and travel. People somehow show up and help out. It’s insane when I count all the times some random person opened their home to me and gave me a place to sleep and food to eat. People in this world are crazy generous if you treat them with respect. But for all that, it’s not the same thing as family. Real family.” He hugs me and I hug back.

  He sighs, “I decided it was finally time for me to look up my mom and apologize for all the nasty shit I said and did when I was a kid. I needed to un-burn that bridge. It’s one thing to run away from your problems. It’s another to come back and face them. Running away never fixes anything.” He smirks at himself. “I needed to fix things between me and Mom. And look what happened? I found my family, and I found you.”

  “Awww,” I snuggle into him. I could lie in his arms forever. I surrender to his warm embrace and instantly start to drift into slumberland.

  “Don’t you have school today,” he offers, jolting me awake.

  “Way to ruin my moment!” I giggle softly. “What time is it anyway?” I tilt my head up, but the guest bedroom doesn’t have a clock.

  “I have no idea. Six?”

  “If you don’t know the time,” I quip, “how do you know it’s six?”

  “From living without clocks for years, that’s how. It feels like six.”

  I sneer, “I’m not buying it. I want to see a clock. Where’s your phone?”

  “In my backpack. Right side pouch.”

  I slide out of the warm bed. The room is cool, but not cold. Even so, I’d rather stay cuddled up with Dante all morning. But duty, and my master plan, calls. I unzip his backpack and dig for his phone. I grab something velvety. My eyes pop. “Dante…”

  “Did you find something?” he asks, amused.

  I pull out a velvet box. The kind of box rings come in. “What’s this?” I gasp.

  “It’s not an engagement ring. If that’s what you’re worried about.”

  Slightly disappointed, I unhinge the box, revealing two silver pendants attached to a silver chain. One pendant is a silver circle attached to two smaller circles, one on each side. The other is a circle with a plus sign in the middle of it. “What are these pendants? Do they mean something?” I pull the necklace out of the box and hold it up.

  “The three connected circles symbolize air. I think they’re supposed to look like clouds. The circle with the cross is the astrological symbol for Earth.”

  “Cielo y la Tierra…” I mutter. Heaven and Earth.

  “Sí, mi Amor.” Yes, my love. “When you think about it, the circle is the perfect symbol.”

  “Oh. How?”

  “The circle is eternal. Clouds are eternal. There will always be clouds, as long as the Earth has a Sky. The Earth is also eternal. And inside the infinite loop of the Earth, the plus sign symbolizes two lines, two distinct entities, joining together in the middle, at their hearts…”

  I totally melt when he says that. Could he be any more romantic? Nope. Shaking with emotion, I unclasp the necklace and fasten it around my neck. The pendants rests just below the hollow of my neck, close to my heart. “When did you get this?” My eyes are getting wet.

  “Yesterday. I thought I might need proof I was serious. For when I knocked on your window. And since it’s silver,” he grins, “it’s proof I’m not a vampire. I think they hate silver, right?”

  “That’s werewolves,” I giggle, weeping softly.

  He chuckles, “Either way, it’s proof I love you, mi Cielo.”

  I dive into his arms. “Mi Tierra…yo también te quiero.” I love you too.

  “I’ll never run away from you again, mi Cielo…” His voice chokes up with powerful emotion. “Te quiero MUCHO mucho…” I love you too much…

  We start to kiss.

  “Skye?” Dad calls through the door. “Are you in there? You’re going to be late for school.”

  “Yeah!” I holler, rolling my eyes. I wait for him to bust down the door with a pickax and give me and Dante another lecture.

  “You better shower,” Dad suggests calmly. “Catarina made everyone breakfast.”

  She never makes breakfast during the week. I guess we’re celebrating?

  “Hurry up, or the food will get cold.” Dad sounds way happier than I’ve ever heard him. I guess he had a great night with Catarina last night.

  “Okay!” I holler through the door.

  “Go shower!”

  “Okay, Dad!” I wait for him to say more, but he doesn’t. His footsteps fade down the hall. I shrug at Dante. “We’ll have to pick this up later?” I wait for a response.

  “I’ll be here, Cielo. I’ll always be here.”

  oOoOoOo + O+O+O+O

  The shower runs, warming up the water. The overhead fan hums as well.

  I stand in front of the mirror naked, putting my hair back in a short ponytail. Rox washed it plenty yesterday afternoon, and I don’t have time to deal with hair right now. I’m late enough already.

  The bathroom door suddenly opens and I jump, my chest seizing. I instinctively grab for the nearest towel, which is on the rack behind me.

  Dante walks in completely naked. He tosses a small box of condoms on the bathroom countertop and closes the door behind him, locking it.

  “Dante!” I gasp.

  He is muscled from head to toe. He is gorgeous, and he is mine. His cock is hard and proud. He grins at me, “You didn’t think I was letting you get away that easy, did you?”

  I flash my eyes at him, speechless.

  He stalks toward me, all big and manly and tan, an earthy contrast against the white of the bathroom. Is he on fire, or is it just me? Because it’s really hot in here right now. And not because of the shower. Although, the shower is making plenty of steam…

  Dante backs me against the counter, pressing his cock up against my stomach. He sure likes to do that.

  I can’t help but stare down at it.

  It’s huge.

  It throbs.

  Pre cum glistens on the tip.

  “Oh my gosh…” I sigh. I tilt my head up and gaze at his gorgeously rugged face.

  He leans down and our lips weld together in a tangle of hot flesh. His tongue lashes against mine. His hands grasp my ass, squeezing hard.

  I yelp into his mouth and claw his back with my fingers. I have barely any nails, so I really dig in.

  He grunts into my mouth and surges his hips into me.

  Damn it, he is huge and hot and forcing himself on me.

  I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  He pulls me away from the counter and digs his own hands into my ass. He grunts, “Mmmm. That ass.” He looks over my shoulder at the mirror.

  My small naked body stands in front of his.

  “There is no other ass on the planet this nice,” he growls.

  “Yeah there is,” I squeeze his. “Right here.”

  He grins at me with ferocious hunger and we kiss again.

  As my excitement builds, I feel myself getting very wet. Far wetter than the shower is at the moment. I break our kiss and glare at him. “Fuck me, Dante. Fuck me hard.”

  “I don’t think you can take it as hard as I can give it.”

  I slap him right across the face. Not as hard as I slapped Ashley, but close. My eyes goggle at him. “Oh, sorry!” I cover my mouth with my hand, shocked by my own behavior. “I don’t know why I did that! Sorry!”

  His eyes flash wit
h amusement. “What the fuck was that?” he snorts.

  “I don’t know!”

  He leans over and grabs the box of condoms and tears it open. He rips open one of the packets and rolls the condom on. “You’re gonna pay for that.” His face is a blend of anger and hunger.

  “Okaaaaay…” I chuckle.

  He reaches under my ass, lifts me up, and sits me on the counter. I grip the edge of it with my hands, shaking with anticipation. He places a big hand on the small of my back and jams one of my knees high. He pushes my other knee out to the side, opening me. Then he fists his cock and jams it against my wet lips. I’m drenched and ready for him. He slides right in, groaning as he sinks in to the hilt.

  “Oh, god,” I moan, my entire body sizzling. I lean back on my arms, feeling him fill me perfectly. I hook my free leg around his waist as he starts to thrust.

  He reaches down with his hand and circles my clit with his thumb. Pleasure whirlpools through me, in synch with the motion of his thumb, magnifying and spiraling inside my body. My head bounces lazily as he thrusts in and out, grunting and groaning.

  “Cielo, fuck, Cielo…”

  The building orgasm swirls in my pelvis. It’s going to be big. I can already tell. It surges in building waves. I can’t believe it’s happening so fast. It’s like all the pent up desire and emotion of the last several days is ready to blow me apart. It’s been forever since we’ve had sex. For a while there, I didn’t think we’d ever have sex again. That desperation feeds my need. I throw my arms around his neck and shoulders as he pushes deeper. He stands up, lifting me with his powerful arms. I try to time our thrusts by lifting and falling in a matching rhythm. Something about the way I’m using my thighs to lift myself causes my core to clench deliciously each time I squeeze. “Ay, dios mio, mi Tierra…”


  My orgasm starts to eclipse all other awareness. I feel him swell inside me like a rumbling volcano ready to erupt, forcing me open while I clamp down on him with every thrust.

  “So fucking tight,” he hisses. “Oh, fuck, Cielo, I can’t stop, I can’t, I’m going to… I’m going to…, oh, fuck! Cielo!” He blasts deep inside me, drilling into my core one final time, forcing himself all the way in, pressing hips against my clitoris in one final earth shaking thrust.

  “Tierra!!” I cry. Orgasm quakes through me, rocking my world.

  Water rains down from the shower head as I rain down on Dante.

  Steam fills the room.

  The fan overhead blows all of the energy in the room skyward.

  I sag against Dante, coming to rest against him, supported by the granite of his hands.

  Once again, I float in his arms.

  oOoOoOo + O+O+O+O

  “How was your shower?” Catarina asks when Dante and I come downstairs together, fully dressed.

  I stumble to a stop. My eyes headlight.

  Dante stifles a snort.

  Catarina grins at us knowingly. She is definitely the coolest.

  I glance at Dad, who sits on a stool at the end of the granite island. There’s a huge bratwurst sausage on his breakfast plate. He glares at me and saws through the sausage with his knife and fork. Symbolic? You decide. “I don’t want to know about it,” he growls.

  “Oooookaaaaay,” I sing.

  Catarina sets plates down on the island in front of us. “Eat it before it gets too cold.” She glances at the clock on the microwave. “You’ve got school in twenty minutes. Hurry up!”

  Fortunately, there are four bar stools so neither Dante nor I have to sit directly next to Dad. Why is it so embarrassing to sit in the same room as your parents right after you’ve had sex with your boyfriend? And they know about it? That’s a rhetorical question. Everyone knows the answer.

  “I’m running late too,” Dad smiles at Catarina. “That was a wonderful breakfast. Too bad we can’t do it more often.”

  “I’ll cook this weekend,” she reassures.

  Dad stands and rinses his plate in the sink. “Will you two be joining us?” He looks right at me. “Or will you be on a road trip of some sort?”

  “Oh, uh… yeah! I mean, no, we’ll totes be here.”

  “Totes?” Dad smirks. “Can’t you use the other two syllables? Words are free, you know,” he says sarcastically.

  “Obvi,” I quip.

  He shakes his head with infinite frustration. “I have to go.” He kisses Catarina on the mouth and it turns romantic in like one second.

  “Dad!” I whine.

  “Mom!” Dante chuckles.

  “Shut up, you two,” Catarina barks. “Neither of you are in any position to make any comments.”

  Chapter 20

  “I can’t believe this!” I groan to Rox as she drives us to school.


  “There’s like fifty nasty posts about me on ChatBrat.”


  “Who else? Listen to this: Skye All-Slut is now the number one slut at North Valley.”

  “According to who?” Rox scowls.

  “According to Ash-hole Masters, I’m sure.”

  Rox grins when I say it.

  “And it goes on. How many guys has Skye slept with? All of them. Nicknames: The Original Girl Gone Wild. Slutmuffin. Slunt Truck. Putrid Gash. The Town Pump Dump. Jism Schism. What the hell is that?” I shake my head. “Semen Queen. Oh, geez, there’s a bunch more. Skye’s Favorite Sexual Position: Doggy, as in, with dogs. Sometimes horses, but only to give them blowies. The doggies give her anal. Skye’s Greatest Sexual Accomplishment: Once sucked off Katie Chang’s Saint Bernard named Sasha.”

  “Does Katie Chang even have a Saint Bernard?”

  “Who knows.” I scroll through more posts on ChatBrat. “More 70s porn photos.”

  “Am I in them?”

  “No. But there’s a guy wearing a space suit in one.”

  “What? I have to see that,” she laughs.

  “Wait till we hit a red light. It’s not worth dying over.”

  “When I see it, I bet I’ll die laughing,” She chuckles.

  When we stop at a light, I show her the photo.

  She laughs, “Oh my god! The space suit is all sparkly silver satin! And he has a plastic globe helmet! You should save this one!”

  I frown at her. “Nokay.”

  “Don’t ‘nokay’ me! Look at that sweet Jetsons dress you’re wearing! The hem looks like a silver hula hoop!”

  “But it’s not me.”

  “It’s not you you, or the dress is not you?”

  I frown at her, “Neither.”

  “Save it anyway. You’ll laugh at it in thirty years.”

  “As if,” I smirk at her. “Hey, can I ask you something?”


  Reluctantly, I say, “When Ashley posted that very first post, the pic with me and Dante, the one calling me the town pump, were you one of the two people other than me who dissed it?”

  She instantly glares at me. “Are you kidding? I dissed the shit out of that noise, galpal!”

  “Yeah, but did you diss it because you were mad at me or because of Ashley’s nasty comment?”

  She slumps, “Do you seriously have to ask that? I would never do that to my BFSF.” She’s totally telling the truth.

  I grin, “Thanks, Rox. You’re the BBFSFFF ever.”

  “Bee bee Eff Ess Eff Eff Eff?”

  “Bestest Best Friend Since Forever FOR Forever,” I giggle.

  “Awww, Skye, I would never throw you under the bus like that. Ever. Got it?” She glares again, awaiting my response.

  “Got it,” I grin.

  Satisfied, she smiles.

  The light turns green and we start moving again.

  Feeling better, I go back to scrolling through posts on my phone. I groan, “Someone made an animated gif with my face in it!”

  “What’s the gif?” Rox concentrates on the road.

  “Some nature video of two frogs humping. My smiling face is on the bottom fr
og. The frog on top keeps making this cartoon speech bubble that says ‘Rippit’.”

  “Rippit? With two Ps?”


  “How many kisses are all these posts getting?”

  I scroll through them, glancing at the numbers. “Not many. People must be getting bored with all the slut hate focused on me.”

  “Yeah,” Rox snorts, “They’ll probably start accusing you of posting all this stuff yourself and out you as an attention whore.”

  “I know, right?”

  “But you know it was Ashley.”

  “Of course it was. But she’ll deny it.”

  She groans, “This needs to stop. What happened to you talking to Bill Gates?”

  “I’m talking to him today,” I grin mischievously.

  oOoOoOo + O+O+O+O

  “So, where’s Bill Gates?” Rox asks me at the beginning of lunch.

  “Here he comes now,” I say, looking over her shoulder.

  We stand beside my locker, which no longer says SLUT in red lipstick. I’m sure the janitor had to clean it yesterday.

  Rox spins around. “Where? I don’t see Bill.”

  A bunch of freshman guys and girls walk to and from their lockers, opening them or closing them as they drop off books and binders and head out to eat.

  “Hey, Skye,” Jason Carpenter says as he walks up to his locker. He wears a Marvel Avengers sweatshirt with Captain America, Iron Man, and whoever the other guys are on the front.

  “Hey, Jason,” I smile.

  “You’re Rox, right?” Jason says to her.

  “Yeah. What was your name again?”

  “Bill,” I say.

  Jason’s confused, “My name’s not—”

  “Inside joke,” I smile at him.

  Rox goggles, “Oh! You’re good at computers, right?”

  “I guess,” Jason says. “Not like Trevor and Stuart and Brian.”

  “Who are they?” Rox asks.

  “Let’s go meet them!” I smile.


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