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The Retreat

Page 3

by Jojo Brown

  “Everyone says the same thing. I think it has something to do with the crystals we add to the water for relaxation baths.”

  Before following her out to the bedroom, Lexie took a moment to look around the bathroom. The tub was not only empty it was clean and dry. On a small glass shelf above the tub — which she hadn’t noticed earlier — stood a glass bottle full of blue crystals. Lexie was sure she saw those crystals shift as she turned away. Trick of the light — probably.

  Chapter Five

  Lexie shifted, slightly uncomfortable in the rather revealing garment Dante had given her to wear. Apparently, everyone — not just the attendants — at ‘The Retreat’ wore togas. So much for the comfort of being able to hide within the bulkiness of a thick sweater or baggy t-shirt. She was so far out of her comfort zone it was laughable. But, what choice did she have? All of the clothes she had thrown into her hastily packed bag seemed to have disappeared. She hadn’t really had the opportunity to look through the drawers in her room though; Dante was extremely proficient at seeing to all of her needs. When she asked Dante about it, the only answer she got was that she would not need them.

  She hadn’t realized how hungry she was until she stepped through the archway into the dining room. The aroma of roast beef dinner with all the trimmings, including her grandmother’s Yorkshire pudding, wafted to her and made her tummy grumble, loudly.

  Dante led her to a small round table, with a crisp white tablecloth, single white candle in a silver candlestick and red rose in a crystal vase at the centre. Every table they passed had the same tablecloth, but each had its own personalized centrepiece to suit the guest seated at it. The strangest, that Lexie saw was the table of a woman two over from her own. Her table was centred with a black cloth with barbed wire around it. In the middle of the cloth stood a fully erect — very real-looking — penis. And jammed into the slit at the top was a very drippy candle. The wax cascaded down the length of the penis, onto the wire and black cloth.

  When Dante noticed her startled expression, she whispered, “She really, really didn’t appreciate her husband’s infidelity. I am sure you can guess what her fantasy was.”

  Very few of the other guests looked in her direction as she took her seat, they were all clearly too wrapped up in their own worlds to care that there was a newcomer among them. The one who did catch her glance and hold it was an ancient man seated in a throne-type chair, being fed by about half a dozen nymph-like attendants. They fawned over him, slipped peeled grapes between his deeply lined lips, as well as strips of meat from the leg o’ mutton sitting on his table. One diminutive nymph actually licked the grease from his chin as he ground the meat with his toothless gums. He clearly had a fantasy of being an ancient-times king of some sort.

  The one thing Lexie could not understand, though, was the smells. All around her people were eating different meals, mutton, spaghetti and sauce, steak, roast suckling pig — the list went on and on — but all she could smell was her own scrumptious-looking roast beef dinner. As though she heard her thoughts, Dante leaned close to her ear.

  “It would never do for your senses to be overwhelmed with the aroma of the meals of others would it?”

  It seemed like as good an answer as any, so she tucked in to her first meal at The Retreat. Soon her belly was feeling as satiated as ever and she wondered what else could be in store for her.

  “The baths, massage rooms and some others are closed in the evenings, but there is the exercise room as well as the play room available. The choice is entirely yours.”

  Lexie hadn’t realized Dante had stayed at her side throughout the meal until that moment. “I don’t think exercising would be very good idea on top of all that I just ate, but maybe I could meet some of the other guests in the party room.”

  “Of course, it is by far the most used room for evening entertainment.”

  Walking in at Dante’s side, Lexie was amazed to see so many people in the room. She was sure, somehow, that the room had grown since her tour. It was almost impossible to tell the difference between the guests and the attendants. Everyone was in the same state of near undress as her — after all, togas do not hide much, especially the very flimsy ones — so her discomfort began to ease.

  As soon as they entered the room, Dante giggled just like a schoolgirl and grasped her arm. “Would you mind terribly if I let you get accustomed on your own? I will stay at your side if that is what you truly feel you need, of course, but sometimes it is best to learn about the playroom alone.”

  With only the slightest of hesitation, she sent Dante on her way. She watched her beautiful hair billow out behind her as Dante literally ran to join a group on one of the sofas. They all clearly knew each other well — almost instantly two of the men had their hands inside Dante’s toga, fondling her breasts. The smile on the young woman’s face told Lexie that she was thoroughly enjoying the attention and looking forward to so much more.

  Lexie suddenly felt extremely voyeuristic. She tore her gaze away from the action on the sofa and slowly looked around the room. Everywhere she looked there were couples, threesomes, foursomes and moresomes. They were all involved in various stages of sex — and didn’t seem to care in the least who watched. The air was filled with deep throaty moans, gasps and the aroma of sex.

  A loud scream drew Lexie’s attention of to her left. There, three rather well endowed young men were servicing the woman from the table with the penis-candle. From her position, Lexie could clearly see the triple ravaging the woman was receiving as well as the look of pure ecstasy on her face. The three men were pounding into her, in every available orifice and all of them were clearly enjoying every thrust and grind, right there in the open where any who were interested could look on.

  The most surprising part of it all, to Lexie, was that she didn’t feel shocked or surprised. In fact, she felt quite warm and tingly. She was getting turned on by standing there watching. She turned her gaze to the rest of the room and whispered a soft wanting sigh. Everyone in the room was writhing in their own orgasmic delight either at the bar or in a jumble of arms and legs on the sofas. Wherever she looked, people were licked, sucked, fondled and fucked. None of it seemed wrong or dirty it was pure and fresh and precisely the way it should be in the playroom. It was exactly the way Lexie would have wanted — or wished — it to be.

  The heat that was building in her began to insist she acknowledge it. She tried squeezing her thighs together as tightly as she could, but all that did was make it worse. In one fluid movement, she loosed the tie of her thin toga, dropped it to the floor and crossed the room to the bar.

  The seats were unlike any barstools she had ever seen; they humped in the middle, with ridges at the front and back. The smooth shiny black leather looked almost slick. Perhaps the ridges were to keep you from falling off, if you drank too much.

  “You sit on it, as you would a saddle on the back of a great steed,” the bartender advised. “What can I get you, to take the parched look from your lips?”

  Lexie swung herself onto the bar-saddle with as much grace as a naked woman in her thirties can muster, given her state of arousal, before answering him. “Sex on the beach, please.”

  “The drink or the act?”

  “For now, the drink, but who knows after I’ve had a few of them.”

  Putting the cocktail down in front of her a few minutes later, he leaned over the expanse of the bar until he was almost nose-to-nose with her. “Be careful what you wish for,” he whispered and pressed a small button on the front edge of her saddle.

  She had no idea what it was for and wondered how she could have missed noticing it earlier. Clearly, she was too busy watching everything going on around her and trying to get her own libido under control. Lifting the glass to her lips, Lexie wondered — What did he mean by ‘be careful what you wish for’? What I wish for right now is a talented tongue on my clit, to slowly build me to the point of release and perhaps a good hard, thick, long cock to press against all the
quivering nerves deep inside.

  No sooner had the thought completed in her mind and she felt the very solidity of the saddle under her begin to shift, ever so slightly. At first, there was a sensation of wonderfully moist warmth on her clit. She could feel it swelling even more at the slight touch. Soon, the unseen intruder separated her lower lips. What felt precisely like a very talented tongue began to rub, flick and press at exactly the right speed and force. Her drink stood, just as forgotten on the bar as the man behind it, as Lexie closed her eyes and humped against the phantom tongue.

  “Oh shit. Yes, yes. Oh god, yes, fuck me!” Lexie didn’t even realize that she had cried those words aloud, or that they were actually a conscious thought, until she felt the pressure against the wet opening crushed onto the saddle-stool. That was no tongue!

  The warm bulbous cock head forced its way into her — filling her to absolute perfection. Slowly at first, the oh-so-real erection, protruding from the seat fucked her. She wriggled and squirmed, clinging to the edge of the bar — oblivious to anyone around her.

  As the kaleidoscope world, behind her eyelids exploded into millions of tiny points of light, she collapsed against the bar and whimpered softly as the cock slid from her pussy. After a few minutes, she straightened and opened her eyes. For the briefest of moments, she felt shame and fully expected everyone in the playroom would all be staring at her in shock. Instead, when her eyes focussed, she saw that everyone who remained in the room was still thoroughly enjoying their own mind-numbing explosions.

  The bartender leaned across the bar once more to hand Lexie a soft fluffy hand-towel. “It’s always nice to see our new guests enjoying themselves so completely.”

  His smile lit his eyes.

  Lexie used the towel to rub the sheen from her body, slid from her perch, wiped carefully across the swollen folds between her thighs as well as the stool. She thanked the bartender and gave him back the towel. She didn’t even bother to put her toga back on, as she left the playroom. She just picked it up, flung it over her shoulder and walked out, with her head held high.

  I feel freer than I ever have in my life.

  Chapter Six

  The door to her room stood open when Lexie returned, so she didn’t have to even think about what she had done with the key card. She accepted it as another perk of The Retreat and drifted in, trailing the toga from limp fingertips. It slipped free to pool on the soft carpet as she climbed onto the turned- down bed. She laid down in the middle of the big bed and stirred against the amazingly soft sheet. As the softness of the top sheet covered her nakedness, she purred her contentment.

  The warm evening breeze smelled of lavender as it billowed the soft sheers. Lexie’s eyes drifted closed, as she was lulled to sleep by a chorus of chirping crickets, accompanied by a night owl. The last sound she heard was the haunting beauty of soft Celtic flutes, rising and falling on the breeze.

  Her dreams were filled with a crazy jumbled assortment of orgasms relived — from her past, as well as that day. Through the mists of those memories, an absolutely gorgeous man stepped forward to simply stand and look at her. She knew him. She never met him, but she knew who he was. He was the man she described on the questionnaire. His ebony hair held natural highlights that appeared almost blue in the sun — his toned, tanned skin glistened with a healthy glow as the well-defined muscles beneath shifted and bunched. Lexie knew that he was naked, but could see nothing of his lower anatomy. The mists of the dream swirled around him, hid that part of him from her. Lifting her gaze back to his eyes, she was drawn into the blue oceans of desire there.

  Her nipples tightened, puckered and longed desperately to be touched, as her stomach and pussy grew heavy with want. He stepped forward, bringing the swirling mists with him. His hand on her arm was so warm, almost fevered. The other slipped around her waist and held her close against him. That which she could not see, stood between them — pulsating softly. Her hand closed around its girth, as his mouth descended onto hers.

  He tasted like a warm summer day — clean, fresh and inviting.

  * * * *

  Songbirds, whistling in the bright morning sun, woke her seconds before Dante slipped silently into her room.

  “Good morning Alexandria. I trust you had an enjoyable evening and a restful sleep.”

  Lexie slid up to lean against the mountain of pillows and watched her assistant flutter around the room. She threw the French doors open and drew in a deep breath of the crisp morning air, before turning herself to the task of making the preparations for the day. Laying the light blue toga over the back of a chair, she turned to Lexie again.

  “Is everything all right?”

  Lexie wasn’t sure just how to answer that question. Everything was perfect, and yet…

  “Have you ever heard the saying that when something seems to be too good to be true, it usually is?”

  “Yes, it is a saying I have heard, but fear not Lexie, it has no meaning here. Nothing is too good to be true at The Retreat. Everything here is as good as you wish it to be.”

  Lexie made her way into the bathroom mulling that idea over in her mind — was anything really that simple?

  It didn’t take more than a minute alone in the small room for Lexie to realize she felt different. Running her hand between her legs, she felt the warm stickiness there. It was more than residual moisture from her own body — there was a man’s essence mixed in with it.

  Her heart pounded in her chest as she threw the door open, “Would anyone be able to get into this room in the night Dante? Without anyone knowing about it?”

  “No, of course not. Our security system is the best to be found anywhere. Only you and I can come in here, without invitation.”

  A look of real concern creased her beautiful face, “Why? Is something wrong?”

  “No. I suppose not,” Lexie closed the bathroom door on her concern and stood trembling for a few moments. It was just a dream. He wasn’t really here during the night — but how…

  She decided to mark it up as another mystery of The Retreat and left it at that.

  * * * *

  Following a scrumptious breakfast, Dante led her to a secluded massage room. The walls and table appeared draped with a rainbow of tulle. Tiny lights glittered in the ceiling — thousands of illuminated points behind thin layers of soft white material. A small waterfall gurgled over rocks in one corner.

  The masseuse seemed simply to appear; Lexie hadn’t noticed the door hidden behind the swath of frothy material. She was tall, at least six foot and reminded Lexie of the stories she had heard about Amazon women at school. Without uttering a single word, she walked over and pulled Lexie’s single article of clothing from her body.

  Startled, Lexie looked to Dante for some sort of reassurance or guidance. Dante didn’t show any sign that this was in any way out of the ordinary. In fact, she looked amazed by Lexie’s futile attempts to try to shield her nakedness.

  With a broad sweep of her hand, the Amazon masseuse indicated that she wanted Lexie on the table. At least she would be able to hide her embarrassment once she was face down, with her head in that little padded horseshoe.

  Half an hour later, Lexie was so relaxed she giggled to herself at her earlier shyness. The Amazon had set right in with strong hands, warm stones and some kind of lavender-scented ointment to manipulate every ounce of tension from her body.

  Dante’s softly whispered words floated to her brain from a place very far away. “I will leave you here in Olga’s very capable hands, if that is all right with you. I won’t be far and if you should need me, I shall return in a heart’s beat.”

  Lexie couldn’t bring herself to use the energy it would take to tell her that was fine; she just hummed and fluttered her fingers in a lazy wave. As soon as Dante exited the small room, Lexie let her eyes drift shut once more. Her mind instantly flew back through the hours to reclaim that moment of absolute pleasure when her dream man had pulled her into his embrace. She may not be able to ever ha
ve so perfect a lover in life, but she could sure as hell enjoy him in her fantasies.

  Lexie felt a presence at her side, other than the masseuse. Assuming Dante had returned already, she turned her head to smile up at her. The shock she felt wash over her was like a wildfire left unchecked. It wasn’t possible and yet…

  There he stood. Perfection in a toga. He looked precisely like her dream lover. So exact in fact, she blinked her eyes a few times, sure she was still dreaming.

  “I hope you can forgive my intrusion. I was walking past and felt drawn to this room. The moment I saw you I knew I had to take the chance to speak to you or face a life of wondering — what if.”

  Lexie frantically looked around for some sign of the masseuse or Dante, but she was alone in the room with her dream man. Swallowing past the boulder in her throat, she asked him in a cracked whisper if he would mind turning around.

  The smile that lifted the corners of his lips was one of appreciation. His eyes drifted down her length for just the swiftest of moments before he turned away.

  Lexie spun herself to sit on the edge of the table; clutching the thin material of the cover to her chest, she searched the area for her garment. Looking down at her hands, she burst into teary laughter. She was wearing her toga — the same one the Amazon woman had torn from her earlier.

  She must have dressed me in my sleep before she left.

  A feeling of utter foolishness came over Lexie when she turned to see the gorgeous stranger still standing quietly, facing the wall.

  “Umm, you can turn around.” Even her voice sounded like it was blushing.

  His eyes, the same fathomless pools from her dream, held a look of such understanding she could barely stand it. “You clearly have not been here long enough to get used to the way things work. I apologize again for startling you; I should have made my presence known as soon as I came in, instead of quietly enjoying the view. I hope you can accept my sincerest of apologies.”


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