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Page 14

by Stacey Kennedy

  “Big mistakes like …?”

  “Being outright disobedient or disrespectful to me.” He swirled his fingers over her tattoo. “I doubt you have it in you to behave that way, anyway. So, the point is moot, which is why you don’t need to worry.”

  She looked to her coffee cup, then up to him. “Will you embarrass me through punishments?”

  “If that’s something that worries you, then you’ll add it to your hard limits.” He softened his voice, regarding her with a keen eye. “Remember, you have control here, and can set up a scene in a way that makes you comfortable. And you have a safe word. I want this to be enjoyable for you. Yes, you have to learn my preferences, but I’m not cruel, and I never punish through humiliation. I want your experience to bring something to your life, not take anything away.”

  Put that way, she realized he was right. Kyler was kind and gentle, and also rough when he wanted to be. A Dom knows when to hold your hand, and knows when to give it to you rough when you need it.

  Right to the heart of it, she did trust Kyler. A lot. “Okay, so what now?”

  He pushed the bag toward her. “There is a butterfly vibrator in the bag. Go into the bathroom and put it on under your panties.”

  She blinked. “Pardon me?”

  He folded his arms, and his expression showed very little. “You want to enter a D/s relationship with me, Ella, this is part of it. While I play mostly in the dungeon, I also play outside its walls. You are free to say dragon, which is Club Sin’s safe word, if you don’t want to do this.”

  She leaned forward and whispered, “Are you going to make me orgasm sitting at this table … in public?”

  “The orgasm is up to you, but if you worry about embarrassing yourself, then I suggest you keep yourself quiet.” He smiled, half amused, the other half totally sexily arrogant. “But I plan to eat my breakfast, and I want to do so watching you under the vibe’s hum.”

  Taking a quick glance around the diner, she noticed the restaurant wasn’t packed full, but there were enough people that she hesitated. Was he out of his godforsaken mind? Understanding safe words from her book, she turned to him. “What if I said dragon?”

  He watched her carefully, then said, “Sweetheart, I do this because I think you’ll enjoy it. You can say the safe word and we stop. It’s that simple. But I wouldn’t suggest this if I didn’t think we both needed it.” He dragged his fingers over her tattoo. “Tell me, would you do something this bold on your own?”

  She swallowed as his touch seemed connected to her clit, sending moisture to dampen her panties. “Hell to the no.”

  His gaze softened. “Then I’m pushing you, yes?”


  Tucking a finger under her chin, he looked to her with a gaze so firm she knew this was not part of the negotiation. As he’d done every time, he needed to see her act first. She assumed he required her to show him that she would do something out of her character all because he asked her to—all because he wanted her to do this. The first sign of submission? she wondered.

  He arched a brow. “I’m pushing you into new erotic adventures that provide excitement that a certain woman has been looking for.”

  Trust. Safe word. Communication. All the things the book told her were important in the lifestyle were all the things that were so true in her relationship with Kyler. “So this is the submission part in it, hmm? Giving control to you in a moment that makes me nervous or unsure and putting faith in you that you know what’s best?”

  He gave a slow nod. “Exactly. My rules. My play. Your submission to my desires, Ella.”

  Kyler regarded Ella’s pretty eyes, which looked blue today, wondering over her next move. This was her test, her first show of submission. He had known playing in public would be hard for her, but it was the show he needed to believe she was serious. It impressed him that she’d read up on BDSM—in fact, that act of cleverness confirmed exactly why he liked her.

  Though all the same, he also did this for her. Ella wanted adventures, and she craved excitement. Wearing a vibrator in a busy restaurant was surely that. Besides, he already knew that Ella liked public displays of sex—that much she showed him on their first night together.

  Oh, how much fun he would have with her.

  Her cheeks were bright red as she reached for the bag, and he noticed the tremble in her hands. She looked inside, obviously finding the butterfly vibrator in the box that had black straps to hold it in place, but then she dipped her hand in and pulled out the lacy garments before putting them back into the bag.

  “You’re not expecting me to wear lingerie now, right?” she asked with huge eyes.

  He chuckled. She looked cute a little ruffled. “That’s what you’ll wear for me on Friday night at the club.”

  She glanced around the restaurant, no doubt taking in the amount of people. Kyler was pleased at it; he wanted others to see her. While no one would hear the vibe, since he’d purchased a silent vibrator, Ella would know she wore it.

  That would fuel her pleasure.

  He watched her draw in a deep breath, and arousal flushed her face. She finally said, “Please excuse me.”

  He winked. “That’s my girl.”

  She hurried off to the restroom, and Kyler studied the sway of her hips in her short dress. He’d never met a woman who dressed like Ella. She was so damn pretty in her cute dresses and how she braided her hair. To him, though, he wanted to see Ella come undone, the woman whose makeup ran down her face because of intense pleasure.

  The waitress returning with their food caught his eye, and as she placed the plates down, she asked, “Anything else I can get you?”

  “A glass of water, please.” Ella would soon need it.

  “I’ll get it right away,” the waitress said, then strode away.

  Kyler reached into his pocket, taking out the vibrator’s remote control when he spotted Ella heading out of the bathroom with the bag in her hand. The tight way she walked told him that she’d followed his instructions and wore the vibrator beneath her panties.

  When she neared the counter, he flicked the vibe onto full speed. She nearly dropped to the ground, but managed to grab on to the stool next to her. He chuckled as her cheeks burned brighter. He turned off the vibe, and she pushed off the stool, glancing to those around her—all of who stared at her in curiosity.

  “Damn heels,” she muttered with a breathy voice.

  The waitress laughed. “They’ve been known to kill.”

  Ella grinned at her, then rushed over to the table. She dropped down into the booth and glared. “Yeah, thanks a lot.”

  He switched the vibe onto full speed. “What was that?”

  Her eyes widened. “I—”

  “Glares are not acceptable when I’m having fun, Ella. Nor do I like snappy voices when I’m doing something very nice for you.”

  “Sorry.” She gasped.

  He switched the vibe off. “Punishment isn’t always done through painful methods, like a spanking. I hope that you took that experience for what it was, learning my preferences.”

  “Yep. Got it.” She straightened in her seat, pink-cheeked. “Don’t snap. Don’t glare. Lesson learned.”

  “Nicely done.” He chuckled.

  The waitress returned with the glass of water and placed it in front of Ella. Once the waitress was out of hearing distance, he continued, “Now you understand the process of how we’ll learn together, yes?”

  “Yes,” she said softly.

  Sir, he’d request in the dungeon, but not now. It was simply his need to hear the address from her mouth that made him yearn for it. But little did Ella know, he allowed a little leeway out of the dungeon. Sure, he liked kink whenever he could have it. He enjoyed having a fun sex life that pushed the boundaries. Though some parts of BDSM remained in the dungeon, and calling him Sir was one of them.

  He picked up his fork and ate some of his eggs, watching Ella do the same.

  Once she placed her fork in her mouth, he
turned the vibe on to the lowest speed. A shiver ran through her as she chewed her food. Chuckling to himself, he focused on his plate and let her simmer in that level of pleasure.

  By the time he ate half of his breakfast, she had stopped eating hers. He switched the vibe onto the next speed, glancing to her. Her gaze held his, a little darker, and definitely more focused.

  Picking up a piece of his toast, he pressed the vibe onto the next speed. Her eyes widened, yet her stare never left his. So beautiful. In tune with me. Lovely. Even with the higher speed, no noise came from the vibe. The high cost of the silent vibe was worth the money—just to experience this moment.

  After he finished off his piece of toast, he heard the slight hitch of her breath and then he flicked the vibe onto full speed. He spotted the trembling in her hand as he ate the final pieces of his bacon.

  “Is your meal not good?”

  Kyler glanced up, discovering the waitress frowning at Ella’s plate. He arched a brow at Ella and grinned. She drew in a deep breath through her nose, then whispered to the waitress, “It’s good. Not hungry.”

  Her clipped words had Kyler fighting his laughter.

  The waitress grabbed her plate. “Sorry to hear that. Can I get you some more coffee?” she asked Kyler.

  He nodded. “Yes, please.”

  With the plates cleared from the table, the waitress strode away and was back a minute later, filling up the coffee cups. As she did, Kyler played with the vibe, going from slow to fast in quick intervals. And Ella was statue still, staring down at the table. Ah, you have more control over your body than you think you do. Good to know.

  “Can I get you anything else?” the waitress asked Kyler.

  “Just the bill, please.”

  With the waitress gone, Kyler continued to torment Ella, varying the speeds. He had no doubt her oversensitive clit was likely driving her mad. When the waitress brought the bill over, Kyler flicked the vibe onto full speed and placed the controller next to him on the bench. Then he reached for his wallet in his back pocket. He had cash on him, but he wanted to draw this moment out.

  He took out his credit card, and the waitress said, “Thank you. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  “Perfect,” Kyler mused.

  “Fuck, no,” Ella whispered under her breath. “Go away.”

  He barked a laugh.

  When the waitress returned with the receipt, she handed him a pen, and Kyler took his time mulling over the tip amount. By the time he signed the receipt and handed it to the waitress, Ella bit down on her bottom lip. Hard.

  “Thank you, enjoy your day,” the waitress said before she left the booth, tending to another table.

  The second Ella was alone, her eyes fluttered closed. Kyler didn’t doubt she’d been restraining her climax the entire time the waitress stood with them, exactly as he’d intended. A little force to control her orgasms was a good lesson for Ella.

  She came quietly with hardly any movement, but released a small tremor. When her breath rushed harshly through her lips, Kyler turned off the vibe. So many reasons led his motives this morning, but that one reaction was the strongest motivator.

  Orgasm control.

  She could show some restraint in her orgasms, and that was something he’d continue to build on. Teaching her each time they played, how to control one’s body to his liking. That she responded to his commands because it was his preference.

  Hell, he lived for that shit.

  When her eyes finally drifted open, her lids were hooded. Placing the remote into his pocket, he rose and moved to her side of the booth. He tucked his finger under her chin, commanding her gaze. “Do tell, Ella.” He stared into her glassy eyes dazed with lust and satisfaction. “Was that fun for you?”

  “Yes,” she exhaled.

  He smiled, brushing his fingers across her jaw. “And that, sweetheart, is the start to our game.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Thursday morning brought a cloudy day, and fluttered excitement in Ella’s stomach about tomorrow night. Standing in her kitchen, anticipation tickled over her at the idea of her first BDSM scene. The unknown was definitely part of the appeal to the lifestyle—not knowing what kinky things Kyler had planned left her in a constant state of arousal.

  With warmth spreading out between her thighs, she grabbed her purse off the kitchen counter. As she reached for her cell phone, the sharp ring cut through the silence. Her heart leapt into her throat, but as she read the call display, seeing that it was from her lawyer and not Rory, she blew out a long breath.

  She hit the answer button and raised the phone to her ear. “Hello.”

  “Good morning, Ella, this is Derek Nelson,” her lawyer said in his rich Southern drawl. “I’m sorry to call you this early, but I’ve been stuck in court and wanted to make sure I called after receiving your e-mail.”

  Ella sighed in utter relief. “I’m so happy that you called.”

  She’d known Derek from high school, so he wasn’t a stranger. In fact, Derek was likely her only friend left in Savannah, which was a damn depressing thought. He was nothing more to her than her lawyer.

  Derek said in a tight voice, “I apologize for not calling sooner. I had cell phone issues and didn’t get your e-mail until this morning, and when I got your telephone message, it didn’t sound urgent. Are you all right?”

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she replied, knowing deep down that wasn’t true. “Rory hasn’t made contact since Monday, but please tell me things are moving along with the divorce.”

  Derek hesitated. “First, if Rory contacts you again, call the police there in Vegas. He’s under a restraining order and is breaking it. We want to ensure you are safe. Understood?”

  “Yes,” she lied, leaning a hip against the counter. The last thing she wanted to do was call the police. Kyler would learn about Rory, and that was shit she didn’t want to follow her or to have to explain. Deep down, she knew she should tell Kyler that she was still married, but she decided her past was hers.

  In her heart, she was long divorced, and she didn’t have an ounce of love left for Rory.

  Once the divorce was finalized, she’d tell Kyler that she was once married. Right now it was too raw and still very real. “But about the divorce, please tell me you’ve gotten somewhere with this. It’s been nearly six months since we served him.” With uncontested papers that she knew Rory still had, but had refused to sign. He’d gotten himself a good lawyer. That’s when things became complicated. “I need this to all go away. ASAP.”

  Derek made a disgruntled noise. “I’m afraid his lawyer has been dragging his feet. As you know, the judge granted Rory the time via mediation to get into treatment and counseling.” He paused and then added with a firmer voice, “However, since Rory has made contact with you and clearly skipped out of treatment in Savannah, I’ll go ahead and file a motion with the judge. He has broken the terms set out in the mediation agreement, and that is grounds for us to move ahead with this.”

  “Thank goodness,” Ella exhaled, shutting her eyes in relief.

  Derek continued, “If Rory is not back in Savannah once the paperwork goes through, the judge will grant the divorce in absentia, should he not be found in a timely manner. I know having him in Vegas may have frightened you, and I’m sorry for that, but this is a solid way for us to force the judge’s hand. Rory’s lawyer cannot dodge this one.”

  Rory’s fancy lawyer had been doing everything he could to drag out the divorce. Ella believed that was because Rory was trying to find a way back into her life. But she didn’t love Rory anymore, she hated him. She wanted him to stay in her past and she wanted to move on.

  Was that really so much to ask? “Okay. Great,” she replied, the tightness in her chest that never went away easing slightly. “When should I be expecting your call?”

  “In a couple weeks or so,” Derek replied. “I know you want this over as quickly as possible, but these things sadly take time. I don’t doubt in the least Rory’s lawyer
will try another way to stop this, but I promise that I will do everything I can to make sure we get the divorce finalized.”

  Ella sighed. “Thank you, Derek.”

  “You’re welcome,” he replied in a soft tone. “Take care of yourself.”

  “I will. Goodbye.” Ella hung up the phone, nearly sagging against the kitchen counter. It was weird how sometimes a negative could be turned into a positive. Rory coming to Vegas was quite possibly the best thing that had happened, because he’d violated the mediation agreement. Yet it was hard to see any of this as a positive. She wanted to be far away from all the hell that had clouded her life.

  She wanted Rory gone from her life … forever.

  Blowing out a long breath, she placed her cell phone in her purse. Not wanting to be late for work, she took the stairs in her condo and was out of breath by the time she made it down to the parking lot.

  She approached her cherry-red Volkswagen Beetle, appreciating the clouds covering the Vegas sun. Her heart hammered from the jog down the stairs, and she wiped the sweat from her forehead.

  As she reached her car a sudden sense of fear engulfed her and she stopped by the driver’s-side door. Feeling watched, her hand shook as she reached into her purse and took out her keys, attempting to unlock the door.

  Goose bumps prickled on her neck, and she glanced behind her, the sense of fear now real and warranted. Rory approached with long strides, his gait somewhat wobbly, and his eyes were bloodshot.

  “You fucking bitch,” he snarled, closing in on her. “I told you to come see me last night. You did this to yourself.”

  His words were slurred as he staggered toward her. Ella gasped, hurrying to unlock the door, but her shaky fingers couldn’t land on the button. Then he was there, grasping her arm, and she cried out in pain.

  He spun her around, and his eyes were wild, lost in rage. A scream hung in her throat, the fright making it silent. As he slammed her against the car, the beer on his breath brushed across her face, and she managed to press the unlock button. Desperate to get away, she kicked his shin, and he stumbled back.


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