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Tales Of Nevaeh: The Trilogy and Backstory of the Epic Sci-Fi Fantasy Series Tales Of Nevaeh: (The 4 Book Bundled Box Set)

Page 94

by David Wind

  Roth frowned. “You told Mikaal that was twenty-five hundred years ago.”

  “Yes, even then, the changes caused by the radiation had mutated The People in many ways. The Woman of The Village had begun to acquire the same abilities the women of Nevaeh have now. She told me that once we were safe, she would no longer hand down the story of waiting for our arrival; rather, their responsibility would now be to protect Ailish and I until Ailish’s descendent came to free us. Such has been their purpose from the beginning, to make certain that Ailish and I survived, for we were the vessels needed to move the world forward.”

  Roth stared deep into Jalil’s eyes as he spoke. “Which explains why they lived so simple a life. They knew that one day—be it the next day or centuries away—they would leave.”

  Jalil nodded. “They were saved because they are important to the world, to history, for the base of them were the first of The Chosen ones, as I said before. Just as you were chosen to be here, now.”

  Roth drew slightly back. “Chosen? I think not.”

  “Think you, Solomon Roth, that of two hundred who left earth three thousand years ago, only you survived? Think you, your survival was nothing more than a random act of fate? Look at the mark on Areenna’s back. Look at the mark that lay between Neleh’s breasts. Look at the mark Sirod carries upon her, and tell me this is random.”

  Another spasm of coughing interrupted Jalil. When he was again calm, he said. “Be wise, Solomon Roth, be as wise as the great King Solomon you were named for. Consider all the people of Nevaeh as your children, which they are. Before the time comes for you to step down and Mikaal to ascend your throne, do as Solomon did with his son David, teach your son, and his Queen, the history of the past—not just your past, but the world’s past, as you were taught as a child, for it should never be lost.”

  Roth sat quietly, taking in and replaying every word Jalil had uttered. Without speaking, he reached out and grasped Jalil’s hand in his.

  “Good,” Jalil whispered. “My life force will soon be finished. I would speak with Neleh before such occurs.”

  Roth stood and started out, behind him, called out, “Wait, Solomon.”

  When Roth turned, Jalil, his voice barely above a whisper, said, “Be wise, look to the past; bring Northcrom to Tolemac...keep Dees as the symbol of resistance.”

  Before Roth could take a step, Jalil’s body arched bow-like. Roth went to him, and saw Jalil’s eyes were coated with white. He reached out to hold him, and as he did, Jalil grabbed his hand. His eyes cleared, widened and then the old Master fell back into the bed. He spoke between shallow, gasping breaths. “I have seen…” He stopped, took in a shuddering breath. “They will cut Nevaeh in half—create a barricade using their powers. You must gather the fighters from the northern, western and northwestern dominions. Bring them to Tolemac. You have only until they march on Freemorn.”

  Before Roth could respond to the ancient Master, Jalil’s eyes closed and his breathing eased.


  An hour after Roth left the bedchamber, and Neleh entered it, Roth, Enaid, Areenna, and Mikaal were in the courtyard, discussing their return to Tolemac, when King Nosaj came to them, smiling warmly at his daughter.

  “I must thank you for your gift,” Nosaj said to his daughter.

  Caught off guard, Areenna could only stare at her father. “Gift?”

  Nosaj smiled. “Gift! Elyl, the exile you sent to me. Know you not he is a master smithy? We have been without one for too long since Master Lorre died. He is exceptional as well! And the people he brought with him, these men and women are excellent fighters.”

  She smiled warmly at her father. “He is a good man.”

  Roth stepped up to them. “Exiles?”

  Nosaj nodded. “My daughter, like my wife always did, finds orphans to take in, be they people or animals. This one happens to be an exile she met in the forest of the Blue Desert.”

  Roth raised an eyebrow. “He asked to return?”

  The daughter within Areenna cringed slightly. She had never had the occasion to tell her father of the circumstances. When Roth turned to her, she knew had no choice. Over Roth’s shoulder, she saw Mikaal fighting a smile.

  “It was not...ah...exactly that way. Shortly before we left for the Frozen Mountains, I went to the Blue Desert to gather herbs for the trip. While I was there, she...the Black Witch, tracked me. She had cast a spell over several exiles, so she could control them. Elyl...Elyl tried to kill me.”

  When her father stiffened, she reached out and took his hand. “It was not Elyl; it was the Black Witch. When I freed him from her control, he was grateful. I told him if he ever wanted sanctuary, a home, he was to come here and tell you I sent him.”

  “Which he did,” Nosaj said.

  “We met again four days ago when he and his companions were leaving the wastelands to come to Freemorn.”

  “How many exiles came to Freemorn?” Roth asked quickly.

  “Under a hundred,” Nosaj answered. “I have given them a section near Sirod and her people.”

  Roth looked from Nosaj to Areenna. “I would meet this Elyl. I have an idea.”

  At Nosaj’s signal, one of his guards came forward. Nosaj spoke softly and the guard raced off. He returned five minutes later, with Elyl in tow.

  “Your Highness,” Elyl greeted him, almost but not quite kneeling.

  “High King Roth would speak with you,” Nosaj told him.

  Elyl’s face drained of color. He turned slowly to look at Roth. Then he went to his knees. “M-my...Lord,” he stammered.

  “Stand, Elyl, you are no less than any standing here,” Roth said.

  Elyl stood, his offset eyes focused only on Roth.

  “Know you of other exiles who might join with us?”

  Elyl looked from Roth to where Areenna stood. Areenna smiled and nodded to him. He wiped his tongue over his lips. “I do, My Lord.”

  “Have you men who will work the smithy if you go on a mission for me?”

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  “Nevaeh is entering desperate times. The Dark Ones come to destroy us, to enslave all—”

  “—forgive me, My Lord,” Elyl interrupted, “I am aware. I will do whatever you ask of me. I will fight!”

  Roth smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. “One day you will have to fight, of that I am sure, but before then, we must add to our forces. That is what I ask of you. To seek out other exiles not controlled by the darkness—to ask them to join us in our fight against the Dark Ones.”

  “That is all?” Elyl said, surprised. “I know of many, and they will fight willingly. All have been touched by the evil in some manner.”

  Roth looked at Nosaj. “Can you send a small troop with Elyl, to protect him?”

  “My Lord, please. Bringing soldiers makes it harder. For exiles to see armed warriors approaching will only create fear and cause them to hide. I will take two of my people. No more are necessary.”

  “You have my thanks. Enaid,” Roth called. “Is there some way to protect Elyl?”

  “There is no need,” Areenna revealed. “I did so when we met the first time. No darkness will touch Elyl’s mind.”


  Shortly before sunrise, with the bands of purple and lavender peeking over the eastern horizon, Neleh and Sirod sat at Jalil’s bedside, knowing that the old Master had but a few hours left before his life force was gone. Although at the edge of death, Jalil held a connection with Neleh, transferring to her much of the knowledge he held within himself, knowledge that would help Neleh to grow into the person he knew she would one day become.

  The sounds of Caymir beginning its day drifted in through the open window. She had already bid Mikaal and Areenna farewell, and knew that as soon as she and her mother fulfilled their duty to Jalil, she would join them in Tolemac.

  Neleh closed her eyes and sent a second gentle goodbye to Mikaal.


  As Neleh and Sirod sat with Jalil, Areenna, M
ikaal, Enaid and Roth, astride their kraals, approached Caymir’s eastern gate. Noslen and the five other members of Roth’s personal Six waited ten feet away.

  Areenna looked everywhere, burning into her memory, not just the keep, or the people going about their responsibilities, but the smells in the air, and the feel of the cool air against her skin, for she knew not if she would ever return, or even if there would be a Freemorn to return to.

  As she thought about these things, and saturated her mind with what was around her, she heard Roth telling Noslen that he was to stay in Caymir.

  “Keep the Six here. When Neleh is ready, bring her to Tolemac,” he ordered.

  “My Lord, go not without guard,” Noslen pleaded.

  Roth shook his head. “Neleh is too important. Noslen, look at the three who ride with me. Think you anyone could do us harm?”

  The captain of the Sixes did as asked, gazing from Enaid to Areenna and then Mikaal. When he returned his gaze to Roth, he let lose a chuckle. “Perhaps it is I who should want such protection.”

  Roth clapped Noslen on his shoulder. “Keep Neleh safe, yourself and the men as well.”

  “May your feet be swift, your sword true and your way safe,” Noslen replied.

  From the corner of her eye, Areenna saw her father coming to where she sat astride Hero. Just before he reached her, she dismounted and went into her father’s embrace.

  “I fear for you,” Nosaj whispered into her ear. “I do not want to lose you.”

  She clasped him tightly, tears building in her eyes. “You will not, I promise it. But it is I who fear for you when the ghazi comes.”

  “I care not about that. My concern is for you. You are the best of me, the best of your mother, and you will be a magnificent queen to Freemorn’s all of Nevaeh as well. Just make sure you are here to meet your obligation!”

  “Father,” she began but faltered. “I…”

  “Hush, My Princess, worry not for me. I will be here when you return.” He released her and then lifted her to the saddle and stepped back as Roth turned his kraal and went through the gate.

  She smiled down at her father, and urged Hero forward, while ignoring the tears trailing along her face, ignoring the strange and sudden feeling that this could be the last time she would see her father.


  AREENNA STOOD ON the parapet—the one place in Tolemac she was the most at home—watching through Gaalrie’s eyes as her aoutem circled the outer areas of the keep. What had been empty and open only a month before, was full of people, tents, and the weapons of war...and children.

  So many children, she thought. The children had come from every dominion of Nevaeh, the parents, either singly or together, brought their children to what they hoped would be Tolemac’s protection, leaving them under the watchful eyes of a half hundred elders when they returned to stand against the darkness in their own domains.

  Once again, the melancholy that followed her from Freemorn, returned, and with it came the memory of when, just before reaching the border of Tolemac, a powerful coldness had filled her with a sense of loss so deep that she’d known Jalil had died.

  She’d turned to Mikaal, and had seen his face drain of color and his eyes go distant. She’d reached across to him, both physically and mentally, taking his hands and wrapping his mind with the warmth of her understanding.

  Areenna concentrated on Gaalrie’s path. Although it was only halfway between sunset and midnight, almost all activity was finished for the day. The people were either resting around fires, talking of the day’s training or work, or asleep, for the mornings came early in these days of preparation.

  The moon had barely risen; its faint yellow-white light was more than enough for Gaalrie to see clearly. While she watched, Areenna asked her aoutem to fly southwest, just inside the wall of the keep, where the Women of Power trained those of lesser abilities.

  Enaid and Enna were concerned that there was a spy amongst them, for during their absence several new women appeared at Tolemac. Enaid wasn’t sure, but her senses had been warning her of something, and she’d confided her dilemma to Areenna.

  Areenna had spent half the day with the women, training and listening and sensing all around her, but had found nothing to raise suspicion, yet she too began to sense something was off.

  Gaalrie dropped to the edge of the keep’s high wall, and settled. Below the treygone, several small fires burned, around which groups of women sat. Off to one side, separated by half dozen yards, was a smaller group of women. Withdrawing from Gaalrie, Areenna pushed a probe toward the women and found herself blocked. She withdrew completely, asking Gaalrie to fly over them so she could see their faces.

  A moment later, Areenna committed the images of the five women to memory.

  She released Gaalrie, Thank you, Sister. Fly, hunt. A responding warmth flowed through her mind and she smiled. Turning, she started toward the door when she caught the familiar touch of Enaid’s mind, and the high queen’s summons.


  Mikaal paced within the confines of Roth’s library. They had been going over the various routes to the Island to avoid the wastelands controlled by this dark sorceress or, any person within a dominion who might recognize them.

  Shifting in his seat, his elbow on his knee, Roth rested his chin on a cupped hand and stared at his son. “You have two issues: you need to get to the Island quickly; and you need to do so without alerting those watching in the wastelands and near the borders of Aldimore.” He paused thoughtfully. “I believe the only way for you to reach the Island quickly and safely, and at the same time not alert any dark forces, is to slip through Aldimore and go by boat.”

  “And where will I find a vessel with a captain foolish enough to approach the Island?”

  Roth smiled. “Where else? I will ask Enaid to send a message to Ilsraeth for Timon to come. If you leave in the morning, it will take you at least three days to get to a place where he can reach you.”

  Mikaal glanced from his father to the map they’d been studying. “It will take Timon too long,” he said, bending closer to the map. He traced the shoreline from the safe area after the wastelands to the shores of Aldimor, where he pressed a finger to a slight indentation in the shoreline.

  “This is where the freesh boats of Aldimore are kept.”

  Roth jerked his head up from the map. “You would steal a boat from a loyal domain?”

  Mikaal couldn’t stop his smile. “Where was it, Aldimor? Northcrom? The story you told me years ago, when you took a party of fighters, stole a boat and then kidnapped Maslo when he was prince, or was it Namron?”

  “Namron, and I should have listened to your mother when she told me to stop telling you those stories…”

  “But you didn’t. I remember every one of them.”

  “Why steal from Aldimor when all you need is to ask?”

  “We don’t know if the third fleet will land in Aldimor or Northcrom, but I am certain that each domain is riddled with Lessig’s spies, if one or both is the target.”

  Roth studied his son. “Agreed. Have you ever handled a boat by yourself? I recall no time when you were with me.”

  “I’ve watched Timon, and with Areenna at my side—”

  “—you believe yourselves invincible, which can lead to failure.”

  “—we will find a way to guide the boat safely to the Island, I was going to say.” Mikaal paused; the humor left his face. “And I think not that I will ever believe myself invincible, not after fighting the Dark Master. No, Father, invincibility is something for those spoken of in legend, not in real life.”

  Roth could do nothing more than stare proudly at his son.


  Areenna found Enaid waiting just outside Roth’s library. Her cousin greeted her with a smile and a hug. “Roth needs your help,” she told her. A moment later, Neleh, who had arrived early in the day, came at a half run, stopping just short of bumping into Areenna.

sed, Areenna stared at Enaid. “My”

  “Come, you’ll understand,” she added and opened the door.

  Areenna followed her in and found both Roth and Mikaal seated, looking over a map. Even before Mikaal looked up, he joined with her.

  I sensed your sadness before. You’re all right now?

  My thoughts were of Jalil…

  I understand. My father needs you to do a foreseeing, if you can, in the manner learned on the Island.

  Areenna drew in a slow breath. The last time she’d done this, it had taken much from her. I will try: we must be careful of The Masters. You and Neleh must hold a block around me…

  From the corner of her eye, she saw Roth watching the silent interplay between her and Mikaal, and turned to him. “I understand what you seek and will do my best.”

  Areenna looked around, taking in the tables, the wall of books, and shook her head. “Not here. I need space and...I need to be outside. The central courtyard,” she said, looking from Roth to Enaid. “And you, should I need your abilities.”

  Ten minutes later, the five gathered at the fountain in the center of the courtyard. A guard stood at each entrance to prevent anyone from entering the courtyard. Areenna sat on the stone bench, facing away from the fountain, while Neleh and Enaid sat on each side of her. Roth and Mikaal stood ten feet distant, as Areenna had asked of them. She took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself. Call up your powers, but touch me not, she told the two women. If I have need of your powers, I will ask. Mikaal, work with Neleh on the block.

  She placed her hands on her lower abdomen and breathed deeply, drawing inward the scents permeating the air of Tolemac. Her concentration became complete. The sounds of the night disappeared, replaced by the steady beating of her heart. She traced the flow of blood pumping outward, and directed it down into the place where her powers lay.


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