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Tales Of Nevaeh: The Trilogy and Backstory of the Epic Sci-Fi Fantasy Series Tales Of Nevaeh: (The 4 Book Bundled Box Set)

Page 113

by David Wind

  Holding her arms outward for a heartbeat, she drew in a deep breath and slammed the pieces of the Staff together. Now, Mikaal!

  At the exact same instant, they sent the powers of the Staff, the powers they had each taken from it, back inside the wood. A sizzling, screeching sound erupted, followed by a sharp amber flare… and the Staff was whole once again.

  Opening her eyes, she released Neleh’s and Mikaal’s hands and took a single step forward. A white mist rose from the tip of the Staff. Her body began to glow. The glow spread first to Mikaal and Neleh and from them to every Women of Power connected to her body. A moment later, she knelt on the ground, uncaring of the umbrella of red fires The Masters burned at them, the red powers that flared and fizzled against the security of the shield The Eight maintained.

  Everywhere, the screams of ghazi and Nevaens echoed, but Areenna heard nothing as she concentrated on containing the powers within the Staff. She jammed the Staff into the ground, locked her hands around the smooth ancient wood, and waited.

  Releasing one hand from the Staff, she pushed her fingers into the ground, pulled up dirt and grass, and clenched it within her fist, using it to ground her and remind her of all that was truly important.

  She stood and looked at The Masters as a gray cloud rose from the platform to swirl around Master Fasil. In that instant in time, she pointed the Staff at The Masters and released everything within her.

  The outburst of light that followed blinded everyone on the battlefield; the discharge of powers was so loud the sound thundered in Dees, a hundred miles away. When Areenna’s vision cleared, she saw that nothing of the platform, or of The Masters, remained.

  She gazed at the empty space for several seconds before turning to Mikaal, who was staring at her, his eyes wider than she had ever seen them. “It’s over,” he declared aloud. “The Dark Masters are no more.”

  She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. The powers she had released, the powers that had combined and grown within her had accomplished what she had hoped. Yet, a phantom of doubt lingered, shadowing what she had accomplished.

  “You’re sure? The gray mist was rising over him…”

  Mikaal shook his head fiercely. “There was nothing left of them. The mist was not complete when you struck. He could not have survived.”

  “Then it is truly done.”

  Areenna looked around at the devastation, and the bodies, both Nevaen and ghazi, and her heart grew heavy.

  Think not upon this, came the voice of The Speaker. Rather, think upon the future and what you will build from the ashes of this place. Mikaal’s and your children, and Neleh’s too, are the true future of Nevaeh, freed from the yoke of darkness that has hung upon the people of Nevaeh. Forget that not. Guide them well, and mark this warning as well: The powers granted you three come with the obligation and responsibility to be ever watchful and always ready should darkness seek a return, for history has shown that darkness finds a way.

  Areenna stood silent until the voice was gone, then she turned to find Mikaal standing inches from her. Neleh leaned against him, trembling. Her pale eyes were wide as she looked up at Areenna.

  “There will be much to do here, before we can move on,” Areenna said to him, lifting her hand so she could touch his face.

  “And even more after.” He took her hand and pressed it to his lips. When he lowered their hands, he smiled and raised a single eyebrow. “How many children do you think she meant?”

  Author’s Notes

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  Homo Sapiens (Fiftieth Century AD)

  The men and women of Nevaeh are all taller than their 22st century ancestors: Racial mutation over the past 3000 years, due to radiation from the Terrorist Wars of the 22nd century, have mutated the people of Nevaeh into one race. Skin color runs from a light pale tan to deep umber. Eye color and shapes, noses, lips, and other body features no longer have any genetic connection to skin color.


  AREENNA of Freemorn: Daughter of Nosaj: 18 years old, green eyes with silver flecks, blonde to white blonde hair, skin pale mocha. Tall, muscular body yet feminine with full breasts and gently flaring hips. Height: 6’. Her mother was Inaria

  MIKAAL, son of the High King and Queen of Nevaeh: 20 years old, Gray eyes with sea foam green motes, black straight hair. Tall and lean with long dense muscles that speak of strength and endurance, his face is carved in lines that turned sharp angles to smooth curves. Taller than average, Mikaal is a powerful figure. Height: 6’3”.

  SOLOMON ROTH / ROTH: High King of Nevaeh: brown hair, amber-hazel eyes. Skin: White (the only white skinned person because he is from the past).

  ENAID of TOLEMAC: Queen of Nevaeh Enaid: Gray eyes. Hair: Raven, Skin: Nutty mocha

  NOSAJ of FREEMORN: King of Freemorn: Blue-green eyes, silver hair (used to be black). Areenna’s father.

  Ailish: Areenna is the descendant of Ailish. Bekar was a descendant of Ailish as well.

  Afzal Mahmud Terak: (Afzal: Best / Mahmud: Praised One / Tarek: He who knocks on the door.

  Fasil Abdul-Mu'eid: Servant of the Restorer. A Dark Master

  Free-Blades: Mercenaries: fighting men with no dominion, who offer their services to the highest bidders.

  Ghazi / Ghazis: The warrior-slaves of the Dark Masters.

  Halan: Tolemac’s master arms maker.

  Jalil Ben Afzal: Fifth Generation Grandson of Afzal Mahmud Terak, Founder of the Circle of Afzal

  Neleh: 12 years old, daughter of Sirod, who is Woman of the Village of the People.

  Noslen: High Captain of the Sixes.

  Racso: Elder of the Village of The People

  Salinar: Halan’s wife.

  Sirod: Woman of the Village of The People.

  Stamel: the Watch Captain.

  Tissel: Areenna’s cousin, her father’s sister’s daughter, who acts in Areenna’s place as advisor during her absence.

  Lessig: Dark Sorceress, transforming into an Afzaleem black sorceress. She is also Areenna’s older cousin, once known as Eneri. (Book 3).

  Afzaleem: Sorceresses of the Dark Ones (the Circle of Afzal).


  ALDIMOR: Ruled by King Namron & Queen Atir (Princess Laira – daughter). Eastern Capital DEES Region: Mid-Atlantic / Northeast.

  BRUMWALL: King: Ecaroh, Queen: Enna, Prince: Darb; daughter, Enaid. Capital: Apolis. Region: Upper Midwest

  FAINHALL: King: Nomis & Queen Eetak, Prince: Samot. Capital: Wort. Region: Southwestern (Texas) and the Southern Ocean.

  FREEMORN: King Nosaj & Princess: AREENNA, (Queen Inaria - Areenna's Mother has died). Capital: Caymir. Region: Lower mid-west to mid-south.

  KASHOLD: King Tamor & Queen Kali, Prince: Nevets. Princess: Sanna, Capital: Cander, Region: Central west.

  LLAWNROC: King Yermon & Queen: Azil, Daughter: Princess Nylle, Bonded to Theron of Lockinhold. Capital: Obile. Region: Southeast/Southern Ocean (NOTE: Yermon replaced his brother King Olrac in Volume I, after Olrac’s death. Olrac’s queen, Anit, died several years prior.)

  LOKINHOLD: King Esnal & Queen Ammie, Prince: Trebor (bonded to Akissia) Younger son- Tharon (Bonded to Nylle of Llawnroc, daughter Likala). Capital: Farg. Region: Upper Midwes t/ northwest. Ammie is the sister of Atir

  MORVENE: King Retlaw & Queen Layra, Daughter: Capital: Troit. Region: Eastern Midwest

ROM: Queen Ilsraeth &Father Guardian Timon. Capital: Syrak. Region: Upper Northeast PA, NY, New England. (NOTE: King Maslo dies and Master Boatsman Timon, weds Ilsraeth. They will have twins.)

  WELKOLD: King: Libon, young, unmarried Sister: Akassia. Libon is bonded to Sanna of Kashold. Capital: Ontan Region: Northwest.

  CAPITAL OF NEVAEH: TOLEMAC, NOT A DOMINION—ؙHigh King ROTH & High Queen: Enaid, Prince: Mikaal.


  Traditional Greeting: Clasping each other’s forearm, this is for both men and women.

  Warriors’ Traditional Farewell: “May your feet be swift, your sword true, and your way safe.”

  AOUTEMS: Animals bound to Women of Power .

  Gaalrie: Areenna's treygone. One of the largest treygones, cinnamon and silver feathers.

  Irii: Enaid's Gorlon, dusty yellow, large, female.

  Charka: Mikaal's Kraal. An unusually large kraal with a deep blue coat.

  Atir: A treygone.

  Laira: A silver and brown ret.

  Ilsraeth: A black Rantor. The large cat is jet black.

  Layra: A gorlon.

  Duv: Neleh’s tawny brown and black speckled Rantor.


  Four groups of High King Roth’s Seal-trained warriors. Roth had selected twenty-four soldiers for training in the unknown (to Nevaeh) methods of the old Seal teams of twenty-second century Earth. Each group is called ‘The Six’.


  There are many varieties of trees. Many have withstood the changes brought on by radiation, including Pines, Cedars, Maples, and Poplars.

  Others trees have mutated, such as:

  Gazebow Tree: Large tree a cross between a weeping Willow and an Oak.

  Acont tree: This is the most valuable wood on Nevaeh. Hard as maple, as beautiful as oak and birch, Nevaens use acont wood for building structures that will last for centuries, for weapons – arrows and spears, and for the building of boats. The Acont tree is high and wide, reminiscent of redwoods in size and look only.

  Succulent Trees: This is a generic term for fruit trees. Most are the size of an apple tree. There are several varieties of succulent trees, each with a different type of fruit, usually the size of grapefruit: some fruit has a melon taste, others either very sweet or citrus-like.


  Kraals: The mutated descendants of horses are large four legged animals, twenty percent larger than their horse ancestors, with thick strong legs and a large triangular shaped head, which looks like a cross between and horse and a viper’s head. Their ears are short and pointed; the opening is outward, not ahead. They are faster and broader than horses and carry their riders with ease. They are extremely strong and can run for long lengths of time. Their coats are short and their manes are short and spiked. Their tails are shorter than were horses, and narrow. Their snouts end narrow and flat; they have both teeth from grazing and crushing, and other teeth, sharper, for tearing. Their coats come in a variety of colors, most have the same coloration as horses did, but some have complete coats of deep blue, burgundy, and various shades of whites.

  Kralet: A donkey-like pack animal- a smaller version of Kraals.

  Kraagen: Farm animal – oxen-like.

  Carna: Descendants of Bovine animals, there are milk-giving Carna, carnas raised for meat, wild carnas – these are cows but with buffalo-like hides and strangely rounded heads.

  Treygones: The largest birds of Nevaeh, larger than an Eagle, they look like miniature dragons—the shape of their heads, the folds of their wings, and the long bodies and elongated tails were what earthly artists had, for thousands of years, envisioned as dragons. They are feathered birds, not scaled animals, and as such weigh less than they appear. The treygones have a wingspan of 6 feet and up; their wings tri-fold and draw close to their bodies. They have dragon-like heads, and their tails are long and strong and can wrap around a branch for security, or around a throat in a fight. Their talons are 3-4 inches long and razor sharp. They are hunters, eat meat, and can lift double their weight in prey.

  Traimores: Smaller than Treygones, these are the descendants of Hawks and Falcons and are reminiscent of ‘raptors’. They have a similar look to a treygone, but much smaller.

  Trigetores: Night Predators. Large, just a little smaller than Treygones, their prey are water animals, nuks, fowl, anything under 15 pounds. They are Owl-like bats.

  Danglores: The descendants of Vultures, danglores are larger than their ancestors and more vicious in their need for food. Danglores, unlike vultures, will not wait for their wounded or sick prey to die before eating. They look like a cross between a vulture and a traimore.

  Craves: Pigeon and Dove-like birds.

  Smiges: A large variety of small birds. These birds are migratory and offer no problems to humans.

  Traats: Rodents—rat-like rodents, hairless and with long incisors and whip-like tails. They have longer legs than did their ancestors, and bigger teeth.

  Gorlons: The descendants of dogs whose mutation went deep. While they are somewhat similar to what their ancestors looked like, but stronger and more powerful. Almost like a cross between a bullmastiff and an Irish Wolfhound. Like most of the mutated animals, they have large teeth and large claws. In the wild, they are powerful hunters and fighters. When they attach to a human, they remain with that human until death parts them. They are everywhere that there are people.

  Coors: The descendants of dogs whose mutation was light. They have many of the characteristics of their ancestors. They are everywhere were there are people.

  Rantors: Descendants of the large cats (Panthers, Cougars, Lions, etc.). Large cat-like animals with powerful and muscular legs and have 3-inch long sharp claws. Their heads are cat-like with large teeth and fangs that can reach 5 inches. Their hinged jaws open extremely wide. Rantors can crush a man's skull with their mouths. Their fur is thick, usually black or dusky yellow.

  Chilen: chicken.

  Rastor: rooster.

  Dars : Deer-like animals with short antlers.

  Rabt: Rabbit like animals of varying colors, usually black and grey/ white and red/ white, and black, etc. They are somewhat larger than their ancestors, but with smaller ears and larger hind legs.

  Klirt: hog-like animal small but meaty.

  Skerl: Mutated Squirrel.

  Ret: Ferret-like animal, small, long and furry.

  Tarq: The mutated version of a mountain goat.

  Freesh: Fish. There are Several types— Rout (Trout), Mins (small flat fish), Scuts (Catfish), Laasts (Bass).


  Snucks: The descendants of snakes. There are poisonous and nonpoisonous varieties. Some have centipede type legs, others slither. They live in the desert areas, mountain areas, and in the forest areas. Most are bigger than their ancestors.

  Izzies: Iguana type lizard mutations and are dangerously poisonous. They live in desert areas.

  Aligoras: Mutated alligators with crocodile like ferociousness.


  Shrikes: Small poisonous centipedes but with the tail of a scorpion. They live mostly in desert wastelands; some varieties that live in the swampy areas of Llawnroc. They rarely go into populous areas.

  Craget: Slug-like bloodsucker with hundreds of legs that emit poison. It drains their prey's blood and kills them.

  Eightleg: A spider. There are many varieties, poisonous and nonpoisonous.

  Slungk: Skunk. Usually White with a Black stripe and tail, sometimes they are grey or red.

  Beze: Bees.

  About the author

  David Wind

  When I published my first novel in 1981, I had no idea where I was headed. Since then, I've published thirty-eight novels, thirty-three with traditional publishers. In 2007, I decided I wanted more freedom than the traditional publishers would allow and began a new phase in my life as an Independent Author.

  I live and write in a small village about thirty miles upstate of NYC, and share my house with my wife, Bonnie and our d
og Alfie, an apricot poodle. Our three children have ventured out into the world on their own (or so they think). Our son works on the CBS show 48 Hours. Our oldest daughter, her husband and my grandson live in New Jersey where she teaches Special Education. Our youngest daughter is a Pastry Chef in San Francisco.

  In 2008, I published Angels In Mourning, my 'homage' to the old time private detective books of the 50's and the 60's. I used to love to sneak them from my parents’ night tables and read them as a young boy. Angels is a modern day take on the old style hardboiled detective. In April of that year, Angels In Mourning won the Book of the Month Reader's Choice Award.

  My Fantasy, Queen Of Knights, reached #2 on the bestseller lists for historical fantasy and medieval fantasy, and my sci-fi of parallel worlds, The Others, received wide acclaim.

  Born To Magic, the first book in the Tales Of Nevaeh series reached #1 in several Amazon best seller category lists. The Dark Masters, (Volume II) was extremely well received.

  The third Book, TRINITY (Volume III) completes the opening trilogy of the Tales Of Nevaeh, while leaving an opening for more books about Nevaeh.

  To learn more about upcoming books, please do sign up for my Newsletter.

  My novels have been translated into 11 languages and published in 15 countries.


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  Available Novels by David Wind


  Born To Magic , Tales Of Nevaeh, Volume I

  The Dark Masters, Tales Of Nevaeh, Volume II

  TRINITY, Tales Of Nevaeh, Volume III


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