No More Waiting (The James Family Book 3)

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No More Waiting (The James Family Book 3) Page 3

by C. M. Steele

  “I saw what happened. I sensed you coming down the stairs. I was just delayed in walking toward you. If I had, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion. He wouldn’t have had a chance to corner you and try to stake his claim. Although I’m sure Cam and I would have gotten into it over you.”

  “He’s a bit over protective of me.” I had to admit that even though it was nice, Cam could be overbearing at times.

  “Yeah, he wants you to do what makes you happy. According to everyone, even you, that’s finishing school.”

  “See, don’t you see that’s why we won’t work? We’ll be far apart from each other. I know I’ll be freaking out.”

  “I will too, but you’ve got to know this and know this now. I haven’t been with a woman in years. Waiting for us to be together will suck but not unbearable.”

  “What?!” I was really shocked. “Why not?”

  He chuckled, the answered, “Because I’ve been too focused. When I was in the Marines, I wanted the comfort of a woman’s touch. It wasn’t often, but after the last time and I couldn’t go through with it, I realized that I didn’t want that type of comfort anymore.”

  “Did you love them?” I wanted to smack myself for asking.

  “No, babe. Sorry, I didn’t even know them for more than that night. I know it makes me look bad, but when you don’t know if you’ll make it through another tour…Well, let’s not talk about it.”

  “I’m glad that you didn’t love them. It’s a lot less to compete with.”

  “You’ve got no competition. You’re mine and that’s it. Now, I know you said I couldn’t kiss you until after the party, but I can’t wait.” His lips came down on mine. The sensation was indescribable. The pressure he applied was gentle at first, letting our kiss develop. I slid my hands along his massive shoulders, loving the feel of his strength under my fingers. “Shit, princess. God, I want you in my bed tonight.”

  “Can we?” I asked, whimpering against his lips.

  “No, we can’t. If I take you to bed, I won’t be able to let you go. Hell, I don’t know if I could let you go anyway,” he growled before taking my lips again. This time it took us until we were both breathless before he pulled his face away from mine. Our eyes were trained to each other. “You’re so beautiful and your lips beg to be kissed daily.”

  “I knew coming home was going to be a bad idea,” I said, reaching and pulling his mouth back to mine, taking over our kiss. With the hunger we felt, he pressed me harder against the wall. I could feel his thick cock, pressed against my thigh. His body held me in place, while he slid his hands under my dress. Slipping my panties to the side, he ran his finger down my slit. My body knew who it belonged to and ached to be touched by its owner so much that I was creaming hard.

  I wasn’t even embarrassed about how wet I was because he growled in my ear. “Damn, baby. My cock can’t wait to get into your pussy, but for now this will do.” I moaned as his fingers teased my cunt. He parted my lower lips, pushing two fingers into me. I was about to come when he added, “You’re so wet for me. Come, princess, come.” I followed his command, cumming intensely against his rough, large fingers. My body shook and pumped on his hand while his mouth came down on mine, absorbing my cries.

  “Damn, you’re fucking sexier when you come,” he whispered. “I’m going to miss you, but now you’ve got a reason to come back to me.”

  “Yes, I do.” My heart was thumping so erratically that I could barely catch my breath. “What about you?” I asked nervously still panting.

  “Oh no, princess. If you touch this, I will come and you won’t be going anywhere but my bed and most definitely won’t be going back to school.”

  “Okay,” I replied trying not touch the erection that wanted to burst from the seams.

  He growled, taking in my wanton and flush expression. “No, it’s not okay, but after this coming semester, you’re coming back home and going to school here.”

  “Okay,” I responded. Right at that moment I would have agreed to anything. I was feeling euphoric and completely undone.

  “Damn, orgasms make you compliant. I could use that to my advantage later.”

  “You’ve found me out,” I purred, leaning my head on his chest while he pulled me tighter into his arms.

  “Let’s keep this between us. Go in first, then I’ll follow behind in a minute. As much as I want to let everyone know you’re mine, I want to give you the time without the pressure,” he said, kissing me one last time before I broke away and walked into the party.



  When I arrived at the party, my eyes immediately searched for her, but she wasn’t anywhere to be found. Mrs. James came up to me and pulled me to the side. “Cam is helping in the dining room right now, but I have a feeling it isn’t Cameron you’re looking for. Listen to me, Tim. If you want my daughter, you better be ready to make it permanent or the men won’t take it sitting down.”

  “I…” I was trying to figure out something to say, but what could I say? That I wanted to fuck my kid into her daughter. That nothing was going to stop me because I was completely obsessed? I could, I guess, but now wasn’t the time.

  “Tim, just let her go back and decide what she wants. If that’s you, then so be it, but let her decide.”

  I nodded. “Now be a good boy and lend Cam a hand,” she said sweetly like she didn’t just threaten me.

  I walked into the back and helped Cam finish setting up. For super rich people, they did things that most normal people did. They had a staff that could have set up the tables and shit, but they made their boys do the work. I just had to laugh to myself. It was almost an hour in before I heard her come down the stairs. She looked stunning and too scantily clad. Her dress barely reached her thighs, and when I caught part of the back of her dress, it was almost completely bare. My rage, jealousy and desire all spiked.

  I almost went bat shit crazy when the ex was hugging and hanging on her on the stairs. At first, I thought maybe he was a relative with that familiarity, but then Cam got all pissy and told me who the ass was. “Damn it, I hate that little fuck. He thinks Vanessa is going to marry him one day. He’s too damn cocky and a player to be with my sister. I was grateful when they broke up,” Cam growled before marching toward him. I wanted to pull him off her and smash his head in. The details of their relationship weren’t explained, but all I knew was that he kissed, held her, and maybe even fucked my Vanessa. Thinking about her having that bastard inside her infuriated me. Visually he was what girls her age would like, even some lonely older women would settle for. I hated him.

  When we confronted him, he caught my interest in Vanessa. It wasn’t like I really hid it. I was surprised that Cam didn’t catch on to my feelings for her. If he did, he was subliminally warning me off. It wasn’t going to happen. I didn’t need to work for him, and I wasn’t going to give up Vanessa for anything.

  Parting from each other for a while, I lost sight of her. Mingling wasn’t what I cared to do, but I had to shake her from my mind before I did something crazy, like steal her away from here and take her to my apartment where I’d pump her full of my cum until she was knocked up. Patience, man, I thought to myself.

  Cam pulled me away from some of his male friends and dragged me to meet some of his female friends. “Hi ladies. This is my friend and the head of my security, Tim Russell. He was in the Marines, but he’s retired.”

  “Damn, you’re hot,” one of the broads said placing her hand on my arm. That shit irritated me, so I calmly but intently removed her hand from me.

  “Thanks,” I said indifferently. We talked for a few minutes, but the women didn’t get the hint that I wasn’t in to them at all.

  “I hope you all have a lovely night, but if you’ll excuse me, I need to drink.” I was just about to go looking for her when I saw the look on her face. She saw me chatting with some women and it hurt her. Fuck. It was nothing and I sure as fuck didn’t flirt with them. I wouldn’t give her a reason to d
oubt me especially because we’d be apart from each other for a very long time.

  As soon as I excused myself, I hunted for my woman. I caught her running out into the cold night air. Finding her angry and hurt messed with my head. I felt protective of her from the first glance at her picture. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do to keep her safe and happy. It took a while for her to calm down and stop sobbing. Having her that close to me was too much for a mortal man to withstand so I had to get her all riled back up, but this time in a great way. Feeling and watching her come on my hand was the most intense feeling I’d ever had. I needed more, but having to hold back was going to get to me. When I got home for the night, my hand was going to be tired as fuck.

  Separating from her had been hard as hell. It wasn’t long before I had to say goodnight to her without a private goodbye. I dropped my head and groaned. Once I got into my car, which was brought around for me, I looked up at her bedroom window. Soon.

  When I got to my place, I leaned against the front door ready to take myself in hand. I started rubbing my hard cock through my dress pants. Moaning, I needed more. I undid my belt and pulled down my pants until they gave me access to my dick. It was hard and angry looking. Jerking off once a day wasn’t enough. It seemed Vanessa unleashed an appetite in me that only she could sate.

  I tossed my head back, stroking my length, using my pre-cum to lube my path. Fuck, I thought about her out on the back enclosed porch. The feel of her tender flesh under my hands ran through my head and sent a pulse of pleasure straight to my balls. It wasn’t long before I was nutting on my dress shirt and hand.

  Damn it, I didn’t think about the mess I was going to make. There was no way in hell I was taking this dress shirt to the cleaners. No jizz stains for them to see. It was a great shirt, but it was trash now. I tossed my dirty clothes in the hamper and the red shirt I wore for her in the trash. It was time for a shower and hopefully some sleep.


  It was hard to fall asleep after my head hit the pillow. All I could think about was when could I see her again. Even after another stroking in the shower, I was still hard for her. Vanessa had me so fucked in the head, I didn’t know if I could ever get enough. I wanted her naked and lying beside me every damn day and night, but I had to wait. As much as I wanted to rush her into coming back home, I wanted her to fall in love with me without the pressure. My grandmother always told me never to make a rash decision and don’t force a woman to do so either. It would never work out well. She knew from experience. My Grandma married a man because that was what her father told her to; later she realized she should have thought about it and fought her father on the issue.

  I don’t want Vanessa to ever regret choosing me for life. We were going to live a comfortable life together like my parents did. I hoped that would be enough. Although I planned on going into business for myself as the owner of my own firm sometime in the near future, I still had plenty of money to care for her. The one issue with that was she was used to the best. The very best that her uber-wealthy family could afford to buy her. I didn’t want her to be unhappy with her future life and walk out on me. If she did, I’d hate myself. I want her to be as captivated and happy as I felt when I looked at her. Those were the thoughts that held my brain captive all night long.



  The three weeks flew by too fast for both of us. We didn’t get to spend more than an hour alone every other day. I missed the fuck out of her, but the more I saw her the harder it was for me to let her go. She was leaving soon, so I wouldn’t see her for a long damn time. I promised to call her every day, but we would still keep it a secret. We sent text messages throughout the day, but it wasn’t enough. Talking on the phone was even worse. It was like we needed to go cold turkey and cut off all communication before I didn’t let her leave.

  I loved her so much that it was hard not to shout it to the world, but I wanted Cam to be okay with me and Vanessa. Not confessing my love for her was harder than anything else, but doing so would only make it harder to say goodbye. One day soon, though, I would get to announce to all that Vanessa was mine.

  “Hey, Tim. What’s going on? Are you busy?” Cam asked, standing at the open doorway.

  “What’s up, Cam?” I asked, having just sent a text to Vanessa.

  “I feel like sparring today. Do you want to call it an early one?” He’d been having issues with his ex-girlfriend lately. She wouldn’t stay gone and he wanted nothing to do with her.

  “I could definitely go for a fight.” I was looking forward to having a chance at seeing her.

  “Meet me at the house in an hour. I’ve got to go get Vanessa a present before she leaves.”

  “Oh, she leaves today?” I asked, trying to not go crazy.

  “No, she leaves tomorrow morning.”

  “Okay.” He tapped the doorframe as he walked out. And I nearly did a fucking happy dance. I had one more chance to see her.


  Two hours later, Cam and I were suiting up to box. It sucked that I didn’t see her before I got here, but I texted her to let her know that I was going to be down in the gym. She told me she’d stop by when her mother and her came back from the store.

  We just started knocking each other around when Cam said, “I hope to hell she doesn’t get back with Will.”

  “Why would you think they would get back together? Was she hung up on him?” The answer mattered, even if I really didn’t want it.

  “They went out to lunch yesterday.” I duck around his next blow, but as soon as he came back up straight, I was knocking Cam on his ass. He didn’t know what happened, but when he mentioned Vanessa having lunch with Will and his parents yesterday I kind of lost my fucking cool. He crawled back to the other end of the boxing mat.

  “Damn, Cam you got laid the fuck out!” Vanessa teased from the doorway. Hearing her voice would have been music to my ears two minutes earlier, but right now, I wasn’t in the mood to ever speak to her again. After everything. After talking as often as possible and about how much we were going to miss each other, she pulled something like that. Maybe she was too young for me. Damn it, my heart doesn’t want to fucking agree at all with that shit, but the truth was a motherfucker. Will was a dead piece of shit.

  “Shut up, Van. By the way, thanks for the concern,” Cam grumbled, rubbing his face.

  I helped Cam up. “That was a good one. I wasn’t on my game and you got me good.”

  “I’m sorry. I thought you were going to the left when you went right.” I lied, I was trying to kill the messenger.

  He waved off my concern, but still called it quits. “No it’s cool. I just need to take a shower.”

  “Yes, it smells sweaty down here,” she teased again. I bet it was because Will was a little bitch and probably avoided breaking a sweat.

  “It’s a gym, Van,” Cam growled at her while taking off his headgear.

  “You still got knocked the fuck out,” she joked.

  “You’re lucky you’re a girl or I’d drop you.”

  “Bring it, old man.”

  “Don’t make me have Tim handle my light work.” Hell that would be nice as fuck. I’d like to slam her little ass to the mat and hold her down with my body. Then I’d demand some fucking answers. Like why the fuck would she be out having lunch with that asshole. She was mine. I couldn’t wait to get a hold of Willie boy. He was going to be down faster than Cam.

  “He couldn’t handle me either.” Something about what I learned and her words set me off. This was a fucking mistake.

  “No, you let your boyfriend handle you just fine. Cam, I’ve got shit to do. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Well, take it easy. I’ll see you Monday. I’ve got to shower.” Cam grabbed a towel and walked into the shower at the other end of the gym completely missing the tension between us.

  I hopped down from the ring and walked to grab my clothes without even looking at her. I didn’t want to even see her face; I was so
pissed. Fuck, this wasn’t supposed to end this way.

  “So, you know?” she asked, nervously.

  “Yes, I know. You were concerned about me. I’m glad I didn’t tell your brother. Fucking up everything for a girl who can’t decide who she wants isn’t a smart move. Do me a favor and grow the fuck up, Vanessa. Long distance isn’t going to work when you can’t stay away from your ex when you’re in the same town. I could smash his fucking head in right now.” I tried to calm down, but was feeling volatile at the moment.

  “It wasn’t like that, at all. I swear. Cam doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Her whimpering plea only ticked me off more. I walked up to her after slipping on my joggers. I pinned her to the wall.

  “You had lunch with him. What the fuck is there for me to know?” I asked; my chest heaving in rage. I wanted to kiss and keep her here, yet walk away all at the same time.

  “We didn’t have lunch together. My mother and I were having lunch when Will stopped by our table with his parents for lunch. They wanted to join us. My mother is the supreme hostess and didn’t want to be rude. We didn’t even say more than hello to each other during the meal. I swear,” she declared, sliding her hands onto my sweaty bared chest. “If you don’t believe me then ask my mother. Cam called while we were eating and she stepped away from the table to talk to him. I didn’t know she told him. I had to tell her about you when we were in the car coming home,” she sobbed. “She said she had a feeling, but hadn’t known for sure. If she had she wouldn’t have agreed to them joining us. It wasn’t anything planned or anything. I’m sorry. I wished I could have got up and walked away, but my mom would have been mortified.”

  “Look at me, princess. If you ever give me a reason to doubt us, heads will roll. I want to spank your ass so damn bad, but I’ll save that for another time. When you come back during spring break we’re going to let everyone know the truth. Understood?”

  “Yes,” she agreed, and I was sure it was just to appease me, but it didn’t matter because the angry beast needed any sign that she hadn’t did me dirty. I had a feeling Will’s parents were pushing that relationship more than he was. Because if he didn’t try to talk to her that meant he didn’t want her. He could have tried to sway her to get her back.


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