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Big, Beautiful & Brand New--A Sexy BBW Interracial Erotic Romance Short Story from Steam Books

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by Shanika Patrice

  Table of Contents

  Big, Beautiful & Brand New Title Page

  About Shanika Patrice

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  Shanika Patrice

  Copyright © 2013 Steam Books Erotica & Romance

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.

  Cassie had been watching the clock for the past 15 minutes waiting for the clock to strike 4:00 pm.

  This had become her Friday routine for the past six months once she left work: Practically race out the huge department store where she worked as the head manager of visual merchandising in a handful of the clothing departments, head to her favorite wine shop to pick up a few bottles of sweet red wine and snacks, and get home to light candles, strip down to her underwear, get under her blanket, and watch DVR and movie reminders until the wee hours of the night.

  Cassie was a beautiful, 5’8” white woman who some would describe as plus-sized, or as she liked to refer to herself, fluffy. She was in between boyfriends at the moment since the last one broke up with her a little over seven months ago. The real story is that Cassie dreaded the relationship would end at any moment during the eight months they were together.

  He was a pretty, blond-haired, blue-eyed man who she always questioned about what it was that he saw in her—a fluffy red head with light brown eyes who lacked in seeing her own beauty. When one does not feel confident about oneself, others can see it too, regardless of how hard you try to pretend; the ex picked up on it from the very beginning and it began to drain him trying to convince Cassie of what he saw.

  After they broke up, Cassie immediately hit the bar and club scene again realizing where she messed up. It was time to get her confidence up and believe in herself again but after spending every weekend for a month coming across losers out for the wrong thing, or just being ignored by the shallow ones, Cassie decided she needed to take a break from men, get herself together, and learn to love herself while being by herself.

  This is when she got in the habit of Friday nights at home having date night alone, and on Saturdays Cassie would meet up for dinners and movies with her girlfriends. She steered clear of the clubs and bars figuring that she would be ready to tackle them again in another few months.

  As Cassie exited her car to enter the wine shop, a tall, dark, handsome man was leaving the shop and heading toward his truck, which was parked next to her. Their eyes locked from the time he stepped outside of the shop until he made it over to the back end of his SUV; it was his sexy smile that made Cassie realize that she was still in the same spot on the driver’s side of her car where she had been staring for much too long. As she began to look away to act as if she was looking for something in her purse, the gentleman said hello before he stepped inside his truck.

  “Hi…” Cassie blurted out with a nervous smile and rushed off to enter the wine shop. She was sure her face was beet red by now, and she planned to stay in the store for another five extra minutes just to make sure the sexy man that had her all flustered would be long gone by the time she came back out. Cassie already knew what she wanted to purchase, but this would give her a reason to see if she might find something new for her palate.

  After forcing herself to browse around the store and make conversation with the cashier, who was able to make a recommendation based on what she usually purchased, Cassie headed out the door. She was halfway to her car before she realized the sexy man, as she referred to him in her head, was still there sitting in his truck.

  “Oh my God…why is he still here?” Cassie muttered to herself as she slowed down her pace walking to her car. Why do I care? It’s not like his still being here has anything to do with me anyway, she thought to herself, but she was about to find out how wrong she actually was.

  “Excuse me Miss, but I was wondering if I could ask you something?”

  By this point Cassie was at her door and preparing to get inside, acting as if she had not noticed he was still there. What could he possibly want to ask her?

  “Sure, is everything ok?” she responded while placing her bag and purse in the seat and looking back at him.

  “Yes, everything is fine. By the way, let me introduce myself.”

  As sexy man stepped out of his truck and was on his way coming around Cassie’s car to greet her, she cursed herself silently for being in such a hurry to even reapply her lipstick from earlier.

  “My name is Aaron,” he said extending his hand toward Cassie’s.

  “Oh, my name is Cassie—nice to meet you,” she said as she reached to shake his welcoming hand, which was twice the size of her hand and felt so warm and soft. She immediately noticed the contrast between her pale skin and his warm, milk chocolate skin and thought what beautiful babies she could have with this man.

  Where did that come from, Cassie, she asked herself. She noticed how Aaron looked her in the eyes with every word he spoke, which made Cassie even more nervous, although she was always one to look others in the eye when she spoke. It was something about sexy man—oops, Aaron—that was doing something to her.

  “I hope this does not seem too forward but I was wondering if you had a boyfriend?”

  Cassie just stared at his lips for a minute taking in Aaron’s question. She was not expecting the conversation to go in this direction.

  “Um, I am single—why do you ask?”

  “Because I try not to pick up on women who are attached.”

  Cassie found herself immediately getting hot as her stomach did flips and she heard herself giggle. Stop it Cassie, she said to herself as she tried to get her excitement under control.

  “Oh, ok. So you are trying to pick me up?”

  “Yes, I am. As a matter of fact, I would like to take you out to dinner tomorrow evening if you are free and get to know you better.”

  “Why’s that?” Cassie asked before realizing the words had came out of her mouth. Here was this hot, over six feet tall, muscular, African-American man who could have the pick of any woman he wanted but he wants me, she questioned herself.

  “Why? Are you kidding? Why not?” Aaron responded apparently confused. “You are beautiful.”

  Cassie could not believe what she was hearing and what she was feeling. It had been a long time since someone, let alone a sexy man like this, had told her that she was beautiful. This immediately made her smile, but left her speechless.

  “So, is there a yes behind that beautiful smile? Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow night?” Aaron smiled back looking Cassie deep in her eyes.

  “Sure, I’ll join you for dinner.”

  Cassie and Aaron exchanged numbers with Aaron promising to call her that night. As Cassie drove out of the parking lot before Aaron, she had totally forgotten about the wine and snacks she had purchased, which she had thought would be the most memorable thing about her evening.

  Things had taken an unexpected turn in a matter of minutes, and for once in a long time Cassie was excited about how this Friday night would progress and end before she laid her head down for a night she knew would bring her sweet dreams.

  ~ ~ ~

  The bright sun beaming through her window Saturday morning was wha
t woke Cassie out of her slumber.

  It was almost 11:00 am and she had planned on rising hours earlier but she ended up staying on the phone with Aaron until close to 4:00 am—she had not experienced a five-hour telephone call in years.

  This has to mean something, Cassie kept thinking, but a part of her kept talking herself down so she would not get her hopes up so soon. Cassie was enjoying this feeling of getting to know a new potential suitor, and Aaron sounded like a great guy.

  In the five hours that they spoke, they exchanged with one another their upbringings, their likes and dislikes, their goals, and even their dating experiences. Cassie shared with Aaron how she had been taking time being alone after the last breakup and how getting more into her work filled the void to some respects.

  Similarly, Aaron was a workaholic who was growing his personal training and motivational speaking business promoting better health and living. This was a little intimidating to Cassie at first when Aaron first revealed this because she had recently had her own issues with her weight and looks; although she had come a long way and loved the way she looked now, she had not ever considered dating anyone who seemed more health conscious and physically fit than she. Then it crossed her mind that it must not be an issue for Aaron because here he was on the other end of the phone taking in her every word.

  Aaron told Cassie that he would arrive to pick her up from her place at 6:00 pm that Saturday evening. This gave Cassie plenty of time to run to the mall to find herself a new dress for her date and go by the salon and spa to get waxed and cut. She might as well—it had been a while since she treated herself like this. For the moment, though, Cassie was enjoying how the sheets felt against her naked body.

  During their conversation last night, Cassie found herself getting hot and turned on by the tone of Aaron’s voice as he spoke about his instant attraction to her when he came out of the wine shop. He described every detail of Cassie from that evening, from the fitted black button-down shirt with the fashionable, flared jeans over her blue wedges.

  Aaron expressed how the first thing he noticed was her curvaceous body, then her beautiful face beneath her deep red hair that was pulled back and pinned in the back by a clip. He shared how he looked forward to seeing Cassie with her hair down and wanting to run his fingers through her long red hair.

  Although the telephone call never went to what one would describe as phone sex, Cassie was turned on and into it more than she had ever been when she had experienced actual phone sex in the past.

  This man had a way with words, Cassie thought to herself as she reminisced on their first conversation. Although she did not reveal this to Aaron, Cassie had began touching on herself as the phone call was coming to an end. By the time Aaron had announced that he would let her go so she could get her beauty rest, Cassie was beyond wet. She made sure the call had been disconnected before she laid the phone next to her and used her right hand imagining it was Aaron’s massaging her clitoris and making her become vocal.

  As she used her right hand to bring herself to orgasm, Cassie used her left hand to graze across her erect, pink nipples as she began to call out Aaron’s name. It had been a long time since Cassie had come this hard, even though she’d never hesitated to please herself during this time off not being in a relationship.

  It was something about him that had Cassie’s full attention from the first moment she saw him. She hoped that Aaron would be the perfect gentleman that evening because there was a part of her that cherished the fact that she had been single and loving herself without any distractions. Now she had a distraction that she was excited about, and she could not promise that she would not give in if he tried to make his move. As a matter of fact, Cassie was sure she would give it up to Aaron in a heartbeat, jumping his bones in the process.

  Cassie and Aaron’s first date that evening was the best date she had ever had. It was not anything spectacular or out of the ordinary—just dinner and conversation followed by some live jazz that was playing in the connecting lounge of the restaurant. Although Cassie was nervous and anxious before Aaron picked her up, by the time they made it to dinner she had calmed down and felt the safest she ever had with anyone.

  Ironically, they both decided to wear tones of green that evening, so they made a very cute and color-coordinated couple stepping into the popular establishment. Aaron had made reservations so they did not have to wait long amongst the crowd of Saturday night patrons. Cassie had always wanted to visit the new steakhouse and figured this would be an outing that she would take with her girlfriends.

  It felt good to be taken out for dinner on someone else’s dime for a change, and the experience was even better because of her handsome date that was treating her this evening. Aaron had shared with Cassie that he had eaten at the restaurant before and even had a recommendation, so for the first time ever Cassie had someone else order for her. She was used to being so independent and doing things on her own and making her own decisions, so this gesture surprised her at first, but was also such a turn on for her.

  Aaron must have noticed her expression.

  “Was that ok? That I ordered for us?” he asked after the waitress walked off.

  “Oh yes, thank you. I’ve never had anyone order for me, that’s all.”

  “I kind of thought that from the look on your face but I just needed to make sure I wasn’t in trouble!” Aaron responded with a smile.

  Oh, you might be in trouble, but not for the reason you think, Cassie thought, as she stared back at him gazing into his dark brown eyes. She was trying her hardest not to blush.

  “No, not at all. I like having you take the lead like that,” Cassie said, trying to sound a little sexy.

  “Well good, be prepared to get used to being spoiled,” Aaron responded in an even sexier tone that practically made Cassie shiver. It was going to be a long night.

  It did end up being a long night that both wished would never end. The couple closed down the restaurant chatting over delicious food and learning even more about one another, and when the restaurant became empty they headed over to the adjoining lounge to listen to the jazz entertainment while chatting some more over cocktails. It was approaching 2:00 am before either of them realized they had spent over the past eight hours together—the equivalent of a full workday.

  As Aaron drove Cassie home for the evening, they made plans for Cassie to come over to Aaron’s house for a home-cooked meal in a few days. Before taking Cassie to her house, Aaron drove them through his neighborhood first so she would know how to get to his house for their next date.

  Cassie thought it was strange that with Aaron only living 10 minutes or so away from her that she never saw him around. Even as much as she frequented the wine shop, she never ran into Aaron before.

  I guess it is all about timing, Cassie thought, and apparently now was the time for her to be swept off her feet by this wonderful, sexy man who was giving her the impression that he adored her.

  When they pulled up in front of Cassie’s house, Aaron kept the car running, which told Cassie that maybe she would pass on inviting him in this time. She had been trying to decide the whole drive if she should invite Aaron in or not, but then Cassie thought that she might appear too forward especially at this time of the night. Aaron was the perfect gentleman as he got out the driver’s side seat of the car to go around and open her passenger door.

  As they said their goodbyes, Aaron leaned his head down to kiss Cassie lightly on her lips. As Cassie tried to pull away and stop herself from getting too wrapped up into the kiss, Aaron leaned in closer to taste her lips even more. What started off as a sweet goodbye kiss turned into a steamy, tongue-twirling, seductive kiss that both wanted to continue. Cassie finally pulled her head back far enough to stop the kiss before it turned into more like she wanted it to.

  “I’m sorry,” Aaron said after thinking that he had taken it too far but he was clueless.

  “No need to apologize. I think I’m enjoying it too much which is why
I pulled away,” Cassie admitted looking up at Aaron coyly.

  “Really? Well that makes me feel better then.” Aaron said with a smile leaning in for another kiss. He ended that one as he did his best to remain a gentleman on this first date, but he was struggling, too—Cassie had his complete attention.

  Aaron watched Cassie walk into her house and made sure she was locked in before he got in the car and drove off. As soon as Cassie stepped inside and made sure Aaron had pulled put of the park heading to the main street, she let out a scream of excitement and began dancing around like a teenager in love.

  Cassie had not felt this good in a long time, and she had not hung out until close to 3:00 am in a long time either. It was as if she was a new person living life again, and she was enjoying the ride.

  Speaking of ride, she wished she could literally be on top of Aaron riding him right now. The couple glasses of wine she had at the lounge had calmed her down even more but also brought down her guard. Cassie was feeling daring and she still was not ready for the night to end. Her mind was taking her to a fantasy that she had wanted to act out for years that she still had not had the chance to act out even in the last few relationships. Did she really have it in herself to try to live it out now?

  ~ ~ ~

  Aaron entered his townhouse feeling good from the events of the evening. He wanted Cassie so badly that night, and he got the feeling that she may have even given in if he had continued making his move, but he did not want to risk turning her off.

  Cassie was someone he wanted in his life for a while, and after tonight’s date he was looking forward to what would be in store for them as they continued getting to know one another. Aaron knew enough about her already, enough to convince him that she could be the one.

  Aaron started undressing until he was down to his briefs and undershirt. As he headed into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water out of the refrigerator to take upstairs with him, Aaron heard a knock at his door.


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