In the Market for Love

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In the Market for Love Page 12

by Blake, Nina

  Jake held her more closely. “I’m so sorry.”

  Would he still feel the same way when she told him what she’d done with the photos? She opened her mouth to tell him but, unable to overcome her fears, she continued on a different slant.

  “I always felt like something was stolen from me. Something other than Nick’s life. I never got the chance to face him, confront him about it. I’ll never know if it was some horrible phase he was going through and whether we would have worked things out.”

  “You’d have stayed with him?” Jake’s voice was tinged with disdain. “You think you could have worked things out? After he did that to you.”

  A wave of trepidation ran through her body. She hadn’t been sure how Jake would react and now she knew. He was disgusted with her. As if her husband’s unfaithfulness were her fault.

  “I don’t know,” she said.

  “There are some things that are unforgivable.”

  Did he think she’d ignored Nick’s infidelity? Or perhaps accepted it? That what had she done was unforgivable?

  “I’m trying to talk to you,” she said. “Don’t judge me. I’ll never find out what would have happened, what I would have done, if we could ever have worked things out. I didn’t get the chance.”

  Jake gripped her shoulder more tightly. “I’m not judging you. I’m judging him. I don’t know how he could have done that to you. Personally, I’ve been finished with Bianca for a long time. And I never, never had another woman while we were living as a married couple.”

  She tried to collect her thoughts. She was talking about Nick. She had to keep it straight in her own mind.

  “I don’t know why he did it and I’ll never find out,” she said.

  Jake held her gaze. “I stand by what I said. I don’t know how he could have taken you for granted. Did he think he could find someone better? As if that was going to happen.”

  He wasn’t blaming her for Nick’s actions. He put the blame firmly where it belonged. With Nick. And he believed her. He wasn’t brushing her off.

  He understood.

  These weren’t the shallow compliments of a man who wanted to seduce a woman. They sounded more like the words of a man who’d found the right woman. The woman with whom he wants to spend the rest of his life.

  What was she thinking? He’d said no such thing.

  “There’s something else.” She stared at her hands. “It’s about the photos. For months I didn’t know what to do with them. I know it doesn’t make sense but I couldn’t throw them out. Then I got invited to drinks at Nick’s firm and I knew she’d be there. Nick’s girlfriend. But it wasn’t the way I thought it would be. No matter where I stood, she was always at the opposite end of the room. Always occupied. Always talking to someone.”

  Rachel took a deep breath. “When I saw her leave, I followed her to the lift. We didn’t say anything. Just smiled. When the lift stopped, she tried to get out in a hurry but I grabbed her arm. I had the envelope in my hand and when I passed it to her, her mouth fell open. She knew what it was.”

  “You gave her the photos?”

  “It was the right thing to do. Nick made his choices and I made mine. For me, it was like I gave part of Nick back to someone who wanted him. I know that must sound a bit warped. You probably think I was weak. That I should have slapped her or shouted at her.”

  Rachel kept her gaze lowered. “I’ve never told anyone that before. Any of this. After it happened, I tried to talk to about it. I started to tell my friends but either they didn’t believe me or it was too hard for them. My best friends. They’d change the subject. They couldn’t listen and in the end I never told anyone the full story.”

  She didn’t dare look up.

  “You told me,” he said. “That means a lot to me. You weren’t weak. You were generous at a time when it would have been easier to lash out. And you were very much alone. That must have made it so much harder.”

  He pulled her closer, caressed her hair and pressed a gentle kiss against her head. She lifted her gaze to meet his.

  “Rachel, you don’t have to be alone any more. We were meant to be together.”

  Did he mean forever? What was he offering her? Not marriage. For he was already married.

  “It’s hard for me to hear that when I’m not sure if you mean it,” she said.

  “Of course I mean it. You told me your deepest secret. You’ve kept it hidden for years. You chose me. There must be a reason for that. You can’t deny it.”

  Her lower lip trembled. “All this time, I’ve been pushing you away because I was afraid you’d do the same thing to me that Nick did. I know that’s not fair but that’s how it was.”

  “You’re scared,” Jake said. “That’s natural after what you’ve been through.”

  “There’s more. This thing with Nick. It’s got me confused. I think…” She struggled with the right words. “I think I got what I deserved. There’s part of me that believes I wasn’t good enough and I got my due. And that same part of me doesn’t believe I deserve something better.”

  “Rachel, you deserve the world. Don’t undersell yourself. Don’t underestimate your own strength. You’ve lived through a lot. More than most people. And you haven’t let it beat you. It’s one of the things that make you so beautiful.”

  Jake pressed his mouth against her cheek, his breath hot and moist on her bare skin. The fine hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as she drew in a deep breath, only to find her whole body was tingling. She wanted him so much it scared her.

  “And now…” Jake’s voice was a whisper. “Now will you give me a chance?”

  She felt an overwhelming, all encompassing sense of liberation as though she’d brushed off her past and she was more free than she’d ever been before. She felt lighter. The burden she’d been carrying had been washed away and she could think and move, unencumbered by her past.

  Now she could give herself to Jake and take what she wanted. No doubts. Only desire.

  She looked up at him through lowered lashes. “Have you been good?”

  “I have.”

  He nuzzled his head into her neck, peppering her throat with tiny kisses. His arms slid down to her waist and he scooped her up in one swift movement and reclined her into the corner of the sofa. A muffled cry of excitement escaped her lips.

  His eyes, hungry with desire, ran along the length of her body as if drinking her in. He brazenly took in her parted lips, bare arching neck and heaving chest, then followed her curves down across her hips and thighs. There was no question what he wanted.

  His eyes on her body weren’t enough for her.

  “We’ve been good long enough,” she said.

  She snaked her arms around the back of his neck to pull him down on top of her. He pressed his lips to her mouth and swept her away in a magnificent, intoxicating kiss. He rolled his tongue against hers and she returned his passion, her tongue filling the space where his had been.

  He twisted his arms around her more tightly. She knotted her fingers through his hair and drew him closer.

  When she was exhausted, Jake dipped his head down to once again ravish the sensitive skin of her neck, trailing kisses across her collar bones as one hand slid across her waist and up over her ribs.

  Her nipples pressed against the fine satin of her bra. His hands were so close to her swollen breasts that she ached for his touch. One by one he undid the buttons of her blouse, then pushed the fabric aside and slid his fingers along her flesh until his hands hit black satin. He pulled aside the fabric of her bra and pushed her breasts together, cupping them in his hands.

  His lips were at her throat. He flicked his tongue across her bare skin down to her nipples. He took one into his mouth and sucked gently. A current of electricity shot through her. She let out a throaty moan.

  Writhing beneath his touch, her body undulated with desire. His breath was hot on her chest, his mouth pulling harder on her nipples. The charge surged through her body.

  His hand slipped over her hips and thighs as he slid her skirt up, exposing her underwear and the bare white flesh of her stomach. His fingers hovered along the top of the fine fabric.

  He hooked his thumbs over her panties, slid the scrap of fabric along her legs, and tossed it onto the floor. He tormented her with a touch that was barely there as his hands skimmed her most sensitive flesh.

  And he kept tormenting her.

  With the slowness of his touch came the realisation, that magnificent moment in limbo, when she knew exactly what was coming. So close to pain, it could have been torture. Then suddenly her body was flooded with waves of ecstatic pleasure. She arched her back and gasped, panting as she dug her hands into his back.

  She slumped back into the sofa. Exhausted. Spent.

  * * *

  Jake’s erection strained against his clothes. Desire burned through his body. He wasn’t sure he had any control left in him.

  He wanted to say it. He wanted to tell Rachel it wasn’t too late for another child and a new life, a better one. With him. They could make it happen tonight. His heart was pounding, his body burning, his passion ready to explode.

  He’d never felt this desperate for a woman but Rachel wasn’t any woman and he wanted all of her. The whole woman. He didn’t want to take advantage of her emotional fragility after she divulged her deepest secret earlier. Didn’t want her to accidentally slip into his arms because of her heightened state.

  He wanted her to choose him and leap into his life with her whole self and her whole body.

  For the first time in his life, Jake found himself choked up. He was so close to the thing he wanted most in life yet he knew he had to wait.

  Despite the passion surging within him, he gently pulled Rachel’s skirt down over her thighs and brought the two sides of her blouse together.

  She sat up. “Jake, what’s wrong? I want you. I thought you wanted me too.”

  “I do. That’s the whole problem. I want all of you.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You’ve been through a lot tonight. You told me something you’ve never told anyone else before. And, understandably, you’re very emotional.”

  “I know what I’m doing. I know what I want.”

  “So do I. I want you to want me as badly as I want you. Not because you’re still in shock and upset. I want the complete Rachel. And when you’re ready, believe me, I’ll be ready too.”

  He opened his mouth to speak again but thought better of it. He wanted to tell her his divorce was under way but decided she’d been through enough for one night. She was still shaken from telling him about her past and he didn’t think he should add to her emotional stress. He could tell her next time. Give her the good news then.

  Slipping his arm around her, he enjoyed the sensation as she nestled her head against him as though protected by his size and power.

  He stroked her arm and imagined what it would like next time. When she was ready.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he replied.

  Having overcome so much together, Jake was so close to what he desired. From here on, nothing could possibly get in his way.

  Chapter fourteen

  Bianca flicked open the brushed silver latches on Jake’s brief case. She knew he took his diary with him to all of his business appointments. He said himself he relied on it so much he was useless without it.

  No, it wasn’t in his brief case. She carefully closed the case, leaving it perched on one of the black leather and chrome chairs in his office.

  Where was his diary? Surely he must keep it in a prominent position for easy access. She didn’t want to shuffle through his whole desk, leaving an obvious mess in her wake. And she had to make this quick.

  A wave of anxiety washed over her with the sudden thought that perhaps Jake had taken his diary with him. The agency receptionist had told her he was in the boardroom and Bianca assumed he’d left his dairy in the office.

  “It has to be here,” she muttered.

  Glancing across at his computer, she knew that would be no help. The staff used online diaries but Bianca had no idea how to access the system, what passwords Jake might use or if, in fact, he would put details of private dalliances onto a communal system.

  It was lucky for her that he preferred an old fashioned hard copy diary. The artist in him liked to doodle and that suited her fine.

  Then she caught a glimpse of the diary’s black leather binding under a stack of files. She slid it out and flicked to the current date.

  “Rachel, Rachel,” she whispered as she ran her index finger down the page.

  Then she saw it. 1pm today. Lunch at Level 41.

  He wasn’t sparing any expense. Did he send her flowers as well? Buy her jewellery?

  Something about seeing that woman’s name in Jake’s diary in his handwriting sent a bolt of anger shooting deep inside.

  How could he do this to her?

  She wasn’t giving up without a fight. If this Rachel person was out of Jake’s life, he’d reconsider and return to his original decision about staying together as a family.

  Bianca slammed the diary shut and replaced it under the stack of files so he’d never know she’d rummaged through his desk.

  That insipid Rachel woman. She’d teach her a lesson. This was too easy, especially since Jake had had left his mobile phone on the desk.

  She picked it up, found the woman’s name in the address book, then typed in the message.

  Lunch changed to Ruby’s. C U at 12.30. Busy with meetings until then. Mr Porsche.

  She smiled at her own cleverness. She liked the idea of using his own words and their precious pet names against him. Jake always used the two letter abbreviation for ‘see you’ so she was particularly pleased with this authentic touch.

  “Bianca, is that you?” A woman’s voice called out from behind her.

  Her back still to the door, Bianca placed the phone down gently and turned. “Oh, hello Emma.”

  “I didn’t know you were coming,” the PA said. “Was Jake expecting you?”

  “Just passing on my way to the hairdresser. I wanted to catch him but it doesn’t matter. I’ll see him tonight anyway.”

  “Bianca, I don’t think Jake would want you in his office like this.”

  “Like what? Don’t be ridiculous, girl.”

  Emma’s gaze dropped to the phone on the desk, then back up again. She couldn’t know. She was merely guessing.

  What was it with these nasty little women Jake chose? Did this pipsqueak red head who was nothing more than a glorified secretary think she could get one over her?

  Bianca glanced down. “He’s got the cutest picture of Connor as his background screensaver on the phone.”

  “Yeah, he does,” Emma said. “He’s a gorgeous kid. Looks exactly like his father.”

  Bianca pushed past the girl and left. That silly backhanded compliment was a pathetic last ditch effort. Not that it mattered.

  She’d sent the text.

  * * *

  Rachel couldn’t help herself. Walking along George Street past the historic buildings of The Rocks at the foot of the Harbour Bridge, her excitement increased as she neared Ruby’s. She’d seen their chefs on television and had even tried to recreate their dishes but she’d never been anywhere like this.

  Jake had asked her to a premier restaurant where he was likely to see clients, business associates and others who moved in his circle. It didn’t matter if it were Level 41 or Ruby’s, Jake wanted her to be part of his world.

  She’d not long been seated at the restaurant and was still admiring its sleek modern interior when a flash of brash blond hair caught her eye.

  Rachel had seen her before. Bianca Austin.

  The woman tossed her bleached locks behind her shoulders. Each step she took as she strode closer was a dagger in Rachel’s stomach. Pain seared through her body but she couldn’t look away.
r />   As Bianca neared the table, a waiter approached her.

  She pushed away the menus in his hand. “We won’t be needing those. Bring us two glasses of white wine. Something good. And bring them quickly please.”

  Bianca lowered her eyelashes and brushed her chest against the waiter as she edged past. She slid into the chair opposite Rachel, and reached over to place her Louis Vuitton bag by the foot of her chair.

  Still, Rachel couldn’t move.

  What was going on? Why was this woman here?

  “Hello, Rachel,” Bianca said.

  Her voice stuck in her throat. “I don’t think we’ve been introduced.”

  “No.” Bianca raised her finely arched eyebrows. “Jake doesn’t usually introduce me to his other women.”


  “In case you haven’t worked it out, darling, Jake’s not coming. It’s just me and you.”

  Obeying Bianca’s instruction to be quick, the waiter placed two glasses of wine on the table as the women sat in silence. Rachel stared at the cutlery. She felt the woman’s eyes searing through her and couldn’t bear it any longer.

  “Do you want to tell me what’s going on?” she asked.

  Bianca took a long, slow sip of wine. “Maybe you should tell me. I’m not the one fooling around with someone else’s husband.”

  “I beg your pardon. Not so loud. I don’t want the whole world to hear. I am not fooling around.”

  “Oh yes you are, honey. You might think it’s serious but I guarantee what you’re doing is fooling around. I could use more explicit words to describe it but I’m too much of a lady.”

  “Why are you here?”

  Bianca’s eyes narrowed as she leaned across the table. “To tell you, in no uncertain terms, to keep your dirty little hands off my husband.”

  “Your husband?”

  Fear flooded Rachel with that word. Husband. After everything they’d been through, the misunderstandings, the arguments, could it be possible that he was still her husband in every sense of the word?

  “Yes, my husband. We’re married so there’s no other name for him. Not one I can use at the table anyway.”

  “He said you were separated.”


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