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Faith in Rayne

Page 3

by Dannie Marsden

  “I’ll do my best,” Rayne whispered.

  “Shut up and make love to me.”

  “With pleasure,” Rayne replied breathlessly before she claimed the sweet lips again. It was hours later before they finally fell asleep in each other’s arms.


  It was the growing, warm rays of the sun shining into the room that woke Rayne. Well, the smell of coffee drifting in from the kitchen helped. She looked over and saw Lisbet slowly waking. With a smile, she whispered, “Good mornin’, darlin’.”

  Lisbet smiled as she opened her eyes. “Mm, good mornin’.”

  The sound of Ben playing in the next room reached her ears. “Oh Lord, I need to get up. Ben is already awake.”

  “Eunice has him. I know she has coffee goin’, I can smell it brewin’. Hey where ya goin’?” Rayne reached out to grab Lisbet.

  “Eunice is up, she has coffee goin’, and Ben is up. I’m sure she has to be thinkin’ I’m loungin’ away back here ignorin’ my chores and home.” Lisbet quickly threw on her dress.

  “I highly doubt she is thinkin’ you’re loungin’ around.”

  “Rayne Mathews, Oh Lord, you don’t think she…” Lisbet shrieked, horrified.

  “I just meant, she probably just thinks we overslept. And even if she did think about it, so what, it’s our home. Hell, she’s probably thinkin’ that I’m one damned lucky woman.” Rayne had a big smile on her face. “And I certainly am one hell of a lucky woman. Last night was amazin’.”

  Lisbet stopped at the door, glanced over her shoulder, and flashed a smile of her own. “Mm yes, it was. And now I need to get breakfast goin’.”

  Breakfast, for Rayne, consisted of a steaming cup of coffee and a biscuit with some canned preserves. With the decision made to head west, she wanted to make sure things at the Rockin’ M were set to run smoothly for Lisbet and her ranch hand. That meant the remaining ground needed to be worked up and crops in the ground. She wanted to ride the fences and make sure they were sturdy, make sure the cattle were healthy. With a smile on her face and whistling a tune, she headed out the door.

  Eunice looked up from the picture book she was looking at with Ben. “Lisbet, why don't you pack a picnic lunch, take some nice, cold lemonade, and have a quiet meal with Rayne?”

  “Oh, Eunice, I couldn't possibly do that.”

  “Why not?”

  “Cuz of all the things that need to be done around here. There's laundry to do, a house that needs to be kept, not to mention the garden and chickens and Ben. I can't just expect you to watch him.”


  Rayne took her hat off and wiped the sweat from her forehead. She looked to the vibrant blue sky with scattered puffy, white clouds and a bright yellow sun that put off rays of heat. The scent of freshly turned soil and warm grass was in her nose, and with a satisfied sigh, she reached for her canteen. She was taking a long drink, when she spotted a rider heading towards her. Soft and low, she spoke to her horse. “Yup, I see em'.”

  Romeo snorted and brought his front hoof down on the ground as his head bobbed, as if to say he understood the words his master had uttered.

  The rider came closer into view, and Rayne realized it was Lisbet. Her heart skipped a beat.

  “It's Lisbet, and since she doesn't seem to be in a hurry, you can calm down.”

  Rayne slipped the canteen over her head and shoulder, swung it to her back, and put the black Stetson back on her head. She walked to the front of the big palomino and stroked his velvet-soft nose. “Maybe we can take a rest, would you like that boy? I know I could sure use one. You stay put while I go see what's goin’ on. Ya hear?” she spoke to the big horse, as she unhitched the plow.

  Rayne walked towards the approaching rider, her smile growing bigger as she spotted the picnic basket. “What brings you out here, darlin'?” she asked as the painted horse came to a stop.

  “Well, Eunice thought you might like a nice cold glass of lemonade, some lunch maybe. I hope you don't mind…I…she offered to keep Ben, and I thought…” Lisbet trailed off. “You're not upset are you?”

  “She offered?”

  “Well of course she did, I wouldn't have dreamt of imposin’ by asking her. I've never up and left Ben, and I’d never do somethin’ this impulsive, I just…”

  “Darlin’ that’s my point. Now, just calm down and give me a kiss.”

  As soon as their lips touched, Lisbet relaxed and melted in towards the solid form that was Rayne. The kiss that was meant to welcome and reassure Lisbet quickly became hungry, and Rayne dropped the picnic basket to embrace the smaller woman tightly.

  Lisbet playfully pushed at Rayne’s shoulders and breathlessly pulled away from the kiss. “What about lunch? You must be starvin’.”

  “Oh I am but not for what you have in that there basket. I aim to finish what we started last night,” Rayne’s voice was husky.

  “But my love, we did finish. And to my recollection, more than once.”

  “Woman, just the sight of you sets my blood on fire, and I swear to God, there is nothin’ in this world that quenches that thirst. Now where’s that picnic blanket? I don’t want you lyin’ on rocks while I enjoy your body again.”

  The simple declaration brought a rush of warmth to Lisbet's face and a small flame of desire in her lower body. “It's in the basket, on top.” Her heart leaped with joy. This amazin’, beautiful, strong woman wants me, still. Dear Lord, how did I get so lucky?

  Rayne let go and reached for the basket and the reins of the horse that was busy eating grass, then led them all towards a grouping of trees. Once she reached a spot with shade, she tethered Romeo, who happily found a another patch of grass to graze on. While she reached for the blanket, she whistled for Apache, who lifted his head and slowly walked towards the group. Lisbet reached an end of the blanket, and together they spread it out. Apache joined the other horse and, with a snort, began to graze on the grass as well. Lisbet smiled. “You think you have us all trained, don't you?”

  “Yup, it’s a gift.” Rayne had a big smile on her face, as she took her hat off and tossed it towards the blanket. She crooked her finger and beckoned. “Now come here.”

  Lisbet’s breath hitched even as she obeyed.

  Rayne’s eyes darkened, and as she watched Lisbet draw close, she reached out and tenderly brushed back the long hair. She dropped her head to kiss the soft, waiting lips. The kiss was tender, and Rayne gently sucked on Lisbet's bottom lip. One hand supported the blonde's lower back, drawing her closer; the fingers of Rayne’s other hand wrapped in the blonde locks.

  Lisbet moaned into Rayne's mouth, as Rayne tugged at lips with her teeth. “God, all I’ve thought about this mornin’ has been you,” Rayne whispered as she pulled away. Her hands moved to the front of Lisbet's dress, to the small buttons that held it closed. Her fingers deftly undid each button before parting the material, as her mouth found its way to the column of Lisbet's neck and the visible pulse point.

  Lisbet inhaled sharply as Rayne kissed her neck, and Lisbet’s fingers tugged at the shirt Rayne wore, pulling it from the waistband of the trousers that hugged her hips.

  Rayne’s lips left a trail of kisses along the soft skin of Lisbet's neck down to the gentle curve of her collar bone, as she pushed the material of the dress off the creamy shoulders and let it fall to the ground. Rayne took a moment to let her own shirt drop, before she helped the blonde down to the blanket. She settled herself next to her and continued placing kisses on the sweet lips, as her hands and fingers moved over the woman's body. Slowly, the kisses moved down the slender neck to the swell of Lisbet's breast before stopping at the dark, hard peak of her nipple.

  Rayne’s tongue flicked over the hard nub, before she sucked it into her mouth, her heartbeat increasing by the second. Rayne felt Lisbet’s fingers clutching at her hair, and as she pulled back, she reached for the hand, pulled it away from her hair, and returned her attention to the hard nipple.

  Lisbet moaned softly, as her hand
moved to Rayne’s solid shoulders hovering over her.

  Rayne once again, pulled back and reached for Lisbet’s arms. With both hands, she pushed them above Lisbet’s head. “Keep them right there, ya hear me?” she said with a wicked smile.

  A gasp escaped Lisbet's lips.

  Rayne returned her attention and her lips to the woman’s body. With her weight supported on one elbow, she dropped kisses even as her hand roamed.

  Lisbet’s hands, once again, started roaming, reaching for Rayne’s shoulders and hair as she attempted to pull them closer together.

  Rayne growled, as she lifted her head and grabbed the hands. “I said, keep ‘em there. Move ‘em again and we start all over.”

  Lisbet groaned. “But I want to touch you. Please, Rayne.”

  “No,” Rayne replied.

  Rayne knew the look in her eyes and the light touch of her fingers moving over Lisbet’s stomach to the delicate blonde curls of her womanhood had lit the flame of desire that would pool between Lisbet’s thighs.

  Rayne slowly inched her way over the path her fingers had just trailed, dropping kisses. Her fingertips moved between the creamy thighs and felt the heat and moisture coming from Lisbet's center. With a groan of pleasure, she allowed her fingers to glide over the opening and over the hard nub of Lisbet's clit.

  Lisbet arched up, her eyes dazed. “Rayne, please, I need to touch you.”

  “No, you keep your hands put,” Rayne commanded. She nipped gently at the flesh of Lisbet’s inner thigh, before her tongue flicked closer to the silky nectar of Lisbet’s desire.

  “God, you taste so good,” she said, as she positioned herself between her love's legs. With her tongue licking and flicking over the nub, she drove Lisbet towards the edges of pleasure. With each flick of her tongue, Lisbet’s heartbeat pounded harder in the vein of her neck, and Rayne could hear her breath strain in a collection of moans and groans, throaty and husky.

  Rayne felt the orgasm building in Lisbet with each stroke of her fingers and flick of her tongue. She felt the trembling and quivering overtake Lisbet and felt herself join the woman she loved more than life in heaven. The two laid contentedly in each other's arms, enjoying the warmth of the sun on their bodies and the fresh scent of the wildflowers in the air.

  After a while, Lisbet reached for her dress, as Rayne stretched out on the blanket with a satisfied smile. “What are you smilin’ at?” Lisbet asked, a knowing smile on her own lips.

  “Oh, I was just thinkin’ that you have the look of a well-loved woman on your face.”

  “Well, maybe that's because I am,” Lisbet replied softly.

  “That’s good, but why'd you get dressed already? Maybe I wasn't done lovin’ ya yet.”

  “Lord, you are in a mood, aren't you?” Lisbet blushed. She reached for Rayne’s shirt and tossed it to her lovingly. “Get yourself dressed and eat somethin’. The day’s wastin’, and you still got some work to do.” She got some chicken out of the basket, along with cheese and biscuits.

  “I suppose, but somehow I'm thinkin’ that there chicken and work ain't as good as what we just shared. I cain't imagine anything as delicious as that.” Rayne stood as she buttoned her shirt to tuck it into her pants.

  “Yes, well, I don't see how that will help get the crops planted. And besides, I'll need to get back. I can't leave Eunice to watch Ben all day.”

  “If she knew what you been up to, I doubt she would mind all that much,” Rayne snickered.

  “Oh my Lord. Will you stop? I swear you say things like that just to get a rise outta me,” Lisbet replied in mock irritation.

  “Maybe. I do love that little rush of color that hits your face. But you’re right; this field ain't gonna get planted if I don't finish plowin’. How about I quit early though, and we hitch up the wagon and head into town? Stop in and see Mark and Tom, maybe have a supper at Bessie's. What do you say?”

  Lisbet smiled big. “That sounds like a fine idea. I'll let Eunice know, and she can join us! It'll be fun to introduce her to our friends before you and her take off. I assume that's what you'll want to talk to Mark and Tom about.” Lisbet's mood changed slightly. Rayne had made the decision, and she would not be the reason Rayne didn’t follow her dream.

  Chapter Three

  Lisbet rode to the homestead with a smile on her lips and love in her heart. She had just spent a good portion of the day with the woman she loved. Now she had an impromptu evening with friends planned, both old and new. She couldn’t wait to introduce their new friend, Eunice, to Tom, Sally, Mark, Emily, and Bessie. She hoped they would adore her.

  Her smile turned into disappointment when Eunice declined the invitation. She said she didn’t want to go into town and what was the point of meeting people she would never see again.

  “What do you mean, you won't be seeing them again? Don’t you plan on visiting Rayne and me?”

  “Well, I’m hoping that when I visit you and Rayne and Ben, it will be because you’re all living in Telluride. To be honest, I'm really not much of a traveler.”

  “But you would really like Tom and Sally. And I know Emily and Bessie would simply adore you,” Lisbet countered.

  “You and Rayne enjoy yourselves. I’ll be content right here. In fact, I could use a little alone time with just my thoughts,” Eunice said with a smile. Please just leave it alone. I just can't take the risk of someone recognizing me.

  “Are you sure? I feel horrible leavin’ you here.”

  “I'm positive. I will enjoy an evening alone. In fact, I might just read one of those dime novels I see sitting on the shelf over there.” Eunice walked towards the few books that were propped up on a shelf. “I've always wanted to read about Butch Cassidy and his partner. Stories I hear are wild. I wonder if they are true,” she said, as she ran a finger over the spine of one of the books.

  “Oh, from what Rayne and Tom say, those two are bad ones. Tom says the books don’t even tell half the story,” Lisbet replied with excitement.

  “Oh really? How does Tom know about them, I mean, other than what is in these books?” Eunice asked with interest.

  “Tom is the sheriff in Willow Springs; he has wanted posters of them. There's even talk about there bein’ a woman that travels with them.”

  “Are there any posters of her?”

  “Not that I know of. Rayne would probably know more about that than I do. Are you sure you don't want to go with us?”

  “I’m positive, but thank you for the offer.”


  Rayne rode up to the corral and jumped off her horse. She took the saddle off and brushed him down, then gave him a bucket of oats. “There ya go boy, ya done a good job today. I gotta go get cleaned up! Got a date in town with a beautiful woman and a handsome little man.” With a spring in her step, she headed for the house.

  “Hey there, got some bathwater for me?” she asked, as she stepped into the house. “What's goin’ on?” she asked when she spotted the women.

  “Nothin’ really, I was just tryin’ to convince Eunice to join us this evenin’. She doesn’t want to, says she would much rather stay here and read those dime novels you have about Butch Cassidy and Sundance.” Lisbet ran her hands down the sides of her skirt. “There’s some water heating up for you, let me check on it.”

  “You sure you don't want to go with us?” Rayne asked.

  “Yes, I'm sure. I'll be fine, I promise you.”

  “Interested in Butch Cassidy, are ya? From what I hear, for an outlaw, he's a decent fella. I mean as decent as ya can be and steal from good folks.”

  “Do you think maybe those stories really are true? I can't believe that he is as bad as they say.” Eunice brought her hand up to her head and smoothed back her hair that was already in a neat bun.

  “Well, I suppose it cain't all be true, but I also cain't see so many people lyin’ about him. Suppose the one good thing about him is he makes it a point to never kill anyone. Look, I need to go get cleaned up. You sure you don't wanna come
with us? I know everyone would love to meet ya.”

  “Yes, but thank you for thinking of me.” Eunice turned, once again looking at the dime novel.

  “Bathwater is ready,” Lisbet said, as she came into the room. “And Ben just woke up from his nap.”

  “Sounds good, I cain't tell you how nice a hot bath sounds,” Rayne said. Before turning towards the bedroom and the cast iron tub that sat in the corner, she walked to the shelf Eunice stood in front of and pulled out a book. “This one here is a fairly new one. I think you'd much rather read about Annie Oakley. Accordin’ to that there book, she and Buffalo Bill are havin’ a grand old time with that Wild West show they got goin’ on.” Rayne smiled while she handed the book to Eunice and walked towards the bath Lisbet had drawn for her.

  Eunice stared at the woman posing with a rifle on the cover of the book she'd just been handed. She stifled annoyance that brewed in her blood and feigned interest in the book. She could feel Lisbet's eyes on her. She smiled as she looked at the blonde. “Well, it does look like it's interesting. I think I shall thoroughly enjoy reading this.”

  “Rayne is right, I found it fascinatin’. Can you imagine all the places they’ve been? Anyway, I do wish you were goin’ with us instead of stayin’ here. But I can understand wantin’ a little bit of time alone. With Ben around, it does get quite loud at times, and with Rayne walkin’ in and out. I'm sorry, here I am tellin’ ya how noisy it can be, and all you’re wantin’ is some quiet. You know where everything is, so please, make yourself at home.”

  “Thank you, Lisbet. I do hope that you enjoy your evening out.”

  “I'm sure we will, thank you. I'll make sure we don't make too much noise when we come back. I know you’ll be sleepin’. Oh, there’s Rayne callin’ me,” Lisbet replied.


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