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Faith in Rayne

Page 14

by Dannie Marsden

  Rayne looked her and smiled. “Yup, for a while anyways. Ya know the boy’s gonna explore, whether we want him to or not. We just gotta make sure he understands not to come up here unless he is with me.”

  Rayne strolled to the bales and sat next to Lisbet. As she pulled a strand of hay from the bale, she leaned back and crossed her ankles. She stuck an end of the hay in her mouth and locked her hands behind her head. “Damn, it’s so peaceful out here.” She looked out at the meadow below. “Look over there, momma and her babies are still here.”

  Lisbet leaned against Rayne. “Maybe they like us bein’ here.”

  “Maybe.” Rayne put her arm around Lisbet’s shoulder and pulled her in tighter. She closed her eyes as she inhaled the scent of Lisbet’s hair. It hit her again just how much she missed the closeness they had shared. She knew she would never tire of being this close to Lisbet.

  God help her, each time she got close to Lisbet she wanted her more. She wanted Lisbet in her arms, she wanted to feel Lisbet’s lips on hers, she wanted, no, she needed to feel Lisbet’s body next to hers.

  Lisbet could feel the heat coming from Rayne’s body. As much as she wanted to deny it, she felt safe with Rayne. She missed the feel of the strong arms around her, the way Rayne’s body felt against hers. She missed the way Rayne touched her. Lisbet shifted on the bale, leaned towards Rayne, closed the space between them, and kissed her.

  The kiss was gentle, almost shy. Lisbet’s heart was beating rapidly as she trembled. She wanted to keep kissing the woman she loved. She wanted the images of Maddie lying in Rayne’s bed out of her mind. She wanted to put this all behind her. She was afraid though, but at the moment that didn’t keep her from placing another kiss on Rayne’s lips.

  It was only when Rayne kissed her back that she let herself begin to let go of the anxiety she felt and went in the direction her body wanted to go. She deepened her kiss, even as her hands shakily caressed Rayne’s face.

  Before Rayne could realize what was happening, Lisbet undid her jeans, unbuttoned her shirt, and pressed them back into the hay.

  It was late afternoon when they headed back to Harry and Etta’s, completely ignoring the events in the barn.


  Rayne rode into town around sundown, her mood the best it had been in a very long time. That mood held, right up until Maddie ran up and wrapped her arms around Rayne’s neck.

  “Where you been all day, darlin’? I’ve been missin’ ya.” She attempted to pull Rayne into a kiss.

  Rayne pulled back. Her hands reached for the arms that were around her neck and pulled them down. “What part of stay away from me do you not understand?” she asked through clenched teeth.

  “You don’t mean that; I know you’re just sayin’ that to keep that woman happy. Although I don’t get why you just don’t tell her that you don’t want her no more.” Maddie placed a hand on a hip. She placed her other hand on Rayne’s taut stomach and slowly moved it up, as her eyes suggestively looked Rayne up and down.

  Rayne’s hand shot up and stopped the hand. “Maddie ya gotta stop. I’m sorry, but I know exactly what I want. And it ain’t you. I need ya to understand, it’s you I don’t want no more. Now stay away from me, don’t approach me, and don’t talk to me. It’s the last time I’m tellin’ ya.”

  Right as she finished, Hawks walked up to them. “Evenin’ Miz Maddie, how ya doin’?”

  “I’m doin’ alright, Sheriff, just tryin’ to convince your deputy to come have a drink or two with me, and she won’t agree. Tell her it’s just a couple drinks, would ya?” Maddie pouted at Hawks.

  “Miz Maddie, I’d love to be able to tell Deputy Mathews here to go have a drink with ya, but I actually got some business I need to discuss with her. So do ya mind terribly if I steal her away?”

  The expression on her face fell slightly. “Oh, I suppose not, after all, it is business. I’ll be waitin’ for ya if ya wanna head over after you’re done.”

  “Don’t count on it.” Rayne moved past Maddie with indifference.


  Rayne waited until she and Hawks were a good distance from the redhead. “Thanks, I wasn’t sure how I was gonna get away from her without gettin' nasty.”

  “Yeah, Maddie can be somewhat overwhelming. I gotta ask ya, what are you gonna do?”

  “Hell, Clinton, I ain’t got no idea what to do about her. You got any idea?” Rayne walked along with the sheriff, her hands in her pockets.

  “Sorry, I ain’t got none. I take it by that little encounter back there that she ain’t agreein’ with you breakin’ up with her?”

  “She is under the impression that I’m head over heels with her, and that I just ain’t figured out how to break it to Lisbet. Clinton, how the hell did I get myself into this damned mess?”

  “Yeah, I’ve been wonderin’ that myself. How did the land lookin’ go?” Hawks opened the door to the sheriff’s office. Once inside, he walked to his desk, opened the bottom drawer, and pulled out a bottle of bourbon. He placed it on his desk and walked to the stove, where he grabbed the two tin coffee cups.

  “I rode out to the old Hamilton ranch. I gotta tell ya, I fell in love with the place. It’s exactly what I dreamt of. Hell, I think Lisbet likes it as well. Though she didn’t right out say so. Honestly, I ain’t sure where we even stand.”

  “Ya sure do know how to make a mess of things, don’t ya Mathews? Was ya always like this or is it something new since comin’ to this here fair town?”

  “Honestly Hawks, I don’t think I can answer. I feel like I been messin’ up things my whole life.” Rayne reached for the bottle and poured some into each cup.

  “Na, I don’t believe that, Mathews.” Hawks thought about some of the things Rayne had confided to him, like the reasons that led her to her uncle’s ranch in Willow Springs, about her and the shooting that killed her father. There was no doubt in his mind that Rayne had been dealt a lousy hand in her young life. He’d also gotten to know the woman and knew her to be a hardworking, honest woman. “I believe that the Lord intends to make sure you come through all your troubles. He’s seen the kinda person ya are, that’s what matters. Now, I ain’t sayin’ that it’s gonna be easy. Hell, ya already know that all the bad stuff just ensures that you appreciate the good, and ya do, that’s for damned sure.”

  “I wish for once the Lord would let me have it a tad easier.” Rayne took a drink of the liquor. She closed her eyes and held her head back, and let the liquid warm her. “Just once, ya know?”

  “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger…” Hawks replied.

  “That’s what they say. Hey, thanks for rescuin’ me.” Rayne placed the cup on the desk and pushed out of her chair. “I’m gonna head to my room and try to get some sleep. I’ll see ya in the mornin’.”

  “Yup. Oh, glad ya had a good day with your wife. She seems like a good woman; I’d hate to see ya lose her.”

  Rayne smiled, as she placed her hand on the doorknob. “That she is. And I’m doin’ my damnedest to keep that from happenin’.”

  “Think I’ll head over to the saloon, have a word with Rebecca,” Hawk spoke the words to no one in particular, as he too stood up and headed for the door. Once outside, Rayne headed one way and Hawks the other.


  Hawks walked through the swinging doors and glanced around before he headed towards the bar, his spurs clanking on the wooden floor. “Howdy Jonas, set me up with a bottle of whiskey why don’t ya.” He tossed a couple of coins on the bar.

  As he was pouring some in a glass, Maddie approached him from behind. “Well, Sheriff, I hope you’re happy with yourself.”

  Hawks took a breath, as he set the bottle down and picked up his glass. He brought the glass to his lips. “Yeah, I reckon I sure as hell am. Why do set your sights on my deputy?”

  “Why not? She intrigues me, and honestly, because I want her.”

  Hawks cleared his throat and turned to face the woman. “I see. So, I suppose the fact that she�
�s told ya more than once that she ain’t got no interest in you and she don’t want you no more, means nothin’ to ya?”

  “She ain’t got no idea what she wants!”

  “That’s where you’d be wrong. Now, Rayne is a hell of a deputy, and one fine, upstandin’ human being. She’s been through a lot and deserves a little happiness. So I’m only gonna say this to ya once, and I suggest you listen and listen well. Ya leave Rayne alone, ya stop behavin’ as though ya got a claim on her, and ya stop tryin’ to make her life miserable. She is gonna try to make things work with her wife, and you’re gonna stay away from ‘em. Is that clear?”

  Maddie tossed her head and laughed. “Well now, Sheriff, that almost sounds as if you're tryin’ to tell me what to do. That ain’t what you’re tryin’ to do is it, Sheriff?”

  With a smile that didn’t reach his eyes, he replied, “Yeah, yeah that might be what I’m tryin’ to do. I mean if ya wanna take it that way, the other way ya can take it is that I’m givin’ ya a warnin’.”

  “I’ll take it into consideration, Sheriff.” Maddie turned and walked away.

  “Clinton, are you tryin’ to give Maddie a hard time?” Rebecca approached the sheriff.

  Clinton watched, as the redhead walked towards a table full of gamblers. “I’m tryin’ to keep my deputy married. I tell ya, that there woman is trouble.”

  “She’s a snake. I feel bad for Rayne gettin' mixed up with her. Ya really don’t believe she is gonna walk away from Rayne, do ya?” Rebecca ran her hand over his strong shoulder.

  “No, I don’t. Honestly, I believe Rayne would have to die to get away from that bitch.”

  “Come on, let’s go upstairs.” Rebecca reached for the bottle and his hand.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Rayne and Lisbet didn’t see each other much for the next week or so. With Rayne’s duties as deputy taking up her days, it was difficult for her to ride out to Etta and Harry’s place. Of course, that also meant that she didn’t see Ben either. So after dealing with Ben asking repeatedly to see his ma, Lisbet decided to take a ride into town with him.

  Maddie was standing at the saloon door that afternoon, joking and flirting with the men who walked by. She spotted Lisbet and the little boy walking towards the sheriff's office. She pushed away from the doorway and began to walk towards the blonde woman, shouting, “Why don’t you just go back where you came from? Ain’t you got it yet, Rayne don’t want you no more.”

  Lisbet kept her gaze straight ahead, ignoring the taunts of the redhead and telling Ben to pay no mind and to keep walkin’.

  Maddie grabbed a hold of her hair. With a screech of pain, Lisbet reached for the hand, as she tried to spin around. Her hand struck out and connected with Maddie’s cheek. Maddie squealed in shock and immediate anger that Lisbet would strike her and, in true Maddie fashion, slapped back. The fight was on.

  Before long, a group had gathered, bets were made, and shouts began to fill the air. Men were shouting at each of them to look out and laughing along with an occasional ouch. The commotion drifted into the sheriff’s office.

  As Rayne reached the street, she looked to her left, saw the crowd, the fight, and ran over to stop it. As she reached the gathering and made her way to the fight, she was surprised to see that it was two women, and stunned when she realized that one of the women was Lisbet. She was so surprised that it took her a second or two to react. Once she did, her shouts to stop went unheard. Rayne ended up having to step between the two and was rewarded with a hand hitting her square on her jaw. That’s when she spun around and wrapped an arm around one woman’s waist and lifted her up while taking a couple of steps forward. Luckily for Rayne, it was Lisbet she picked up. Someone from the crowd had managed to grab Maddie and pull her away as well.

  Rayne managed to stop the hand that quickly approached her face. “Stop this nonsense right now.”

  Lisbet’s eyes blazed dark with anger and her chest heaved up and down with each breath she took.

  “Just what in the hell is goin’ on here?” Rayne asked through the surge of anger caused by her rush of adrenalin. Her angry gaze moved from Lisbet to Maddie, then back to Lisbet.

  Maddie jerked out of the hands that held her back and moved closer to Rayne shouting, “It was her! She saw me standin’ there and started shoutin’ obscenities at me and then attacked me. I had to fight back to protect myself.” Maddie wiped at an imaginary tear.

  At Maddie’s words, Lisbet lunged at the redhead and screamed, “You lyin’ bitch.”

  Rayne was quick and was able to grab Lisbet again around her waist. “I said stop!” she ordered and turned towards Maddie with a finger pointed. “Enough.” She turned to Lisbet and asked in a quieter, softer tone. “Are ya alright?” Lisbet nodded, and Rayne continued, “What happened? And I’m askin’ her,” she said before Maddie could interrupt.

  “Ben and I…Oh my God, where’s Ben? Ben!” Lisbet shouted, as she spun around searching the crowd.

  It was Rebecca who called back, “I got him, and he’s safe.”

  Lisbet was visibly relieved, and she continued, “We was on our way to see you, when we passed the saloon that…woman, began yellin’ rude things at me. I told Ben to pay her no mind and keep walkin’, then all of a sudden she grabbed a hold of my hair and started hittin’ me.”

  Rayne took a deep breath. With one hand on her hip, she pushed back her hat, as she looked around at the remaining crowd. “Ya’ll head on about your business, this here is over.” She looked back at Maddie and caught a smugness that just irritated her beyond belief.

  When Rayne turned to look at her, Lisbet could see the anger in the ice-blue eyes. “Ya’ll head back to Etta’s,” Rayne said. “Iffin’ ya need to do some shoppin’, tell me. I’ll come get ya and we’ll go.”

  Lisbet softly replied, “No, we were comin’ to see you, nothin’ else. Ben…we’ve missed you was all.”

  “Really? You’ve missed me? Not just Ben?” Rayne seemed almost afraid to hear the answer.

  “Yes, I’ve missed you.” Lisbet blushed a tad.

  “Okay, ya’ll head back to Etta’s. I’ll come by this evenin’ if that’s all right with ya.”

  Lisbet smiled. “Supper will be waitin’ for ya.” She turned to find Rebecca and Ben.

  Before Lisbet had even walked five steps, Rayne was grabbing Maddie’s arm roughly and pulling her towards the sheriff’s office.

  “Ouch, Rayne, you’re hurtin’ my arm. Rayne, slow down.”

  “Shut up,” Rayne said coldly, as her grip tightened just a bit more.

  “Rayne, please, you’re hurtin’ me.”

  “Ask me if I give a damn,” Rayne was beyond furious when they reached the sheriff’s office. She pulled open the door and pushed Maddie inside, towards a jail cell. “Get in there.”

  Maddie stopped abruptly and turned to look disbelievingly at Rayne. “What? You want me to get in there?” She pointed to the cell.

  Rayne looked at Maddie. “It’s where I put the drunk and disorderly.”

  “But I’m not…”

  Rayne stopped her before she continued. “Stop talkin’. No, you aren’t drunk, but you were disorderly. If ya wanna go around fightin’ in the streets, then ya might wanna get used to the scenery from in here. Now, step inside.” Rayne held open the cell door.

  “Wait a damned minute, I wasn’t the only one fightin’,” Maddie replied angrily.

  “No, ya weren’t, but from what I’m hearin’ from folks in the street, you sure as heck started it,” Sheriff Hawks said gruffly as he walked in.

  “Ya wanna place her under arrest for disturbing the peace, Deputy?”

  Maddie began to weep and walked towards the sheriff. “Sheriff, please, I don’t know what came over me. I ain’t never done nothin’ like this before, and if ya can see your way past all this mess, I promise I won’t never do it again.” She approached the man, her hand softly touching his worn, tan shirt.

  Rayne watched the woman work and rolled her ey
es. She couldn’t believe she’d let herself believe anything the woman had ever said to her. More to the point, she was disgusted with herself that she’d allowed herself to be tricked by her.

  “What do ya think, Rayne?” Hawks reached up and grabbed the hand that was roaming over his chest and pushed it away from him. His eyes were on Rayne,and a smile twitched at the corner of his mouth.

  Maddie turned to look at Rayne and pouted. “Honest, Rayne, I apologize for my behavior. Please, don’t put me in that cell.”

  Rayne shook her head as she smirked. “Maddie, if ya think for one second that I’m gonna believe anything ya say to me anymore, ya got another think comin’.” With a deep sigh, she closed the cell door. “Fine. I ain’t gonna put ya in jail this time. But I swear to God almighty, the next time I won’t hesitate. Do ya understand me?”

  “I surely do, Rayne, thank you,” Maddie responded with a smile, as she took a step for the door.

  “Maddie, I know I done warned ya about stayin’ away from Lisbet and my boy. Up to now, I’ve let it all go. But I’m here to tell ya in front of the sheriff, stay away from them.” Rayne’s voice was ice.

  With a smug smile, Maddie stopped at the door. “Why, Rayne, I didn’t approach them. I swear, this time, she approached me. I don’t care what she told ya…at least that’s my story.”

  Rayne took off her hat, threw it on her desk, and walked briskly to the window.

  Hawks walked to his desk, his heels striking the wooden floorboards with his steps. His chair squeaked as he sat down. “So what’re ya gonna do about that one there?” He put his feet on his desk and leaned back and laced his fingers behind his head.

  “Hell if I know. But God dammit, I feel like I need to chew off my arm or somethin’ to get free from her.” Rayne walked to her desk and sat down. She looked at Clinton. He was a good man, and she couldn’t imagine him being in a situation like this. “Hawks, what would you do if you were in my position?”

  With a chuckle, he replied, “Oh, I wouldn’t have been stupid enough to be caught in the position you’re in.”


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