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Spinning Time: a time travel adventure

Page 19

by Jones, D. F.

  “Don’t bite my head off because you can’t or won’t allow yourself to have feelings for Charlie.”

  Andy and Charlie stepped into the main room smiling at each other, and he said, “We have some great news.”

  Ruben rolled his eyes. “Oh, joy. Pray tell, what is it?”

  “I completed the formula for Spinning Time. All I have to do is work the algorithm into my program, then run it into the animation software. It may take a few months to work out any kinks, but I think we should have a working prototype by this fall.”

  Julia jumped from the couch and threw her arms into the air. “Woohoo! I’m going home.”

  Andy said, “Not so fast. Once I work on either Ruben’s or Charlie’s ship, I’ll need to take the craft for a test spin. We’ll pick a place and time period, and if my calculations work maybe just maybe we’ll have a craft ready by the time, my dad is born.”

  Ruben kicked the footstep down and reached over and gave Andy a big bear hug, pulling him off the sofa. “Damn, Andy. That’s the best news I’ve had since I started this mission. We’re not out of danger, and I can assure you, Monica has her team methodically checking the State of North Carolina to find us. I’ll leave in the morning for the Empyreal Palace to see what happens with Julia and make a request for additional soldiers.”

  Julia hugged each of them and said, “I’m so tired I can’t keep my head up. I’m going to bed.”

  Charlie said, “Oh, I bought prenatal vitamins. You can start them in the morning. The first trimester, you’re going to want to sleep a lot.”

  Ruben grabbed Julia’s hand. “I’ll walk you to bed because I won’t see you for a few days.”

  Inside the master bedroom, Ruben held both of Julia’s hands. “I see the excitement in your eyes, but we have a long way to go before we know if Andy’s machine works. Just rest while I’m away, and Charlie can reach me from The Bus in an emergency.”

  Releasing her hands, Ruben took a step away. “I’ll leave Klock to watch out for you, plus, he’s kind of gotten attached to you. Oh, and for the record, I like your hair growing out.” He rustled the hair on top of Julia’s head. “You sorta look like Looney Tunes, Penelope Pussycat with the white stripe down the middle.”


  “It’s a cartoon character. Never mind. I’ll leave you to rest.” He kissed her forehead, and Julia wrapped her arms around Ruben’s waist, leaning her head next to his chest.

  Looking up into Ruben’s eyes, she smiled. “You’re like the big brother I never had. I love you, Ruben.”

  “Aw, now, you’re going to make me say something silly. So, just know I love you and Andy, and yes, I love Charlie too.”

  “See, I knew you were a good guy. Be safe, my friend.” Ruben left, closing the door behind him.

  For the first time since she arrived here, Julia had hope. Placing her hand on her belly, she said, “Hey, little boy. Your mama and daddy love you. We’re trying hard to find a way to be together again.”

  It was unbelievable the love she felt for the life inside her. She and Phillip had conceived their child in love, and Julia wouldn’t allow anyone or anything to hurt her baby or Andy. Andy was the sweetest and kindest man she’d met since Phillip. He’d told Julia a little about his mother, Jensi. Phillip, Jr. and Jensi had a wonderful child, a reflection of their love. Julia had no clue why she didn’t raise her son. Then fate had taken Andy’s parents. Julia wanted her family together.

  She thought about time. What was time? Time with loved ones and time with friends. A time to work and a time to play. A time to live and a time to die. Time is what held everything together, and time kept people apart. “Phillip, I’m coming home. I promise I am coming home.”

  * * *

  After sleeping for a few hours, Ruben dressed and left the guest bedroom, walking softly down the hallway. In the main living area, Charlie waited for him. The look in her eyes made his chest tighten. “Charlie, what are you doing up?”

  She rose from the couch and shoved her hands into her back pockets. Giving Ruben a one shoulder shrug, she said, “I thought I’d walk you to the edge of the property. How far away is the Needle-Horn?”

  “Oh, about five miles northeast. Any coffee?”

  “Yeah. I just made a fresh pot.”

  Ruben draped an arm over Charlie’s shoulders, pressing his head next to hers. “Hey, Charlie, are you in love with Andy?”

  With a mock elbow to the ribs, she replied, “Maybe. But you know it doesn’t matter. A year from now I’ll never see him again. Why, are you jealous?”

  He hip-bumped her and said, “Maybe.”

  He poured a cup of black coffee in a stainless to-go mug. “I love Andy and Julia. They’re different. I mean, they’re so full of love, and it shines right through their faces. I guess I’m drawn to their light. In a world full of darkness, there’s still light, Charlie.”

  On the front porch, Klock barked, “Can I go with you, Boss?”

  Ruben knelt to the floor and picked up Klock, rubbing his ears and kissing the tip of his nose. “Not this time, my furry friend. I need you here watching out for everyone.”

  Klock licked his face and barked, “I won’t let you down, Boss. I promise.”

  “Charlie’s going to walk with me to the edge of the property; then she’s coming back. Take care of yourself, hound.” Ruben placed Klock on the floor, and he assumed guard position at the front door.

  Ruben and Charlie walked in silence through the forest. Even though Ruben and Charlie clashed on occasion, he respected her. He’d never allowed his feelings to develop into love. Damn, Julia, now he could think of nothing else as she walked close to him.

  Charlie’s sweet scent of lemon and jasmine filled the air he breathed. Maybe, when the mission was over, he would ask Charlie on a date. The thought made him chuckle.

  “What’s so funny?”

  Ruben gave her a boyish grin. “Oh, something Julia said. She told me you were in love with me.”

  Charlie’s face reddened, and she playfully shoved him. “And what’s so funny about that?”

  “Well, you have an odd way of showing it. Sleeping with Andy.”

  “That’s the pot calling the kettle black. Shall I name the laundry list of females you’ve slept with, including Monica?”

  “Point taken. Maybe we could grab a drink at Moonbeams when this mission is complete.” Moonbeams was a bar and nightclub for Trackers in Lunar City. Most Trackers met there after an extended mission and got wasted.

  Ruben stopped walking and turned Charlie to face him. They locked eyes, searching each other. Then his gaze dropped to her lips. On an impulse, Ruben leaned in to kiss Charlie but instead pressed his face next to her soft cheek, and she leaned into his caress. He could feel her heart beating rapidly.

  They held each other for a long minute; then Charlie stepped back and waggled her index finger. “Moonbeams? Ruben Callaway, are you asking me on a date?”

  “A drink. Don’t get your head in the clouds, for space sakes.”

  Ruben and Charlie had worked on many different time planes, alternate realities, and parallel universes. And most of the time, they’d made it out on the other side unscathed.

  This time was different. This time someone could die.

  At the edge of the property line, he hugged Charlie again. “Hey, don’t take any unnecessary risks while I’m away.”

  Charlie reached up and kissed him sweetly on the lips, then said, “See ya around, spaceboy.”

  Ruben waited until Charlie disappeared. Then he took off on a slow jog which transformed into a run. Ruben needed to think clearly. If his calculations were accurate, he’d return in ten days tops. He hated leaving, but Julia not raising her son nagged at his brain. He couldn’t bear the thought she’d die on his watch.

  It took a little over an hour before Ruben made it to the Needle-Horn’s coordinates. He flipped his wristband and entered the sequence releasing the Cloak Shield. “Ah, Needle-Horn, just the way I le
ft you.”

  First, Ruben pressed his thumbprint on the identity pad, then he leaned into the eye scanner, and the door hissed open. He checked the equipment and watched it hum to life. Ruben strapped into his harness and rapidly punched in the code for the Empyreal Palace. Within seconds, the Needle-Horn disappeared from Earth’s atmosphere and entered the realm of the Lord Supreme.

  Chapter 16

  The Needle-Horn locked into the palace portal system with electromagnetic force. Exiting the craft’s chamber, Ruben met a dozen or so of the Empyreal Palace Guards. The guards mimicked the terrain of the palace grounds similar to chameleons, with what looked like giant butterfly wings on their backs.

  The guards reacted quickly, with deadly force, to any potential threat directed toward the Lord Supreme and his Royal Court. Ruben wondered if he would see Monica as the behemoth that needed squelching.

  The guards escorted Ruben to the jewel-encrusted palace door where Ruben handed over his credentials to the Sergeant-at-Arms, who dematerialized into thin air. No one in the Galaxy knew the exact location of the palace. The sequence of the palace coordinates changed frequently, and only a select few individuals were invited to appear in His Majesty’s presence.

  The realm had one sun and three moons which appeared in a triangular pattern in the azure sky. Rolling hills lush with vegetation gradually increased in elevation to the castle, sparkling with zillions of diamonds. Revelation River flowing with crystal clear water, curved along the hills circling the castle.

  The Sergeant-at-Arms returned and handed Ruben his credentials, opening the gate doors. “This is Jailyn. She’ll take you to the cleansing chamber and wait until you’re properly attired to escort you into the palace.”

  Ruben nodded and replied, “Thank you for your assistance.”

  Jailyn ushered Ruben into the cleansing chamber, where he had to strip down and give his clothes to one of the servants. He stepped into the sanctification showers, and the cool cleansing water washed over him from every angle of the stall. After ten minutes the doors opened, and two servants approached Ruben to help him dress in the Royal Robes.

  One servant administered fragrant oils while the other towel dried any residue left on his skin and hair. They groomed him impeccably to meet the Lord Supreme. Ruben donned a scarlet, blue, and purple robe made of the finest linen and tied it with a golden braided belt. He slipped on golden silk slippers.

  Leaving the dressing area, Ruben met the Empyreal Guard, Jailyn, and she escorted him to the Royal Rotunda’s War Room to meet with the Lord Supreme. The interior of the castle bustled with activity. Along the walk, males and females worked throughout the palace in various capacities wearing similar garments to Ruben’s, the insignia of the Royal Crest embroidered over their hearts.

  The beings living within the walls of the palace weren’t human, exactly. A separate species with varying skin tones, hair, and eye color running the gamut of the color chart, they appeared similar to humans, and each worked in a seemingly perpetual state of euphoria.

  The times Ruben had visited the Empyreal Palace, not one altercation had ever broken out. The guard stopped in front of an enormous marbled compound. The double white doors silently slid open for Ruben.

  Inside the darkened area of the rotunda, thousands of large screens sat on glass desks in a tiered platform on multiple levels with workers feverishly pecking away on the keyboards. Variations of blues, whites, and silver illuminated the war room. An extensive digital map sat on a table in the middle of the room with the Lord Supreme and Prince Aelius pointing and discussing a developing situation in hushed tones. Each wore an ankle-length shimmering white robe with three-quarter length sleeves; their forearms adorned with wide bracelets made of onyx and gold filigree.

  Ruben was announced to the Lord Supreme and Prince Aelius, and he bowed low to the floor.

  “Rise, my old friend,” said the Lord Supreme. “Follow Aelius and me into my chamber where we may talk in private.”

  Walking through a side door, Ruben followed the Lord Supreme and Prince Aelius into a room with floor-to-ceiling mahogany paneling. Dark wood built-in shelves held ancient scrolls, and leather-bound books were on either side of the accented fireplace with ornate detailing. Ruben looked up to the cathedral ceiling and the wall of windows with a magnificent view of the kingdom.

  The Lord Supreme sat in a high-back leather chair while Prince Aelius and Ruben sat on the dark maroon leather couch in front of the fireplace. “We’ve been expecting you. Before you start, allow me to explain a little about my people.”

  Ruben had been waiting decades to ask questions.

  The Lord Supreme rested his elbow on the armrest of his chair. He extended the other hand toward Ruben. “The Universe has billions of galaxies. The Milky Way and other galaxies are under my domain. There is nothing or no one that can outsmart or outmaneuver us. Prince Aelius and I have allowed General Agriaous to colonize Veetreous. He’s a good general, but Monica manipulated him. Prince Aelius has called on war transports to seize control of the planet after the birth of Julia’s child.”

  Placing the palms of his hand on his thighs, Ruben asked, “Why is the birth so important? What happens to Julia?”

  Prince Aelius turned to Ruben and said, “Julia and her child are important, but it is Andrew’s discovery that influences future outcomes in history. His Spinning Time formula will change time travel. The discovery is too important for mere mortals to control. The machine exists.”

  Prince Aelius stepped over to the bookshelf and withdrew a large leather-bound book. He flipped several pages and laid the book on the solid onyx table in front of the couch. “Andy travels with Charlie to visit Leonardo da Vinci.”

  Ruben’s body shook. The images in the ancient book were paintings of Andy and Charlie created by Da Vinci.

  Prince Aelius said, “They’ll visit Da Vinci when he was a young peasant. Andy presents Leonardo with images of the inventions Da Vinci will create in the future. Andy didn’t change history; he perpetuated it. We have a list of historical events influenced by Andy’s machine.”

  “If the time machine works, does this mean Julia goes home?”

  The Lord Supreme released an exhale. “Ruben, I am going to try and break this down as simple as I can without you going into an existential meltdown. My people are what your present-day scientists regard as a Type III civilization. Our species is super-intelligent. That is why the Empyreal Palace is a utopian society.”

  He began to walk around the room, talking. “As I stated earlier, there are billions and billions of galaxies. Our kind, for a simple narrative, became bored, and we sought new planetary systems, but more specifically, planets where life could thrive. We wanted to create a new species in our image and watch it evolve. Earth and humankind are still children. We allow humanity to develop naturally like a protected park. That’s why I brought in the moon to observe and intervene when the need arises. You and the other Spinners are the Rangers, so to speak.”

  Prince Aelius said, “Humankind has made great strides. People used to think the world was flat. Andy’s time machine opens the possibility that humans can accelerate to the next level of intelligence.”

  Prince Aelius crossed his arms over his chest. “Our species uses one hundred percent of our energy. That’s why we don’t have the “kill” instincts, like murder, or the need to kill for material things as a more primitive civilization does. But let me be clear, we are fierce warriors. We trained our Empyreal Armies to fight and destroy any opponent that threatens our survival or our subjects.”

  The Lord Supreme interjected, “The human body uses almost every aspect of the brain, but only uses twenty percent of its energy. Through Andy’s discovery, we have the hope humankind will reach its full potential using all their energy, which will lead to a utopian society like our kingdom. But there’s also a chance the discovery could wipe out civilization on Earth.”

  Ruben suddenly felt like he was Charlton Heston in the Planet of t
he Apes.

  The Lord Supreme said, “It is a lot to take in. Would you like a drink?”

  Ruben exhaled and said, “No, sir. Julia is the grandmother of a genius, and you want to protect her, to protect Andy, and ensure the development of a super human. It’s the next step in the evolutionary process. That’s why you’re allowing the colonization of Veetreous. If Earth doesn’t work out, you have a backup plan.”

  Prince Aelius placed his hand on Ruben’s shoulder. “You only have to watch Earth’s twenty-four-hour news networks to see how precarious the state of humankind is. Some civilizations make it to the next step while others do not.”

  Ruben said, “I will do everything in my power to protect Julia and her family. There are wonderful people on Earth, but I’ve seen the bad ones. Monica is one of them.”

  The Lord Supreme walked over to the fireplace and stared into the flames. “The Plates of Prophecy were a gift from my father before people existed. General Agriaous will pay for his breach. The Plates are merely a tool. People are unpredictable, and every choice, every decision can change an outcome of the future. I will not disclose Julia’s future even though that’s the reason you made the journey.”

  Prince Aelius returned the book to the shelf and turned to Ruben. “I will send two of my Empyreal Guards to help you.”

  Ruben bowed low before the Lord Supreme who placed his hand on Ruben’s head. “It is humans like you who give me hope. You are a good man. Ruben, Julia’s destiny will be as it should be. Do not worry.”

  Prince Aelius placed his hand on Ruben’s shoulder. “It is time.”

  Walking into the military barracks, Prince Aelius said, “The time is drawing near when I will test the inhabitants of Earth and hold those accountable for trying to destroy the sacred planet.”


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