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Dark Desires: Dark Erotic Tales

Page 5

by M Jet

  It had grown late. Though I'd had no supper and felt famished, Padma led me to a bedroom with no mention of food. The room was small but gorgeous with no light other than one dancing candle flame and the flickering onset of lightening somewhere off in the distance outside the open window.

  "It is late," Padma said. "I will leave you to sleep for now. Early in the morning, I will see you again and we will get started on your new life." Though her statement seemed exciting, her tone was dark. Something in her dark eyes frightened me as she glared at me for a moment before leaving my new room and shutting the door behind her with a crack that sent a shiver up my spine.

  Despite all the finery and intrigue, my heart was heavy and I dropped crying into the plush bed beneath the window.

  As I drifted off to sleep my first night in the harem of Shekhar Kulkarni, a howling storm kicked up outside.


  Padma burst through my door before the sun rose the next morning. She scared me nearly to death, causing me to lurch upright in bed and scramble toward the wall.

  "Oh dear," Padma said with a deep frown. "Those puffy eyes, that won't do. Get up dear; we've a lot to do."

  I dragged myself out of the bed, which admittedly had been like sleeping directly on a cloud in Heaven. I struggled not to burst into hysterical tears again. Padma looked about my mother's age but was by far more beautiful. Her jet black hair fell well past her waist and was interspersed with dramatic silver streaks. It was held back in a loose pony tail by a diamond encrusted butterfly that glittered in the dim light that flowed in from the hallway. She wore lavender colored saree that exposed her midsection and revealed a perfect body with glowing, flawless skin. Even so early in the morning, Padma's face was meticulously made up with elaborate makeup. She even wore fake eyelashes with diamonds in them. And her bare feet were decorated with beautiful henna mandala. I was still in my rumpled saree from the day before and I felt quite homely in comparison to her, but that wasn't to last for long.

  Padma whisked me into a world of beauty. Though I had been plucked, primped, and primed for a number of years already, it had all been nothing compared to the transformation that took place that day. First Padma took me to a room full of luxurious materials. Skeins and skeins of every color of silk under the sun. A woman took down my measurements and she and Padma impatiently tapped their feet as I was allowed to pick out ten fabrics that I liked. She informed me my new sarees would be ready for me the next day, and in the meantime, she gave me one that was already made. Though it didn't fit perfectly and wasn't as pretty as Padma's, it was still nicer than anything else that had ever caressed my skin.

  Next we were onto a beauty salon of sorts. There were other women there as well. Some of them were like younger versions of Padma, only their clothing was embarrassingly revealing. My eyes were drawn to one dark eyed girl who looked close to my age and noticed I could see her full breasts and nipples that were erect from the stroke of the silk against them, right through the thin silk of her saree. When she caught me looking, I dropped my eyes to the floor and my face burned. Still another set of women worked on the revealingly dressed women. Though they also wore pretty sarees, they weren't exposed or provocative like the women with the see through garments. It was all so perplexing to me.

  I became caught up in a whirlwind of exotic scents, hot oils and hands all over every part of my body. Very quickly I decided abandoning my shyness would be the best way to cope. First Padma ordered me to undress completely. I was ushered into a small room with an "examining" table of sorts in it and told to lie down.

  Padma spoke with a blonde woman who'd entered with them. "All this hair, all over her, it won't do."

  "My hair?" I exclaimed. "You're going to cut my hair?"

  Padma erupted laughter, a strange jingling sound like bells. "No silly, daft girl. Not the hair on your head. The hair on your body."

  I blushed again, wondering if there would ever come an end to my embarrassment. I had never once given a second thought to any hair anywhere on my body. But I certainly did that morning, as Padma and the blonde woman went to work stripping every hair from every part of my body aside from my head with a hot honey concoction.

  "Leave a thin stripe there," Padma murmured to the blonde woman when asked about my pubic hair. Tears sprang to my eyes and I bit my lip to keep from screaming as most of my pubic hair was stripped away. I thought I glimpsed a look of delight in Padma's eyes at what must've been a look of torture on my face.

  Next, I was taken back into the beauty parlor, still nude. The blonde woman went to work on my mass of black curls while two other women massaged warm almond oil into my skin. The massage would've felt good any other day, but having slept in the most comfortable bed of my life, I felt remarkably well already, given the odd circumstance.

  I could feel eyes all over the room scrutinizing my naked body and I shivered from the hostility that invaded me. However, the workers seemed oblivious to it as they began applying elaborate henna art to my feet and hands. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend that I was somewhere else.

  After the art came the application of makeup to my face and styling of my hair. It seemed like eternity that I remained still as women made me a work of art from head to foot. When it was finally finished, Padma gave me the temporary saree I'd been assigned, told me to put it on, and look in the mirror.

  A hush fell over the room as I walked in front one of the many full length mirrors in the salon. I gasped sharply at the image I beheld. I scarcely recognized the striking creature that was my own reflection staring back at me. My skin glittered with an ethereal glow. The henna spiraling around my wrists and ankles looked like breathtaking works of art. My hair fell in a mass of perfect ringlets down my back; some of it expertly perched atop my head in a crown of purple flowers. My face was accented with vivid, colorful makeup. And in the loaner garment, all my shapely curves were now visible and I felt a warm tingle begin within me.

  "Beautiful…" Padma whispered.


  "Are those girls tasting food before the other girls eat it?" I whispered incredulously to Padma.

  Padma chuckled as I stared around the room. "Try not to stare, dear," she said in the first kind tone she'd used with me.

  But I couldn't help it. It was lunch time, and for the first time, I saw all the women together. There were gorgeous women representing what seemed like every nationality in the world, all dressed in the revealing garments. Then, there were another set of women, all seeming very young, and in less revealing garments. Another set of women still, all seemed much older, and also wore less revealing garments. The younger and older women all seemed to work in some way to serve and pamper those of us in the middle. In total, there must've been more than fifty of us.

  "You'll learn, dear Gita, there is a specific structure to this home. The competition here can be fierce. Occasionally, even dangerous. Some women here are so hated; tasters have been employed to taste their food for them before they consume it, in case the food is poisoned."

  My stomach turned. "Poisoned? But, then, what happens to the taster if the food is poisoned?"

  Padma elicited a thin smile. "Gita, it is these girls' duty to serve us. They do it happily."

  I frowned at Padma's mysterious non answer, her customary way of responding to my questions. "But Padma, I don’t understand? What is it exactly that we're competing for? The attention of your son? I haven't even seen him!"

  Padma laughed. "Oh, you'll all receive his attention, don't worry. But, the fact is, my son has yet to take even one wife. So it isn't just attention you'll compete for. It is his love. And the reason you haven't seen him yet his because you haven't been invited yet. Men do not come into the harem. The word means forbidden; sacred. We live here to be protected and honored. No man sets forth here. When Shekhar wishes to see you, you will be beckoned."

  Part 3

  A week passed and I tried not to think of my loneliness. The other women rarely looked at or spoke t
o me, other than servant girls. I tried to make friends with them, but the servant girls were painfully shy. Every morning I was subjected to the rigorous beautification process, yet no mention was made of meeting Shekhar. I was allowed to roam the harem and found several things about it I enjoyed such as the incredible library, and the giant swimming pool and sauna. But, mainly I kept to myself, and did as Padma told me.

  One afternoon, I was told to report to a certain room where I had not been before. Inside the room was decorated more posh than any room I'd ever seen in my life with intricately embroidered rugs and golden gilded wallpaper that I suspected was probably real gold. Candles flickered all around the room and soft beautiful music played. There were some cushions scattered about on the floor, but other than that no furniture in the room. No people either. As was becoming common, I was confused and didn't know why I'd been sent here. So I took a seat on the floor and waited.

  Not too much later, the door opened slowly and Manu walked in. My heart skipped a beat to see a familiar, friendly face. But seeing him only intensified my confusion. "Manu! So good to see you! What are you doing here?"

  Manu smiled kindly. "Today is the beginning of some training for you."

  I frowned. "More training? I have been trained to death! To do a lot of nothing," I grumbled petulantly.

  Manu grinned and patted my cheek gently. "There there, Gita. You will understand so much over time, and why all these things are so important, alright? Trust me. Please. As I told you, I brought you here, and I will watch you, and keep you safe," Manu promised softly.

  My frown deepened hearing his promises since I hadn't laid eyes on him even once in a week. It seemed hard to believe he was really watching me.

  Manu's face became serious. "Now, let us begin. Gita, some of this may be… Uncomfortable for you. Just try and remember, it is important. And it is only uncomfortable because it is new. But soon, it will be extraordinarily pleasant for you. Please rise," Manu said.

  I began to tremble slightly, consumed by an odd feeling as I deftly jumped to my feet.

  "Thank you," Manu said. "Now please, disrobe."

  My cheeks flamed with instant heat. Take off my clothes? In front of Manu, a brother to me? But slowly, I did as I was told until I stood there naked before him, and shivered as the air licked my skin. By instinct I wanted to use my hands and arms to cover myself, but I sensed that I should leave my hands dangling at my sides. Manu inspected me with no expression on his face, as though he were sizing up a product for sale.

  "OK," Manu continued. "Gita, today I am going to prepare you for some things you may expect when Shekhar summons you. How you are to behave. And how you are to respond to him. Again, I know this is all very new to you, so please, remember… Don't be afraid."

  Every time he said not to be afraid, I trembled more.

  "Sometimes, I will come for you, and I will take you to the part of the house where Shekhar lives, to his bed chambers. He will expect you to be displayed in a certain manner when he enters the bedroom. So that is what we will work on first."

  I was beginning to hate the mention of that name. I couldn't imagine why on Earth we were talking about me going into his bedroom when I would not even know him if I passed him on the street. However, it was apparently protocol in this strange world, and I did trust my friend.

  "There are specific positions to be used, and you may select the one that suits you at the time, unless you are told otherwise. The first thing you will always do is disrobe in Shekhar's room."

  Complaint burned in the back of my throat and tears sprung to my eyes. But I said nothing.

  Manu got down on the floor on his knees. "For this first position, you will want to make sure you keep your back to the door. Please do as I do."

  Hesitantly, I joined Manu on the floor, roosting on my knees. At least it wasn't painful, with my knees sinking into the plush carpeting.

  "There will be a round rug in front of his door, and that is where you will do this. Now, please lower your face to the floor while keeping your buttocks up."

  I stared wild-eyed at Manu, blushing furiously. I wanted to ask questions. I wanted to protest. He waited patiently, prepared to respond to whatever I might say. After a long hesitation, I instead just did what he told me, slowly lowering my face to the floor. As I bent, I could feel myself begin to spread at my center and I knew I was terribly exposed. But Manu did not move to look, only continued to wait for me to comply.

  "You may turn your face to the side so that you rest on your cheek. This is meant to be pleasant and comfortable for you." I almost laughed at that comment. Though physically I wasn't terribly uncomfortable, emotionally I was raw. "Now, spread your arms out over your head, your palms flat on the floor, and your fingers spread."

  Manu waited as I moved to comply. Then he scooted over behind me, but oddly I sensed he still wasn't looking at the private parts of me, though they were there for the taking. He put one hand on my hip, and his other hand slid quickly between my thighs. He gently used that hand to separate my thighs. Then he immediately pulled his hands away from me.

  "While in this position, you will spread your legs as wide as you can, and this is how you should be when Shekhar enters."

  I gulped in shallow, rapid breaths and stayed in the position until Manu spoke again. Then, he took me through several other possible positions, ending with one where I lay on a cushion in front of the door with my knees bent, my thighs spread far, and my hands cupping my full breasts. When he told me that was the last one, I began to cry.

  Manu's face fell. "Oh Gita, please, do not cry! I know it's all terribly confusing to you, but you have to believe me, you will understand in time! And you will be happy behind your wildest imaginings." Shadows crossed Manu's dark eyes. "It's all I've ever wanted for you."

  Manu produced a tissue from his breast pocket and offered it to me. What I really desired was a blanket to cover my naked body.

  "I'm going to show you one more thing today, Gita, to help you begin to understand the beauty of things you will feel and learn here. To give you a tiny taste, of treasures you never knew existed. You trust me, do you not?"

  I nodded tearfully. "Yes, Manu. I trust you."

  Manu moved and took a seat between my spread legs, being careful not to brush his body against mine. "I am going to touch you now, Gita. Just relax. Be patient. Allow yourself to become lost in the sensation."

  My heart quickened once more, but I nodded. Manu extended one finger and delicately placed it between my legs. He applied a whisper of pressure to a part of me that I'd never known existed and instantly, my midsection seemed to melt in a flood of warmth. "Ooooh," I whispered, my eyes growing wide.

  Manu smiled his friendly smile. "It feels good?"

  I nodded shyly as Manu stared into my eyes without ceasing the gently swirl of his finger. "This part of you is called a clit," Manu said matter of factly. "It is OK if you make noise. Shekhar will touch you here sometimes, and he will enjoy the sounds of your pleasure."

  I moved my hips slightly as Manu intensified the pressure on my clit. He moved his finger in a fast, perfect rhythmic circle over this part of me that tingled and grew hot. I was breathing heavily and my eyes fell closed as my head spun with the powerful sensation that was building in my mid-section. This was unlike anything I'd ever felt before in my life. When my eyes popped open for a moment, I saw that Manu was looking away from me, and still no part of him touched any part of me other than his one finger. I closed my eyes once more and resolutely decided to do what he'd instructed; lose myself I did.

  In only seconds, my hips bucked suddenly as I thought I was going to lose control of my bladder. But something else happened instead, something that sent me over an invisible edge and before I could pull it back, a fractured scream escaped me and I fell back heavily into the cushion. A thin sheen of sweat coated my entire quaking body, and my thighs shook uncontrollably like butterfly wings. Manu pulled away from me instantly and stood up, the picture of
composure. I was embarrassed about my outcry.

  "Don't worry, it's normal to cry out, Gita," Manu said as though reading my mind. "You are free to express your feelings however you must in those moments. What you've just experienced is called an orgasm. This is the only orgasm you will ever experience again without Shekhar. But don't worry, he will give you many, and in a thousand different incredible ways."


  I was overjoyed when Manu joined me for lunch after the training session. I caught the glances and small smiles from some of the other women, and my cheeks once again blazed as I suspected they knew what had just happened to me. As we sat together eating, we discussed old times and caught up.

  "Manu," I said. "I have a question."

  "Yes, Gita?"

  "Well, on my first day, Padma told me men never ever come into the harem. Not even Shekhar himself. So then, why are you here?"

  Sadness darkened Manu's sweet face for just a second before he replaced the expression with his usual peaceful patience. "Gita, it is so difficult for me to explain it all to you." Manu sighed deeply. "So many curious questions you have!"

  "I'm sorry, Manu. I don't mean to frustrate you with my questions. Never mind," I replied.

  "No no, it's OK, Gita. Hmmm… Where to begin? Well, you remember I told you that we were both born into a certain world."

  "I do! I remember that, Manu! But I still don't understand!"

  "Your mother and father wanted this life for you from the time that you were born," Manu explained patiently. "In a harem, you will always be honored and protected. Cared for. You will have everything your heart desires. That is what they wanted for you. So they spent your life grooming you for the opportunity to become a harem girl."

  It was my turn to sigh. I leaned my chin dejectedly in my hand. "I'm still not sure I agree with their philosophy," I muttered.


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