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Dragon's Conquest (Dragons of Midnight Book 3)

Page 11

by Silver Milan

  “I prefer pain to any pleasure you have to offer, you ugly bitch,” Gabriel said.

  Medeia’s lips curled in a rictus that bore all her front teeth as she smiled. “As you wish, Dragon King. Have you ever heard the phrase, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned?” Her grin widened, and her fangs grew even longer, curving down over her chin like a saber-toothed tiger’s. “I am no ordinary woman, and neither is my fury.”

  She opened her hands. Her nails had grown into claws. As she completed the gesture, his arms and legs were spread wide by invisible forces. He felt switches of Air repeatedly striking his back. Painful blows that even the hardening of his dragon skin couldn’t protect against.

  “Hmm,” she said. “No reaction to the pain? Well how about pleasure, then? I can pleasure you without even touching you.”

  She used her power to rip away his clothes so that he floated naked before the witch. And then a malicious Weave of Air began to fondle him. Gabriel tried to resist, but he was a man. It didn’t help that her naked body remained spread before him, further arousing him. He would have shut his eyes but her Weaves held them open.

  “That’s better,” Medeia said. “This is the Dragon King as he should be. So big. So sexy.”

  As the invisible hand stroked him, the switches began striking his back again, too, so that he felt both pleasure and pain. He hoped the pain would distract him, but it only made him harder still, the invisible hand spurring him on.

  He was a great king. Ruler of all shifters in North America. Reduced to this. First making him disobey his sister, and now this further debasement. To suffer such humiliation at the hands of a lowly vampire filled him with sheer outrage. But there was nothing he could do about it. Nothing but hover there and take it.

  Gabriel felt himself close to his climax, but the invisible onslaught abruptly ceased.

  “Oh, I’m not going to let you come,” Medeia said. “That is one pleasure I’ll never grant you. Not until you learn obedience. Next time, you will come to my bed, do you understand me? As for tonight, I will content myself with merely feeding on you, my pet.”

  She rotated her open palm, twisting her long fingers.

  He felt the pinpricks of pain welling in the tribal tattoos of his forearms. Blood trickled out of his forearms, streaming toward the waiting fangs of the vampire witch.

  The switches began whipping his bare back anew.


  Ariel and the others waited sleepily in the conference room for news after Gwendoline left. After an hour, when Jett still hadn’t heard from either Ephephany, Gwendoline, or the two White Swords with them, Jett stood up.

  “We can’t stay here,” Jett said. “This mansion is a deathtrap. Titan, you have access to the camera systems monitoring all approaches to Gwendoline’s estate?”

  “I do,” Titan said. He donned a pair of glasses Ariel had seen on other soldiers here, glasses that had a small metal attachment on the right lens—probably a private projector screen of some sort. “The coast is clear. So far.”

  “Good,” Jett said. “We’re going to move to the adjacent estate, and find a building where we can get into a good overwatch position.”

  “You think Gabriel is going to send a raid party?” Mathis asked.

  “It’s a definite possibility,” Jett said.

  The party gathered at the entrance to the mansion and then proceeded across the grounds in the dim light. Jett had the White Swords lead the way, and they chose a route well away from the ordinary guards Gwendoline had on patrol.

  The party reached the golden wall that enclosed the estate and sheltered in the foliage next to it.

  “Viper, Titan, over the wall,” Jett said. “Scout the neighboring estate. See if you can find a good spot for the overwatch. Preferably a building out of the way from any patrols our neighbors might have on their grounds.”

  “You got it, boss,” Viper said.

  Jett glanced at Ariel and said, by way of explanation: “This is a rich neighborhood. Nobles, mostly. The dragon shifters here hire guards to protect their properties from commoners and dwarves, who have been known to have slippery fingers.”

  “I kind of figured that out,” Ariel said. “Well, except the dwarves part. I always thought they could just pocket whatever gems that caught their fancy while they mined those tunnels of yours.”

  “And they certainly do,” Jett said. “I’ve purchased the best pieces of my collection from dwarves who kept them hidden from me. My former collection, I mean.”

  “I’m your biggest treasure now, right?” Ariel said, smiling.

  Jett nodded. “More than you know.”

  That’s my dragon, always making me feel amazing.

  Titan peered over the wall from the other side a few minutes later. “We found a spot away from the patrols. Viper is holding it.”

  Jett helped the others over the wall, then joined Ariel on the other side. They followed Titan through a field of evenly spaced orange trees in the dim twilight.

  “I love how citrusy this place smell,” Ariel whispered to him.

  “You’re smelling the oranges that have dropped from the trees,” Jett said.

  “What? Don’t the people who live here pick them?” Ariel asked. “They’re losing money.”

  “These are the lands of the Rivenstorm Dragons,” Jett said. “One of the richest families in the city. They have to be, to live next to a member of the royal family. The Riverstorms could care less about losing money. These oranges are for show, but they do occasionally dispatch slaves to pick the oranges, mostly when hosting an event of some sort, and they want to show off how great their oranges are to the other nobles. Not that many dragons at such an event will bother to sample them anyway, mind you, seeing as we’re all meat eaters.”

  “What a waste,” Ariel said. “They could collect them and give them to food banks.”

  “There are many extravagant wastes in Midnight,” Jett said.

  They stopped at a wide-roofed, gem-encrusted structure. Apparently it was a barn, judging from the stench of fur and manure emanating from inside.

  “Even the barns are made of gems.” Ariel shook her head. “I used to be so in awe of this city. But now I can’t help but think about the greater good all this treasure could be used for.”

  “Yes, but drive a dragon from his treasure at your peril,” Jett said. “There’s a reason why Gabriel has placed so many Black Guards to watch these homes. When Gabriel makes a move to confiscate the hoards of the nobles, most of them won’t cede without a fight.” He glanced at his White Swords. “On the rooftops, men.”

  He helped Mathis and Ariel onto a low, overhanging ledge via a wagon. Jett joined them, and together they low-crawled across the sloping roof until they joined the rest of the crouched White Swords at the flatter area near the top. There, they had a good vantage point of Gwendoline’s estate.

  Ariel lay prostrate beside Jett. She felt his side reassuringly pressed against her own.


  “Poison, Viper, watch the east and west approaches,” Jett said. “Mamba, Titan, keep an eye on the north and south.”

  The four White Swords dispersed, assuming the designated spots on the rooftop. Ariel noticed Mamba and Titan glaring at her in the dim light before turning away.

  “We have to go look for Gwen,” Mathis said.

  “Not yet,” Jett said. “There’s still a chance she or one of the White Swords might return. Why do you think we’re staying here to overwatch?”

  “At least send one of us to find her,” Mathis said.

  “Like you?”

  “Yes,” Mathis said.

  “No, too dangerous,” Jett said. “Not while the curfew is in place. Gabriel will probably triple the patrols, especially if he suspects Gwendoline has friends with her. The fact is, we can better blend in tomorrow. Besides, we don’t know where to start looking for her.” He pulled out his sat-phone.

  “Gabriel’s estate would be a good place,” Mathis said.
  “It will be well guarded,” Jett told him.

  “We can take them,” Mathis said. “Surprise is our advantage.”

  Jett thumb-typed on his sat-phone, saying nothing. He had the screen set to the lowest possible brightness, and he kept the phone shielded from the estate beyond with his body.

  “What are you doing?” Mathis asked.

  “Calling in reinforcements,” Jett said.

  “The pride?” Mathis said. “It will take them two days to make it here won’t it? Unless their witch Jeremiah can make a speed Weave like Ephephany?” He sounded doubtful about that latter point.

  “Jeremiah can’t, no, but Cliff assures me he has a more traditional way to get here just as fast, if not faster,” Jett said.

  “I still say we should make our move before morning,” Mathis said. “Sneak inside Gabriel’s estate. Who knows what he might be doing to Gwendoline. Torturing her.”

  “He wouldn’t,” Jett said. “Not his own sister.”

  “Unless he’s not himself,” Mathis said. “Unless another is in control of him.”

  Jett didn’t answer.

  “We broke into Midnight without issue, didn’t we?” Mathis said. “We infiltrated Gwendoline’s estate. We can do it again.”

  “One swallow does not make a summer,” Jett said.

  Mathis remained silent this time.

  “Okay, you’re drifting into archaisms I don’t understand,” Ariel said.

  Jett glanced at her. “One fortunate event doesn’t mean what follows will also be good.”

  “In other words, just because we broke into Gwendoline’s estate without any problem, doesn’t mean we can do it again with Gabriel’s.”

  “Thanks for being my translator,” Jett said. “We had help here, remember. The White Swords were already in place. At Gabriel’s estate we’ll have no help. We’ll have disable every guard we find, and slowly make our way inside. The Black Guard are organized. They’ll notice if one of their numbers go missing. We need to plan this very carefully, and confirm Gwendoline’s location if at all possible before proceeding. Because in all honesty, at this point I’m more inclined to believe she’s in the dungeons, far from Gabriel’s estate, than anywhere else.”

  Mathis sighed. “All right. We wait then. But only a couple of hours. If we don’t see any sign of her or the White Swords, then we have to start our search.”

  “I’ll consider it,” Jett said. “Because as I told you, I want to wait until dawn before heading out, when the curfew ends.”

  Mathis seemed about to contest him, but then he bowed his head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be arguing with you like this. I agreed to follow you as my Alpha when I joined your pride. I agreed to be obedient. But I’m sure you understand why I’m so strung up... I’m worried about her. About my Gwen.”

  “I understand completely,” Jett said. “She’s my sister. Get some sleep, man. I’m sure you’re feeling just as weary as Ariel and I now that the Ephephany’s damn Weave has worn off. More-so, considering you’re human.”

  “I’m feeling tired to the core,” Mathis admitted. He moved off to a flat, empty area of the roof, and settled in. In moments, Ariel could hear his soft snores.

  “I hope his snoring doesn’t alert anyone,” Ariel said.

  “It’s quiet enough,” Jett said. “If it becomes a problem, I’ll wake him.”

  He stared out at Gwendoline’s estate, scanning the perimeter, searching for signs of intruders.

  Ariel followed his gaze, looking between the different outbuildings in Gwendoline’s estate. Everything seemed quiet over there, with no disturbances anywhere.

  The restoration Weave had worn off some time ago, and Ariel felt the bone weariness even more keenly now that she lay prostrate. Soon she could barely keep her eyes open.

  “We should sleep, too,” Ariel said quietly. “The White Swords can watch Gwendoline’s estate.”

  “You sleep,” Jett said. “I’ll watch your back.”

  “You can’t tell me you’re not tired,” Ariel said.

  “I’m a dragon,” Jett said. “Besides, I’ve endured worse.”

  “Really? Like when?”

  His face darkened. “In the Great Vampire War, sometimes in the trenches one couldn’t sleep for weeks at a time. Trust me when I say this, that the small tiredness I’m feeling now is nothing compared to that. Nothing. Now sleep, my lioness. I’ll protect you.”

  Ariel wanted to do nothing more than sleep, but she forced herself to remain awake. At least for a little while. She hadn’t had any quiet time with her dragon all day, and she wasn’t about to squander it now on something like sleep. Besides, she wanted to prove to him that she could endure just as much weariness as he could.

  First there was something she needed to get out of the way. “What’s up with your White Swords?”

  “What do you mean?” Jett said.

  “Whenever they look at me I can feel the bad vibes,” Ariel said. “It’s like they’re jealous of me or something, maybe for drawing all of your attention, I don’t know. Not Flame, Brazen, or Viper. They’re nice to me. Usually. But the new ones I never met before. Mamba... Titan. They hate me.”

  “They believe you make me vulnerable,” Jett said. “Which is completely true. They are sworn to protect me at all costs, and they don’t like anyone making their job more difficult. They also blame you for the fact I lost the throne, which only proves them right about you making me vulnerable.”

  “Oh, that’s all?” Ariel said saucily. “Well why didn’t you say so?”

  “They’ll learn to love you as I do,” Jett said. “They have to. Or they won’t be employed for very long.”

  “Well that’s reassuring.”

  “It should be.” Jett said. “Know that if any one of them ever raises a hand against you, or ever fails to protect you when an attack comes, he won’t live through the day.”

  She smiled, and snuggled against him. “My dragon. You’re a vindictive one, aren’t you?” She felt so safe with him.

  “I never claimed I wasn’t,” Jett said. “You knew what you were getting into when you picked a former dragon king as your lover.”

  “Actually I didn’t really know what I was getting into,” Ariel said. “I couldn’t help falling for you, though. You’re so sweet, and damn hot. Hottest man in the world, in fact. But I’m happy with what I got. You’re the full package, and I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”

  He smiled at her and planted a tender kiss on her lips. “Thank you, my love.” He returned his attention to Gwendoline’s estate.

  Ariel raised her head to cast surreptitious glances at the White Swords who guarded the four approaches. They seemed to be paying her and Jett no heed, their focus entirely on the outlying fields, and the streets and estates beyond.

  “You know,” Ariel said. “I might not be too tired to make love…”

  Jett glanced at her. His expression was heated. “I thought you didn’t like having an audience.” His eyes darted toward the White Swords in his view.

  “I don’t, but we could be really quiet?” she asked hopefully.

  Jet smiled sweetly. “Ariel. There’s nothing more I’d rather do. But I can’t let my guard down. We’re in the heart of a dragon city, surrounded by enemies. We don’t know who we can trust.”

  Ariel frowned. “What are you saying? You don’t trust your White Swords?”

  “Those members of the Swords we met here?” Jett said. “Not entirely.” He had lowered his voice even further, and placed his lips teasingly close to her ear so she could feel his hot breath on her. It made her tremble slightly.

  “If it’s true the scent of the undead can be masked, of course I have to be doubtful,” Jett continued. “An undead is entirely in the control of his or her maker. It’s worse even than compulsion, because at least with compulsion the mind can eventually be set free. The only way to free an undead is to slay him or her.”

  “It’s disgusting that anyone could d
o that to someone else,” Ariel said.

  “It is.” He shook his head. “The undead. The vampire’s answer to compulsion.”

  “Can’t a vampire witch learn compulsion though?”

  “Yes, like any other witch, if she is of a high enough level,” Jett said. “Though the Weaves become tainted with Death, making it harder to control a subject. The compulsion Weave must also be continually maintained, unless one has the Ability, like my sister, brother and myself, whereas making someone an undead is a one-off thing. Killing the subject first and resurrecting the corpse as undead takes far less energy, Strength-wise. Though almost as much skill as compulsion is required.”

  “Assuming they can actually kill the target,” Ariel said.

  “Yes,” Jett said. “Though by the time a vampire witch reaches the skill level necessary to create the undead, usually he or she is very proficient at killing. Also, in this place, where transformations are magically inhibited, the killing would be much easier for such a witch, especially if she feasted on dragon blood beforehand.”

  “As king, why would you allow Ephephany to place a suppressive Weave like that on your city?” Ariel asked. “If it made it easier for vampires to pick you off?”

  “First of all, ordinarily a vampire witch would never be allowed into the city,” Jett said. “The guards have orders to kill them on sight. To get inside, she’d have to study our mountain range for a long time, and probe for weaknesses.”

  “Like the tunnels in the Hooded Dale,” Ariel said.

  “Yes,” Jett agreed. “And once she got in, she’d have to use the utmost of stealth.”

  “Well, obviously it’s possible, because here we are,” Ariel said.

  “Very true,” Jett said. “Someone has infiltrated the upper echelons of our society, that much is obvious. But back to your question. You probably heard Ephephany mention earlier that the Weave also serves to protect us against attacks from other shifters.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s right,” Ariel said.


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