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The Assassins Guild: Earth Must BE Stopped (The Assassin Guild Book 1)

Page 6

by Saxon Andrew

  “Sig, there’s no way we can get down that moving boarding ramp without being detected!”

  Sig nodded, “I have the layout of the ship downloaded. We’re going out the supply ramp, but we have to hurry; it’s at the other end of the ship.” They turned invisible and left their cabin. It took more than two-hours to work their way down to the supply ramps and another thirty-minutes to rush down it during a moment of stoppage, while one hauler pulled away to be replaced by another.

  Lis looked at the boarding ramp and saw there were very few passengers still boarding. “We’re not going to make it!”

  “Get on my back, Lis.”


  “Just do it!”

  Lis jumped on Sig’s back and he sprinted toward the parked transport. Lis was shocked at Sig’s speed. They covered half-a-mile in less than a minute and he wasn’t winded. They got in the transport and changed to Zak and Jil’s bodies. They jumped out, grabbed their luggage out of the transport, and began rushing toward the now empty boarding ramp.

  • • •

  A sailor looked at the Boarding Officer, “We need to raise the ramp, Sir.”

  “I still have some missing passengers. They’re still onloading supplies and I’m going to wait until the very last minute. The company will be very unhappy at losing any revenue.” He looked out from the ramp and saw two-people rushing toward them from the parking lot. He turned to the sailor and nodded, “After these two are on board, you can shut it up, if no one else is in sight.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Zak and Jil arrived at the ramp and Zak bent over and put his hands on his knees faking being out of breath, “We’re sorry, we were slowed by an accident on the 805.”

  “That’s all right. At least you made it…barely. You’ll have to take your luggage with you.”

  Jil faked being out of breath and the Officer picked up her carryall and put it next to her on the ramp. “NAMES?” he yelled, as Zak and Jill were moving up the ramp.”

  “Zak and Jil!”

  The Officer nodded and sent the message to the ship’s computer. They arrived at the top of the boarding ramp and heard, “Zak and Jil, cabin number 4013.”

  Tal looked at Ka, the other assassin team had been placed in a cabin next to them. The long arms of the guild were once again revealed. Tal picked up his bags and a man in a white uniform stepped forward and smiled, “Please allow one of our crew to carry your bags.” The man picked up Jil’s bag and handed it to a crewman standing close by.

  Another crewman picked up Zak’s luggage and smiled, “Please follow me to your cabin.”

  They arrived at their room and found a crowd gathered outside of it. “We were wondering if you were going to make it!”

  Jil smiled, “Ged, it’s so good to see you!”

  Everyone began hugging them and Ged yelled, “We’re on our way to the initial escape pod training and then to the cafeteria to get something to eat!”

  Tal hesitated on how they were going to get out of this, but Ka grabbed him by the shirt and opened their cabin door, “We’re going to have to catch up with you later; I need some alone time with Zak!” She pulled him into the cabin by the shirt and slammed the door behind them. Everyone started laughing and Ged laughed with them, as he announced, “They’ll never change! We’ll meet them later.” The crowd moved out of the corridor and went up the ramp leading to the next level.

  “How are we going to handle escape training?” Tal asked.

  “You go into the next cabin and go as Sig. “I’ll go as Jil and we’ll make excuses why our spouses aren’t present.”

  “Do you think they’ll accept it.”

  “Tal, I’m telling them you injured your back running to the ship carrying our luggage. You’ll have to come up with your own excuse. Let’s go.

  Chapter Five

  A sailor walked up to Sig and glanced down at his clipboard, “Where is your wife?”

  “She’s in our cabin.”

  “She’s required to attend this safety meeting.”

  “Why don’t you go and see if you can get her to come.” The sailor’s eyes narrowed, and Sig shrugged, “Are you married?” The sailor nodded. “Have you ever said the perfectly wrong thing at the worst possible time?”

  “I have,” the sailor replied with a smirk.

  “Well, she throws things when she gets this mad. I suspect she left our cabin when I came here, and you’ll have to hunt her down to get her to come anywhere near me. I suggest you take a stunner with you.”

  The sailor snickered, made a note on the clipboard, and smiled at Sig, “You will bring her up here and cover her with the safety protocols.”

  “It probably won’t happen until later today.”

  “Just make sure you do it.” Sig nodded.

  The sailor walked down the line of passengers and stopped in front of Jil. Before he could say anything, she quickly said, “We were late arriving, and my husband hurt his back running to the ship carrying our luggage. He’s in our cabin undergoing treatment.”

  The sailor checked his clipboard and saw the couple was a last-minute arrival, “Make sure you cover him on the safety protocols.”

  “I will.”

  The sailor continued down the line, as they heard a voice over the wall speaker, “Welcome everyone; we’ll allow you to get back to your vacation momentarily.” Sig turned and saw the Cruise Director holding a microphone in front of the long line of passengers. “Before we go over the use of the escape pods, I want to introduce you to Duncan Montana. He is our liaison with Earth’s Cruise Authority and he wants to say a few words.”

  The Director handed the microphone to a handsome man dressed in a white-uniform. Sig looked closely at the man’s uniform and saw it was not a civilian uniform; the man was an officer in Earth’s military. He was also the man that greeted them when they arrived at the ship.

  The man looked out at the passengers with a smile, “I want to welcome you on your visit to Earth. We have a long list of things for you to do upon your arrival and the list will be available on your cabin’s computer after this meeting. You should select the places you want to visit on Earth as quickly as possible, so transportation can be arranged. There will be a hostess assigned to you when you arrive to assist you in handling your lodging and travel details. We look forward to your arrival and we’ll do all we can to make your vacation special. Thank you for choosing to visit Earth and hope you’ll share your experiences with your friends back in the colonies.”

  The man handed the microphone back to the Director and stepped back. Sig saw him stare at Jil, while she was looking at the Cruise Director, and could see something was up. He’d discuss this with her back in the cabin. The Safety Director covered the passengers on the use of the escape-pods and then turned it back over to the Cruise Director. “The ship is about to lift and if any of you want to watch it, go to the outer decks where the cafeterias are located, where you can watch it out of the viewports or on the wall monitors. Enjoy your cruise and my staff is available to handle any of your needs.

  • • •

  After returning to their cabin, Zak and Jil went to the cafeteria and spent most of the afternoon with their friends on the cruise. Zak was amazed by the giant cruise ship’s departure and focused on the monitors as it silently lifted and moved away from the planet. Four-hours later, the phase-stardrive activated and the distant stars became streaks of light as the ship went to full speed. The technology of a starship was amazing to witness, and it never ceased to enthrall him.

  Zak had put a do-not-disturb sign on Sig’s door handle before leaving but knew it was going to be an issue to pose as both couples for the week-long cruise. That was something they’d have to work out later. But for the moment, they stayed in Zak and Jil’s memories and had a great time with their friends. They finally went back to their cabin and closed the door. They were expected to join their friends in the casino before going to the evening dinner.

  Jil started undr
essing to change out of her stretch suit and Zak was surprised she didn’t ask him to turn his back. “We have several problems, Zak.” Zak stared at her and she snapped, “FOCUS!”

  “What are they?” he stammered.

  Jil glared at him and said harshly, “You tell me! You don’t appear to be paying attention!”

  “Sorry, I was surprised at seeing you…without clothes.”

  “Get over it! What are our issues?!”

  “The first one is that both couples we’re impersonating are going to be assigned a hostess from Earth when we arrive. We can’t play both roles when that happens.”

  Jil’s head went back slightly, “Go on?”

  “The second issue is that Sig and Lis were not our real neighbors.”

  Jil snorted, “I guess you are paying attention. How did you figure out they weren’t our neighbors?”

  Jil continued changing clothes and Zak forced himself to look away, “Both of us know that Zak and Jil are very personable people and would have to know the neighbors living around them.” Jil pulled the stretch suit over her legs and nodded. “However, the guild managed to have Sig and Lis assigned the cabin next to ours; there was no way for us to miss running in to them during the cruise.” Zak paused before saying, “That would have to mean that Zak and Jil would not recognize them if they did.”

  Jil pulled the suit on over her arms and nodded, “That means that the neighbors Zak and Jil knew had to be eliminated and a different couple substituted for them. The guild killed six-innocent people to make this work; Zak and Jil, the real neighbors across the street from them, and a third-couple going on this cruise.” Zak shook his head slightly, then nodded. “What are you thinking?” Jil asked.

  “I’m losing my touch.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because I didn’t make the connection. The man that watched me take out the garbage didn’t look like Sig. I suspect the two-assassins changed their images to the couple going on this cruise just before we went in and took them out. You didn’t see them, but I can now see that they don’t match up with Zak’s memory of his neighbors.”

  Jil focused for a moment and then nodded, “You’re right. But don’t beat yourself up; neither of us noticed the change when we eliminated them.”

  “That’s because we were in our own personas and not using Zak and Jil’s memories when we did it,” Zak added. “Is that all of the issues?”

  “No. There’s another one.”

  “What is it?”

  “The officer from Earth is four-cabins up the hall from us,” Jill answered as she smoothed the stretch suit.

  “How do you know that?”

  “He put a do-not-disturb sign on the door and it is an active spotter. He is there to keep an eye on us.” Zak’s eyes widened slightly, as Jill continued, “I know the real reason the Guild Master chose Zak and Jil for us to mimic. They are completely different from every other colonist on this cruise because they have not modified their appearance. Since they are unmodified, they can blend in with Earth’s population easily but stand out among the other tourists on the cruise like a sore thumb. It was like shouting to that officer who the assassins are being sent to find the scientist.”

  “But there is no scientist, Jil!”

  “Zak, they were told assassins were being sent to remove a scientist developing a stardrive. It doesn’t matter if he exists or not; they will be looking for the assassins regardless. They’re not going to allow anyone to spy on their military!”

  Zak rolled his eyes and started shaking his head, “You’re right. How do you think we need to handle this?”

  “How do you…”

  Zak interrupted her, “Stop making this a test, Jil! We’re working together on this and you are far superior than me at handling this kind of situation. I’m struggling with what to do and need you to help me figure this out.”

  Jil blew out a breath and then sighed, “I guess I’ve been upset at how superior you are in the things you can do that I can’t; I can’t help but resent it. But you’re right, we need to work together without my insecurities getting in the way.”

  “We both have our specific talents, Jil. I need yours here to figure out what to do.”

  “We have to know what that officer knows and what he’s planning.”

  “Go on.”

  “I need you to get close to him and listen in on him; he must be in contact with someone on Earth.” Zak thought a moment and nodded. Jil added, “You need to use your invisibility to stay close until he checks in.”

  “Why should I do it instead of you?”

  “Zak, you’ve been using your invisibility talent for a lot longer than I have. You should be better prepared to follow him.”

  “When do you think he’ll contact his superiors?”

  “When he goes in his cabin.” Zak stared at her, as he thought about the suggestion. Jil continued, “He hasn’t gone in his cabin when we’re out.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “That do-not-disturb sign has not left his door whenever we come to our cabin; I saw him in the cafeteria the entire time we were there. He’ll want to take it in and examine what it’s recorded when he goes to his cabin. You need to be there when he does.”

  “He probably won’t do that until we’ve called it a night.”

  Jil nodded, “Then you leave the casino before I do tonight and be ready to go out the moment I return to our cabin.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Now, you need to change into a different colored stretch suit.” Zak raised his eyebrows and Jil smiled, “And yes, I will be watching.” Zak sighed and began taking off his clothes.

  • • •

  Zak was standing beside Jil at a gaming table and saw she was racking up chips. He glanced over her shoulder and saw the man from Earth sitting next to the wall at a table by himself. He wasn’t looking at them, but he could read his expression easily; he was listening to something. It was probably them; he had to be wearing a directional listening device. Zak put his arm over Jil’s shoulder and hugged her, “Honey, I’m worn out. I’m heading back to our cabin.”

  Jil reached up and kissed him on the cheek, “I’ll join you as soon as I finish this play.”

  “See you in the room.” Zak turned and walked slowly out of the casino. The man glanced his way but kept his seat. Zak arrived at their cabin and immediately turned invisible. He waited at the door and, five-minutes later, Jil opened the door. Zak tapped her on the shoulder as he moved out of the cabin and into the corridor.

  He moved down the corridor until he was across the corridor from the man’s cabin. Two-minutes later, the man came out of the elevator and walked over to his cabin. He looked both ways up the corridor and pushed the electronic-fob on his door’s lock. He took the do-not-disturb sign off the door handle as Zak slipped into the room behind him. He silently rushed by him into the room and went prone next to the wall away from the desk.

  • • •

  Duncan glanced around the room and saw his bed was still unmade; good, no one had come in. He opened the closet behind the door and took out a small-device that looked like a small printer. He took it to his desk, pulled up the chair, and pressed a button on it. Zak pressed a place on his leg activating a micro-recorder. He remained very still and controlled his breathing. The air-handler was a constant source of sound, but it wasn’t loud.

  Duncan inserted the door sign into the device and a holographic screen appeared above the device. He fast forwarded through it and only stopped it when it showed Zak and Jil leaving their room earlier. He fast forwarded again and saw Zak enter his cabin, followed by Jil, a few minutes later; good, they were in for the night. He started to put the sign back on the door but saw a flashing red light. He hesitated but pushed the red-button. Zak saw a hologram of a man in a black military uniform appear above the device, “I thought you weren’t supposed to contact me while I’m on the ship!” Duncan stated sternly.

  The man
quickly spoke, “There’s been some developments and you must be brought up to date.”

  “What’s going on?” Duncan asked.

  “We’ve received some information from our insider in the Assassin’s Guild. The couple you’ve been watching are on a fake mission.”


  “It appears that one of them killed the former President of their ruling council and the new President has taken out a contract to remove him. The whole idea of a scientist developing a stardrive was fabricated to get them out of the colonies, so they could be exterminated. That’s why the informer told us that the assassins would not be dressed like the other clowns. They want us to take them out.”

  Duncan’s eyes narrowed, as he replied, “If they are going to go looking around our military complex, we’ll have to do exactly that.”

  “Hold on, Major; there’s more.” Duncan leaned back in his chair to listen. “They have also sent an assassin on the cruise to kill them if the opportunity presents itself.”

  “Sir, if they get off this ship, we can’t wait for that assassin to do it.”

  “Major, you don’t know how much grief the Director of Tourism has given us over this. He says that if any colonists are killed while they’re on Earth, and it can be traced to us, the cruise lines will probably stop all cruises to Earth. He says the loss of revenues would be a lot worse than having a few assassins running around on Earth.”

  “Not if they find Dr. Meier, Sir.”

  “The Tourism Director doesn’t know anything about Dr. Meier. We’ve moved him to a safe place outside Orlando the moment we learned about the assassins. They won’t find him.”

  “Did the Insider say anything about the assassin sent to take them out?”

  “No, Major. All they know is that it’s a single assassin that will be made the new Number One in the guild, if he carries out his contract. We are going to have to back off and give this assassin room to maneuver. If you’re constantly close to the targets, he may not act before the ship arrives at Earth.”


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