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The Assassins Guild: Earth Must BE Stopped (The Assassin Guild Book 1)

Page 25

by Saxon Andrew

  “I need to think about this!” he replied.

  “Take all the time you need as long as you decide within two-hours.”

  “Why two-hours?”

  “If I am forced to contact your ship on the moon, then I really don’t need you.” Tal paused and smiled, “Come on, Laramie! You know what you must do! I saw it in an instant and knew I had to come to Earth to protect the colonies. You know if I’m right about this, there is only one choice you can make.”

  “My real name is Ste and I’m a Colonel in the military.”

  “You will remain Dr. Laramie and will continue to work in the lab.”

  “Why would you want me to do that?”

  “You did transfer the real Dr. Laramie’s memories, didn’t you?”

  “I did.”

  “Then you possess the memories of one of Earth’s best physicists. Killing him should get you executed but you do have his knowledge and we need it. You need to help us develop what we need to confront this threat. You can also make sure no agent penetrates the lab. You will certainly be contacted if anyone else is sent. While you’re working with our scientists, you can confirm beyond any doubt that those aliens are out there. What is your answer, Colonel?”

  Ste hesitated before answering, “Like you said, there really isn’t a choice. If what you’ve said is true, I have no option.”

  “I need you to say it, Colonel.”

  “Count me in. I’ll do what I can, as long as what you’ve told me about the aliens is true.”

  • • •

  Tal glanced at Sha sitting off camera and saw her nod, “I’m releasing your restraints and I need you to remove all the weapons and explosives you have.” The metal restraints snapped away from the chair and Ste stood up and stretched. Tal said in a soft voice, “All of your devices will be returned to you after we take you to the lab and show you what we have on the alien ship.”

  “You trust me enough to do that?” Ste asked with his brow furrowed.”

  “I believe you don’t want to see your family die and, like me, will do anything to prevent that happening. We learned in capturing you that we need someone armed in the lab to defend it against a Colony agent. You will have that role in working on the force field. We’ll release a story that we made a mistake in arresting you and have apologized profusely. You’ll need to act righteously indignant about it.”

  Ste stared at the monitor and started removing items from his body. The pile grew, and Tal shook his head, “You did come prepared.”

  “No, I didn’t! Ste replied. “I was totally unprepared for what you’ve told me.” A few minutes later, Ste looked up, “That’s everything.”


  STE interrupted Tal, “That’s everything. If you have someone present, then they’ll know I’m being truthful.”

  Tal glanced to his right and Sha nodded again. Tal pressed a button on his panel and one of the four-walls swung out. Duncan was waiting outside the wall with a smile, “Welcome to Earth.”

  Ste nodded, “I need to start over.”

  • • •

  Tal and Sha winced as Admiral Snow yelled, “I WILL NOT ALLOW THE PRESENCE OF THAT SHIP ON THE MOON TO CONTINUE!!”

  Tal was quiet for a moment and waited. A minute later, the Chancellor opened the door and entered. Admiral Snow came to attention and the Chancellor smiled, “Keep your seat, Oliver. I want to listen in to this meeting.”

  “Sir, there is a colony ship on the moon and I demand it be eliminated.”

  “Why?” the Chancellor asked.

  Admiral Snow stuttered, “It’s…it’s…invaded our territory!!”

  The Chancellor turned to Tal, “Oliver is making a good point.”

  “And what will be the fallout if we do remove it?” Tal asked.

  The Chancellor considered the question and turned to Admiral Snow, “What will happen if we do, Admiral?”

  “That ship will be removed, Sir!”

  The Chancellor stared at the Admiral and then smiled, “Always the warrior, Oliver.” He turned to Tal, “What do you see happening.”

  “Sir, we’ve captured one of their communication devices and we can track any communication to the moon back to its source; it will allow us to find all the agents sent from the colonies. If we take out that ship, then the colonies could look at it as an act of war and possibly attack Earth.” Tal saw Snow’s eyes narrow and his brow furrow; he quickly added, “It won’t matter that they’re on the wrong side of this issue. They could start a war.” He paused and then continued, “If they don’t attack, then they will send another ship that we won’t detect, and it will have a new communicator that we won’t be able to track. I suspect they’ll have it located outside the moon’s orbit next time and we won’t be able to go after it without revealing Earth has a stardrive. If we try to go after it with thrusters, it will simply jump away and continue its mission after our warships are forced to return to Earth. I rather have the devil I know than an unknown demon, Sir.”

  The Chancellor thought about Tal’s summation for a few moments, and turned to Snow, “Admiral?”

  Snow was furious, but he wasn’t stupid. “I didn’t consider what General Talent just said.”

  “And now,” The Chancellor prodded.

  “It appears we need to leave it be, Sir.”

  “Thank you, Oliver. I know you don’t like doing this.”

  “Sir, how did you know about this meeting?”

  “General Montana contacted me prior to the meeting and suggested I be here.” Snow reluctantly nodded, and the Chancellor said in his throat, “Thank you for contacting me.”

  Tal replied, “Thank you for coming.”

  The Chancellor stood up, “Keep up the good work.” He left the room and Admiral Snow glared at them, “That will be all!”

  Tal nodded and left the admiral’s office. So much to do. He thought about Ste’s reaction when he saw the tapes of the Alien ship. Ste was trained to see if someone was lying and he quickly saw the scientists just weren’t capable of being deceptive. The one’s watching the alien vessel were proud of their work in manipulating the ancient probe and wanted to share it with Dr. Laramie. Tal returned his weapons that night.

  Tal chuckled when Laramie asked, “Where is Sgt. Simmons?”

  “That was my wife in a different form.” Laramie rolled his eyes and Tal smiled, “There will be others, Ste.”

  “Not like her, Tal.” Tal nodded and left him to rearm. As he walked away, he had to admit, he agreed with Ste.

  • • •

  Dr. Meier and Ka returned to the lab with a new computer system and things started happening fast. Tal mostly stayed away from the lab, but Sha would go and visit her mother from time-to-time. She assisted in installing the new system and saw that the dew was off the rose for Ka and Dr. Meier. “You’re not smiling as much around Dr. Meier?” Sha casually mentioned.

  “He’s really not all that, Sha. I spent enough time with him to get to know him while building the new computer. I have to say I was disappointed. The new Dr. Laramie is more qualified than he is to lead the lab.”

  “Keep your chin up, Mom.”

  “I will.”

  • • •

  Sha made a point of working with Dr. Laramie on a project and casually asked, “Doctor, I know you have a family, are you married?”

  “I was.”

  “What happened?”

  “She didn’t like long absences. She moved on.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “It’s ok. My children are grown and out on their own. They sought me out years ago, and I must admit that I’m really proud of them; I wish I had met them sooner.” Sha smiled and left him working on the installation of the computer system in the force field’s area. She later saw Ka working with him and smiled.

  • • •

  All the guards that were working for the colonies were slowly removed. They couldn’t do any damage; only someone that made it into the lab
could do that. The pilot on the ship hiding on the moon saw that Earth’s intelligence agents were becoming quite good and he was losing agents due to small mistakes they made. He never thought that his communications were compromised. Duncan never removed an agent that contacted him until much later. Many of the agents were left in place and Tal allowed new guards that were compromised on the base, but they were never assigned close to the lab. Things were coming under control.

  • • •

  Tal and Sha were not together very much due to the large number of Colony agents scattered around the planet and Ste would come and have dinner with Tal. They developed respect for each other first on the job and friendship soon followed. Tonight, was a good evening, Sha was back and joined them for dinner. They sat down at the table and Tal saw something in Ste’s expression, “What’s going on?”

  Ste looked over at Sha and then turned back to Tal, “You know I’ve been working with the force field team?” Tal nodded. “Our goal is to find a way for a force field to work inside a stardrive’s phase field.”

  “Have you done it?” Tal quickly asked.

  “Not quite. We’ve come up with something else.”

  Tal’s expression instantly changed, “What is it?”

  “You know that many metals have a field around them, right.”

  Sha responded, “Most of them are magnetic or radioactive.”

  Ste nodded, “Exactly right. We discovered, accidently, that if a highly magnetized metal is barraged by powerful radioactive waves, while inside a phase field, the metal takes on the frequency of a phase field.”

  “What does that mean?” Tal asked.

  “It means the metal doesn’t need a phase field to move faster than light!” Sha answered. “The metal itself is immune to the laws of our universe.”

  Tal noticed Ste nod and turned to Sha, “I’m not sure I understand what you’re saying, Sha.”

  Sha’s eyes widened, as she asked, “You do understand that a phase field separates anything inside it from normal space in our universe, right?” Tal nodded. “Nothing in normal space can move faster than the speed of light…nothing! The laws that govern our universe prevents that from happening. A phase field is not part of normal space and exists outside it in our universe. Anything inside the phase field is not limited by the normal physical laws that govern everything outside the field. Objects inside a phase field are not limited by the speed of light and can travel thousands, or even millions of times faster than light. It was the discovery of the phase field that opened the universe to humanity. What Ste is saying is that this metal doesn’t need a phase field; the metal itself is not part of normal space, so it’s not limited to light-speed.”

  Tal turned back to Ste, “That sounds dangerous.”

  Ste chuckled, “Well, yes and no.” Tal and Sha stared at him, “Anything inside a phase field does not make contact with anything in normal space. That’s why a starship will just fly through rocks, comets, asteroids, and other solid objects and not be damaged.” Ste smiled, “No one’s ever had the courage to fly thorough a planet or star and I don’t think that recognition will ever be held by anyone. Even, working on this metal is required to be done inside a phase field.”

  “So, what’s the bottom-line on this discovery, Ste?”

  “If a ship is built using this metal, it won’t be detected until it’s on top of the scanner looking for it.”

  “What do you mean by right on top?” Tal asked.

  “Less than twenty-miles, Tal.”

  “And it will be able to fly as fast as a ship inside a phase field?”

  “Yes, it will.”

  “You know what this means?!” Tal said excitedly.

  Ste nodded, “We’ll be able to go and take a good look at the alien ship at Neptune.”

  Tal’s eyes were locked on Ste and Sha forcefully spoke out, “DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, TAL!!” Ste and Tal turned to her quickly and saw her frown and furrowed brow. She was clearly not a happy pilot.

  Tal started smiling again, as he turned to Ste and asked, “You’re planning to go, aren’t you?”

  “I am.”

  “I’ll go with you. Do you know how to fly a ship, Ste?”

  “It was the first thing I did in the military. I commanded a Colony Warship.”

  Sha shouted, interrupted them, “STOP IGNORING ME!! YOU’RE NOT GOING TO DO THIS!!”

  Tal turned to Sha, “You and Duncan have a handle on the Colony agents. Ste isn’t married, and his children are grown.” He saw Sha’s expression and smiled, “Ste and I are brothers of a different mother. We’ve spent a lot of time together while you’ve been gone.” Tal saw her expression and added, “I’m alone and single. There’s nothing holding me back from doing this. We need a military mind to go and a scientist, as well. Who better to see the alien’s physiology than a geneticist?”

  “If you go, I go!” Sha blurted out.

  “Sha, that doesn’t make sense.”

  “Using your logic, I’m single and alone, too.”

  “You have your mother to consider and I have no doubt she’ll exercise her new influence to prevent you going.” Ste looked uncomfortable and Tal asked, “What’s eating you?”

  “I suspect her mother may try to stop me from going as well.”

  Tal jerked his head back to Ste, “Why would she do that?”

  “I think she has a thing for me, Tal.”

  Ste’s comment surprised Tal, “Do tell!”

  “It happened quite by accident.”

  Tal snorted loudly, “Nothing she does is accidental, Ste! I thought she and Dr. Meier were an item.”

  “She thinks he’s not that bright.”

  Tal rolled his eyes and Sha spoke up, “Mother is interested in Ste.”

  Tal turned back to Ste, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Ste timidly replied, “I know she and you were once together and I didn’t want her to come between our friendship.”

  “Are you interested in her?” he asked.

  “I have to admit I am, Tal.”

  “Well…I wish the two of you good luck. I’ll find another pilot to make the trip.”

  “Oh no, you won’t. If you’re going, I won’t stay behind,” Ste responded.

  Tal smiled, “Well, I guess that’s how it’s going to be, then.”

  Sha jumped back in the conversation, “Tal, please don’t do this!!”

  “Sha, this has to be done and you know we’re the best ones to do it. What is your problem!?” Sha couldn’t bring herself to answer, and Tal barked, “Spit it out, Sha!”

  Sha glared at him and then answered harshly, “The two-men that Mom and I are interested in will be going out to possibly throw their lives away! It’s not fair!!”

  Tal stood in front of Sha with his mouth open. She glared at him and he managed to sputter, “You…you…” He paused and gathered his thoughts, “You told me you weren’t attracted to me!”

  “No, I didn’t!” she snapped back at him.

  “Yes, you did, Sha! You told me when I accused you of only wanting to use me to take my talents and tools to be better than your mother.”

  Sha’s head went back, and she crossed her arms, as she moved her head from side-to-side, “Tal, you need to remember what I said, exactly as I said it.”

  Tal lowered his eyes as he thought about it and said, “I remember saying, ‘You can’t be suggesting you’re attracted to me.’

  “And what was my answer, Tal?”

  “You told me you weren’t.”

  “The exact words I used were, ‘I’m not suggesting anything. You announced you had everything figured out and I feel compelled to tell you you’re wrong.’”

  Tal’s eyes were narrow, and his eyebrows were lowered. He glanced to the side at Ste, who threw his hands in the air, “She didn’t deny it, if those were her exact words.”

  Tal turned back to Sha and she was hot. She stepped up close to him and started poking him in the chest with her index finger,
“You’re supposed to be so smart, but you never figured out why I wanted to be with you! You didn’t consider that I wanted to be with you because I think you’re the smartest man I’ve ever known and have a heart to match your intellect. You never noticed any of the clues I’ve given you and made absolutely no move to bring me closer to you! Just go on out there being a little boy and get yourself killed!!” Sha stamped her feet, turned, and stormed out the door.

  Ste broke the tension, “She’s a lot like her mother, isn’t she?”

  Tal raised a shoulder, “Not really; she smiles a lot more.”

  They sat in silence and finished their meal. Ste stood up and raised a shoulder, “What’s the problem, Tal?”

  “With what?”

  “Why are you not out of here chasing her? She’s one of the most beautiful and intelligent women I’ve ever met.” Tal sighed. “Do you think you don’t deserve her?” Ste asked.

  Tal exhaled slowly, “Have you taken a good look at her and listened to her for more than sixty-seconds? How could she possibly be attracted to me?”

  “You don’t see yourself like others see you, Tal,” Ste responded. “She’d be lucky to have you and she knows it; and that’s coming from an unbiased source. Don’t make her wait.” Ste left the apartment and Tal sat in silence for a few minutes after he left. He shook his head forcefully and then stood up. He stared at the door and said to himself, “Are you an idiot?” He ran to the door and threw it open. He saw Sha standing outside it and she rushed into his arms. She kissed him, then leaned back and asked, “What took you so long?”

  Tal smiled, “I had to figure it out.”


  “I’ve wasted too much time; I need to stop that.” Sha knew he was right, pushed him back inside the door, and closed it behind her.

  • • •

  Several hours later, Sha sat under Tal’s arm on the sofa. She had her head on his chest and asked, “Are you still going to make the trip?” Tal exhaled softly and nodded. “Why do you have to do it, Tal?”

  “Redemption.” Sha looked up at him. “The number of people I’ve killed in the colonies haunt me. I’ve lost most of my soul and I must do this to try and make a difference in saving mankind. Perhaps my ghosts will leave me in peace if I go?”


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