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London Falling (The Falling Series)

Page 17

by Audrey Carlan

  She lifted and looked around. The other patrons were lost in their own world, nowhere near paying attention to us. Thank God.

  “Shhh, if you can’t be quiet, you don’t get to come, got it?” she threatened in a harsh whisper.

  My balls tightened and my dick swelled in her hands. Instead of responding, I did what any warm-blooded man about to get sucked off in a movie theater would do. I nodded and kept my trap shut. If we got caught I’d fight the indecent exposure charge gladly.

  Her red swollen lips covered my cock as she licked and sucked the head. She alternated her hands at the base, circling, rubbing up and down in time with her suction. I didn’t want to think about how she got to be so good at giving head. That would make me want to beat the hell out of any bastard who had received my Beauty’s affection.

  Slowly, she trailed her tongue down one side of my cock then the other. I tunneled my hands into her hair, pulling back the curls so that I could see her take me in her mouth, over and over. Dizzying circles of wetness and heat, coupled by her firm sucking, the same way I sucked her tight pink nipples into my mouth, had me humming deep in my throat.

  Her hand slipped down to cup and fondle my balls and as she squeezed, I surged into her mouth, reaching that tight ring of her throat. The pressure was intense, mind-blowing.

  She pulled back and I pushed her head back down on my cock, not letting her lips leave without a fight. She went wild, wrapping her lips around my cock and bucking into my leg. I grabbed her hair in a tight fist, instinctively knowing she wanted to be controlled. With my right hand, I reached over and around her bent-over arse. Fuck decency. I pulled up her skirt, baring her to the entire room. Her black thong cut between her cheeks like a roadmap for my fingers. Thank God, we were almost against a wall or someone would be getting a two for one show.

  Only I could see the perfect firm globes of her arse as I slid my fingers along the seam backlit by the movie screens soft glow. She moaned around my prick and I tugged on her hair, forcing her to tease the tip of my dick before shoving her down the length again.

  I could feel the wetness at my fingertips as I reached around her. When I knew I was hovering just over her sopping pussy, I tightened my grip and tipped her head back to look in my eyes.

  “Suck me, Beauty,” I whispered and pushed her head onto my cock at the same time two of my fingers dipped into her heat. She cried out, the sound muffled around my prick. I thrust my hips into her mouth and my fingers deep into her slit. She rode my fingers and I rode her face. Both of us shivering and jittery with the powerful need to release into one another.

  I yanked hard at her core, digging my fingers in to find that spot, the one that made her fucking scream. When I found it, her entire body, withered, then strung tight like a drum, sucked me firmly to the point of physical pain, ripping my orgasm from me.

  I pumped into her, lights flashing behind my eyes as she rode out her own release.

  God, she was beautiful, sucking my cock, coming around my fingers, swallowing my cum. With London, sex of any kind was a full-body experience. Once her hips slowed and she’d gotten every last inch of pleasure plucked from her perfect pussy, I pulled my hand from her and put the coated fingers to my lips. Her eyes widened as I licked and sucked her taste off, groaning at the sheer deliciousness that was this woman. Every fucking inch of her was decadent. With ease she sucked the last drops from my softening dick and then placed a reverent kiss on the tip.

  I cupped her face in both of my hands, overwhelmed with thoughts I couldn’t express. Instead I pulled her into a scorching hot kiss, tasting our sexual essence. It lasted minutes, hours. Fuck, if I knew. The woman had me twisted and needing to be connected to her after giving me the best blow job of my entire life. In a movie theater, for Christ’s sake.

  “You make me want to worship at your feet,” I whispered against her cheek.

  “I must have been doing something wrong. I figured you’d want me to be the one worshiping at your feet with your cock in my mouth.”

  “The things you say you, wicked minx.” She bit her lip and grinned as I gloried in her beauty, sated yet looking forward to more.

  We both laughed and finally, the other patrons caught on. A couple of “Get a room,” and “Shut up already,” came from somewhere in the darkened theatre.

  “You want to blow this Popsicle stand?” I asked while buttoning up.

  “Nope. Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt.” She licked her lips and threw a sideways grin. “But I’d love for you to take me home and fuck me until morning where you will then, make me breakfast, including eggs and toast with that incredible jam. In that order please.”

  “Anything for you, Beauty. Anything for you.”

  Chapter - 14

  Our drive home was interesting to say the least. Collier couldn’t stop touching me. His hand was either on my knee, my thigh, or trailing into my hairline as he pulled me in for a kiss at random red lights. It became obvious really quickly that our movie madness was only a prelude to a night destined to be memorable.

  “What are you thinking right now?” When Collier speaks it’s as if a British army was hammering my libido into overdrive. Even a woman in a committed relationship would have a fleeting thought about bedding my sexy Englishman, when they heard him speak. Everything he says sounds like sex-laced cinnamon candy, tantalizing the senses in a wicked and surprisingly fiery way.

  “About how much I love hearing your voice. I think you underestimate how delicious your accent is.”

  “Delicious huh?” I nodded and closed my eyes preferring to let his words roll over my senses.

  I took a deep breath. “Speak to me, lover,” I whispered surprised I was feeling so brazen. My hands slid to my knees and started to pull up my skirt. I wanted to give my Englishman something to look forward to, drive him mad with lust the way his words were un-doing me.

  “Bloody brilliant,” he grabbed my skirt with one hand and helped me scrunch it up higher. At this point nothing but my lace panties peeked out of the expanse between my thighs.

  “Words Collier,” I reminded him after a lengthy pause where I presumed he was staring at my bare legs and panties.


  I bit my lip and slid my hands a couple inches down my leg to caress the soft skin at my thigh and knee. The inner thigh was a weak point for Collier. He liked to brand me there. Oh did I look forward to wearing his mark by morning. The love bite would give me a physical reminder of our time tonight, just like he did the last time we were together.

  “Smashing.” he said and I moaned.

  “Totty.” My hands crept up to mid-thigh.

  “Knockers,” he whispered and stroked the tight bead of my nipple through my sweater. His fingers twisted and squeezed.

  “Shag.” He pinched my nipple and I cried out, desire wetting my panties and filling the air in the car with the distinct scent of sex and leather.

  I spread my legs wide and slid my hands closer to the target. “Roger,” he said the word as if it moved over his tongue like honey dripping down the bark of a tree.

  “Collier,” I breathed and gyrated my hips. His fingers trailed softly along the inside of my leg. The anticipation of his touch was brutal.

  “Touch yourself, Beauty” His voice grated on a moan.

  My fingers slipped into my panties and found my clit hard and swollen. Waiting. Wanting him, not me.

  “That’s it. Touch it for me. Pretend it’s me,” he encouraged.

  I did what he asked, completely lost in the need to find release once again. He covered my hand as I manipulated myself and felt both our fingers slide over the slippery button. Shock waves of pleasure rolled through my body in a rush of stinging hot pokers. Excitement surrounded me as I moved closer to that blissful edge.

  “Christ, you’re gorgeous. Fuck me! I can’t get enough of touching you.” Our fingers danced together over my wanton flesh. His breath came in ragged, rushed bursts of air. The sounds of moving traffi
c, of him manipulating my sex, all merged into a meditative place where pleasure consumed every thought and noise.

  Collier’s fingers plunged into my heat and took the moisture he found there, rubbing it over my aching bundle of nerves. I could feel twinges of my orgasm as it approached. “Oh God, Collier, right there.” I begged and pleaded for him as I rotated my hips toward his hand.

  “Sod all. This, this little bit of heaven.” He twirled his fingers around my clit in tight dizzying circles. I thrust my hips for his taking, my hands clasped the back of the headrest arching my body towards his hand. “It’s bloody perfect. And it’s mine. I can’t wait to put my lips on it and suck you until you scream.” His words had me panting like a dog in heat.

  Almost there. The edge of the cliff was right there, ready for me to jump off…

  “Don’t come.” The command left his lips.

  Wait. What?

  My eyelids flung open to see his hand had left my sex and was pressing hard on his dick. He was pulling into his parking garage. He screeched his precious Porsche 911 into the parking stall and exited the car. His movements were tight and jerky. Everything happened so fast, I had barely grasped the fact that my orgasm was now a distant memory. Bastard. I planned on getting him back. After I got mine of course.

  He flung open the car door then pulled me out. His lips were on mine, his tongue down my throat, before I could say a word. I gave back in spades, drinking from him, tasting him and rubbing my needy body along his hard edges.

  When he pulled away, I was stunned stupid. The man kissed me like he was forever saying goodbye and touched my body like he’d never get another chance.

  After one last deep kiss, he pulled me through the garage to the elevator. Once inside, his hands were everywhere, pushing me against the wall, the handrail digging into my lower back. I didn’t care, as long as he didn’t stop touching me.

  “It’s unreal,” he whispered as he licked the column of my neck. “Bloody undignified how much I want you. The things I want to do to this body.” He sucked at the skin just behind my ear, sending shivers of lust spiraling and swirling deep in my center.

  “Do it. Anything. Everything,” I moaned. “Just don’t stop.” I licked into his mouth taking his tongue and making it mine. He gave it to me with greedy intent. His hands yanked and pulled at the sensitive skin of my ass, proving that this first time tonight was not going to be slow and easy.

  I wanted him hard, fast and right fucking here in the white-walled elevator.

  The elevator dinged and the doors opened. He pulled away and gripped me around the waist, practically dragging me to his apartment. Once inside, he backed me against the door, pushing up my sweater and ripping it over my head. His mouth instantly went for my breasts. He plunged into the cup and encased a tight nipple with the welcome wet heat of his tongue. He flicked and nipped until I brazenly rubbed my lower half along the hard length pressed into my hip.

  “Need to get in you.” He bit down on my nipple. I cried out, my voice hoarse from the heavy breathing, sucking his length at the theatre, and the car fun we had earlier.

  “Jesus, Collier, if you don’t take me now I’m going to lose my ever loving mind!”

  He pulled me and into a fireman’s hold, practically running to the master bedroom, smacking my ass. “Fucking tight arse,” he gritted through his teeth on a particularly hard smack.

  Once in his room, he unceremoniously dropped me onto the bed. His chest puffed and heaved as if he’d run a marathon instead of from the effort of restraint. I shimmied out of my skirt, left only in the tall suede boots it would take too damn long to remove and the lace panties. Apparently, Collier agreed because the second the skirt came off, his jeans dropped to the floor.

  In seconds, he had me spread wide, feet flat on the mattress at the end of the bed where he still stood. He yanked down my panties, only removing them from one leg but he didn’t care. With his shirt still on, his eyes glazed with desire, he lined up his cock with my center and plunged into me hard.

  A fuse lit. The moment our flesh connected, a storm of need, lust, and want roared between us. Moving in tandem, I pushed against his body. He pressed both palms on my inner thighs and moved my legs up and back toward my head, opening me wide for his taking. I’d never been taken with such ferocity. It was as though he wanted to brand me, burn me up and use me in a way that could never be matched or outdone.

  “Look at me, Beauty. See what you’ve done.” Collier held my legs tight as he hammered into me, spinning his hips like a madman, skating over every single pleasure neuron I had. My body shook as he took and gave in equal parts.

  “You’ve fucking ruined me for other women. “ His eyes burned black as coal but were brighter than I’d ever seen them. He plunged deep. A long moan tore from my lungs. He grinned wickedly.

  “That’s right. I’m going to ruin you, too. Shag you so grand, another decent fuck won’t do. Only my prick will fill you and make you feel this way.” Passion tingled through the words he spoke. “Do you feel it, Beauty? Do you feel how this is different?”

  It was hard to respond. Shimmering waves of ecstasy rolled through me, stealing my breath and my words. “Oh God,” I swore as my orgasm rippled through me.

  “That’s right, Beauty. Give me your pleasure. It’s mine now.” He slammed into me, relentless in his pursuit. As the pleasure subsided he ramped it up once more. “Oh no, you don’t. I’m not done with you yet!” he yelled. He leaned over the bed and me to get at my tits.

  Collier licked, nibbled, and used his teeth to bite on the tender peaks as he moved my knees up and over his shoulders. I was in a pretzel position as he fucked me long and hard. Collier placed those large hands over the sweat slicked skin of my shoulders cupping them and using them for leverage. His cock hammered into me, slight twinges of pain turning into pleasure as with the perfect tilt of my hips, he slid along that heavenly place inside, stroking it over and over until I almost blacked out.

  “I want it all, Beauty. Now. You don’t come for you, you come for me!” he commanded, pulling my shoulders and slamming his cock home, mashing the pleasure center inside and outside of me. I screamed, tormented gloriously as rolling streams of nirvana swept me away into nothing but a ball of light, a cosmic energy where I could feel everything Collier felt.

  It was no longer my pleasure, it was his. It catapulted me into the most painful and pleasurable experience of my life. A wall of pure love and lust tangled together as Collier plowed into me one last time. When he finally gave in, taking his release from my willing body, I too received that same release, once more but through his outpouring of emotions.

  Minutes or hours later, we lay facing each other, snuggled into one another’s warmth, giving and receiving this moment of peace for what it was. A change. A huge plateau had been crossed. I enjoyed sex, especially with men I cared for, like James and now Collier. But never had I felt anyone else’s orgasm as if I was the one having it. Nothing could describe it nor compete with it ever again.

  He was right. Collier Stone ruined me for other men. At this point, I could only hope I’d done the same for him. He said I had, but I wasn’t sure I believed him.

  Men had a habit of saying whatever shit comes to their minds during sex. I’d heard a great deal of that in my promiscuous past. With Collier, things felt different. I actually wanted to trust him, believe the words he’d said. Now I just needed him to prove it.

  Could he put up with me and my history with men? Aside from the fact that I was so damaged by the love I’d lost that I wasn’t even sure it was possible to fall again.

  Collier’s words broke through my thoughts. “Fancy that shag, eh?” Collier grinned salaciously.

  “I don’t even know what to say.” I shook my head and smiled, knowing a rosy hue crept over my heated cheeks and neck.

  “I bonked you mute, did I? Well, Bob’s your uncle.” He fist pumped the air and I laughed. “In truth, what we did tonight--“ He looked nervous and uncertai
n. “--Did I hurt you? I was a bit out of sorts.”

  Taking his hand, I curled it to my bare chest and kissed his knuckles. “That was by far, an experience I’ll never forget. Never. I’ll take it with me to the afterlife.” I looked down, not able to meet his brown-sugar eyes. He tipped my chin with one long digit, forcing my gaze to his.

  “Hey, for me too.” He searched my eyes. I saw truth and honesty there. He didn’t try to hide anything from me. I liked that…too much, if I was honest with myself. “I wasn’t kidding when I said you ruined me for other women, London. Now that I’ve had you, the love we made tonight, I’ll do anything to keep you in my life.”

  I closed my eyes and let his words wash a blissful serenity over me. He splayed his feelings open and I received them, letting them coat my heart with kindness and grace.

  “Collier, the only thing I can commit to you is now. This moment.” My voice trembled. “Maybe with the hope for more.”

  “For now, it’s enough.”


  As I entered the bedroom, towel low around my waist, I caught site of my smiling puss in the mirror over the dresser. Pure, unfiltered happiness stared at me. It was a look I hadn’t seen on my face in a really long time, probably since I first opened Stone, Walker & Associates with Nathaniel five long years ago.

  The sound of London humming as she soaped up for the second time lulled me into a sleepy haze, grinning like a loon. We definitely needed sleep. Between the movie theater and our need to immediately copulate the moment we got home and then again against the shower cube’s wall a minute ago, had us both spent.

  Tonight we’d had a breakthrough of sorts. She agreed to letting me hope for more. I meant what I said when I told her it was enough for now. The fact that she was here with me, made love with me all night, proved something to her as much as to me. It proved that this thing wasn’t one-sided. It was real and over time, I’d get her to understand I wasn’t asking for more than I was willing to give.

  That moment when I had her pinned to the bed, her legs over my shoulders, my lips surrounding her flesh as I surged into her…epic. It was unlike any other love-making experience. Even with Claire, our mating had been a little humdrum and luke-warm. The fires burned scalding hot without hope of ever being extinguished with London. I craved her body, her taste and her scent almost like I was genetically predisposed to fall for her.


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