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Stalking in a Winter Wonderland

Page 2

by Alexa Riley

  “Oh em gee!” she squeals, her mouth falling open, and she turns to me. “Uncle Dasher, is this real?” she asks, staring wide-eyed at the pink lights, and my heart melts.

  That was the reaction I was hoping for, but I somehow didn’t see it playing out exactly like this. Jillian laughs behind her glove, and she knows me well enough to see that this wasn’t my doing. At least not on purpose.

  “It’s real and it’s totally awesome, right?” Eve answers for me, and I realize I’ve been silent too long.

  “Did you do this?” Rae asks Eve.

  “Well, I had a little help from some elves.” Eve winks at her, and when I see the way Rae lights up, I feel guilty over the way I reacted.

  “It’s stunning,” Jillian says as she walks closer. “This will be a Christmas to remember.” When she looks in my eyes, I can see her tears forming, but she doesn’t let them fall. I know this has been hard on her, but I plan on making new and better memories from here on out. Even if that includes pink Christmas lights.

  “Oh ladies, you’ve arrived,” Tori says to them. “Dinner is ready.”

  Rae and Jillian follow after him, and I pause as I turn to face Eve. “I’d like to apolo—”

  “No need,” Eve says, interrupting me. “I’m just happy your daughter enjoyed the lights even if it wasn’t your intention.”

  I open my mouth to correct her, but I’ve always thought of Rae as my daughter even if she isn't. “Thank you,” I say simply, trying to swallow my pride. I want to explain that I wasn’t trying to be an asshole, I just want her to have the perfect day.

  “I’ll be back tomorrow to go over details of the party just to be sure we’ve got the right color choices made.” She smiles again, and it makes my chest tight.

  I nod, unable to say anything else because I’ve made a complete fool of myself tonight. I’m also not sure how to apologize to someone because it’s been a long time since I’ve had to do it. So I just remain quiet while possibly making things worse.

  “I hope you and your wife have a nice evening,” she says, and before I can open my mouth to correct her, she’s down the driveway and getting into her car.

  Stepping around the spotlight, I watch her and think about that first touch. Why do my fingers still pulse like they’ve been shocked, and why did I like hearing her voice so much? Something about Eve has pricked the hair on the back of my neck, and I’ve been around long enough to trust my gut.

  Taking a few steps forward, I grab my phone and unlock it. Before I can think through my actions, I snap a picture of her license plate and then watch her leave.

  She’ll be back tomorrow, but perhaps I’ll look into Eve Tinsel a little more. There’s nothing wrong with knowing more about the people I hire. Nothing at all.

  Chapter 3


  “Bring it over another two feet, please.” I watch as Luke and Ben move the massive tree over, and I’m still not sure that looks right. I try to picture the shelves lined with presents to get the full effect, but it’s off.

  “Just say it, Eve.” Ben gives me a knowing look.

  “Okay, back over a foot.” They quickly do as I ask, and I hear Luke chuckle. “Sorry.” They step back and look at the tree with me, but I think it’s perfect. “That should do it.” I look down at my clipboard and check one more thing off. “Are you headed to the Sleighs’ now?” All the heavy lifting has been done here, so now it’s time to decorate and get down to the details.

  “Yep. We’re off to the Barbie Christmas house,” Ben teases.

  “Whatever.” Luke shakes his head. “Don’t show your girl a picture of it. Now Kayla wants me to take our lights down and put up pink ones. Said she didn't know that was an option.”

  “It’s Christmas; everything is an option,” I remind them.

  I too enjoy the pink lights. It’s different, and the whole point of Christmas is to make someone’s heart light up. The pink lights did that for Mr. Sleigh’s daughter and that was the most important thing.

  “Right,” Ben says as they both head out.

  “I’ll be there in a little bit,” I call after them before getting back to work. I do a final check, making sure everything is perfect, and all the items are complete.

  “I want pictures, Chel,” I tell my assistant. I’m not used to being spread so thin, but at this point it is what it is, and I can only do my best.

  “I’ve got it,” she tries to reassure me.

  “Evie, is that you?” I turn around to see Rich coming down the stairs in his bathrobe.

  It’s a little past ten in the morning, and I really wish I hadn't agreed to the date. When I look at Rich, there is no spark or anything. In fact, when he calls me Evie it works my nerves, something that is usually hard to do.

  “Morning, Rich.” I give him a bright smile as I look at what he’s wearing. I didn't know someone could make a robe look so…well, rich, but Hugh Hefner springs to mind.

  “How are things going?”

  “We’re right on track.”

  He comes down the stairs and looks at the tree in the sitting room. “What goes here?” He points to the shelves I've emptied out.

  “The presents,” I remind him.

  “Presents?” He gives me a confused look.

  “Yes, everyone is supposed to bring a gift for a child. They will be donated to the children's hospital.” It was something I came up with a few years ago. Most think it’s a great idea because they don’t like coming to parties empty-handed.

  “Oh.” Rich doesn't look pleased by my response, so he must have forgotten. Does he really not want people to bring him Christmas gifts?

  “It’s such a great thing you’re doing. Think of all the kids that will have a wonderful Christmas all because of you.” I give him a bright smile, laying it on thick.

  “Right.” He smirks. “And you’ll be here?” He steps in closer to me as his eyes travel up and down my body.

  “Yep.” I glance at my clipboard.

  “Eve,” Chel calls.

  “If you need anything, Rich, let us know,” I say before I step away from him and over to Chel.

  “What’s up?” I ask her.

  “Nothing.” She winks at me. “You’re welcome.”

  I laugh, thinking maybe she does have this handled. Unable to help myself, I take one last look around before I head out, and if I’m truthful, I think I might be stalling.

  I feel terrible because last night I couldn't get my mind off Mr. Sleigh. I kept thinking about the adorably sexy way his face changed when he realized the mistake was his own. The man is married with a daughter, and I shouldn’t have those thoughts. Or a sex dream.

  I’ve never in my life had a sex dream, and I can’t figure out what is wrong with me. I’m crushing on a man that’s not even available and running from the one that is. I remind myself as I make the drive over to Dasher Sleigh’s residence that he’s kind of a jerk.

  My phone rings, and without looking to see who it is, I click the Bluetooth in the car and answer.

  “Good morning, this is Eve.”

  “Morning? It’s almost afternoon,” is growled in response, and I know immediately who is on the other end. When I look at the time, I see it’s only ten-thirty.

  “Is there something I can help you with, Mr. Sleigh?” I ask.

  “You’re not here, and the party is days away.”

  It isn't common for people to have parties on Christmas Day, but I guess with it being later in the day, most will have their Christmases over with. I’ll be running on a few hours of sleep unless I can slip out of Rich’s Christmas Eve party once I’ve seen everything is going as it should. Also I probably have to chat with Rich some, but how long do most dates last? Is that something I can Google?

  “Eve!” I jump, having gotten lost in my own thoughts. “Where are you?”

  “I’m on my way there now. There are people already on site setting up,” I point out.

  “They aren't you.”

woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I’m thankful that he’s being a jerk so he can stamp out this silly crush I have on him.

  “I’m sorry, Mr. Sleigh. I had to stop at another residence this morning, but rest assured you’ve got me for the rest of the afternoon.” Then I’m off to another holiday party tonight.

  “Good.” He ends the call.

  I let out a breath of frustration and turn on Christmas songs as I make my way across town. I smile when I see the giant candy canes lining the driveway, because as much of a jerk as Dasher is, I’m actually enjoying decorating his house. He didn't really give us a budget, and with the pink Christmas lights, I’m getting to try new things. Like these white candy canes.

  They look solid white right now, but when the sun goes down, they will light up with colors. Then on the night of the party I’ll have music out front playing with them. Until then I’ll let the little girl tell me each night what color she’d like them to be. I think the best way to get Mr. Sleigh in a good mood is through the little girl.

  I don’t even get my car into park and Dasher Sleigh is coming out the front door. I grab my clipboard for his house and take a deep breath before I slip out of my car. I look at the lights that have been added to some of the bushes and scan my eyes across the house. Again, I’m stalling.

  “Who else are you doing jobs for?” Dasher demands.

  His arms are folded over his chest, and he looks irritated. I walk over toward him thinking that even if Dasher was single I don’t think I’d be his type. From my cheesy holiday sweaters to the two buns I have in my hair again today, I’m not polished enough. He’s in a suit that costs more than my car, and it shows.

  “We have a lot of clients. How has your morning been so far?” I ask, changing the subject.

  “Whose party were you at today? Is their party at the same time as ours? I want you here during the party.”

  “I’ll be here. I was at the Bagshaws’.”

  “Their party is on Christmas Eve,” he says, so he clearly knows who they are, and I’m not surprised. Both men have a lot of power around here. With the way Jewels was acting over Dasher, he’s the one with the real pull. “Rich is an asshole.”

  The need to agree with him hangs on the end of my tongue, but I bite the inside of my cheek so I don’t say it.

  “Is that Eve?” I hear a little girl scream before fast steps sound, and she pops her head out the open door. “Can we have a hot chocolate bar?”

  “Of course. Did you know I make the best hot chocolate in the world?”

  “Really?” Her eyes light up. “Show me now. We can have a test run.” She grabs my hand, pulling me inside.

  “Rae, I’m sure Eve is busy.” Jillian descends the stairs looking as beautiful as she did yesterday. Her blonde hair is down in soft waves. There isn't a thing about her that’s out of place, but I can tell she’s different from a lot of the wives I meet. Her smile is genuine and meets her eyes as she looks at her little girl. Rae is a mini version of her mother, except for her eyes. Rae’s are green like her fathers.

  “I’m never too busy for hot chocolate. I could use a glass myself, and we can talk about a few things I want to go over.”

  “With me?” Rae asks in surprise as her eyes widen.

  “With you,” I agree, and she goes back to pulling me toward the kitchen.

  The inside of Dasher’s home is as breathtaking as the outside, especially this kitchen. I can feel his eyes on me as I walk, and when I look over my shoulder, I see he’s right behind me.

  * * *

  His eyes are on my ass until he sees I’m looking at him, and to my shock his wife is standing right next to him. She’s talking about something, but I don’t think he’s listening.

  God, what a total jerk, I remind myself, pushing down the flutter in my stomach that he gives me. I think I’m going to need two hot chocolates.

  Chapter 4


  I watch her every movement as Eve goes into the kitchen with Rae. I follow closely behind them and take a seat at the small table near the bay window. We have a live-in kitchen staff, so the kitchen is usually their area. But ever since Rae moved in, she’s forced us all to participate in the meal prep, and I can’t say I haven’t enjoyed the time together.

  Rae is excitedly pointing to where all the dishes are and then showing Eve into the pantry. Jillian takes a seat across from me and opens the newspaper. She immediately hands me the business section while she reads the sports. You’d never know it by looking at her, but she’s obsessed with football.

  Eve glances over at us out of the corner of her eye as she explains to Rae her secret hot cocoa process.

  “How old are you?” Rae asks Eve, and Jillian clicks her tongue.

  “That’s rude,” she tells her, and Rae tucks her chin.

  “It’s okay,” Eve says and nudges Rae. “I’m twenty-four.”

  “Are you married?” Rae asks, and Jillian makes another noise.

  “Rae,” she warns, and my niece shrugs.

  “It’s just a question.”

  “It’s fine, really,” Eve says, and I’m playing with the edge of the paper as I wait for her answer. “No, I’m not married, and I don’t have any children either.”

  “What about a boyfriend?” Rae asks quickly this time, and before Jillian can object, I kick her under the table.

  “Ow!” she hisses at me, but all my concentration is on Eve’s answer.

  “Um, no, not at the moment.” She’s quieter this time when she answers, and then I hear her explain some of the directions on how to melt the chocolate.

  “My uncle is single,” Rae offers, and I remind myself to slip her some cash later.

  “Oh really?” Eve exaggerates the words and smiles over at Jillian. “Is he good looking?”

  “Yeah, my mom says he’s a catch.”

  “I’m not sure this is appropriate,” Jillian warns, but Rae keeps pushing.

  “Anything else I should know before you introduce us?”

  Rae pretends to think. “My mom also says it’s going to take a good woman to knock him over the head.”

  Eve smothers her laughter, and I narrow my eyes at Jillian. “What?” She shrugs and goes back to reading the paper.

  “Sometimes it takes the right person to make us change our ways,” Eve says to Rae as they whisk the milk on the stove. “My parents fell in love at first sight.”

  “Really?” Jillian asks as she props her chin on her hand. “That’s so sweet.”

  “Yeah, it was. They’re not with me anymore, but I hope someday to have a love like that. One that just knocks you off your feet.”

  “How romantic,” Rae tells her as she looks off dreamily.

  Eve laughs, and the sound is so soft and sweet. She moves around the kitchen like she’s done it a thousand times, and I like how good she looks here in this space.

  When I first asked Jillian to move back home, she was hesitant and made the excuse that I could always fall in love and want to start a family here at the estate. I didn’t think it would be possible, but I told her even then that this place was our home, and we would raise our families together. It’s also big enough to raise five families here and never be in the same room. Our parents left the estate to both of us, and it’s just as much her home as it is mine. Her ex-husband was the one who didn’t want to live here. Probably because it would have been easier for us to keep tabs on him.

  “How did you two meet?” Eve asks while she and Rae get out mugs.

  “Pardon?” Jillian asks, looking at me and then to Eve.

  “You and Mr. Sleigh. How did you two meet?”

  Rae laughs as she shakes her head. “That’s my uncle, silly.” She elbows Eve. “We should put extra marshmallows in mine.”

  I cock my head to the side and take in the shock on Eve’s face as she stands frozen for a second. I never corrected her last night, and I was enjoying Rae’s interrogation. A smile tugs at the corner of my lips, and I look down to try an
d hide it.

  “Oh,” is all she says as she blinks and then goes back to making hot chocolate.

  “Jillian is my sister,” I say, and Eve’s eyes come to mine. “Rae is my niece, and this is their first Christmas here since Rae was born.”

  “It’s going to be the best,” Rae says as she brings a mug over to her mom and then to me.

  “I agree, munchkin.” I wink at her and take the hot cocoa.

  “If this hot chocolate is any indication, I’m inclined to agree,” Jillian confirms as she sips on her drink. “And as much as I’d love to stay right here and sip this all day, we’re late, Rae.”

  “Mom, please,” she whines as my sister gets up from the table.

  “Sorry, but your friends are waiting.” When Jillian mentions her playdate, Rae forgets all about hot chocolate and bolts for the door.

  “We’ll be home for dinner,” Jillian says to me as she goes to the entrance of the kitchen. “It was so nice meeting you, Eve. Thanks for the hot cocoa.”

  “My pleasure,” Eve answers and waves.

  I let a few beats of silence pass before I hear the front door close, and I fold the newspaper and place it on the table beside me.

  “So,” Eve says as she looks around the kitchen and then snatches up her clipboard. “Why don’t we go over some of the decoration details? I was going to have Rae choose, but I see now that you’ll have to do.”

  I raise an eyebrow. and her cheeks flush.

  “I didn’t mean it like that. Of course I want you.” She pauses and blunders over her next words. “No, not like that. I don’t want you. Of course I don’t, and you’re not asking me, but that would be really unprofessional. And even now I should just stop talking. Is it hot in here?”

  She fans herself with her clipboard as her cheeks turn redder, and I stand from the table. “Why don’t we go for a walk in the garden?”

  “Outside. Yes, it will be cooler there.” She shakes her head. “Not that your kitchen isn’t awesome, I think this sweater is just cutting off circulation to my brain.”


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