Book Read Free

The Secret Affair

Page 13

by Brenda Jackson

  After breakfast he had talked her into joining him in the Venus Lounge where a massive bingo game was under way. They had found a table in the back and she’d worked five bingo cards while he worked three. In the end, neither of them had won anything but the game had been fun.

  Later they had gone to the art gallery to check out the paintings on display and after that they’d enjoyed a delicious lunch in the Coppeneria Room. After she mentioned her plans to visit the spa, he’d taken a stroll around the ship. The layout was awesome and the entire ship was gorgeous. Tomorrow morning before daybreak they would arrive in Monte Carlo, France, and from there, Florence, Italy. He’d never been to France or Italy before but Adrian had, and according to his twin both countries were beautiful. Aidan couldn’t wait to see them for himself.

  He smiled as he put on his cuff links. Being around Jillian today had reminded him of how much she liked having her way. In the past he had indulged her. But not this time. While on this cruise he had no intention of letting her have her way. In fact, he planned to teach her the art of compromising. That was the main reason he had suggested she drop by his cabin to grab him for dinner instead of the other way around. Although she hadn’t said anything, he could tell she hadn’t liked the idea.

  He turned from the mirror at the sound of a knock on his door. She was a little early but he had no problem with that. Moving across the suite, he opened the door, and then stood there, finding it impossible to speak. All he could do was stare at Jillian. Dressed in a red floor-length gown that hugged every curve, her hair wrapped on top of her head with a few curls dangling toward her beautiful face, she looked breathtaking. His gaze scanned the length of her—head to toe.

  Pulling himself together, he stepped aside. “Come in. You look very nice.”

  “Thank you,” she said, entering his suite. “I’m a little early. The cabin steward arrived and I didn’t want to get in his way.”

  “No problem. I just need to put on my tie.”

  “This suite is fantastic. I thought my suite was large but this one is triple mine in size.”

  He smiled over at her. “It’s the owner’s personal suite whenever he cruises.”

  “Really? And how did you get so lucky?”

  “He’s a friend. You remember my cousin Quade who lives in North Carolina, right?”

  “The one who has the triplets?”

  “Yes, he’s the one. Quade and the ship’s owner, Dominic Saxon, are brothers-in-law, married to sisters—the former Steeles, Cheyenne and Taylor.

  Jillian nodded. “I remember meeting Cheyenne at Dillon and Pam’s wedding. The triplets were adorable. I don’t recall ever meeting Taylor.”

  “I’ll make sure you meet Taylor and Dominic if you ever come to visit me in Charlotte.” He’d deliberately chosen his words to make sure she understood that if a meeting took place, it would be her decision.

  After putting on his tie, he turned to her, trying not to stare again. “I’m all set. Ready?”

  “Whenever you are.”

  He was tempted to kiss her but held back. Knowing him like she did, she would probably expect such a move. But tonight he planned to keep her on her toes. In other words, he would be full of surprises.

  * * *

  “Hi, Aidan!”

  Jillian figured it would be one of those nights when the group of women sharing their table chorused the greeting to Aidan. It was the book-club group. She should have known they would find him. Or, for all she knew, he’d found them.

  “I take it you’ve met them,” she whispered when he pulled out her chair.

  “Yes, earlier today, while taking my stroll when you were at the spa.”

  “Evening, ladies. How’s everyone doing?” Aidan asked the group with familiarity, taking his seat.

  “Fine,” they responded simultaneously. Jillian noticed some were smiling so hard it made her wonder how anyone’s lips could stretch that wide.

  “I want you all to meet someone,” Aidan was saying. “This is Jillian Novak. My significant other.”


  Was that disappointment she heard in the voices of the six women? And what happened to those huge smiles? Well, she would just have to show them how it was done. She smiled brightly and then said, “Hello, everyone.” Only a few returned her greeting, but she didn’t care because she was reflecting on Aidan’s introduction.

  My significant other.

  Before their breakup they had been together for three years and this was the first time he’d introduced her to anyone because of their secret. It made her realize that, other than Ivy, she’d never introduced him to anyone, either.

  The waiter came to take their order but not before giving them a run-down of all the delectable meals on the menu tonight. Jillian chose a seafood dinner and Aidan selected steak.

  She discreetly checked out the six women engaging in conversation with Aidan. All beautiful. Gorgeously dressed. Articulate. Professional. Single.

  “So, how long have the two of you been together?” asked one of the women who’d introduced herself earlier as Wanda.

  Since it appeared the woman had directed the question to Aidan, Jillian let him answer. “Four years,” he said, spreading butter on his bread. Jillian decided not to remind him that one of those years they hadn’t been together.

  “Four years? Really?” a woman by the name of Sandra asked, extending her lips into what Jillian could tell was a plastered-on smile.

  “Yes, really,” Jillian responded, knowing just what the chick was getting at. After four years Jillian should have a ring on her finger. In other words, she should be a wife and not a significant other.

  “Then I guess the two of you will probably be tying the knot pretty soon.” It was obvious Wanda was digging for information. The others’ ears were perked up as if they, too, couldn’t wait to hear the response.

  Jillian tried not to show her surprise when Aidan reached across the table and placed his hand over hers. “Sooner rather than later, if I had my way. But I’ll be joining the Cardiology Department at Johns Hopkins in the fall, and Jillian’s just finished medical school, so we haven’t set dates yet.”

  “You’re both doctors?” Sandra asked, smiling.

  “Yes,” both Aidan and Jillian answered at the same time.

  “That’s great. So are we,” Sandra said, pointing to herself and the others. “Faye and Sherri and I just finished Meharry Medical School a couple of months ago, and Wanda, Joy and Virginia just completed pharmacy school at Florida A&M.”

  “Congratulations, everyone,” Jillian said, giving all six women a genuine smile. After having completed medical school she knew the hard work and dedication that was required for any medical field. And the six had definitely attended excellent schools.

  “And congratulations to you, too,” the women said simultaneously.

  Jillian’s smile widened. “Thanks.”

  * * *

  Aidan glanced down at the woman walking beside him as they left the jazz lounge where several musicians had performed. Jillian had been pretty quiet since dinner. He couldn’t help wondering what she was thinking.

  “Did you enjoy dinner?” he asked.

  She glanced up at him. “Yes, what about you?”

  He shrugged. “It was nice.”

  “Just nice? You were the only male seated at a table with several females, all gorgeous, so how was it just nice?”

  “Because it was,” he said, wondering if this conversation would start a discussion he’d rather not have with her. But then, maybe they should have it now. They had agreed to talk things out. “So what did you think of the ladies at our table tonight?”

  She stopped walking to lean against a rail and look at him. “Maybe I should be asking what you thought of them.”

  He joined her at the rail, standing a scant foot in front of her. “Pretty. All seven of them. But the prettiest of them all was the one wearing the red dress. The one named Jillian Novak. Now, she was a total knockout
. She put the s in sexy.”

  Jillian smiled and shook her head, sending those dangling curls swinging. “Laying it on rather thick, aren’t you, Aidan?”

  “Not as long as you get the picture.”

  “And what picture is that?”

  “That you’re the only woman I want. The only one who can get blood rushing through my veins.”

  She chuckled. “Sounds serious, Dr. Westmoreland.”

  “It is.” He didn’t say anything for a minute as he stared at her. “Do you realize that this is the first time you’ve ever referred to me as Dr. Westmoreland?”

  She nodded. “Yes, I know. Just like I realized tonight at dinner that it was the first time you’d ever introduced me during the time we were together.”

  “Yes. There were times when I wished I could have.”

  But you couldn’t, she thought. Because of the secret I made you keep.

  “But I did tonight.”

  “Yes, you did fib a little. Twice in fact,” she pointed out.

  He lifted a brow. “When?”

  “When you said I was your significant other.”

  “I didn’t fib. You are. There’s no one more significant in my life than you,” he said softly.

  * * *

  Jillian couldn’t say anything after that. How could she? And when the silence between them lengthened, she wondered if he was expecting her to respond. What could she say? That she believed him? Did she really?

  “And what was the other?” he asked, finally breaking the silence.

  “What other?” she asked him.

  “Fib. You said there were two.”

  “Oh. The one about the amount of time we’ve been together. You said four years and it was three,” she said as they began walking again.

  “No, it was four. Although we spent a year apart it meant nothing to me, other than frustration and anger. Nevertheless, you were still here,” he said, touching his heart. “During every waking moment and in all my dreams.”

  She glanced away from him as they continued walking only to glance back moments later. “That sounds unfair to the others.”

  “What others?”

  “Any woman you dated that year.”

  He stopped walking, took her hand and pulled her to the side, back over to the rail. He frowned down at her. “What are you talking about? I didn’t date any women last year.”

  She searched his face and somehow saw the truth in his words. “But why? I thought you would. Figured you had.”

  “Why?” Before she could respond he went on in a mocking tone, “Ah, that’s right. Because I’m a womanizer.”

  Jillian heard the anger in his voice, but yes, that was the reason she’d thought he’d dated. Wasn’t that the reason she had ended things between them as well, so he would have the freedom to return to his old ways? She drew in a deep breath. “Aidan, I—”

  “No, don’t say it.” He stiffened his chin. “Whatever it is you’re going to say, Jillian, don’t.” He glanced down at his watch and then his gaze moved back to her face. “I know you prefer turning in early, so I’ll see you back to your cabin. I think I’ll hang out a while in one of the bars.”

  She didn’t say anything for a moment. “Want some company?”

  “No,” he said softly. “Not right now.”

  Suddenly, she felt a deep ache in her chest. “Okay. Don’t worry about seeing me to my cabin. You can go on.”

  “You sure?”

  She forced a smile. “Yes, I’m sure. I know the way.”

  “All right. I’ll come get you for breakfast around eight.”

  If you can still stand my company, she thought. “Okay. I’ll see you in the morning at eight.”

  He nodded and, with the hurt she’d brought on herself eating away at her, she watched Aidan walk away.


  Aidan forced his eyes open when he heard banging coming from the sitting area.

  “What the hell?” He closed his eyes as sharp pain slammed through his head. It was then that he remembered last night. Every single detail.

  He had stopped at the bar, noticed it was extremely crowded and had gone to his room instead. He’d ordered room service, a bottle of his favorite Scotch. He’d sat on the balcony, looking out over the ocean beneath the night sky and drinking alone, nursing a bruised heart. He didn’t finish off the entire bottle but he’d downed enough to give him the mother of all headaches this morning. What time was it anyway?

  He forced his eyes back open to look at the clock on the nightstand. Ten? It was ten in the morning? Crap! He’d promised Jillian to take her to breakfast at eight. He could only imagine what she’d thought when he was a no-show. Pulling himself up on the side of the bed he drew in a deep breath. Honestly, did he care anymore? She had him pegged as a player in that untrusting mind of hers, so what did the truth matter?

  “Mr. Aidan,” called the cabin steward, “do you want me to clean your bedroom now or come back later?”

  “Come back later, Rowan.”

  When Aidan heard the door close, he dropped back in bed. He knew he should call Jillian, but chances were she’d gotten tired of waiting around and had gone to breakfast without him. He could imagine her sitting there eating pancakes while all kinds of insane ideas flowed through her head. All about him. Hell, he might as well get up, get dressed and search the ship for her to put those crazy ideas to rest.

  He was about to get out of bed when he heard a knock at the door. He figured it was probably the guy coming around to pick up laundry, so he slipped into his pajama bottoms to tell the person to come back later.

  He snatched open the door but instead of the laundry guy, Jillian stood there carrying a tray of food. “Jillian? What are you doing here?”

  She stared at him for a moment. “You look like crap.”

  “I feel like crap,” he muttered, moving aside to let her in. She placed the tray on his dining table. His head still pounded somewhat, but not as hard as the way his erection throbbed while staring at her. She was wearing a cute and sexy shorts set that showed what a gorgeous pair of legs she had. And her hair, which had been pinned atop her head last night, flowed down her shoulders while gold hoop earrings dangled from her ears. Damn, he couldn’t handle this much sexiness in the morning.

  She turned around. “To answer your question as to why I’m here, you missed breakfast so I thought I’d bring you something to eat.”

  He closed the door and leaned against it. “And what else?”

  She lifted a brow. “And what else?”

  “Yes. What other reason do you have for coming here? Let me guess. You figured I brought a woman here last night and you wanted to catch me in the act? Right? Go ahead, Jillian, search my bedroom if you like. The bathroom, too, if that suits your fancy. Oh, and don’t forget to check the balconies in case I’ve hidden her out there until after you leave.”

  Jillian didn’t say anything for a long minute. “I guess I deserved that. But—”

  He held his hand to interrupt her. “Please. No buts, Jillian. I’m tired of them coming from you. Let me ask you something. How many men did you sleep with during the year we weren’t together since you think I didn’t leave a single woman standing?”

  She narrowed her gaze at him. “Not a single one.”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “Why?”

  She lifted a chin. “Because I didn’t want to.”

  “Why didn’t you want to? You had broken things off with me and we weren’t together. Why didn’t you sleep with another man?”

  * * *

  Jillian knew she’d screwed up badly last night and she could hardly wait until morning to see Aidan so she could apologize. When he didn’t show up at eight as he’d promised, she would admit that for a quick second she’d thought he might have been mad enough to spend the night with someone else. But all it had taken to erase that thought was for her to remember how he’d looked last night when he told her the reason why he’d introduced her as h
is significant other.

  There’s no one more significant in my life than you.

  And she believed him. His reason for not sleeping with another woman during the year they’d been apart was the same reason she hadn’t slept with another man.


  She met his gaze. He wanted an answer and she would give him one. The truth and nothing but the truth.

  “Sleeping with another man never crossed my mind, Aidan,” she said softly. “Because I still loved you. And no matter what I saw or imagined you did with that lap dancer, I still loved you. My body has your imprint all over it and the thought of another man touching it sickens me.”

  She paused and then added, “You’re wrong. I didn’t come here thinking I’d find another woman. I came to apologize. I figured the reason you didn’t come take me to breakfast was because you were still mad at me. And after last night I knew that I deserved your anger.”

  “Why do you think you deserve my anger?”

  “Because everything is my fault. You only kept our affair a secret because I asked you to, begged you to. Last night when I got to my room, I sat out on the balcony and thought about everything. I forced myself to see the situation through someone else’s eyes other than my own. And you know what I saw, Aidan?”

  “No, what did you see, Jillian?”

  She fought back tears. “I saw a man who loved me enough to take a lot of crap. I never thought about what all the secrecy would mean. And then the long distance and the sacrifices you made to come see me whenever you could. The money you spent for airplane fare, your time. I wasn’t the only one with the goal of becoming a doctor. It’s not like you didn’t have a life, trying to handle the pressure of your dual residency.”

  She paused. “And I can just imagine what your friends thought when all of a sudden you became a saint for no reason. You couldn’t tell them about me, so I can understand them wanting to help get your life back on track with those women. That was the Aidan they knew. And unfortunately that was the Aidan I wanted to think you missed being. That night I showed up at the party, I should have realized that you were just having the fun you deserved. Fun you’d denied yourself since your involvement with me. I should have loved you enough and trusted you enough to believe that no matter what, you wouldn’t betray me. That I meant more to you than any lap dancer with silicone boobs.”


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