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Backfire (Furies MC Book 4)

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by Harley McRide


  Furies MC

  Book Four

  by Harley McRide

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

  © Copyright May 2017 Harley McRide

  Rights & Permissions © 2017 JK Publishing, Inc.

  Cover art © Copyright May 2017 by KO Ink Books, LLC

  Logo™ KO Ink Books, LLC

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  ISBN #978-1-370-92932-0

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  I would like to thank Carole Laucevicius who gave me Loki. I love this character, and I hope you enjoy the book as much as I had writing it.

  Carole, you are amazing, and I love you!

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen


  Books by Harley McRide

  Excerpt from Capo Ricco

  About the Author


  They all climbed onto the yacht, and Loki frowned and looked around before he said, “Why the hell didn’t we ask for a boat like this to pick us up sooner?”

  Tally, Tank, Ridge, and Boomer all hit him in the back of the head as they boarded. But it was Fling who said, “Brother, I need dry land, this being out to sea for four days sucked. No way am I doing this again. So shut up and sit down, we have an hour until we’re home.”

  Anya laughed as Maci danced around the deck from person to person, hugging them and telling them how much she loved them. Torch put an arm around her shoulder and whispered, “Does anyone notice she’s pickpocketing them?”

  “Nah, they won’t find out until they get home, and by then, she will have bedazzled them. Coco had a bedazzle thing aboard she said. Maci was excited to play with it, so yeah,” Anya said and shook her head. “I should never have let Loki babysit her for the afternoon.”

  Loki turned around and smiled and said, “What? You want me to babysit again?”

  “Fuck no,” Torch said, and the other man pouted, but his phone rang, so Loki pulled it out from his back pocket and answered it without looking. “You have reached the sexiest man on earth, how may I help you?”

  Anya laughed and shook her head until she saw the look on Loki’s face and then she stopped and looked around the deck. The men moved as one to their brother and waited. When he hung up the phone, Loki looked at Fling and said, “My mom’s cover was blown; she’s missing in Singapore.”

  They all frowned and looked at Fling who swore before he said, “That motherfucker.”

  “What do you need?” Torch asked, and he looked at Fling.

  “Everything we can get our hands on.”

  The men watched as Loki’s face turned from concerned to pissed the fuck off. All of them knew this look, and all of them knew he was already planning in his mind how he would get his mother back.

  “Loki…” Fling said, and the man who usually hid his deadly nature behind his humor was not going to be deterred.

  “I am not waiting, so make sure you send everything to my phone. No one comes with me, too many people would draw attention,” Loki snapped, and Fling sighed and nodded.

  “Come on, let’s get you outfitted as best we can, you are going to need everything to get your mother out of there. I will allow you to go solo because that’s the type of mission this is, but never forget if you need us we will be there.”

  Loki looked at his brothers, his friends, hell, the only family besides his mother he had, and Loki nodded. Boomer put his hand on his shoulder and then motioned with his head. “I have a few things to give you as well.”

  “Why the fuck does it seem like this bastard is targeting us?” Fling growled, and Loki turned and looked at him.

  “You think?”

  Fling ran a hand down his face, and then looked at the computer and back. “There is something here.”

  “Have Boony dig it out,” Loki snapped.

  “Brother, the Ops have their hands full right now with that other shit going down. We need to call in all of our markers and get this shit sorted,” Fling said.

  Loki sighed and nodded, his president was correct. They were going to need to find this bastard themselves and shut his ass down before someone else was hurt. He had been able to pull this off because of who was hiding him, but that was going to end. No more following the rules on this one, he was getting closer and closer to killing someone they cared about. Right now, the bastard was a dead man walking.

  He just didn’t know it yet.

  Chapter One

  Jaci ‘Sig’ Thorne threw her phone on the bed of the small rundown house she had been hiding in for a week now. Things had gone to shit so quickly, and damned if she was going to allow her partner, hell, her mentor, Carole Kincaid, to be tried for treason in t
his country. Of course, that was what they were doing here, gathering intel on the country, the government, but especially their connection to the man who was releasing information about undercover operatives and other top secret material. The man was scum, betraying his country, and its people.

  So far the death toll from him leaking information was in the double digits. Victor Burns, aka ‘Ghost Hacker,’ was responsible for it all, and yet they still couldn’t find the little weasel. Jaci moved to the window and looked out. Where was Carole right now? She was worried, and when she called the number she was supposed to call in case of an emergency, she had been shocked when she realized it wasn’t their home office. Instead, she had called Carole’s son. The one Jaci had only heard stories about and seen pictures of. Damn, how sexy that picture was too.

  Kaden ‘Loki’ Kincaid had been leaning against a Harley Davidson with a shit-eating grin, which made him all the sexier. Carole had told her stories about her son, some of them were secret, which shocked her. But Carole trusted her with that information, which made Jaci realize how much Carole trusted her period. Jaci found it interesting though that a motorcycle club was really a front for mercs. Well interesting and highly sexy; of course, she couldn’t tell his mother that. But in secret, she seriously labeled him drool worthy.

  Jaci moved to the bathroom and looked in the mirror; she wasn’t what most people thought of when they thought of operatives for the CIA. Jaci was tall, not so thin, more voluptuous, and her long black hair was silky and full, with loose natural curls. Her mother called her the All-American girl. She was pretty, but she wasn’t gorgeous, she knew it, and it didn’t bother her. Jaci was athletic and could kick the shit out of most men she went up against in training, mostly because they underestimated her. She was fast, and she knew every move her brother who had been a Marine taught her.

  She smiled and thought of her brother. He was a TI now with the Marines, and if he knew where she was, doing what she was doing, he would flip his shit. He thought she was a paper pusher with the CIA, an office manager. When she was approached five years ago, right out of college, she had been looking for some job in her field. Jaci had graduated with honors in Criminal Justice and moved on to grad school until she obtained her law degree. She was just trying to find a place to hang her hat, and suddenly Carole walked right up to her when she was shopping, picked up the make-up she had been ready to purchase, told her it wasn’t the right color, and proceeded to stuff Jaci’s hands full of other products. They still laughed about that. Carole explained to her how she was chosen, and how Carole asked to have Jaci as a partner. Their age difference didn’t bother her, Carole was seasoned, and Jaci learned a lot from her. Jaci also realized Carole’s age worked for her in many situations. Of course, they were intel gatherers. Jaci knew Carole was training her as a replacement. She hated to think about doing this job without her, but like Carole said, ‘You can't do this shit forever, it is tiring.’ Something about Carole just clicked with her. And from that day five years ago, she and Carole had become more than partners, they were friends, and she was not going to let her friend down, nor was she going to leave her friend in Singapore and let the agency get her out.

  Jaci wasn’t sure the agency would get her out because when they signed up, all the agents were told, if they were caught, the US would not claim knowledge of anything. Carole and Jaci spoke about this after the first mission; they had a plan. Which mainly was Kaden and her half-brother, Anthony "Wrecker" Rizzo, who was currently on a mission, so everything fell on Kaden. When she called, he had hung up on her with only a, ‘On my way.’ She assumed he meant it, which was why she was standing in this rundown shack waiting for him to contact her again. If he didn’t, she wasn’t sure what to do, other than wait for her brother to contact her. She had already sent him a message on their secured email.

  She turned and walked back to her computer and logged on. Soon Jaci would need to let their superiors know what was going on. They would order her back immediately, which was protocol, and she wasn’t going to follow it, and they knew that. No operative in the field with a partner would ever leave their partner if captured. But they would go through the motions so when push came to shove, they would throw her under the bus with the government of Singapore.

  The webpage they were to check in on wasn’t up yet, it would be in three hours, and she would need to report their status. Then the game would begin, and she would only have a certain amount of time to get the fuck out of here with Carole. She closed her eyes, shit.

  It happened three days ago, and so far she had been able to dodge the authorities. It wouldn’t last. Jaci pulled out the scissors and set them in front of her. She hated to do it, but she was going to need to, her hair was black and hard to dye, especially because it was black. She needed to lighten it first and then dye it. With a sigh, she picked up the scissors, grabbed a handful of hair, but before she could cut it, her Sat phone rang. With a frown she grabbed it.

  “Hello?” she said into the phone.

  “Send your coordinates to this phone, do not call or use this phone after you send them, turn it off. I will be there in forty-eight hours, remain where you are until then. If you have to leave, use your burner,” Kaden said gruffly in her ear.

  “No problem,” she said briskly. “I am working on finding where Carole is being held and hope to have the location when you get here.”

  There was silence, and for a second Jaci thought he had hung up on her, but then he said, “We know where she is and you won’t be able to get to her.”

  Jaci frowned and looked at the phone. “I literally called you four hours ago, how the hell do you know where she is when I have been looking for days and nothing?”

  She heard a chuckle on the line and rolled her eyes, how annoying, and sexy, damn she hated when that happened. Jaci knew seeing him in person with that sexy as hell voice was going to annoy her even more. Up until now, she had been completely focused on her job, men were a distraction, and sometimes a little too clingy, as she had found out on more than one occasion. It was such a conundrum really. Men thought women were clingy, and they refused to look in the mirror. They could be demanding, whiny, and downright high maintenance. Jaci prided herself on not being any of those things, and as of yet, she hadn’t found a man who didn’t piss her off regularly to the point where she was forced to do the whole ‘one-night stand’ thing. No relationships because when she tried, the men always showed their true colors.

  “Well, sugar, if I told you that I would have to kill you,” Kaden said, and she rolled her eyes again. Her eyes were going to get a workout, she could feel it now. Arrogance, while at times was slightly cute, most of the time was annoying as fuck.

  “Whatever,” she muttered and then said, “I will be waiting for you.”

  The man chuckled and then disconnected, yeah, she would be waiting for him alright, with a fucking gun. If he pissed her off, she could always shoot him and leave him for dead. Hey, they were in a foreign country, she would so not get blamed for that.

  Jaci moved back to the computer, which she had already booted up, and sat down and pulled up the data one of the operatives sent to her. Kaden had already found out where his mother was, which meant Jaci would be able to find it also. She wasn’t stupid, they had the same info, she just wasn’t seeing it. Before Kaden arrived, she would know where Carole was at and have a plan.

  She closed out the thoughts of what Carole was probably going through; this country wasn’t known for its nice jails, they were fucking holes in the wall. Hell, she wouldn’t even like to guess the size of the fucking rats she knew infested their jails. The thought made her shiver. Focusing, she looked back to the computer and began to search.

  Loki walked to the plane that was going to deliver him to Singapore to get his mother's partner, and then they would rescue his mother. Growing up with a parent in the CIA had been hard, he could never tell anyone what she did, and as a kid it sucked. Especially since his mother’s cover was a cura
tor for a museum. Really, the most boring job in the world in his opinion, not to slam those who did the job, it was just not his mother. She wasn’t quiet and demure. She was loud and boisterous, and she attracted people to her. That was her way.

  When he got older and realized that not only was he weird because he had no father, but he also had a spy for a mother, so yeah, he was weird on many levels. Just what every kid wanted, NOT. He grimaced when he thought of his father, ha, that really wasn’t the word for the asshole who donated his sperm to his mother. Looking back, he never really got how his mother slept with a man like Jimmy Flynn, the man was a walking, talking stereotype. Loud, drunk, and a major fucking loser. At least that was what he was now; apparently, back in the day; he was handsome and also very charismatic, which gave Loki more than a few nightmares when he thought about it. Not to mention there not being a cure for removing that shit from behind your eyelids. So mostly, he didn’t think of his father; it was just energy he didn’t want to waste.

  When he joined the military, his mother had been disappointed. Loki had been looked at by the agency as a recruit, he had the smarts and the talent. What he didn’t have was the patience. He didn’t give a shit about being political, the only thing he cared about was right and wrong. He was way too black and white to be a spy. Instead, he served his country in the military and found something along the way. His mother was awesome, she had done everything she could when growing up to make him understand the importance of family, but it was only the two of them, and it was hard. After meeting Fling and the other guys, Loki understood what it meant, and damn, his mother had too. She loved the guys in the club, no matter what, and she had helped them on several occasions.


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